Guest guest Posted July 9, 2004 Report Share Posted July 9, 2004 JoAnn Guest <angelprincessjo wrote: From: "JoAnn Guest" Thu, 08 Jul 2004 05:41:09 -0000 Combat "Estrogen Dominance"Combat "Estrogen Dominance" Healing Herbs: CHASTEBERRY: The small fruits of the chaste tree have been used for female disorders since Greco-Roman times. Researchers have found that chasteberry helps relieve female problems because of its effects on female sex hormones. It helps balance hormones produced during women's monthly cycles, increasing production of luteinizing hormone and inhibiting the release of follicle-stimulating hormone. This leads to a shift in the estrogen-progesterone ratio, resulting in less estrogen and helps to correct the problems caused by and leading up to "Estrogen Dominance" as well. Chasteberry is said to raise progesterone levels. For most women Chasteberry works. At least one Chasteberry product is approved in Germany for use as a treatment in female complaints. You can buy both the herb itself and herbal tinctures in many stores that carry herbal products. WILD YAM: Contains estrogen-balancing compounds. The progesterone taken from the wild yam is nearly identical to what the body produces, says John Lee, M.D. of Sebastopol, California. Most studies report that the cream and oil are most effective because the progesterone absorbed through the skin enters the bloodstream directly! GINGER ROOT: With at least six pain-relieving compounds and another six anti- cramping compounds, ginger is a trustworthy remedy. LICORICE: Contains estrogen-balancing compounds. These compounds appear to decrease estrogen levels in women when they're too high, and increase the levels when they're too low. ALFALFA: Alfalfa sprouts contain phytoestrogens, so use them liberally on salads. Phytoestrogens are much less potent than the bodies own estrogens. They actually block the body's estrogen receptor sites from the harmful xenoestrogens, thereby reducing many of the detrimental effects from Estrogen Dominance. However if you have lupus or a family history of lupus, steer clear of alfalfa sprouts. There's some evidence they may aggravate lupus in some individuals. In this instance it may be better to use supplemental forms of alfalfa. GLA: Black Currant, Evening Primrose and Borage oil are all excellent sources of gamma linoleic acid (GLA). GLA is an effective anti- inflammatory agent that has no side effects. Both of these oils are an effective treatment, but they don't work instantaneously. You must take one or the other treatment for six to eight weeks before it takes effect and you notice changes. Evening Primrose oil also contains an abundant amount of GLA. Mix a tsp. of Borage or Evening Primrose oil in juice and drink daily. Dr. Weil recommends 500 mg of black currant oil twice a day as the most economical form. STINGING NETTLE: This is a traditional liver tonic often recommended for ridding the body of all kinds of toxins. When the liver is sluggish, it processed estrogen slowly, contributing to its high levels that may cause many irregularities. This herb can also be helpful to reduce bloating and breast tenderness. Peanuts: When peanuts are analyzed, it turns out that they contain many of the same healthful substances as non-gmo soybeans and other beans. There's an extra bonus if you select Spanish peanuts. The papery red membrane around Spanish peanuts is the original source of oligomeric procyanidins (OPCs), substances that also may help control hormone- dependent cancers. Peanuts contain genetically altered substances. For this reason, ensure that all peanuts are organically grown.Phytosterols: which are found in the membranes of all cells of all plants, seeds, and unrefined oils, are not found in animal protein or its derivatives. Phytosterols inhibit Sterol reactions: cholesterol, the male and female steroid hormones, androgen (testosterone) and estrogens (estradiol, estriol, progesterone), and cortcosteroids (aldosterone, cortisol, and others). As a result, they therefore slow down the growth of steroid hormone-specific cancers, including some types of prostate cancer. EVENING PRIMROSE: EPO contains gamma-linolenic acid and tryptophan. Both of these substances seem to promote female health. According to some sources, evidence links female *irregularities* with "immune-system damage" caused by estrogen-like environmental pollutants, such as certain pesticides and plastics.Other immune-suppressing drugs and toxins may be equally suspect. Some experts also speculate that using tampons,IUDs or the contraceptive cap may contribute to female problems leading to endo cancer. Apparently no one knows for sure. Why are so many women Estrogen Dominant? Today, many women over the age of 35 are producing only 50% of the progesterone their mother's produced. This is due to: Stress: Cortisol alters the message the brain sends to the ovaries. Diet: Highly processed "exhausted" food does not provide the body with the complex nutrients it needs to function optimally. XENOESTROGENS: are 'foreign' estrogens that are found in pesticides, herbicides, plastics, margarines, salad dressings and so on. Because of these harmful estrogens women are producing 50% less progesterone than their mothers did. Xenoestrogens are the contributing factor in estrogen dominance; they damage the developing follicles of the fetus and cause breast cancer, osteoporosis and infertility! Women produce less progesterone and men produce less sperm than they should when confronted with estrogen dominance. The worst side effects of estrogen dominance include: breast cancer, prostate cancer, uterine cancer, endometrial cancer, osteoporosis and infertility. Toxins- There is no reason to stop eating fresh fruits and vegetables, however it is good to take some precautionary measures against residues. Wash and peel all fruits or vegetables that are waxed, as the wax seals in toxins that may have been on the surface while grown. Wash fruits and vegetables just before you eat them or better yet, when you arrive home from the store. Use a very diluted mixture of organic soap and water while scrubbing with a vegetable brush. Just be sure to rinse them well. There are organic products designed to dissolve pesticides or you can also use salt & lemon water to dissolve the toxins on your produce, just always be sure to scrub them. Essential oil of lemon is good for this as well. Even organic produce should be washed before eating, simply because you don't know who has been handling it. Organic is always your best bet if you are trying to cut down on residues and toxins. Every measure you can take will help in the long run, even though you may think at the time it doesn't. Pesticides are known "endocrine disrupters". Endocrine disruptors are simply chemicals that alter or "mimic" your hormones. Unfortunately,these hormone disrupters are a much stronger form of estrogen, than your body produces naturally. When we are exposed to these chemicals they alter the way our natural hormones act, and yes, that includes your thyroid hormones. Hormone disrupters are known to cause reproductive problems especially in women, although men are now being affected as well. . These hormone disrupters can be inhaled, ingested or simply absorbed through the skin, so it's imperative that you take the necessary precautions when deciding on what foods to eat, water to drink, and well, we don't have much of a choice regarding the air we breathe, so most any type of precautionary measures are beneficial there. Your natural hormones are designed to do their specific job and you will find that they generally have a short life span in our body. Hormone disrupters, on the other hand, have a long life, are stored in our fat cells and are very burdensome to the liver because they continue to re-circulate throughout our bodies. They reside in our fat cells. Most of our fat cells are located in the fatty tissues of the breast, ovaries, uterus as well as the brain and other areas. This is one instance where detoxifying helps on a daily or weekly basis. Baths (Both Epsom salts & essential oils) are a great way to detoxify. Simply drinking enough pure water, eating the right foods and building up your immune system will lesson the toxic burden on your body. The more exposure you have to environmental toxins, the greater your chance of suffering from ill health for it's these toxins that prevent our bodies natural progesterone from doing the job it was designed to do. It's not the amount of progesterone your body produces, but the balance between progesterone and estrogen thats most important. Progesterone levels should be one hundred to two hundred times greater than estrogen if done by a saliva test in order for the progesterone to protect you from the harmful effects of "excess" estrogen. Man- made hormones are not found in nature and may very well cause toxic effects within the body. Hormones derived from the fluid of animals (Premarin) are even more "potent" than the phytoestrogens we get from foods or those which our body produces naturally. Please, be aware of the difference between a natural progesterone and a synthetic one. Also be aware that some will tell you that HRT (derived from mare's urine) is a natural substance. I disagree. Our bodies were not designed to metabolize this. There are no *enzymes* in our body we can use to make use of it. Progestin- is a term used to cover a large group of synthetic drugs that have a progesterone "effect" on the uterus. Data suggests that progestin therapy may have many adverse effects on lipid and carbohydrate "metabolism". The choice of progestin, its dose, and its regimen may be important in minimizing adverse effects, however further studies are required. Women with hyperlipidemas or diabetes should be monitored closely during progestin therapy." Progestogen- is another synthetic hormone [similar to that which is derived from mare's urine] but it does not act quite the same in the body. It produces effects very similar to those of progesterone. Progesterone- refers to the "natural" steroid hormone obtained from the corpus luteum and placenta. This hormone is responsible for changes in the Endometrium in the 2nd half of the menstrual cycle preparatory to implantation of the blastocyst,the development of the maternal placenta after implantation and development of the mammary glands. A corpus luteum hormone prepares the Endometrium for implantation of the fertilized ovum. Progesterone and estrogen are our primary hormones. Progesterone is a precursor to steroid hormones. It's best to ask if the drug you intend to take is natural, or synthetic. Request a copy of the side effects and just remember... The man-made hormones are not found in nature. For this reason they invariably cause toxic effects. These hormones come from animal fluids, making them even more potent and toxic than phytoestrogens from plants or any of those which our own bodies produce. If you are stressed out, the hormone *cortisol* [produced during stress] will bind with progesterone receptors and block the positive effects of progesterone by minimizing any potential benefits. Conclusion: Man-made hormones are not found in nature and very well may cause toxic effects on the body and synthetic man-made hormones from animals (i.e,Premarin) are even more toxic and potent than the phytoestrogens which are produced by our bodies naturally. It has been found that women with a progesterone deficiency have 5.4 times the risk of premenopausal breast cancer. This is in addition to a tenfold risk of death from hormonal cancers. Hormone disrupters "inhibit" progesterone and so does *high levels* of estrogen because they tend to bind to your progesterone receptors. You can actually have a hormone test done with your progesterone levels indicating that they are normal,BUT this does not in any way indicate that the progesterone is doing its job in your body-- simply because the receptors become blocked when there is an imbalance between your estrogen and progesterone. It's been found that the pesticide HBC [hexochlorabenzene] suppresses progesterone production during the luteal phase. *Dioxin* "residues" prevalent in animal protein blocks the protective effects of progesterone as well. Keep in mind that it's the balance of estrogen and progesterone thats important, rather than the fact that you are "dominant" in one or the other. Thyroid: Thyroid function often improves when natural progesterone is used because progesterone works with the thyroid hormone to correct these imbalances. Adrenal Fatigue: Progesterone helps combat cortisol interference and helps restore energy levels. Uterine Fibroids grow faster when a woman is Estrogen Dominant. If not too large and causing pressure on the bladder, use a natural form of progesterone cream. With the use of natural progesterone creams they usually decrease 15-20% in six to twelve months. After menopause, they will atrophy WILD YAM: Contains numerous "estrogen-balancing" compounds. The progesterone taken from the wild yam is nearly identical to what the body produces, says John Lee, M.D. of Sebastopol, California. Most studies report that the cream and oil are most effective because the progesterone absorbed through the skin enters the bloodstream directly! A synthetic form of the female hormone progesterone is often prescribed for women with menstrual problems, osteoporosis and menopausal symptoms.however, 'synthetic' progesterone has been linked to a number of unpleasant side effects, such as fluid retention and salt buildup as well as blood clots and uterine and breast cancers! A natural and safer form of progesterone, derived from wild yam is readily available and effective in relieving the symptoms for which synthetic progesterone is prescribed! ----- Estrogen Dominance leading to Hormonal Imbalances very often are caused by *synthetic* "hormones" in Dairy and Red meat, Caffeine, refined sugars, refined processed, Pesticide-laden (non-Organic) food, chocolate, sugar, and Alcohol. Eat organically or eliminate these foods altogether. Due to their high fat content, Dairy products sponge up Environmental Contaminants. Dairy is also saturated with excess synthetic Estrogen from growth hormones (rBGH), Antibiotics, and Genetically Engineered components. Both Caffeine and Refined Sugar consumption accelerates TUMOR formation and growth and is implicated in Cancer growth. Caffeine in soda pop and coffee is a significant factor in tumor formation and eventually results in cell dehydration and constipation! *Xenoestrogens*,like DDT and dioxins, can bond with estrogen receptors in your body and never leave!!!!! ISOFLAVONES tie up the "estrogen receptor sites" keeping the harmful xenoestrogens from attaching there. Good sources of Isoflavones are: Non-gmo Soy, Lentils, Legumes, Sprouts, Chickpeas and dried Beans. FISH... the reason we recommend fish as an important addition to our diet is that oily fish contains immediately available EPA and DHA that do not have to undergo the extensive metabolism and 'enzymatic breakdown' that Flaxseed oil does. If you don't like fish, we recommend fish oil capsules. It is wise to take omega-3 fatty acids and eat fish. COLD-WATER FISH, especially Alaskan Salmon is higher in Omega-3s. Omega-3s, commonly referred to as "Essential Fatty Acids" protect our bodies from the ravages of disease. Essential fatty acids in fish stop "prostaglandins" from going into dangerous overdrive. Fish oil helps alleviate illnesses that are triggered by the prostaglandins. Scientist believe that the promotion of cancer cells is somehow regulated by "prostaglandins". Animal studies show that squelching the overproduction of these "hormone-like" substances can reduce breast, pancreas, lung, prostate and colon cancer. "Protease Inhibitors" control abnormal cell division before it turns to cancer.The soy supporters tout soybeans because they are high in two estrogen like plant compounds, genistein and daidzein. Both of these phytoestrogens contain natural but weak plant estrogens that *limit* the uptake of estrogen produced by the body and prevent your body from taking up the more harmful forms of estrogen circulating in your blood. They take the place of estrogen, binding to your cells estrogen receptor sites, thus preventing the more harmful unnatural estrogens from binding to the same receptors. This anti-estrogen effect has been credited with helping to prevent breast cancer. Significantly, they also protect the body from pollutants that chemically mimic estrogens. Non-gmo Soy is high in genistein and daidzen, but lots of other beans are also quite high in genistein, which appears to be the more active of the two phytoestrogens. As beans germinate, their genistein content (and their total phytoestrogen content) increases. And if the sprouts have fungi (as many homegrown sprouts do) the genistein content may increase as much as a hundredfold. Pinto beans have almost as much genistein and daidzein as soybeans. Also, consider that some beans that don't have so much daidzein as soybeans have quite a bit more genistein. These include yellow split peas, black turtle beans, lima beans, anasazi beans, red kidney beans and red lentils. Also quite high in genistein are black-eyed peas, mung beans, adzuki benas and fava beans. Our analysis of scurfy peas showed that they have 50 times more genistein than soybeans. If you have a lack of progesterone I'd suggest eating as many edible beans as possible as often as possible. Also use generous amounts of bean sprouts in your salads and be sure to eat lots of bean soups and Mexican foods like burritos. What is the best way to measure Hormone Levels? Serum blood tests measure only the amount of progesterone that is bound to protein. Of this only 5% is usable by the body, so this is an inaccurate number. Progesterone is fat soluble, so it does not mix with serum. A saliva test will measure the amount of progesterone that is actually available to the body. _________________JoAnn Guest mrsjoguest DietaryTipsForHBP pass this message or article on to someone else so that they may learn also.Community Newsletters.http://www.alternative-medicine-newsletter.infoCommunity Message Boards."Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus PaulingGetting well is done one step at a time, day by day, building health and well being..list or archives: :........ - post:............. alternative_Medicine_Forum digest form:...... -digest individual emails: -normal no email:......... -nomail moderator:........ -owner unsubscribe:...... - Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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