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The skin is really the largest organ (covering) in the body which

regulates the body's heat, process of perspiration and eliminates the

waste substances. It has an area of approximately 17 square feet and

weighs about 5 lbs. Owing to its exposed position, its structure and its

relation to various other organs, it is subject to numerous diseases.


The outer skin is known I as epidermis. Directly beneath the epidermis

and several times thicker, is the dermis or true skin, which is also

called corium. It consists of tough fibrous, living tissues. The dermis

contains millions of capillary (small) blood vessels, lymph vessels,

nerve endings, sebaceous glands, Hair follicles also start here. The

capillaries nourish the skin and deliver waste products to the sweat

glands. The nerves endings report to the brain sensations of pressure,

roughness or smoothness, heat, cold and pain.


Near hair follicles lie the sabacious glands, which secrete an oily

substance called sebum that helps to keep the hair lustrous and the skin

soft. The condition of dry skin or oily skin results from too little or

too much activity of these glands.


The skin has from 2 to 3 millions sweat glands with special

concentrations in the armpits, on the hands, feet and on the forehead.

These glands extract water, salt and waste substances from the

capillaries and release them at the skin surfaces through small openings

or pores. One sweats all the time even when he does not feel it. Our

invisible perspiration evaporates as quickly as it appears.


The dermis rests on a thick layer of subcutaneous tissue, infiltrated

with fat cells. This layer serves as a cushion between muscles and skin.

The odour of' perspiration is caused by the small amount of waste

products it carries. Bacterial resistance of the skin and mucous

membrane is quite high. So long as the skin is clean it quickly rids

itself of most unwelcome bacteria.


Eczema: Is a catarrhal inflammation of the skin. It is acute and

chronic. In acute eczema, redness of the skin, swelling and roughness of

the skin are seen prominently. Papules or vesicles form in many cases of

eczema. In some cases, the vesicles break and serum exudes sometimes

drying to form yellow crusts, sometimes flowing profusely after which it

is called 'weeping eczema'. In sub-acute stage crusts, scales and

excoriations are seen on the swollen base. Pustules indicate secondary

infections. In chronic cases, thickening of the skin occurs. Eczema

occurs in any part of the body and is accompanied by throbbing and

burning or with marked itching in proportion to the degree of

inflammation present.


Eczema is a reaction of the skin either to an external irritant or to

some internal poison, which is conveyed by the circulation to skin. Skin

sensitization is also one of the important causes of eczema. Some

chemicals such as nickel chromium and the chemicals of photographers,

cement, lime used in buildings, hair dyes, alkalis such as soda, soaps,

Lysol, fomalin, sulphur etc. varnish and furniture polish, petrol,

benzoine, mineral oils, turpentine, arsenic etc. cause eczema.

Streptococcal infection leads to eczema rubrum' which affects the legs

especially in old persons.


Internal causes of eczema are dyspepsia, constipation, excess of

exercise or no exercise, diabetes. gout, insufficient gastro- intestinal

digestion, liver diseases, albuminuria, kidney disease, pregnancy.

lactation etc. Mental states such as grief, worry or overstrain always

reduce the power of resistance of the body. Allergy, asthma and hay

fever may cause eczema.


Furuncle or boil: Is red, tender and very painful nodule in the skin

varying from pin's head to a bean. Sometimes, the inflammation slowly

subsides (blind boil). Pus forms and then the skin breaks and the

central necrosed portion is discharged. It is healed by leaving a scar.

Boils are often multiple or fresh crops may continue for months which is

then known as furunculosis. The inflammatory process in cases of boils

involves the lower part of the hair follicle. Staphylococcus pyogenesis

is the casual organisms. Bad condition, of teeth, sinuses and jaw allow

various septic foci and predispose to the trouble of boils.


Carbuncle: Is a cluster of several 'boils causing inflammatory area

beneath the skin with numerous openings in the skin through which the

pus pours. It is commonly seen on the neck or back. On the face it is

serious. The pain is very severe.


Ringworm (Tinea circinate): Looks pale red ring or patch with a scurfy

margin. It is sometimes vesicular. It has minute papules or vesicles.

The favourite locations are the face, neck arms, in between the thighs.

It has definite circular shape.


Psoriasis: Is a common disease characterized by irregular patches

covered with copious silvery scales without exudation. It is usually

seen on the elbows and knees. First, it appears as a tiny papule which

later reaches the size of a coin. The rash is scaly and elevated from

the first and is always dry. When it is scratched off bleeding papules

are exposed. The scalp, trunk and other parts of the limb are affected.

There is little or no itching unless attacked by streptococcal infection.


Ichthyosis (Xeroderma): Is a congenital condition of the skin

characterized by’ undue dryness and scaliness of the epidermis and in

some cases by the formation of wart-like outgrowths. It is common in children.


Scabies: Is the eruption caused by the acarus scabies. It consists of

papules and vesicles of varying sizes. Vesicles may become pustular.

Short white or black burrows fue to the insect tunneling in the

epidermis is characteristic of the disease. Scratch marks, severe

itching especially at night in the bed due to warpath, and its

distribution between the fingers or toes, elbows, axillae etc. is also

noteworthy. Other members of the family are also affected. In children,

it may appear on the face, soles of the feet and back of the neck.


Warts (Verruca): Consist of thickened epidermis above hypertrophical

elongated papules. Warts may occur singly or they may be multiple. Warts

are seen on the head, face, neck hands and genital organs. Warts are due

to a filter-passing virus. They are sometimes contagious. The shape may

be flat, raised or pedunculated. Necrogenic wart is a tuberculous

infection of the hand.


Corns: Are localized thickenings of epidermis consequent on intermittent

pressure. Toe is frequently affected with it.


Alopecia or Baldness: May be congenital or acquired, partial or

complete, diffuse or in patches. Pustular affections such as impetigo,

secondary syphilis, rare forms of ringworm, some fevers, shock, lupus

etc. are the causes of baldness.


Herpes Zoster: Herpes simplex is known as fever blisters. It is a virus

disease. Herpes zoster also called shingles is characterized by

neuralgia of the chest and herpetic vesicles. It is due to inflammation

or damage to a posterior root ganglion. The cause is virus, but it may

occur in tabes dorsal is and in spinal caries. Arsenic also causes it.

Attack of herpes may follow chicken pox after an interval of 14 days.


The symptoms of herpes zoster: Fever and pain in the chest is observed.

Between the 2nd and 6th day, erythema of the skin appears. The vesicles

are filled with clear fluid. In a week's time the vesicles coalesce and

break with the formation of scabs. The distribution of the eruption is

always that of a nerve segment. Pain, itching and burning last until the

3rd or 4th week. But in elderly persons, it may remain for months or

years. Complications are scarring, pigmentation, persistent root pains,

flaccid paralysis, pleurisy, effusion into joints etc.


Pruritus: Means itching. It may be mild and intermittent, coming on with

changes of temperature. After bath or food or a drink it may be

continuous rendering sleep impossible.


Following are the causes of pruritus: Urticaria, eczema, eruptive skin

diseases, discharges from ear, nose, anus etc. Rough garments such as

flannel cause itching in delicate skins. Parasites such as flannel cause

itching in delicate skins. Parasites such as scabies, thread worms and

piles often cause itching. Disease such as jaundice, diabetes, digestive

troubles, kidney, and liver diseases, constipation, pregnancy, allergy

etc. is the causes of itching.


Urticaria or nettle rash: Is a generalized eruption of rapid onset and

disappearance. There is intolerable itching before the " eruption sets in

and also it accompanies the eruption. The rash is round or oval with

pink swellings and is white, in the center when scratched. It is acute

and chronic or recurrent in nature. Giant urticaria has very large

swellings involving the loose subcutaneous tissue. In some cases, fatal

result takes place when the mucous membranes are involved, It may occur

in association with purpura.


Injury, bites of insects, bugs, mosquitoes etc. Nervous or emotional

causes e.g., before addressing a public gathering. The state of allergy

which runs inborn in certain families (asthma, eczema etc.). Some

fruits, wines, eggs etc. Bad fish, tinned food, worms etc. Septic teeth

and chronic discharges. Susceptibility to certain drugs etc. Excess of

nicotinic acid, exposure to blow, heat, light, cold or a bath are the

causes of urticaria.


Ulcer: An ulcer is a loss of substance of the whole skin. A granulating

surface is exposed with seropurulent exudation. Certain forms of ulcer

involve the deeper tissues, muscles, tendons and periosteum.


Indolent inflammatory ulcers: Appear on the legs due to lack of

vasomotor tone. As varicose veins also accompany such ulcers, they are

also called, varicose ulcers'. The ulcer is preceded by oedema, blueness

and even dermatitis.


1. Varicose ulcers vary in sizes from a pinpoint to the entire

circumference of the leg.

2. Contagious ulcers are seen with hard and soft chancre, glands etc.

3. Ulcers due to nerve involvement e.g. tabes dorsalis, trophic ulcers.

4. Leprosy, syphilis, yaws, tuberculosis have ulcers.


Breaking down of scars such as occurring with, xeroderma, radio



The so-called tropical ulcers occur in warm and damp climates. They

begin with bubble (????) like eruption. They are due to lack of protein

and salt.


Lupus Vulgaris: Is a chronic skin disease characterized by nodules in

the skin. These are pinhead to lentil size, reddish brown,

semi-translucent, soft due to infection with the tubercle bacillus. It

may attack any part of the body. The face and neck are frequently

involved. It is mainly a childhood disease.



Biochemic treatment


Ferr. Phos: Is useful in inflammatory conditions of the skin. It cures

boils, carbuncles and felons etc; when heat, congestion and swelling is

present. Skin symptoms with fever call for its use. It is useful in

chicken pox, small pox, erysipelas etc. in the early stages.


Kali Mur: Is very useful in acne, erythema and eczema. The eruptions are

filled with white and fibrinous matter. It has flour-like scales on the

skin. Skin diseases arising from using bad vaccine lymph need this

remedy. It is particularly useful when the tongue is coated white with

liverishness and constipation. It cures scurfy eruption on the head and

face of children (Crusta lactea). It prevents suppuration. It is useful

in abscess, carbuncles, boils in the second stage i.e. in the swelling

before pus formation. It is a chief remedy in chilblains and lupus. It

is beneficial in the chronic inflammation of the hair follicles

(sycosis), in warts and dandruff. It cures herpes zoster when vesicles

encircle half of the body like a belt.


Kali Sulph: Is useful in eruptions and eczema when the discharges are

watery, yellow and effete matter comes out. It is useful when the

eruption suppresses suddenly. There is dryness of the skin during the

course of any disease. Alternate with Ferrum Phos to promote

perspiration. It is useful in psoriasis when there is great desquamation

of the epidermis. It is useful in crusta lactea and alopecia.


Nat. Mur: Is useful in vesicles or blisters with watery contents. The

skin of hands, especially about the nails, is dry and cracked. It cures

urticaria, warts, herpes zoster, inter-trigo and pemphigus. It is

effective in the insect bites (externally).


Nat. Phos: Cures eczema when the discharge is creamy or honey-coloured.

There are yellow scabs. It cures urticaria with acid symptoms.


Kali. Phos: Is useful in malignant pustules, itching of the skin with

crawling sensation, chilblains, greasy scabs etc. It has exhausting

perspiration with heavy odour.


Cal. Phos: Is given in anaemic subjects. It is useful in scrofula,

lupus, prurigo and acne at the time of puberty etc. It urges eruptions

containing albuminous fluid.


Cal. Sulph: It is best given in suppurative skin diseases. It cures

pustular pimples. It is useful in burns and scalds, neglected wounds and

small pox etc. It cures crusta-lactea. The discharge of pus contaift blood.


Cal. Fluor: Is useful in nodules, chaps and cracks on the skin. It is

useful in fissures of the anus. It cures eczema especially of the anus

consequent to piles.


Nat. Sulph: Is useful in eczema, chilblains, pemphigus, warts etc. It

cures moist skin affections with yellowish scabs or scales.


Silica: Is highly useful in the suppurative skin diseases. Small wounds

suppurate profusely. It cures phagedenic (gangrenous) ulcers, carbuncles

etc. It is highly effective in boils, abscesses, whitlow and malignant

pustules etc.


Potency: 3x, 6x and 30x is useful.



Suggestions: The diagnosis and treatment of skin troubles require expert

medical judgment. The attempt to treat skin troubles at home often makes

the case worse and at the same time, using of so called patent ointments

and remedies add to the misery of the patient.


Biochemic and Homoeopathic treatment is effective when administered on

correct lines. The characteristic symptoms, proper history of the case,

perseverance in the treatment and strict dieting are all contributory

factors in achieving the success in the treatment of skin diseases. The

combination tablets for Skin diseases' by Shrikrishna Homoeo Pharmacy

are useful in eczema and pustular skin diseases.




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