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Question about Acid Reflux.

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Hi Cheryl,

The NAET treatments I did were for several things but mainly my

asthma and allergies . I had to travel over 2 hours to get to the


I went weekly ( sometimes twice a week, sometimes for double

treatments)for almost 2 years, much to my DH 's bitter opposition.I

finally had to say that was it. The price was going up and the

practioner kept saying your going to finish soon but soon spread out

over a year at the end.I think I saw some improvement at first , but

after awhile I began to think it was all a mind thing.


All the other patients that were being seen around the same time I

was being treated, never seem to get finished either.


Have you had any experience NAET? I don't know if I would go the

expense again, if I had the money.




> > > You mention that you recently did some NAET allergy

treatments. Is there an

> NAET practitioner in your little town? How did it help you?

> Cheryl

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Hi Paul ,

Thanks for you kind response. And I don't mean to be insentive But---

been there done that. I take enzymes, I have taken very high doses of

non-dairy acidophilus(I'm allergic to milk) for years for chronic

yeast in years past. I haven't taken it lately maybe I need to start

taking it again. And I have avoided antibiotics at all cost for

the last 10 years.Several times I've gone on severe Candida diets for

9 months at a clip. I can not do that diet again.I'm always starving

and start to slip under 100 pounds. I don't think I could handle that



But you gave me some food for thought, so I will talk to my

chiropractor about different kinds of enzymes,( if what I'm taking is

good enough.)And cut back on sweet things in my diet. (However I

have not had the symtoms of yeast lately, that I had in years past.)


The Aciphex is a medication that a reg. Dr. precribed for the excess

acid. I'd rather not take it but it's the only relief I get.


Thanks again, Rosanne






> I started taking digestive enzymes on the recommendation of my


> and my problems with heartburn are pretty much gone now. I'm not

sure what

> Aciphex is, whether it's one of those digestive enzymes or not.

But you can

> get various brands of digestive enzymes at the health food store.


> Have you been checked for intestinal yeast overgrowth?

> wondering if that might be the source of some of your digestive

> difficulties. If so, yogurt and/or acidophilus might help. Sounds

like a

> > is usually caused by pharmacalogical antibiotics, > industry > --





> .)


> Most recently I had to have some endosocopy work done on my throat

> because my esophagus was so scarred that I was choking on my food

> . Before the procedure, I told the doctor ( a

> gastroenterologist), that I had acid coming up into my nose as well

> as the mouth. He said that nose thing had nothing to do with the

> procedure he was doing and I might have to see a ear, nose and


> specialist. Needless to say the procedure helped my choking but made

> the acid in my nose worse. And now I have more heartburn in my chest

> then before. I have to watch everything I eat and not bend over

> after I eat , sleep with something behind my back.And I take Aciphex

> with my evening meal.This all helps, but I still have problems with

> this acid and draining in the back of my throat. Could this be my

> sinuses?


> I don't know whether to make arrangements to see an ear, nose and

> throat specialist or what. In our little town it takes 3 months just

> to get in to see a specialist. and that after you've waited several

> weeks to get into to see you family doctor that gives you the needed

> referral.


> Any ideas, alternative or medical would be greatly appreciated.


> TIA, Rosanne

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Have you ever had your diaphragm tested? Some of the symptoms you describe sound

like they

could be caused from a birth defect in the diaphragm (i.e. rupture/hernia). This

could also

partially explain your Asthma.


This condition can be tested with a simple x-ray of the chest area, or in a







, " rosieann69 " <rosieann69> wrote:

> Hi,

> I've been luking for awhile ,I'm always reluctant to come out of the

> woodwork when I sign on to a new group. But I have a pressing

> medical question, I need answered.


> I'm not new to althernative medicine.

> I have followed alternative answers for years, simply because I could

> not take the medications Drs. perscribed for my asthma.Most recently

> I did some NAET allergy treatments with some marginal help.

> I feel though you have to go to regular doctors some times, even if

> it's just to find out what is wrong so you know what direction to go

> in. ( Although sometimes you have to be your own detective.)


> Most recently I had to have some endosocopy work done on my throat

> because my esophagus was so scarred that I was choking on my food

> all the time.For anyone not familar with this procedure, they stick a

> tube down your throat and stretch your esophagus where it goes into

> the stomache. Before the procedure, I told the doctor ( a

> gastroenterologist), that I had acid coming up into my nose as well

> as the mouth. He said that nose thing had nothing to do with the

> procedure he was doing and I might have to see a ear, nose and throat

> specialist. Needless to say the procedure helped my choking but made

> the acid in my nose worse. And now I have more heartburn in my chest

> then before. I have to watch everything I eat and not bend over

> after I eat , sleep with something behind my back.And I take Aciphex

> with my evening meal.This all helps, but I still have problems with

> this acid and draining in the back of my throat. Could this be my

> sinuses?


> I don't know whether to make arrangements to see an ear, nose and

> throat specialist or what. In our little town it takes 3 months just

> to get in to see a specialist. and that after you've waited several

> weeks to get into to see you family doctor that gives you the needed

> referral.


> Any ideas, alternative or medical would be greatly appreciated.


> TIA, Rosanne

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I have a similar problem and have been prescribed pantaprazole for life. It

is good but expensive. I do forget to take it now and then and the problem

reoccurs. My doctor told me that my asthma medications lead to loosening of

the sphincter muscle at the opening of the stomach which has lead to the

acid reflux and the scarring. Apart from the medication I was also advised

to elevate the headside of the bed so that my head is elevated when I sleep.

Helps. I never bothered about my condition and kept popping tums, other

antaacids and renatidine until i read about gerd. Had an endoscopy and was

advised high dose of antiobitoics to kill the bacteria (H Pyloric - they do

a special test during endoscopy) that lives in acid - also damages stomach

lining and pantaprazole. It is a serious matter and one needs to be careful

and take all precautions.


Well as usual I forgot to take my medication y'day and felt the acid coming

up after having a good meal of pizza. Instead of taking the medication I

squeezed some lemon juice in half glass of warm water, added salt and had

that. I felt good and the acidity was gone. Thanks for that post.





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Rosanne wrote:


Hi Paul ,

Thanks for you kind response. And I don't mean to be insentive But--- been

there done that.


Paul replies:

No problem. I'm new to this list, and for a bit I thought your experiences

sounded similar to mine. :) Good luck with identifying a cure for it, or

at least finding something that helps. I'll send good vibes your way.


-- Paul




I take enzymes, I have taken very high doses of

non-dairy acidophilus(I'm allergic to milk) for years for chronic

yeast in years past. I haven't taken it lately maybe I need to start

taking it again. And I have avoided antibiotics at all cost for

the last 10 years.Several times I've gone on severe Candida diets for

9 months at a clip. I can not do that diet again.I'm always starving

and start to slip under 100 pounds. I don't think I could handle that



But you gave me some food for thought, so I will talk to my

chiropractor about different kinds of enzymes,( if what I'm taking is

good enough.)And cut back on sweet things in my diet. (However I

have not had the symtoms of yeast lately, that I had in years past.)


The Aciphex is a medication that a reg. Dr. precribed for the excess

acid. I'd rather not take it but it's the only relief I get.


Thanks again, Rosanne






> I started taking digestive enzymes on the recommendation of my


> and my problems with heartburn are pretty much gone now. I'm not

sure what

> Aciphex is, whether it's one of those digestive enzymes or not.

But you can

> get various brands of digestive enzymes at the health food store.


> Have you been checked for intestinal yeast overgrowth?

> wondering if that might be the source of some of your digestive

> difficulties. If so, yogurt and/or acidophilus might help. Sounds

like a

> > is usually caused by pharmacalogical antibiotics, > industry > --





> .)


> Most recently I had to have some endosocopy work done on my throat

> because my esophagus was so scarred that I was choking on my food

> . Before the procedure, I told the doctor ( a

> gastroenterologist), that I had acid coming up into my nose as well

> as the mouth. He said that nose thing had nothing to do with the

> procedure he was doing and I might have to see a ear, nose and


> specialist. Needless to say the procedure helped my choking but made

> the acid in my nose worse. And now I have more heartburn in my chest

> then before. I have to watch everything I eat and not bend over

> after I eat , sleep with something behind my back.And I take Aciphex

> with my evening meal.This all helps, but I still have problems with

> this acid and draining in the back of my throat. Could this be my

> sinuses?


> I don't know whether to make arrangements to see an ear, nose and

> throat specialist or what. In our little town it takes 3 months just

> to get in to see a specialist. and that after you've waited several

> weeks to get into to see you family doctor that gives you the needed

> referral.


> Any ideas, alternative or medical would be greatly appreciated.


> TIA, Rosanne






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