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ADD Therapy for Adults and Children

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Does anyone know of effective treatment for ADD Therapy that has been

used by others successfully. I'm currently trying DMEA which is

supposed help with focus and concentration. It really worked well for

me today. However are there any side effects that I should be aware

of or is it naturally safe to use.


Any alternatives that are useful would be helpful to my students that

I teach as well as to myself and my husband(we both have tendencies

towards scatteredness and tenseness).




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couple of things,

'B' vitamins... vitamin 'c'.

Both in large doses at our house. :)

Avoiding artificial colors is another big one here.

As is avoiding foods that we are allergic to.





--- message from " Suzanne Arne <suzarne " <suzarne




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Does anyone know of effective treatment for ADD Therapy that has been

used by others successfully. I'm currently trying DMEA which is

supposed help with focus and concentration. It really worked well for

me today. However are there any side effects that I should be aware

of or is it naturally safe to use.


Any alternatives that are useful would be helpful to my students that

I teach as well as to myself and my husband(we both have tendencies

towards scatteredness and tenseness).











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My friend and her friend have excellent luck with one rule: No artificial

sweeteners or colors. Period. They give their kids sugar, etc. Are just

relentless about that one rule. They have toddler/school age kids. Sal



Suzanne Arne <suzarne [suzarne]

Monday, December 30, 2002 7:42 PM


ADD Therapy for Adults and Children



Does anyone know of effective treatment for ADD Therapy that has been

used by others successfully. I'm currently trying DMEA which is

supposed help with focus and concentration. It really worked well for

me today. However are there any side effects that I should be aware

of or is it naturally safe to use.


Any alternatives that are useful would be helpful to my students that

I teach as well as to myself and my husband(we both have tendencies

towards scatteredness and tenseness).








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HEALING NATURALLY- this is the premise of HOLISTIC HEALTH. Preventative and

Curative measure to take for many ailments at:




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Suzanne Arne <suzarne> [suzarne]


<<Does anyone know of effective treatment for ADD Therapy that has


> used by others successfully.>>


Greetings to Suzanne and all. I just joined this list and thought I

might respond to this as it was recently discussed on another forum I

was on.


There are optemetrists out there that specialize in treating children

and adults with behavioral disorders such as ADD, etc. They are

called behavioral optemetrists and they have wonderful results with

eye-lens and eye exercise therapy.


In case you are not familiar, their theory is that just about every

bodily and emotional funciton is related to eyesight. Even children

who do not seem to need corrective lenses can be helped because these

doctors test vision in other ways besides just chart reading.


My husband visited one not too long ago for another reason and the

examination took well over an hour and I was allowed to observe. It

was truly amazing how correcting eyesight could instantly clear up

reading, speech and even his posture and walk.


Behavioral optometrists do much more than behavioral work and next

time I need new lenses I am going to visit this doctor.


There are lots of book out there on alternative methods of correcting

vision, one of my favorites is Take Off Your Glasses and See.




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This sounds very sensible to me. I have read so much bad press about aspartame, which is contained in a lot of soft drinks, and sweets etc. It is extremely unhealthy and there is research that states it causes brain tumours, yet it is still allowed in the UK - is it in America?





My friend and her friend have excellent luck with one rule: No artificialsweeteners or colors. Period. They give their kids sugar, etc. Are justrelentless about that one rule. They have toddler/school age kids. Sal


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Thanks Crystal! This is really interesting. I want

to look into this.


Penny H



> There are optemetrists out there that specialize in

> treating children

> and adults with behavioral disorders such as ADD,

> etc. They are

> called behavioral optemetrists and they have

> wonderful results with

> eye-lens and eye exercise therapy.






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I think the aspertame is slowly being reduced by Splenda...my brother

was just diagnosed with diabetes and that is what he uses for

sweetner...I had never heard of it before then!!




, " Sal " <sally@d...> wrote:

> Oooooooohhhh, Yes!



> (aspartame)

> still allowed in the UK - is it in America?

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