Guest guest Posted October 9, 2004 Report Share Posted October 9, 2004 JoAnn Guest <angelprincessjo wrote: From: "JoAnn Guest" Sat, 09 Oct 2004 03:48:12 -0000 Dietary Hazards-Processed FatsDietary Hazards-Processed Fatswww.amazingdiet.orgIn today's world the appearance, texture and colour of food is oftenconsidered of greater importance than the nutrient value of suchfood. In an instant world we need instant food, and to avoidspoilage and financial loss, such food is often chemicallymanipulated to obtain all these desired effects.When the chemical nature of our food is changed so that it meets therequirements of the marketplace, then the risk is great that it nolonger meets the requirements of the body.Our bodies are designed to interact with the environment in a highlyspecialized way, and any interference with this delicate balance mayimpact negatively on the system.Modern Oil Refining TechniquesExtracted oil undergoes a series of steps which adversely affectsits nutritional value. Free fatty acids are removed by vacuumextraction and precipitation. Furthermore, the oil is filtered andheated to 220 °C to obtain a clear liquid.In order to obtain a less fluid oil, suitable for the production ofmargarine, the oil is further subjected to the process ofhydrogenation, to which liquid oils nowadays are also partiallysubjected.This process was developed by W. Norman in the year 1900 andinvolves a catalytic reaction which changes cis fatty acids to transfatty acids, thus rendering them less fluid by changing the shape ofthe molecules.Polyunsaturated fats contain double bonds, and this gives rise tothe possibility of cis-trans conversions. In nature, fatty acidsoccur mainly in the cis configuration, which means that the carbonchains on either side of the double bond are spatially arranged onthe same side of the double bond. (See table)Trans fats do not form part of the normal diet and should not beintroduced into the system as they can result in a number ofbiochemical changes, and together with saturated fats andcholesterol, can lead to altered membrane structure and concomitanthardening of the arteries.The essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids) alsonaturally have the cis configuration but the free use of extracted,partially hydrogenated oil, rich in linoleic acid (found in corn,safflower and sunflower oils), has been associated with cancerpromotion.Linoleic acid is the substrate from which prostaglandins aremanufactured, and trans-linoleic acid can result in alteredprostaglandins, thus modifying the effect of these hormones or evenproducing opposite effects.Because leucotrienes play an essential role in regulating the immunesystem in that they are involved in the production of antibodies andthe destruction of viruses and cancer cells, it is essential thatthese molecules be produced from essential fatty acids that have thecorrect configuration so that the delicate balance and the functionmay not be jeopardized.The molecular changes found in even partially hydrogenated oils canadversely affect the relationship between the various prostaglandinsas well as changing them structurally.Trans fatty acids depress serum levels of prostaglandins. Moreover,hydrogenated oils do not share the properties of normal unsaturatedfats and will also not lower cholesterol levels as do the naturaloils in whole foods.,[ii]The consumption of trans fatty acids in the Western world is quitehigh, and it has been estimated that in the US and in Canada, men of20-39 years of age consume 11-12 g per person per day of thesefats.2 The British Medical Committee on Cardiovascular Diseasesproposed new guidelines in 1994 on recommended consumption of fattyacids.Recognizing that trans fatty acids have an undesirable effect on HDLand LDL cholesterol and coronary disease mortality, they suggestedthat no more than 2% of caloric intake come from this source, andthat the amount should even be reduced.[iii]MargarineMargarine is typically manufactured from the oil of soya beans,maize, sunflower seeds, olives, coconut and palm, with the additionof substances which enhance the flavour and act as preservatives andtexturisers.The typical ingredients of margarine include a combination of oils,water, sodium chloride, vitamins A, D and E, lecithin or otheremulsifier, preservatives such as sodium benzoate and/or potassiumsorbate, milk solids including casein, colorants such as beta-carotene and retinyl esters, flavourants such as butter distillateor simulated butter taste chemicals.The manufacturing process of margarine involves a combination of anumber of steps. The fat-insoluble gums and other substances fromthe crude oil are first removed and then the oil is neutralized withalkali.Subsequently it is bleached, filtered, deodorized and in most caseshydrogenated. After this the product is again subjected to furtherfiltration, neutralixation, bleaching, deodorization and blending.Finally, colorants, flavourants, vitamins, emulsifiers andpreservatives are added, and proportioning (creating the desiredbalance between water and fat), emulsification, chilling andpackaging round off the final product.In most cases, margarines exceed the recommended maximum levels forsaturated and trans-unsaturated fatty acids, but some countries(Germany) have taken cognizance of the detrimental effects of transfatty acids and many of the margarines, shortenings and cooking fatsin Germany are being produced essentially free from trans fattyacids.Nevertheless, a concentrated, chemically manipulated, unnatural foodsuch as margarine must place excessive demands on the system, andviable alternatives should be sought.Artificial foods are however the vogue, and large quantities ofspreads and non-dairy creamers are consumed annually.Non-dairy creamers also contain extracted saturated and hydrogenatedplant oils of coconut and palm origin, and therefore contain no lessfat than dairy cream.There are many ways to prepare palatable meals without the use ofextracted oils, and their use can thus be limited. The best way ofobtaining chemically sound fats, suitable for maintaining the finechemical balances of the body, is to eat whole food that has notbeen changed by modern refining techniques.Whole grains, seeds, nuts as well as oil-rich fruits such as avocadopears and olives, together with other plant sources will supply anabundance of fats of the variety required by the body.The Use of Oil in the Frying of FoodThe frying of food in oil or lard also has detrimental effects.Studies have shown that heated oils and fats undergo autoxidationand that the rate of autoxidation is proportional to the degree ofunsaturation and the presence of absence of pro- and anti-oxidants.It has been established that animal fats undergo autoxidation morereadily than oils of plant origin,in spite of the fact that animal fats are saturated fats, but thishas been attributed to the virtual absence of natural antioxidantsin animal fats.Polyunsaturates, however, sustain the most thermo-oxidative damagewhen oil is heated.In this regard it is enlightening that a tri-unsaturated fatty acidwill undergo autoxidation 10 000 times more readily than amonounsaturated fatty acid.[iv]The rate and degree of autoxidation of unsaturated and saturatedfats is presented in figure 3.10.Source: Grundy, S.M. 1989. Monounsaturated fatty acids adncholesterol metabolism: Implications for dietary recommendations. J.Nutr. 119:529Heat Damage Sustained By OilThe products formed in fats and oils that are heated to hightemperatures are peroxides, aldehydes, ketones, hydroperoxides,polymers and cyclic monomers, any one of which can have toxiceffects.Subjecting saturated and polyunsaturated fats, such as butter andsunflower oil to temperatures of 170 °C for two hours will alsoalter the composition that if fed to experimental animals they willinduce liver ailments in these animals.If animal fat, polyunsaturated oil, and even monounsaturated oilsuch as olive oil, is however heated to 180 °C for longer periods oftime, serious liver disorders are induced in experimental animalsthat are fed these oils.[v] The peroxidised fatty acids in heated fats also affect thecardiovascular system, possibly even causing lesions in the cardiacmuscles and arterial lining as well as enhancing clot formation.[vi]As most processed oils are heated to 220 °C during the manufacturingprocess, and are still further heated during the frying process, theuse of free oil should for these reasons alone, not be encouraged.The frying of food should therefore be avoided if healthful livingpractices are introduced into the household.This does not necessarily mean that taste should be sacrificed, butit does mean that age-old habits will have to be revised andsubstituted with a little bit of ingenuity.If oil is used at all, it should be used in moderation and the cold-pressed variety should be used as this have been least subjected toheat during the extraction and clarifying processes.Also oils rich in monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil, should bethe oils of choice as monounsaturated fats undergo the least damageduring heating.Whilst it is true that increased dietary consumption ofpolyunsaturated fats has led to a decrease in cholesterolaemia andassociated drop in cardiovascular disease, it has been accompaniedby a rise in deaths from non-vascular diseases such as cancer,[vii]cholelithiasis[viii] and a general drop in life expectancy,[ix]probably resulting from the peroxidation of the polyunsaturates.Peroxidation of polyunsaturates takes place because these moleculesare unstable, and the more double bonds there are in the moleculesthe more readily the process of peroxidation takes place.During this process "free radicals" are formed which are extremelyreactive in view of their unpaired electron.Free radical formation is largely prevented in whole foods, asnatural antixodants, which are present in these foods, prevent theirformation. A natural balance exists between antioxidants such as thefat-soluble vitamins A and E and the quantity of polyunsaturatedfats that are present in whole foods.An imbalance between polyunsaturates and antioxidants will result ina rise in free radical formation with concomitant harmful resultssuch as an increase in the rate of the aging process,[x]inflammation,[xi] carcinogenesis,[xii] liver disorders andarteriosclerosis.[xiii]Unfortunately modern food processing techniques often strip food ofthe essential fatty acids and vital prepacked antioxidants and inthis way deprive the system of these essential nutrients.During the refining process grains, for example, are stripped of thegerm, which contains the essential oils and fat-soluble antioxidantvitamins in a perfect biorelationship, and the lack is thensubstituted for with large intakes of disproportionate combinationsof processed oils and fats.In this regard it is enlightening to note that the daily vitamin Erequirements (which amount to about 10 mg per day) increases 20 foldit polyunsaturates are added to the diet.[xiv]It is doubtful whether any diet will supply this additionalrequirement without supplementation, and it is therefore notsurprising that the degenerate diseases are so prevalent in Westernsocieties.The eating of whole foods that have not been stripped of theiressential components will supply all the essential oils required inhealthful combinations and should therefore be encouraged.--Reference: Jonnalagagadda, S.S., Mustad, V.A., Yu, S., Etherton, T.D., Kris-Etherton, P.M. 1996. Effects of individual fatty acids on chronicdiseases. Nutrition Today. 31 (3) May/June 1996.[ii] Mensink, R.P., Katan, M.B. 1990. Effect of dietary trans fattyacids on high-density and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levelsin healthy subjects. New Enlg.J.Med. 323:439.[iii] Nutrition Today Newsbreaks. 1995. British scientists endorsenew fatty acid guidelines. Nutrition Today. 30 (1), January/February1995. P.5.[iv] Fedeli, E. 1984. La auto-ossidazione Lipidica. In: Simp. SuRrilettura di un problema: 1 lipidi Alimentari:, Rimini (Italia)[v] Alexander, J.C. 1978. Biological effects due to changes in fatsduring heating. (In: Symp. On frying oils, Presented at AOCS 68thAnnual meeting, New York City, New York (USA) 11.5 1977). J.Am.oilChem.Soc. 55:711.[vi] Giani, E., Masi, I., Galli, I. 1985. Heated fat, vitamin E andvascualr eicosanoids. Lipids. 20:439._________________JoAnn GuestmrsjoguestDietaryTipsForHBP pass this message or article on to someone else so that they may learn also.Community Newsletters.http://www.alternative-medicine-newsletter.infoCommunity Message Boards."Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus PaulingGetting well is done one step at a time, day by day, building health and well being..list or archives: :........ - post:............. alternative_Medicine_Forum digest form:...... -digest individual emails: -normal no email:......... -nomail moderator:........ -owner unsubscribe:...... - Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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