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Frank <califpacific wrote:

alternative_medicine_forum From: Frank Fri, 2 Jul 2004 11:41:16 -0700 (PDT) Doctor Yourself dot ComIf yu have any interest at all in alternative healthand healing please go to this site and read. F.http://doctoryourself.com/Doctor Yourself dot Com(Andrew Saul is Contributing Editor for the Journal ofOrthomolecular Medicine. DoctorYourself.com is hispersonal website, which receives nearly a millionvisitors annually.)"If we doctors threw all our medicines into the sea,it would be that much better for our patients and thatmuch worse for the fishes." Oliver Wendell Holmes,M.D.I have seen the foolishness of conventional diseasecare wisdom. I have seen hospitals

feed white breadto patients with bowel cancer and hospitals feed"Jello" to leukemia patients. I have seen schoolsfeed bright red "Slush Puppies" to 7 year olds forlunch and I have seen children vomit up a desk-topfull of red crud afterwards. And, I have seen thosesame children later line up at the school nurse forhyperactivity drugs.I have seen hospital patients allowed to go two weekswithout a bowel movement. I have seen patients toldthat they have six months to live when they might livesixty months. I have seen people recover from seriousillness, only to have their physician berate them forhaving used natural healing methods to do so. I haveseen infants spit up formula while their mothers wereadvised not to breast feed. I've seen betteringredients in dog food than in the average school orhospital lunch.And I have seen enough.Don't bother looking in the history

books for what hasslaughtered the most Americans. Look instead at yourdinner table. There's an old saying: "One fourth ofwhat you eat keeps you alive. The other three-fourthskeep your doctor alive." We eat too much of the wrongthings and not enough of the right things. Scientificresearch continually indicates nationwide vitamin andmineral deficiencies in our country. We spend overone million million dollars (one trillion) each yearon disease care in America. Is it any surprise thatdoctors consistently place among the very highestincomes? "And we have made of ourselves living cesspools, anddriven doctors to invent names for our diseases." PlatoNearly two-thirds of a million men died in the CivilWar. All other U.S. wars put together add aboutanother two-thirds of a million soldiers killed. Thatmeans that about 1,300,000 Americans have

died,totally, in all the wars in U.S. history. That is alot of deaths.Today, right now, we lose more than that number ofAmericans each year because of cancer and heartdisease. So always remember that disease is the real enemy.About 10 million soldiers were killed in World War I,charging machine guns and getting mowed down monthafter month. There were nearly a million casualtiesat the Somme and another million at Verdun. Aterrible slaughter went on for four years. Yet, injust the two years following the war, over 20 millionpeople died from influenza. That is more than twiceas many deaths from the flu in one-half the time ittook the machine guns.During the American Civil War, three times as manysoldiers died from disease as from battle. Today,alcohol and tobacco kill nearly as many Americans inone year as the entire Civil War did in four.Results

are all that matter to me. Alternativemedicine works. The natural treatment of illness canbe accomplished safely, inexpensively, andeffectively. We've all been taught that anything thatis safe and inexpensive cannot possibly be reallyeffective against "real diseases." It is time torethink that, and especially to see for yourself whatworks.My work is not prescription, but rather description. I'd like for us to be free to utilize any reasonablehealth care approach. To decide, we need educationfar more than medication. Each treatment regimen included here is not mine. Ido not stay up late at night making all this up. These ideas are not original. They are generally notnew, either. I have collected the safest and mosteffective healing approaches that I can find fromphysicians worldwide. I hope you find them to be ashelpful as they have been for my family.

Natural healing is not about avoiding doctors. It isabout not needing to go to doctors. A dentist is notupset if you are cavity-free. A doctor should not beupset if you are healthy. The idea is to be well. The first step is wanting tobe. The old Chinese saying is "When you are sick ofsickness, you are no longer sick." The second step is to do something to improve yourhealth. Each of us is ultimately responsible for ourown wellness. I think we should leave no stoneunturned in our search for better health. I alsobelieve that you get out of your body what you putinto it. Your body will respond to your efforts toimprove your health.The time to start is right now. Another old saying:"If not now, when? If not here, where? If not you,then who?It's supposed to be a secret, but I'll tell youanyway. We doctors do nothing. We only

help andencourage the doctor within." Albert Schweitzer, M.D. WARNING:This website contains controversial scientific ideas that may be of an offensive nature to some well-educated persons.Parental guidance is suggested.The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine published myreview of Dr. Evan Shute's THE VITAMIN E STORYin Volume 17, Number 3, Third Quarter, 2002 (p179-181). Click here to read it online.The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine also publishedmy review of Howard Straus' DR. MAX GERSON: HEALING THE HOPELESSin Volume 17, Number 2, Second Quarter, 2002 (p122-124). Click here to read it online.Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients published myarticle B-INFORMED ABOUT B-VITAMINSin the February-March, 2000 issue (p107-108) Clickhere to read it online.BETTER INFORMED CONSENT FOR VACCINATIONS was published in the Townsend Letter's April 2001 issue

(p 109) Click here to read it online.The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine published myarticle WILLIAM KAUFMAN, B-3 AND ARTHRITISin Vol 16, Number 3, Third Quarter, 2001 (p 189). Click here to read it online.The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine also publishedmy tribute toLendon H. Smith, M.D.,"The Children's Doctor"in Vol 16, Number 4, Fourth Quarter, 2001 (p 248-250).Click here to read it online.What topics would you like discussed on this site or in our free DOCTOR YOURSELF NEWSLETTER? We'd like to hear your comments and suggestions.Click here to send us your feedback.Here is a list of articles.Your QuestionsMy Advice To YouFAQ's PageSEARCH THIS SITEBack Issues of my NEWSLETTERLINKS PageHow It All StartedNEW:FREE ASSISTANCEVitamin Safety"Death by Medicine"STOP the "ANTI-VITAMIN LAW"OTHER TOPICS:Artwork: W. E. SaulDiaz

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