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Reincarnation and Karma

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Reincarnation and Karma


I would like to share this insight from John Payne, the gifted trance



" We are not human-beings having a spiritual experience,

but we are spiritual-beings having a human experience. "


We cannot discuss reincarnation sensibly without talking about the

Laws of Karma. Karma is nothing other than the Universal law of cause

and effect. It is a law that is embedded in this Universe and is not

present in the same way that you in third dimension experience in the

higher dimensions or the multi-dimensional realities. There is much

misconception about karma and exactly how it operates. Many new age

teachers have brought this information to an enquiring audience but

it has been tainted by that age old challenge to consciousness

raising, fear.


Each and every one of you has free will, freedom to choose how to

grow. You may choose to grow with joy, or alternatively, through

pain, anguish and fear.


The law of karma is not a justice and retribution system, so anyone

who has had much suffering in this life is not a victim of 'bad

karma', but simply finds themselves in predicaments that are simply

the result of their own beliefs about themselves. It is not only

humans that feel guilt, but souls can feel it, experience and carry

it round with them for many lifetimes.


" The law of karma is not a justice and retribution system,

so anyone who has had much suffering in this life

is not a victim of 'bad karma',... "


For example, if a person should murder another human being, it is not

the deed in itself that attracts the karma, it is the emotional state

and the beliefs about Self that led to the act of murder that will

create the karma, or result, at a future date. Be that date in the

current or a future life.



" Every event in your life,

whether or not you choose to view it as being either good or bad,

is Divine Grace in action..... "


The only true way to evolve beyond any given situation is to learn

how to love it and accept it for the way in which it is serving you.

You may not find it easy to see how an illness, physical challenge or

disease is serving you, but behind every cloud is a silver lining.

Illness can be experienced as a state of Grace, as the body

volunteers to be the teacher, the vehicle of Divine Grace, by showing

you that which you need to release, forgive and love.



Illness in all its forms is the Divine manifesting a message through

the soul, a message that is always one of love and encouragement. An

illness is encouraging you to listen, take action or to release

someone, something, or simply that you need to release an idea or

belief. Your body has consciousness, and as such, all the cells of

your body are working together, in unified consciousness, to provide

a vessel, temple, and messenger for the soul on the Earth Plane.


Your Higher Self and Soul tune into, and read your body very much

like the way in which you may read a book. The story that your body

tells your Higher Self, is a story about your mental and emotional

makeup. Your body holds within it all your ideas and beliefs about

reality, it holds onto your fears, hopes and joys. In this way, your

Higher Self can use your body as an accurate indicator that will tell

how far you have come in releasing fear. When an illness comes along,

you may be tempted to blame yourself for not having cared for

yourself enough, for not having loved yourself enough, or maybe for

not being spiritual enough.


At times of illness, or other challenges, it is time to go within. It

is time to go within and tune into the message that your body is

sending you. You can choose to experience gratitude at any stage of

your spiritual growth. Gratitude is not only for those times when

things seems to be running smoothly, but it is especially for those

times when you perceive discord, pain and delusion. Gratitude is the

greatest of healers and there has never been a time when you have not

been operating in harmony with the Universe. Even in times of serious

illness or emotional imbalance.


The Universe in it's perfection will always manifest exactly what the

soul needs to bring itself onto a path of more rapid growth and

development. In this way, you can experience gratitude, and

experience the power of Divine Grace, even during times of discord

and illness. You can offer your challenges, whether they be

manifested as illnesses, financial challenges, or emotional pain,

back to the Divine in times of prayer.


Offer them with deep reverence, an open heart and with gratitude for

the gift of spirit that they are offering you. The Divine does not

want you to be ill or to have financial misfortune, the Divine simply

manifests that which is going to signpost you in the direction of

love in the most rapid an efficient way. To evolve more rapidly, you

will need to start consciously placing light into all areas of your

life. That means placing light into those areas that do not seem to

be working for you. For anything to evolve, it needs to have love,

light and acceptance. You can imagine what happens to flowers when

they are left in the dark, starved of sunshine and water to feed



Instead of coming into bloom and producing seeds that will grow to

become the next generation of flowers, they will wither and rot away,

not bringing new growth to the garden in which they are planted. In

this way, in order to evolve beyond that which may be causing a

challenge, you will need to send that part of you love and light. You

may not even know what it is that an illness is trying to teach you,

but you can choose to love your illness and receive it with

gratitude, knowing deep in your heart that it is divine grace in

action. Once you have made the step of showing gratitude towards your

body for the fine job it is doing in trying to guide you back towards

love, your body will begin to release the blocked emotions, or

stagnant ideas and beliefs that you have held onto, that have acted

as the spiritual catalyst for the illness.


As these emotions and beliefs are released, you can begin to

experience them in a new way and gain a deeper understanding of the

fears that may be controlling your life. With this knowledge and

experience, you can begin to understand that fear and love are

choices that you can make. You may also begin to warmly welcome all

the signposts along your pathway of spiritual growth with open arms

and with gratitude.



Andrew " Guruji " LMT, MT-BC, CA


Alternative medicine and therapies

for healing mind, body & spirit!

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