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me too... i see the beauty of crystals, i feel attuned to them in some way,

my sister feels their energy, I pick up on sensations in my third eye, i sense

them but i am not sure how physical it is, and I am drawn to them. I have

noticed that crystals open doorways, and I appreciate other things in life


of them, I find that they are great tools...





Just as the tree stands over time, may you too soak up earth's energies.




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  • 10 months later...
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Hi Y'all.


My name is Jacy and I am the newbie on the list.

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, OsteoArthritis and am a two time colon cancer survivor.


I have been doing a good bit of reading about green tea lately.

This is a good site about it I found today: http://www.daisan.co.jp/health.htm

It seems to have so many good things going for it. Is anyone here using it and how is it doing for you?

















Hugs, Jacy

~Sacred cows make the best hamburger










jacymailIM: jacygal - ICQ: 96949087www.geocities.com/mtn_rose

























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