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Antidepressants, Ritalin, and children

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Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom

Cruise Speaking Out


Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise

Speaking Out JoAnn

Guest Aug 14, 2005 14:39 PDT



7/29/05 Source: Campaign For Truth




Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise

Speaking Out; Warns

About National Crisis of Child-Drugging with 'Kiddy

Cocaine' and

Suicide-Inducing Antidepressants;


The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a

psychiatric watchdog

group, said Tom Cruise's remarks on NBC's Today Show

(Friday, June 24)

represent a growing public awareness about the

national crisis of

children and adults being prescribed mind-altering

drugs. More than 8

million children in the United States now take these

drugs; millions

more abuse them. Today the group released a White

Paper on " Common

Psychiatric Drugs and Their Effects " that educates

people about the

physically and mentally damaging effects of

psychotropic drugs that are

often prescribed for a " chemical imbalance " medical

experts say doesn't



Accompanying this is a video documentary on the

group's website,

http://www.cchr.org, that includes prominent doctors,

neurologists and

psychiatrists debunking the hoax of mental disorders

being physically

based or the result of a chemical imbalance.


" The paper provides information that psychiatrists are

not going to


people, enabling them to make an informed choice, "

CCHR's international

president, Jan Eastgate said. She slammed the American


Association (APA) and affiliated mental health

organizations that tout

false statistics to the media about the number of

Americans suffering

from " mental illness " which she said is a fraudulent



Ms. Eastgate said, " The Today Show interview was a

warning that people

need to study psychiatry and its purported research

rather than

accepting at face value concepts such as a chemical

imbalance in the

brain is causing their problems, which can deny them

real help. In any

media interview with a psychiatrist he should be asked

what lab test he

uses to determine this. There isn't one. "


The " chemical imbalance " theory, popularized by

marketing, is " no more

than psychiatric wishful thinking, " the group's U.S.

president, author

and former educator, Bruce Wiseman says. " It has been


discredited by researchers, doctors and scientists.

The only reason it

exists is that it makes it easier for psychiatrists to

drug vulnerable

and often desperate individuals. It is driven by more

than billion in

drug sales each year. "


Appearing in CCHR's video is Dr. Julian Whitaker,

author and founder of

the highly respected Whitaker Wellness Center in

California, who says

that psychiatry is a pseudoscience. " There's no

pathology. There's no

blood test. There's no lab test. There's no x-ray.

Psychiatrists list

out and vote on clusters of behavior and call them a

disease. They are

giving drugs to millions of people who do not have a

defined medical

problem. "


Also interviewed is New York psychiatrist Ron Leifer

who says, " There's

no biological imbalance. When people come to me and

they say, 'I have a

biochemical imbalance,' I say, 'Show me your lab

tests.' There are no

lab tests. So what's the biochemical imbalance? "


Based on this false theory, millions of people have

fallen prey to

psychiatric treatment: stimulants and antidepressants

have induced

teenagers to go on murderous shooting sprees (8 out of

13 school

shootings, such as the Columbine High School shooting

in 1999, were

committed by teens on psychiatric drugs). Mothers on

these drugs have

killed their children or cut off the arms of their

baby while taking

these drugs. Electroshock-the firing of up to 460

volts of electricity

across the temples-is damaging the brains of over

100,000 Americans

every year.


Because of the influence of psychiatry in the nation's



of parents have also been forced to place their

children on


drugs as a requisite for their education, an abuse

CCHR and others

countered with congressional support last year. The

Prohibition of

Mandatory Medication amendment now prohibits this



For 14 years, CCHR has also worked with parents and

concerned groups to

expose the violence and suicide-inducing effects of


Last October, the Food and Drug Administration ordered

a " black box "

label for antidepressants that the drugs could cause

suicide. But these

reforms are not enough to curb what CCHR says is a

" national crisis " of

child drugging and psychotropic drug abuse.


The International Narcotics Control Board says that 80

percent of the

world's Ritalin consumption is in the United States.

This is a drug


medical studies show can predispose children to later

cocaine use

because Ritalin and cocaine derive from similar

chemical properties. A

study of 500 children over 26 years by researchers at

the University of

California at Berkeley found that Ritalin is basically

a " gateway drug "

to other drugs, in particular cocaine. A recent survey

by the

Partnership for a Drug-Free America found 10 percent

of teens abuse the

stimulants Ritalin and Adderall. Between 1995 and

1999, the use of

antidepressants increased 580 percent in the under-6

population and 151

percent in the 7-12 age group.


In some communities, 20 percent of children are taking


according to Drug Enforcement Administration

pharmacologist Gretchen

Feussner. " That should be a wake-up call that

something isn't right, "

Feussner said.


" Psychiatrists are society's biggest drug pushers, "

Wiseman says.

" People do suffer from serious mental difficulties or

life- crippling

problems and their methods of coping with this can

fail. Psychiatrists

exploit this, marketing drugs for conditions they

admit they do not


the cause of or can cure. Fraud involves intentional

deception or

deliberate misrepresentation to secure money, rights

or privilege.

Americans are waking up to this psychiatric fraud. "


The group's White Paper, " Common Psychiatric Drugs and

Their Effects, "

and other website publications warn people that they

should not stop

taking psychiatric drugs unless it is under medical

advice and

supervision. They stress the need to find competent

medical (not

psychiatric) doctors who can do thorough physical

examinations to

determine what could be underlying and causing

emotional problems.


27th June 2005, Los Angeles

Marla Filidei, Citizens Commission on Human Rights,


Web: http://www.cchr.org



Further Resources:


The Mind Game by Phillip Day







JoAnn Guest







AIM Barleygreen

" Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future "



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  • 2 weeks later...

Good info Kel. I am getting caught up again and realize you posted this a couple of weeks ago.


My son was on Ritalin for 11 years. He hated it. I was thrilled to discover an ADHD protocol of nutrition had been developed with my own First Fitness supplements. I took Jason off Ritalin (without his doctor's advice, because I knew what the doctor would say!) and put him on the nutrition protocol. The progress he made with the nutrition was astonishing. I will write that out in a story when I have time and post it. Today, at age 22, Jason talks to everyone he can about getting kids off of drugs and on nutrition. We both push the nutritional protocol as much as possible to doctors, parents and anyone else who will listen. I urge everyone who has an interest to look at the website: www.ritalindeath.com. It is horrifying to think this could have happened to my own child. Thanks again, Kel, for this very important info. We have created a country full of drugged up, zombie kids. Jason wasn't able to join any branch of military service

because he took Ritalin beyond the age of 12. We crusasade to keep our middle school and high school aged kids off of drugs, but then we put our very young children (Jason was 4!) on drugs! Am I the only one who thinks something is wrong with this picture? I'm willing to bet I'm not!


Blessings, Renee"Kelly W." <kellykebby wrote:

Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About TomCruise Speaking OutPsychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom CruiseSpeaking Out JoAnn Guest Aug 14, 2005 14:39 PDT 7/29/05 Source: Campaign For Truth http://www.healthliesexposed.com/articles/article_2005_07_30_1631.shtmlPsychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom CruiseSpeaking Out; Warns About National Crisis of Child-Drugging with 'KiddyCocaine' and Suicide-Inducing Antidepressants; The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), apsychiatric watchdog group, said Tom Cruise's remarks on NBC's Today Show(Friday, June 24) represent a growing public awareness about thenational crisis of children and adults being

prescribed mind-alteringdrugs. More than 8 million children in the United States now take thesedrugs; millions more abuse them. Today the group released a WhitePaper on "Common Psychiatric Drugs and Their Effects" that educatespeople about the physically and mentally damaging effects ofpsychotropic drugs that are often prescribed for a "chemical imbalance" medicalexperts say doesn't exist. Accompanying this is a video documentary on thegroup's website, http://www.cchr.org, that includes prominent doctors,neurologists and psychiatrists debunking the hoax of mental disordersbeing physically based or the result of a chemical imbalance. "The paper provides information that psychiatrists arenot going to tell people, enabling them to make an informed choice,"CCHR's international president, Jan Eastgate said. She slammed the AmericanPsychiatric

Association (APA) and affiliated mental healthorganizations that tout false statistics to the media about the number ofAmericans suffering from "mental illness" which she said is a fraudulentmisrepresentation. Ms. Eastgate said, "The Today Show interview was awarning that people need to study psychiatry and its purported researchrather than accepting at face value concepts such as a chemicalimbalance in the brain is causing their problems, which can deny themreal help. In any media interview with a psychiatrist he should be askedwhat lab test he uses to determine this. There isn't one." The "chemical imbalance" theory, popularized bymarketing, is "no more than psychiatric wishful thinking," the group's U.S.president, author and former educator, Bruce Wiseman says. "It has beenthoroughly discredited by researchers, doctors and scientists.The only reason it exists is that it

makes it easier for psychiatrists todrug vulnerable and often desperate individuals. It is driven by morethan billion in drug sales each year." Appearing in CCHR's video is Dr. Julian Whitaker,author and founder of the highly respected Whitaker Wellness Center inCalifornia, who says that psychiatry is a pseudoscience. "There's nopathology. There's no blood test. There's no lab test. There's no x-ray.Psychiatrists list out and vote on clusters of behavior and call them adisease. They are giving drugs to millions of people who do not have adefined medical problem." Also interviewed is New York psychiatrist Ron Leiferwho says, "There's no biological imbalance. When people come to me andthey say, 'I have a biochemical imbalance,' I say, 'Show me your labtests.' There are no lab tests. So what's the biochemical imbalance?" Based on this false theory, millions of people

havefallen prey to psychiatric treatment: stimulants and antidepressantshave induced teenagers to go on murderous shooting sprees (8 out of13 school shootings, such as the Columbine High School shootingin 1999, were committed by teens on psychiatric drugs). Mothers onthese drugs have killed their children or cut off the arms of theirbaby while taking these drugs. Electroshock-the firing of up to 460volts of electricity across the temples-is damaging the brains of over100,000 Americans every year. Because of the influence of psychiatry in the nation'sschools, hundreds of parents have also been forced to place theirchildren on psychotropic drugs as a requisite for their education, an abuseCCHR and others countered with congressional support last year. TheProhibition of Mandatory Medication amendment now prohibits thispractice. For 14 years, CCHR has also worked

with parents andconcerned groups to expose the violence and suicide-inducing effects ofantidepressants. Last October, the Food and Drug Administration ordereda "black box" label for antidepressants that the drugs could causesuicide. But these reforms are not enough to curb what CCHR says is a"national crisis" of child drugging and psychotropic drug abuse. The International Narcotics Control Board says that 80percent of the world's Ritalin consumption is in the United States.This is a drug that medical studies show can predispose children to latercocaine use because Ritalin and cocaine derive from similarchemical properties. A study of 500 children over 26 years by researchers atthe University of California at Berkeley found that Ritalin is basicallya "gateway drug" to other drugs, in particular cocaine. A recent surveyby the Partnership for a Drug-Free America found 10

percentof teens abuse the stimulants Ritalin and Adderall. Between 1995 and1999, the use of antidepressants increased 580 percent in the under-6population and 151 percent in the 7-12 age group. In some communities, 20 percent of children are takingstimulants, according to Drug Enforcement Administrationpharmacologist Gretchen Feussner. "That should be a wake-up call thatsomething isn't right," Feussner said. "Psychiatrists are society's biggest drug pushers,"Wiseman says. "People do suffer from serious mental difficulties orlife- crippling problems and their methods of coping with this canfail. Psychiatrists exploit this, marketing drugs for conditions theyadmit they do not know the cause of or can cure. Fraud involves intentionaldeception or deliberate misrepresentation to secure money, rightsor privilege. Americans are waking up to this psychiatric fraud."

The group's White Paper, "Common Psychiatric Drugs andTheir Effects," and other website publications warn people that theyshould not stop taking psychiatric drugs unless it is under medicaladvice and supervision. They stress the need to find competentmedical (not psychiatric) doctors who can do thorough physicalexaminations to determine what could be underlying and causingemotional problems. 27th June 2005, Los Angeles Marla Filidei, Citizens Commission on Human Rights,800-869-2247; Web: http://www.cchr.org http://www.usnewswire.com/ Further Resources: The Mind Game by Phillip Day http://campaignfortruth.com/Eclub/220705/CTM%20-%20Psychiatric%20Watchdog%20Speaks%20Out.htm_________________JoAnn Guestmrsjo-www.geocities.com/mrsjoguest/Diets AIM Barleygreen "Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future" http://www.geocities.com/mrsjoguest/Diets.html

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My son started having seizures a year ago after being hit in the head. I did try the whole alternative route for several weeks with good results, but I could not convince the world to not give him sugar, so therefore I was going crazy. Well as seizures persisted he ended going on Depakote. You want to see a fairly bright child sure take a dive school suffered, but he did not have another seizure after starting the depakote, he took it for several months faithfully, then it started becoming a hit or miss situation on taking those drugs. Grades dramatically improved. You have to remember this isn't my choose and it broke my heart, all these people have seen me heal myself and yet wouldn't help me out including my husband, just to follow a diet, NO SUGAR. Then I found out what a big deal that is to everyone.

Now for the rest of my story. No drugs this whole summer. I gave him Super food everyday and echinecea + for children and a herbal laxative for children occasionally. I agreed to not say a thing about what else he consumes as long as he took those things. He had two episode but I don't know if it was seizures or not. He threw up and then went right to bed and slept for awhile.

But I can only hope my son becomes advocate of not being on drugs, he sure did not like that Depakote, made him dopeyRenee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:


Good info Kel. I am getting caught up again and realize you posted this a couple of weeks ago.


My son was on Ritalin for 11 years. He hated it. I was thrilled to discover an ADHD protocol of nutrition had been developed with my own First Fitness supplements. I took Jason off Ritalin (without his doctor's advice, because I knew what the doctor would say!) and put him on the nutrition protocol. The progress he made with the nutrition was astonishing. I will write that out in a story when I have time and post it. Today, at age 22, Jason talks to everyone he can about getting kids off of drugs and on nutrition. We both push the nutritional protocol as much as possible to doctors, parents and anyone else who will listen. I urge everyone who has an interest to look at the website: www.ritalindeath.com. It is horrifying to think this could have happened to my own child. Thanks again, Kel, for this very important info. We have created a country full of drugged up, zombie kids. Jason wasn't able to join any branch of military service

because he took Ritalin beyond the age of 12. We crusasade to keep our middle school and high school aged kids off of drugs, but then we put our very young children (Jason was 4!) on drugs! Am I the only one who thinks something is wrong with this picture? I'm willing to bet I'm not!


Blessings, Renee"Kelly W." <kellykebby wrote:

Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About TomCruise Speaking OutPsychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom CruiseSpeaking Out JoAnn Guest Aug 14, 2005 14:39 PDT 7/29/05 Source: Campaign For Truth http://www.healthliesexposed.com/articles/article_2005_07_30_1631.shtmlPsychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom CruiseSpeaking Out; Warns About National Crisis of Child-Drugging with 'KiddyCocaine' and Suicide-Inducing Antidepressants; The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), apsychiatric watchdog group, said Tom Cruise's remarks on NBC's Today Show(Friday, June 24) represent a growing public awareness about thenational crisis of children and adults being

prescribed mind-alteringdrugs. More than 8 million children in the United States now take thesedrugs; millions more abuse them. Today the group released a WhitePaper on "Common Psychiatric Drugs and Their Effects" that educatespeople about the physically and mentally damaging effects ofpsychotropic drugs that are often prescribed for a "chemical imbalance" medicalexperts say doesn't exist. Accompanying this is a video documentary on thegroup's website, http://www.cchr.org, that includes prominent doctors,neurologists and psychiatrists debunking the hoax of mental disordersbeing physically based or the result of a chemical imbalance. "The paper provides information that psychiatrists arenot going to tell people, enabling them to make an informed choice,"CCHR's international president, Jan Eastgate said. She slammed the AmericanPsychiatric

Association (APA) and affiliated mental healthorganizations that tout false statistics to the media about the number ofAmericans suffering from "mental illness" which she said is a fraudulentmisrepresentation. Ms. Eastgate said, "The Today Show interview was awarning that people need to study psychiatry and its purported researchrather than accepting at face value concepts such as a chemicalimbalance in the brain is causing their problems, which can deny themreal help. In any media interview with a psychiatrist he should be askedwhat lab test he uses to determine this. There isn't one." The "chemical imbalance" theory, popularized bymarketing, is "no more than psychiatric wishful thinking," the group's U.S.president, author and former educator, Bruce Wiseman says. "It has beenthoroughly discredited by researchers, doctors and scientists.The only reason it exists is that it

makes it easier for psychiatrists todrug vulnerable and often desperate individuals. It is driven by morethan billion in drug sales each year." Appearing in CCHR's video is Dr. Julian Whitaker,author and founder of the highly respected Whitaker Wellness Center inCalifornia, who says that psychiatry is a pseudoscience. "There's nopathology. There's no blood test. There's no lab test. There's no x-ray.Psychiatrists list out and vote on clusters of behavior and call them adisease. They are giving drugs to millions of people who do not have adefined medical problem." Also interviewed is New York psychiatrist Ron Leiferwho says, "There's no biological imbalance. When people come to me andthey say, 'I have a biochemical imbalance,' I say, 'Show me your labtests.' There are no lab tests. So what's the biochemical imbalance?" Based on this false theory, millions of people

havefallen prey to psychiatric treatment: stimulants and antidepressantshave induced teenagers to go on murderous shooting sprees (8 out of13 school shootings, such as the Columbine High School shootingin 1999, were committed by teens on psychiatric drugs). Mothers onthese drugs have killed their children or cut off the arms of theirbaby while taking these drugs. Electroshock-the firing of up to 460volts of electricity across the temples-is damaging the brains of over100,000 Americans every year. Because of the influence of psychiatry in the nation'sschools, hundreds of parents have also been forced to place theirchildren on psychotropic drugs as a requisite for their education, an abuseCCHR and others countered with congressional support last year. TheProhibition of Mandatory Medication amendment now prohibits thispractice. For 14 years, CCHR has also worked

with parents andconcerned groups to expose the violence and suicide-inducing effects ofantidepressants. Last October, the Food and Drug Administration ordereda "black box" label for antidepressants that the drugs could causesuicide. But these reforms are not enough to curb what CCHR says is a"national crisis" of child drugging and psychotropic drug abuse. The International Narcotics Control Board says that 80percent of the world's Ritalin consumption is in the United States.This is a drug that medical studies show can predispose children to latercocaine use because Ritalin and cocaine derive from similarchemical properties. A study of 500 children over 26 years by researchers atthe University of California at Berkeley found that Ritalin is basicallya "gateway drug" to other drugs, in particular cocaine. A recent surveyby the Partnership for a Drug-Free America found 10

percentof teens abuse the stimulants Ritalin and Adderall. Between 1995 and1999, the use of antidepressants increased 580 percent in the under-6population and 151 percent in the 7-12 age group. In some communities, 20 percent of children are takingstimulants, according to Drug Enforcement Administrationpharmacologist Gretchen Feussner. "That should be a wake-up call thatsomething isn't right," Feussner said. "Psychiatrists are society's biggest drug pushers,"Wiseman says. "People do suffer from serious mental difficulties orlife- crippling problems and their methods of coping with this canfail. Psychiatrists exploit this, marketing drugs for conditions theyadmit they do not know the cause of or can cure. Fraud involves intentionaldeception or deliberate misrepresentation to secure money, rightsor privilege. Americans are waking up to this psychiatric fraud."

The group's White Paper, "Common Psychiatric Drugs andTheir Effects," and other website publications warn people that theyshould not stop taking psychiatric drugs unless it is under medicaladvice and supervision. They stress the need to find competentmedical (not psychiatric) doctors who can do thorough physicalexaminations to determine what could be underlying and causingemotional problems. 27th June 2005, Los Angeles Marla Filidei, Citizens Commission on Human Rights,800-869-2247; Web: http://www.cchr.org http://www.usnewswire.com/ Further Resources: The Mind Game by Phillip Day http://campaignfortruth.com/Eclub/220705/CTM%20-%20Psychiatric%20Watchdog%20Speaks%20Out.htm_________________JoAnn Guestmrsjo-www.geocities.com/mrsjoguest/Diets AIM Barleygreen "Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future" http://www.geocities.com/mrsjoguest/Diets.html



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Hi Gina,


Alot of the consumers I work with in the mental

health job take depakote for seizure disorders. These

are all adults, they all hate it and don't feel they

need it. But it is an absolute requirement for them to

be on drugs in order to get mental health services

from the core providers, like Easter Seals. It makes

me sick! My son gets services from Easter Seals and

they insist that he be on Lexapro, even though two

other psychiatrists told him he doesn't need

medications within a month before he went to Easter

Seals. He takes the prescription and gets it filled,

but doesn't take the Lexapro.

What sort of head injury did your son have? What

did the doctors do (or what are they doing) about the

injury other than just prescribing depakote to control

the seizures? It makes me angry that doctors prescribe

drugs to deal with symptoms but fail to treat the

underlying cause of the symptoms. It seems if they

address the healing of the injury, the seizures would

stop and he wouldn't need the depakote! And a no sugar

diet is just a good idea for any child, especially a

child with ADHD. I just got something in my email box

from " Emotional Health " about ADHD in children too. I

haven't read it yet, but if it's good, I'll post it!

I think you are doing the right things with your

son. You are his mother and you know him better than

anyone else. When I work with the ADHD kids and their

families, one of the things I do with them is a colon

detox, like the herbal laxative you mentioned. It is

really beneficial to those particular kids. I'll post

the rest of that story soon. I was hoping to do it

today, but I got invited to go out and see Ted Nugent

tonight so I may not get to it until tomorrow! Anyway,

you keep up the good work with your son. Continue to

trust your own instincts.


Blessings, Renee


--- Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:


> Hi,

> My son started having seizures a year ago after

> being hit in the head. I did try the whole

> alternative route for several weeks with good

> results, but I could not convince the world to not

> give him sugar, so therefore I was going crazy. Well

> as seizures persisted he ended going on Depakote.

> You want to see a fairly bright child sure take a

> dive school suffered, but he did not have another

> seizure after starting the depakote, he took it for

> several months faithfully, then it started becoming

> a hit or miss situation on taking those drugs.

> Grades dramatically improved. You have to remember

> this isn't my choose and it broke my heart, all

> these people have seen me heal myself and yet

> wouldn't help me out including my husband, just to

> follow a diet, NO SUGAR. Then I found out what a big

> deal that is to everyone.

> Now for the rest of my story. No drugs this whole

> summer. I gave him Super food everyday and echinecea

> + for children and a herbal laxative for children

> occasionally. I agreed to not say a thing about what

> else he consumes as long as he took those things. He

> had two episode but I don't know if it was seizures

> or not. He threw up and then went right to bed and

> slept for awhile.

> But I can only hope my son becomes advocate of not

> being on drugs, he sure did not like that Depakote,

> made him dopey


> Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:

> Good info Kel. I am getting caught up again and

> realize you posted this a couple of weeks ago.


> My son was on Ritalin for 11 years. He hated it. I

> was thrilled to discover an ADHD protocol of

> nutrition had been developed with my own First

> Fitness supplements. I took Jason off Ritalin

> (without his doctor's advice, because I knew what

> the doctor would say!) and put him on the nutrition

> protocol. The progress he made with the nutrition

> was astonishing. I will write that out in a story

> when I have time and post it. Today, at age 22,

> Jason talks to everyone he can about getting kids

> off of drugs and on nutrition. We both push the

> nutritional protocol as much as possible to doctors,

> parents and anyone else who will listen. I urge

> everyone who has an interest to look at the website:

> www.ritalindeath.com. It is horrifying to think this

> could have happened to my own child. Thanks again,

> Kel, for this very important info. We have created a

> country full of drugged up, zombie kids. Jason

> wasn't able to join any branch of military service

> because he took Ritalin beyond the age of 12. We

> crusasade to keep our middle school and high school

> aged kids off of drugs, but then we put our very

> young children (Jason was 4!) on drugs! Am I the

> only one who thinks something is wrong with this

> picture? I'm willing to bet I'm not!


> Blessings, Renee


> " Kelly W. " <kellykebby wrote:

> Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom

> Cruise Speaking Out


> Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise

> Speaking Out JoAnn

> Guest Aug 14, 2005 14:39 PDT



> 7/29/05 Source: Campaign For Truth





> Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise

> Speaking Out; Warns

> About National Crisis of Child-Drugging with 'Kiddy

> Cocaine' and

> Suicide-Inducing Antidepressants;


> The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a

> psychiatric watchdog

> group, said Tom Cruise's remarks on NBC's Today Show

> (Friday, June 24)

> represent a growing public awareness about the

> national crisis of

> children and adults being prescribed mind-altering

> drugs. More than 8

> million children in the United States now take these

> drugs; millions

> more abuse them. Today the group released a White

> Paper on " Common

> Psychiatric Drugs and Their Effects " that educates

> people about the

> physically and mentally damaging effects of

> psychotropic drugs that are

> often prescribed for a " chemical imbalance " medical

> experts say doesn't

> exist.


> Accompanying this is a video documentary on the

> group's website,

> http://www.cchr.org, that includes prominent

> doctors,

> neurologists and

> psychiatrists debunking the hoax of mental disorders

> being physically

> based or the result of a chemical imbalance.


> " The paper provides information that psychiatrists

> are

> not going to

> tell

> people, enabling them to make an informed choice, "

> CCHR's international

> president, Jan Eastgate said. She slammed the

> American

> Psychiatric

> Association (APA) and affiliated mental health

> organizations that tout

> false statistics to the media about the number of

> Americans suffering

> from " mental illness " which she said is a fraudulent

> misrepresentation.


> Ms. Eastgate said, " The Today Show interview was a

> warning that people

> need to study psychiatry and its purported research

> rather than

> accepting at face value concepts such as a chemical

> imbalance in the

> brain is causing their problems, which can deny them

> real help. In any

> media interview with a psychiatrist he should be

> asked

> what lab test he

> uses to determine this. There isn't one. "


> The " chemical imbalance " theory, popularized by

> marketing, is " no more

> than psychiatric wishful thinking, " the group's U.S.

> president, author

> and former educator, Bruce Wiseman says. " It has

> been

> thoroughly

> discredited by researchers, doctors and scientists.

> The only reason it

> exists is that it makes it easier for psychiatrists

> to

> drug vulnerable

> and often desperate individuals. It is driven by

> more

> than billion in

> drug sales each year. "


> Appearing in CCHR's video is Dr. Julian Whitaker,

> author and founder of

> the highly respected Whitaker Wellness Center in

> California, who says

> that psychiatry is a pseudoscience. " There's no

> pathology. There's no

> blood test. There's no lab test. There's no x-ray.

> Psychiatrists list

> out and vote on clusters of behavior and call them a

> disease. They are

> giving drugs to millions of people who do not have a

> defined medical

> problem. "


> Also interviewed is New York psychiatrist Ron Leifer

> who says, " There's

> no biological imbalance. When people come to me and

> they say, 'I have a

> biochemical imbalance,' I say, 'Show me your lab

> tests.' There are no

> lab tests. So what's the biochemical imbalance? "


> Based on this false theory, millions of people have

> fallen prey to

> psychiatric treatment: stimulants and

> antidepressants

> have induced

> teenagers to go on murderous shooting sprees (8 out

> of

> 13 school

> shootings, such as the Columbine High School

> shooting

> in 1999, were

> committed by teens on psychiatric drugs). Mothers on

> these drugs have

> killed their children or cut off the arms of their

> baby while taking

> these drugs. Electroshock-the firing of up to 460

> volts of electricity

> across the temples-is damaging the brains of over

> 100,000 Americans

> every year.


> Because of the influence of psychiatry in the

> nation's


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Hi Renee,

I know with my son the drugs made him drugged out, it slowed him down and my guess maybe it gave his brain a break enough to help it heal. Once in awhile he complains of headache, (like today) I don't know if he is crying wolf or not. He is fine right now( hour later) But as far as the injury he was elbowed by an adult right between the eyebrows and nailed the following week in the same spot with a baseball. When the seizure were over he was holding his forehead right were the injury happened. So after his headache episode I gave him another talk that I will help but he is going to have to take responsibility for what he is eating. When I tried to control that before I was going absolutely crazy, that wasn't good for anyone. And as far as the doctors I have not been back with him for a check up. From what I have learned it is better to just drop gently out, I am afraid it will make many upset.

What happened to your son?

Have a great time at the Concert!!



Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:

Hi Gina, Alot of the consumers I work with in the mentalhealth job take depakote for seizure disorders. Theseare all adults, they all hate it and don't feel theyneed it. But it is an absolute requirement for them tobe on drugs in order to get mental health servicesfrom the core providers, like Easter Seals. It makesme sick! My son gets services from Easter Seals andthey insist that he be on Lexapro, even though twoother psychiatrists told him he doesn't needmedications within a month before he went to EasterSeals. He takes the prescription and gets it filled,but doesn't take the Lexapro. What sort of head injury did your son have? Whatdid the doctors do (or what are they doing) about theinjury other than just prescribing depakote to controlthe seizures? It makes me angry that doctors

prescribedrugs to deal with symptoms but fail to treat theunderlying cause of the symptoms. It seems if theyaddress the healing of the injury, the seizures wouldstop and he wouldn't need the depakote! And a no sugardiet is just a good idea for any child, especially achild with ADHD. I just got something in my email boxfrom "Emotional Health" about ADHD in children too. Ihaven't read it yet, but if it's good, I'll post it! I think you are doing the right things with yourson. You are his mother and you know him better thananyone else. When I work with the ADHD kids and theirfamilies, one of the things I do with them is a colondetox, like the herbal laxative you mentioned. It isreally beneficial to those particular kids. I'll postthe rest of that story soon. I was hoping to do ittoday, but I got invited to go out and see Ted Nugenttonight so I may not get to it until tomorrow! Anyway,you keep up

the good work with your son. Continue totrust your own instincts.Blessings, Renee--- Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:> Hi,> My son started having seizures a year ago after> being hit in the head. I did try the whole> alternative route for several weeks with good> results, but I could not convince the world to not> give him sugar, so therefore I was going crazy. Well> as seizures persisted he ended going on Depakote.> You want to see a fairly bright child sure take a> dive school suffered, but he did not have another> seizure after starting the depakote, he took it for> several months faithfully, then it started becoming> a hit or miss situation on taking those drugs.> Grades dramatically improved. You have to remember> this isn't my choose and it broke my heart, all> these people have seen me heal myself and yet> wouldn't help

me out including my husband, just to> follow a diet, NO SUGAR. Then I found out what a big> deal that is to everyone.> Now for the rest of my story. No drugs this whole> summer. I gave him Super food everyday and echinecea> + for children and a herbal laxative for children> occasionally. I agreed to not say a thing about what> else he consumes as long as he took those things. He> had two episode but I don't know if it was seizures> or not. He threw up and then went right to bed and> slept for awhile.> But I can only hope my son becomes advocate of not> being on drugs, he sure did not like that Depakote,> made him dopey> > Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:> Good info Kel. I am getting caught up again and> realize you posted this a couple of weeks ago.> > My son was on Ritalin for 11 years. He hated it. I> was

thrilled to discover an ADHD protocol of> nutrition had been developed with my own First> Fitness supplements. I took Jason off Ritalin> (without his doctor's advice, because I knew what> the doctor would say!) and put him on the nutrition> protocol. The progress he made with the nutrition> was astonishing. I will write that out in a story> when I have time and post it. Today, at age 22,> Jason talks to everyone he can about getting kids> off of drugs and on nutrition. We both push the> nutritional protocol as much as possible to doctors,> parents and anyone else who will listen. I urge> everyone who has an interest to look at the website:> www.ritalindeath.com. It is horrifying to think this> could have happened to my own child. Thanks again,> Kel, for this very important info. We have created a> country full of drugged up, zombie kids. Jason> wasn't able to join

any branch of military service> because he took Ritalin beyond the age of 12. We> crusasade to keep our middle school and high school> aged kids off of drugs, but then we put our very> young children (Jason was 4!) on drugs! Am I the> only one who thinks something is wrong with this> picture? I'm willing to bet I'm not!> > Blessings, Renee> > "Kelly W." <kellykebby wrote:> Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom> Cruise Speaking Out> > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise> Speaking Out JoAnn > Guest Aug 14, 2005 14:39 PDT > > > 7/29/05 Source: Campaign For Truth >http://www.healthliesexposed.com/articles/article_2005_07_30_1631.shtml> > > Psychiatric

Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise> Speaking Out; Warns > About National Crisis of Child-Drugging with 'Kiddy> Cocaine' and > Suicide-Inducing Antidepressants; > > The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a> psychiatric watchdog > group, said Tom Cruise's remarks on NBC's Today Show> (Friday, June 24) > represent a growing public awareness about the> national crisis of > children and adults being prescribed mind-altering> drugs. More than 8 > million children in the United States now take these> drugs; millions > more abuse them. Today the group released a White> Paper on "Common > Psychiatric Drugs and Their Effects" that educates> people about the > physically and mentally damaging effects of> psychotropic drugs that are > often prescribed for a "chemical imbalance" medical> experts say doesn't > exist.

> > Accompanying this is a video documentary on the> group's website, > http://www.cchr.org, that includes prominent> doctors,> neurologists and > psychiatrists debunking the hoax of mental disorders> being physically > based or the result of a chemical imbalance. > > "The paper provides information that psychiatrists> are> not going to > tell > people, enabling them to make an informed choice,"> CCHR's international > president, Jan Eastgate said. She slammed the> American> Psychiatric > Association (APA) and affiliated mental health> organizations that tout > false statistics to the media about the number of> Americans suffering > from "mental illness" which she said is a fraudulent> misrepresentation. > > Ms. Eastgate said, "The Today Show interview was

a> warning that people > need to study psychiatry and its purported research> rather than > accepting at face value concepts such as a chemical> imbalance in the > brain is causing their problems, which can deny them> real help. In any > media interview with a psychiatrist he should be> asked> what lab test he > uses to determine this. There isn't one." > > The "chemical imbalance" theory, popularized by> marketing, is "no more > than psychiatric wishful thinking," the group's U.S.> president, author > and former educator, Bruce Wiseman says. "It has> been> thoroughly > discredited by researchers, doctors and scientists.> The only reason it > exists is that it makes it easier for psychiatrists> to> drug vulnerable > and often desperate individuals. It is driven by> more> than billion in >

drug sales each year." > > Appearing in CCHR's video is Dr. Julian Whitaker,> author and founder of > the highly respected Whitaker Wellness Center in> California, who says > that psychiatry is a pseudoscience. "There's no> pathology. There's no > blood test. There's no lab test. There's no x-ray.> Psychiatrists list > out and vote on clusters of behavior and call them a> disease. They are > giving drugs to millions of people who do not have a> defined medical > problem." > > Also interviewed is New York psychiatrist Ron Leifer> who says, "There's > no biological imbalance. When people come to me and> they say, 'I have a > biochemical imbalance,' I say, 'Show me your lab> tests.' There are no > lab tests. So what's the biochemical imbalance?" > > Based on this false theory, millions of people have> fallen prey

to > psychiatric treatment: stimulants and> antidepressants> have induced > teenagers to go on murderous shooting sprees (8 out> of> 13 school > shootings, such as the Columbine High School> shooting> in 1999, were > committed by teens on psychiatric drugs). Mothers on> these drugs have > killed their children or cut off the arms of their> baby while taking > these drugs. Electroshock-the firing of up to 460> volts of electricity > across the temples-is damaging the brains of over> 100,000 Americans > every year. > > Because of the influence of psychiatry in the> nation's> === message truncated ===


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Hi Gina,


My gosh, poor kid! Ouch! When my 5 year old had her

seizure about a month ago, she complained that her

head hurt just minutes before her seizure. My son is

autistic, very high functioning, and ADHD. He is 22

yrs. old now. He was on Ritalin for 11 years, starting

at age 4. He always felt drugged and zombied out. He

begged me for years to take him off the Ritalin. That

is the exact reason he won't take the lexapro now. He

still uses his nutritional protocol for both the ADHD

and for occassional depression. After my cancer he had

a rather serious bout with depression. But while I was

sick, he took over 110% of my responsiblities,

including becoming an instant 18 year old single

parent to his 8 yr old and 16 month old sisters for 7

months! It's no wonder he got depressed!

When I took Jason off Ritalin when he was 14, I

didn't tell his doctor either. I know what he would

have said. Doctors want people on drugs. They get

perks from the pharmaceutical companies for

prescribing their medications. And don't even get me

started on those other rip off artists who prey on the

needs and desperation of sick people - the

pharmaceutical companies!!!

Jason now talks to everyone he can, doctors,

parents, teachers - anyone who will listen, about

getting kids off of drugs and putting them on

nutrition. He relates his own experiences to them. The

progress he made after stopping the ritalin is utterly

amazing. I believe the nutrition also helped with some

of the characteristics of the autism too, because he

is so much more social and willing to talk to people,

even strangers!

When my daughter was born with a sacro-coccygeal

teratoma tumor, which was surgically removed at 3 days

old, I started giving her 3 of my supplements as soon

as I got her past the doors of the NICU! I never told

her doctors either. But when they commented on what a

remarkably fast recovery she made, I just gloated in


I must run for now. Ted Nugent is waiting for me!

(yeah, right!) I'm long overdue for a night out with

no kids! I value every precious second I have with my

kids because doctors told me I wouldn't be here today

to raise them. But I still need a small break every

once in a while! You're a good mom, Gina. Keep up the

good work and don't waste anymore mental energy

worrying about what anyone else thinks! God Bless!


Blessings, Renee


--- Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:


> Hi Renee,

> I know with my son the drugs made him drugged out,

> it slowed him down and my guess maybe it gave his

> brain a break enough to help it heal. Once in awhile

> he complains of headache, (like today) I don't know

> if he is crying wolf or not. He is fine right now(

> hour later) But as far as the injury he was elbowed

> by an adult right between the eyebrows and nailed

> the following week in the same spot with a baseball.

> When the seizure were over he was holding his

> forehead right were the injury happened. So after

> his headache episode I gave him another talk that I

> will help but he is going to have to take

> responsibility for what he is eating. When I tried

> to control that before I was going absolutely crazy,

> that wasn't good for anyone. And as far as the

> doctors I have not been back with him for a check

> up. From what I have learned it is better to just

> drop gently out, I am afraid it will make many

> upset.

> What happened to your son?

> Have a great time at the Concert!!


> Gina



> Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:

> Hi Gina,


> Alot of the consumers I work with in the mental

> health job take depakote for seizure disorders.

> These

> are all adults, they all hate it and don't feel they

> need it. But it is an absolute requirement for them

> to

> be on drugs in order to get mental health services

> from the core providers, like Easter Seals. It makes

> me sick! My son gets services from Easter Seals and

> they insist that he be on Lexapro, even though two

> other psychiatrists told him he doesn't need

> medications within a month before he went to Easter

> Seals. He takes the prescription and gets it filled,

> but doesn't take the Lexapro.

> What sort of head injury did your son have? What

> did the doctors do (or what are they doing) about

> the

> injury other than just prescribing depakote to

> control

> the seizures? It makes me angry that doctors

> prescribe

> drugs to deal with symptoms but fail to treat the

> underlying cause of the symptoms. It seems if they

> address the healing of the injury, the seizures

> would

> stop and he wouldn't need the depakote! And a no

> sugar

> diet is just a good idea for any child, especially a

> child with ADHD. I just got something in my email

> box

> from " Emotional Health " about ADHD in children too.

> I

> haven't read it yet, but if it's good, I'll post it!

> I think you are doing the right things with your

> son. You are his mother and you know him better than

> anyone else. When I work with the ADHD kids and

> their

> families, one of the things I do with them is a

> colon

> detox, like the herbal laxative you mentioned. It is

> really beneficial to those particular kids. I'll

> post

> the rest of that story soon. I was hoping to do it

> today, but I got invited to go out and see Ted

> Nugent

> tonight so I may not get to it until tomorrow!

> Anyway,

> you keep up the good work with your son. Continue to

> trust your own instincts.


> Blessings, Renee


> --- Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:


> > Hi,

> > My son started having seizures a year ago after

> > being hit in the head. I did try the whole

> > alternative route for several weeks with good

> > results, but I could not convince the world to not

> > give him sugar, so therefore I was going crazy.

> Well

> > as seizures persisted he ended going on Depakote.

> > You want to see a fairly bright child sure take a

> > dive school suffered, but he did not have another

> > seizure after starting the depakote, he took it

> for

> > several months faithfully, then it started

> becoming

> > a hit or miss situation on taking those drugs.

> > Grades dramatically improved. You have to remember

> > this isn't my choose and it broke my heart, all

> > these people have seen me heal myself and yet

> > wouldn't help me out including my husband, just to

> > follow a diet, NO SUGAR. Then I found out what a

> big

> > deal that is to everyone.

> > Now for the rest of my story. No drugs this whole

> > summer. I gave him Super food everyday and

> echinecea

> > + for children and a herbal laxative for children

> > occasionally. I agreed to not say a thing about

> what

> > else he consumes as long as he took those things.

> He

> > had two episode but I don't know if it was

> seizures

> > or not. He threw up and then went right to bed and

> > slept for awhile.

> > But I can only hope my son becomes advocate of

> not

> > being on drugs, he sure did not like that

> Depakote,

> > made him dopey

> >

> > Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:

> > Good info Kel. I am getting caught up again and

> > realize you posted this a couple of weeks ago.

> >

> > My son was on Ritalin for 11 years. He hated it. I

> > was thrilled to discover an ADHD protocol of

> > nutrition had been developed with my own First

> > Fitness supplements. I took Jason off Ritalin

> > (without his doctor's advice, because I knew what

> > the doctor would say!) and put him on the

> nutrition

> > protocol. The progress he made with the nutrition

> > was astonishing. I will write that out in a story

> > when I have time and post it. Today, at age 22,

> > Jason talks to everyone he can about getting kids

> > off of drugs and on nutrition. We both push the

> > nutritional protocol as much as possible to

> doctors,

> > parents and anyone else who will listen. I urge

> > everyone who has an interest to look at the

> website:

> > www.ritalindeath.com. It is horrifying to think

> this

> > could have happened to my own child. Thanks again,

> > Kel, for this very important info. We have created

> a

> > country full of drugged up, zombie kids. Jason

> > wasn't able to join any branch of military service

> > because he took Ritalin beyond the age of 12. We

> > crusasade to keep our middle school and high

> school

> > aged kids off of drugs, but then we put our very

> > young children (Jason was 4!) on drugs! Am I the

> > only one who thinks something is wrong with this

> > picture? I'm willing to bet I'm not!

> >

> > Blessings, Renee

> >

> > " Kelly W. " <kellykebby wrote:

> > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom

> > Cruise Speaking Out

> >

> > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise

> > Speaking Out JoAnn

> > Guest Aug 14, 2005 14:39 PDT

> >

> >

> > 7/29/05 Source: Campaign For Truth

> >



> >

> >

> > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise

> > Speaking Out; Warns

> > About National Crisis of Child-Drugging with

> 'Kiddy

> > Cocaine' and

> > Suicide-Inducing Antidepressants;

> >

> > The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a

> > psychiatric watchdog

> > group, said Tom Cruise's remarks on NBC's Today

> Show

> > (Friday, June 24)

> > represent a growing public awareness about the

> > national crisis of

> > children and adults being prescribed mind-altering

> > drugs. More than 8

> > million children in the United States now take

> these

> > drugs; millions

> > more abuse them. Today the group released a White

> > Paper on " Common

> > Psychiatric Drugs and Their Effects " that educates

> > people about the

> > physically and mentally damaging effects of

> > psychotropic drugs that are

> > often prescribed for a " chemical imbalance "

> medical


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Thank You so much. I needed to hear that, it brought tears to my eyes. Does you son have a website? Just out of curiosity if you were close I loved to hear your son speak. Can I ask you what state you live in?


GinaRenee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:

Hi Gina, My gosh, poor kid! Ouch! When my 5 year old had herseizure about a month ago, she complained that herhead hurt just minutes before her seizure. My son isautistic, very high functioning, and ADHD. He is 22yrs. old now. He was on Ritalin for 11 years, startingat age 4. He always felt drugged and zombied out. Hebegged me for years to take him off the Ritalin. Thatis the exact reason he won't take the lexapro now. Hestill uses his nutritional protocol for both the ADHDand for occassional depression. After my cancer he hada rather serious bout with depression. But while I wassick, he took over 110% of my responsiblities,including becoming an instant 18 year old singleparent to his 8 yr old and 16 month old sisters for 7months! It's no wonder he got depressed! When I took Jason off

Ritalin when he was 14, Ididn't tell his doctor either. I know what he wouldhave said. Doctors want people on drugs. They getperks from the pharmaceutical companies forprescribing their medications. And don't even get mestarted on those other rip off artists who prey on theneeds and desperation of sick people - thepharmaceutical companies!!! Jason now talks to everyone he can, doctors,parents, teachers - anyone who will listen, aboutgetting kids off of drugs and putting them onnutrition. He relates his own experiences to them. Theprogress he made after stopping the ritalin is utterlyamazing. I believe the nutrition also helped with someof the characteristics of the autism too, because heis so much more social and willing to talk to people,even strangers! When my daughter was born with a sacro-coccygealteratoma tumor, which was surgically removed at 3 daysold, I started giving

her 3 of my supplements as soonas I got her past the doors of the NICU! I never toldher doctors either. But when they commented on what aremarkably fast recovery she made, I just gloated insilence! I must run for now. Ted Nugent is waiting for me!(yeah, right!) I'm long overdue for a night out withno kids! I value every precious second I have with mykids because doctors told me I wouldn't be here todayto raise them. But I still need a small break everyonce in a while! You're a good mom, Gina. Keep up thegood work and don't waste anymore mental energyworrying about what anyone else thinks! God Bless!Blessings, Renee--- Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:> Hi Renee,> I know with my son the drugs made him drugged out,> it slowed him down and my guess maybe it gave his> brain a break enough to help it heal. Once in awhile> he complains of

headache, (like today) I don't know> if he is crying wolf or not. He is fine right now(> hour later) But as far as the injury he was elbowed> by an adult right between the eyebrows and nailed> the following week in the same spot with a baseball.> When the seizure were over he was holding his> forehead right were the injury happened. So after> his headache episode I gave him another talk that I> will help but he is going to have to take> responsibility for what he is eating. When I tried> to control that before I was going absolutely crazy,> that wasn't good for anyone. And as far as the> doctors I have not been back with him for a check> up. From what I have learned it is better to just> drop gently out, I am afraid it will make many> upset.> What happened to your son?> Have a great time at the Concert!!> > Gina> >

> Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:> Hi Gina,> > Alot of the consumers I work with in the mental> health job take depakote for seizure disorders.> These> are all adults, they all hate it and don't feel they> need it. But it is an absolute requirement for them> to> be on drugs in order to get mental health services> from the core providers, like Easter Seals. It makes> me sick! My son gets services from Easter Seals and> they insist that he be on Lexapro, even though two> other psychiatrists told him he doesn't need> medications within a month before he went to Easter> Seals. He takes the prescription and gets it filled,> but doesn't take the Lexapro.> What sort of head injury did your son have? What> did the doctors do (or what are they doing) about> the> injury other than just

prescribing depakote to> control> the seizures? It makes me angry that doctors> prescribe> drugs to deal with symptoms but fail to treat the> underlying cause of the symptoms. It seems if they> address the healing of the injury, the seizures> would> stop and he wouldn't need the depakote! And a no> sugar> diet is just a good idea for any child, especially a> child with ADHD. I just got something in my email> box> from "Emotional Health" about ADHD in children too.> I> haven't read it yet, but if it's good, I'll post it!> I think you are doing the right things with your> son. You are his mother and you know him better than> anyone else. When I work with the ADHD kids and> their> families, one of the things I do with them is a> colon> detox, like the herbal laxative you mentioned. It is> really

beneficial to those particular kids. I'll> post> the rest of that story soon. I was hoping to do it> today, but I got invited to go out and see Ted> Nugent> tonight so I may not get to it until tomorrow!> Anyway,> you keep up the good work with your son. Continue to> trust your own instincts.> > Blessings, Renee> > --- Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:> > > Hi,> > My son started having seizures a year ago after> > being hit in the head. I did try the whole> > alternative route for several weeks with good> > results, but I could not convince the world to not> > give him sugar, so therefore I was going crazy.> Well> > as seizures persisted he ended going on Depakote.> > You want to see a fairly bright child sure take a> > dive school suffered, but he did not have another>

> seizure after starting the depakote, he took it> for> > several months faithfully, then it started> becoming> > a hit or miss situation on taking those drugs.> > Grades dramatically improved. You have to remember> > this isn't my choose and it broke my heart, all> > these people have seen me heal myself and yet> > wouldn't help me out including my husband, just to> > follow a diet, NO SUGAR. Then I found out what a> big> > deal that is to everyone.> > Now for the rest of my story. No drugs this whole> > summer. I gave him Super food everyday and> echinecea> > + for children and a herbal laxative for children> > occasionally. I agreed to not say a thing about> what> > else he consumes as long as he took those things.> He> > had two episode but I don't know if it was> seizures>

> or not. He threw up and then went right to bed and> > slept for awhile.> > But I can only hope my son becomes advocate of> not> > being on drugs, he sure did not like that> Depakote,> > made him dopey> > > > Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:> > Good info Kel. I am getting caught up again and> > realize you posted this a couple of weeks ago.> > > > My son was on Ritalin for 11 years. He hated it. I> > was thrilled to discover an ADHD protocol of> > nutrition had been developed with my own First> > Fitness supplements. I took Jason off Ritalin> > (without his doctor's advice, because I knew what> > the doctor would say!) and put him on the> nutrition> > protocol. The progress he made with the nutrition> > was astonishing. I will write that out in a story>

> when I have time and post it. Today, at age 22,> > Jason talks to everyone he can about getting kids> > off of drugs and on nutrition. We both push the> > nutritional protocol as much as possible to> doctors,> > parents and anyone else who will listen. I urge> > everyone who has an interest to look at the> website:> > www.ritalindeath.com. It is horrifying to think> this> > could have happened to my own child. Thanks again,> > Kel, for this very important info. We have created> a> > country full of drugged up, zombie kids. Jason> > wasn't able to join any branch of military service> > because he took Ritalin beyond the age of 12. We> > crusasade to keep our middle school and high> school> > aged kids off of drugs, but then we put our very> > young children (Jason was 4!) on drugs! Am I the>

> only one who thinks something is wrong with this> > picture? I'm willing to bet I'm not!> > > > Blessings, Renee> > > > "Kelly W." <kellykebby wrote:> > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom> > Cruise Speaking Out> > > > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise> > Speaking Out JoAnn > > Guest Aug 14, 2005 14:39 PDT > > > > > > 7/29/05 Source: Campaign For Truth > >>http://www.healthliesexposed.com/articles/article_2005_07_30_1631.shtml> > > > > > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise> > Speaking Out; Warns > > About National Crisis of Child-Drugging with> 'Kiddy> > Cocaine' and

> > Suicide-Inducing Antidepressants; > > > > The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a> > psychiatric watchdog > > group, said Tom Cruise's remarks on NBC's Today> Show> > (Friday, June 24) > > represent a growing public awareness about the> > national crisis of > > children and adults being prescribed mind-altering> > drugs. More than 8 > > million children in the United States now take> these> > drugs; millions > > more abuse them. Today the group released a White> > Paper on "Common > > Psychiatric Drugs and Their Effects" that educates> > people about the > > physically and mentally damaging effects of> > psychotropic drugs that are > > often prescribed for a "chemical imbalance"> medical> === message truncated


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Hi Gina,


I am in Michigan, Oakland County, close to the city of Pontiac. If you're not close perhaps I can have Jason post his story in his own words here. And, like me, he is always available on the phone. He does have a First Fitness website, but that is pretty much the same as mine. It's basically the company website for independent distributors. Jason did, however, create the website for the whole special education department of the South Lake School district, where we lived in St. Clair Shores while he was in high school. So he really should create his own web site in regard to autism and ADHD. I don't know why I never thought of that before (chemo brain!)! He keeps telling me "Mom, you're gonna have to stop using that chemo brain excuse and admit that it's your age!" I tell him as long as I can use chemo for an excuse, I don't have to admit anything about my age!!! Anyway, Jason's website is www.firstfitness.com/jchilton. And you are a good mom who is doing the right things for your son, in my opinion. Don't ever let anyone tell you differently. And if anyone does, oh well, that's their opinion, so don't let it bother you. Because someone else says something doesn't necessarily make it true! Let me know if I can put you in contact with Jason somehow. He would be very open to it.


Blessings, Renee

Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:



Thank You so much. I needed to hear that, it brought tears to my eyes. Does you son have a website? Just out of curiosity if you were close I loved to hear your son speak. Can I ask you what state you live in?


GinaRenee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:

Hi Gina, My gosh, poor kid! Ouch! When my 5 year old had herseizure about a month ago, she complained that herhead hurt just minutes before her seizure. My son isautistic, very high functioning, and ADHD. He is 22yrs. old now. He was on Ritalin for 11 years, startingat age 4. He always felt drugged and zombied out. Hebegged me for years to take him off the Ritalin. Thatis the exact reason he won't take the lexapro now. Hestill uses his nutritional protocol for both the ADHDand for occassional depression. After my cancer he hada rather serious bout with depression. But while I wassick, he took over 110% of my responsiblities,including becoming an instant 18 year old singleparent to his 8 yr old and 16 month old sisters for 7months! It's no wonder he got depressed! When I took Jason off

Ritalin when he was 14, Ididn't tell his doctor either. I know what he wouldhave said. Doctors want people on drugs. They getperks from the pharmaceutical companies forprescribing their medications. And don't even get mestarted on those other rip off artists who prey on theneeds and desperation of sick people - thepharmaceutical companies!!! Jason now talks to everyone he can, doctors,parents, teachers - anyone who will listen, aboutgetting kids off of drugs and putting them onnutrition. He relates his own experiences to them. Theprogress he made after stopping the ritalin is utterlyamazing. I believe the nutrition also helped with someof the characteristics of the autism too, because heis so much more social and willing to talk to people,even strangers! When my daughter was born with a sacro-coccygealteratoma tumor, which was surgically removed at 3 daysold, I started giving

her 3 of my supplements as soonas I got her past the doors of the NICU! I never toldher doctors either. But when they commented on what aremarkably fast recovery she made, I just gloated insilence! I must run for now. Ted Nugent is waiting for me!(yeah, right!) I'm long overdue for a night out withno kids! I value every precious second I have with mykids because doctors told me I wouldn't be here todayto raise them. But I still need a small break everyonce in a while! You're a good mom, Gina. Keep up thegood work and don't waste anymore mental energyworrying about what anyone else thinks! God Bless!Blessings, Renee--- Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:> Hi Renee,> I know with my son the drugs made him drugged out,> it slowed him down and my guess maybe it gave his> brain a break enough to help it heal. Once in awhile> he complains of

headache, (like today) I don't know> if he is crying wolf or not. He is fine right now(> hour later) But as far as the injury he was elbowed> by an adult right between the eyebrows and nailed> the following week in the same spot with a baseball.> When the seizure were over he was holding his> forehead right were the injury happened. So after> his headache episode I gave him another talk that I> will help but he is going to have to take> responsibility for what he is eating. When I tried> to control that before I was going absolutely crazy,> that wasn't good for anyone. And as far as the> doctors I have not been back with him for a check> up. From what I have learned it is better to just> drop gently out, I am afraid it will make many> upset.> What happened to your son?> Have a great time at the Concert!!> > Gina> >

> Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:> Hi Gina,> > Alot of the consumers I work with in the mental> health job take depakote for seizure disorders.> These> are all adults, they all hate it and don't feel they> need it. But it is an absolute requirement for them> to> be on drugs in order to get mental health services> from the core providers, like Easter Seals. It makes> me sick! My son gets services from Easter Seals and> they insist that he be on Lexapro, even though two> other psychiatrists told him he doesn't need> medications within a month before he went to Easter> Seals. He takes the prescription and gets it filled,> but doesn't take the Lexapro.> What sort of head injury did your son have? What> did the doctors do (or what are they doing) about> the> injury other than just

prescribing depakote to> control> the seizures? It makes me angry that doctors> prescribe> drugs to deal with symptoms but fail to treat the> underlying cause of the symptoms. It seems if they> address the healing of the injury, the seizures> would> stop and he wouldn't need the depakote! And a no> sugar> diet is just a good idea for any child, especially a> child with ADHD. I just got something in my email> box> from "Emotional Health" about ADHD in children too.> I> haven't read it yet, but if it's good, I'll post it!> I think you are doing the right things with your> son. You are his mother and you know him better than> anyone else. When I work with the ADHD kids and> their> families, one of the things I do with them is a> colon> detox, like the herbal laxative you mentioned. It is> really

beneficial to those particular kids. I'll> post> the rest of that story soon. I was hoping to do it> today, but I got invited to go out and see Ted> Nugent> tonight so I may not get to it until tomorrow!> Anyway,> you keep up the good work with your son. Continue to> trust your own instincts.> > Blessings, Renee> > --- Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:> > > Hi,> > My son started having seizures a year ago after> > being hit in the head. I did try the whole> > alternative route for several weeks with good> > results, but I could not convince the world to not> > give him sugar, so therefore I was going crazy.> Well> > as seizures persisted he ended going on Depakote.> > You want to see a fairly bright child sure take a> > dive school suffered, but he did not have another>

> seizure after starting the depakote, he took it> for> > several months faithfully, then it started> becoming> > a hit or miss situation on taking those drugs.> > Grades dramatically improved. You have to remember> > this isn't my choose and it broke my heart, all> > these people have seen me heal myself and yet> > wouldn't help me out including my husband, just to> > follow a diet, NO SUGAR. Then I found out what a> big> > deal that is to everyone.> > Now for the rest of my story. No drugs this whole> > summer. I gave him Super food everyday and> echinecea> > + for children and a herbal laxative for children> > occasionally. I agreed to not say a thing about> what> > else he consumes as long as he took those things.> He> > had two episode but I don't know if it was> seizures>

> or not. He threw up and then went right to bed and> > slept for awhile.> > But I can only hope my son becomes advocate of> not> > being on drugs, he sure did not like that> Depakote,> > made him dopey> > > > Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:> > Good info Kel. I am getting caught up again and> > realize you posted this a couple of weeks ago.> > > > My son was on Ritalin for 11 years. He hated it. I> > was thrilled to discover an ADHD protocol of> > nutrition had been developed with my own First> > Fitness supplements. I took Jason off Ritalin> > (without his doctor's advice, because I knew what> > the doctor would say!) and put him on the> nutrition> > protocol. The progress he made with the nutrition> > was astonishing. I will write that out in a story>

> when I have time and post it. Today, at age 22,> > Jason talks to everyone he can about getting kids> > off of drugs and on nutrition. We both push the> > nutritional protocol as much as possible to> doctors,> > parents and anyone else who will listen. I urge> > everyone who has an interest to look at the> website:> > www.ritalindeath.com. It is horrifying to think> this> > could have happened to my own child. Thanks again,> > Kel, for this very important info. We have created> a> > country full of drugged up, zombie kids. Jason> > wasn't able to join any branch of military service> > because he took Ritalin beyond the age of 12. We> > crusasade to keep our middle school and high> school> > aged kids off of drugs, but then we put our very> > young children (Jason was 4!) on drugs! Am I the>

> only one who thinks something is wrong with this> > picture? I'm willing to bet I'm not!> > > > Blessings, Renee> > > > "Kelly W." <kellykebby wrote:> > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom> > Cruise Speaking Out> > > > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise> > Speaking Out JoAnn > > Guest Aug 14, 2005 14:39 PDT > > > > > > 7/29/05 Source: Campaign For Truth > >>http://www.healthliesexposed.com/articles/article_2005_07_30_1631.shtml> > > > > > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise> > Speaking Out; Warns > > About National Crisis of Child-Drugging with> 'Kiddy> > Cocaine' and

> > Suicide-Inducing Antidepressants; > > > > The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a> > psychiatric watchdog > > group, said Tom Cruise's remarks on NBC's Today> Show> > (Friday, June 24) > > represent a growing public awareness about the> > national crisis of > > children and adults being prescribed mind-altering> > drugs. More than 8 > > million children in the United States now take> these> > drugs; millions > > more abuse them. Today the group released a White> > Paper on "Common > > Psychiatric Drugs and Their Effects" that educates> > people about the > > physically and mentally damaging effects of> > psychotropic drugs that are > > often prescribed for a "chemical imbalance"> medical> === message truncated




Start your day with - make it your home page

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Well shoot a bit far I am in Iowa. I was born in Marquette ,Mich. I designed my own website at Tripod it was pretty easy if you like to take a look at mine to get an idea www.ginakopera.com The whole service is free unless you want to add things, I pay $8.95 a month so I can have my own domain (www.com) otherwise you get http:/blahblahblah and with everything else in between. How was Ted doing?


GinaRenee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:


Hi Gina,


I am in Michigan, Oakland County, close to the city of Pontiac. If you're not close perhaps I can have Jason post his story in his own words here. And, like me, he is always available on the phone. He does have a First Fitness website, but that is pretty much the same as mine. It's basically the company website for independent distributors. Jason did, however, create the website for the whole special education department of the South Lake School district, where we lived in St. Clair Shores while he was in high school. So he really should create his own web site in regard to autism and ADHD. I don't know why I never thought of that before (chemo brain!)! He keeps telling me "Mom, you're gonna have to stop using that chemo brain excuse and admit that it's your age!" I tell him as long as I can use chemo for an excuse, I don't have to admit anything about my age!!! Anyway, Jason's website is www.firstfitness.com/jchilton. And you are a good mom who is doing the right things for your son, in my opinion. Don't ever let anyone tell you differently. And if anyone does, oh well, that's their opinion, so don't let it bother you. Because someone else says something doesn't necessarily make it true! Let me know if I can put you in contact with Jason somehow. He would be very open to it.


Blessings, Renee

Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:



Thank You so much. I needed to hear that, it brought tears to my eyes. Does you son have a website? Just out of curiosity if you were close I loved to hear your son speak. Can I ask you what state you live in?


GinaRenee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:

Hi Gina, My gosh, poor kid! Ouch! When my 5 year old had herseizure about a month ago, she complained that herhead hurt just minutes before her seizure. My son isautistic, very high functioning, and ADHD. He is 22yrs. old now. He was on Ritalin for 11 years, startingat age 4. He always felt drugged and zombied out. Hebegged me for years to take him off the Ritalin. Thatis the exact reason he won't take the lexapro now. Hestill uses his nutritional protocol for both the ADHDand for occassional depression. After my cancer he hada rather serious bout with depression. But while I wassick, he took over 110% of my responsiblities,including becoming an instant 18 year old singleparent to his 8 yr old and 16 month old sisters for 7months! It's no wonder he got depressed! When I took Jason off

Ritalin when he was 14, Ididn't tell his doctor either. I know what he wouldhave said. Doctors want people on drugs. They getperks from the pharmaceutical companies forprescribing their medications. And don't even get mestarted on those other rip off artists who prey on theneeds and desperation of sick people - thepharmaceutical companies!!! Jason now talks to everyone he can, doctors,parents, teachers - anyone who will listen, aboutgetting kids off of drugs and putting them onnutrition. He relates his own experiences to them. Theprogress he made after stopping the ritalin is utterlyamazing. I believe the nutrition also helped with someof the characteristics of the autism too, because heis so much more social and willing to talk to people,even strangers! When my daughter was born with a sacro-coccygealteratoma tumor, which was surgically removed at 3 daysold, I started giving

her 3 of my supplements as soonas I got her past the doors of the NICU! I never toldher doctors either. But when they commented on what aremarkably fast recovery she made, I just gloated insilence! I must run for now. Ted Nugent is waiting for me!(yeah, right!) I'm long overdue for a night out withno kids! I value every precious second I have with mykids because doctors told me I wouldn't be here todayto raise them. But I still need a small break everyonce in a while! You're a good mom, Gina. Keep up thegood work and don't waste anymore mental energyworrying about what anyone else thinks! God Bless!Blessings, Renee--- Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:> Hi Renee,> I know with my son the drugs made him drugged out,> it slowed him down and my guess maybe it gave his> brain a break enough to help it heal. Once in awhile> he complains of

headache, (like today) I don't know> if he is crying wolf or not. He is fine right now(> hour later) But as far as the injury he was elbowed> by an adult right between the eyebrows and nailed> the following week in the same spot with a baseball.> When the seizure were over he was holding his> forehead right were the injury happened. So after> his headache episode I gave him another talk that I> will help but he is going to have to take> responsibility for what he is eating. When I tried> to control that before I was going absolutely crazy,> that wasn't good for anyone. And as far as the> doctors I have not been back with him for a check> up. From what I have learned it is better to just> drop gently out, I am afraid it will make many> upset.> What happened to your son?> Have a great time at the Concert!!> > Gina> >

> Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:> Hi Gina,> > Alot of the consumers I work with in the mental> health job take depakote for seizure disorders.> These> are all adults, they all hate it and don't feel they> need it. But it is an absolute requirement for them> to> be on drugs in order to get mental health services> from the core providers, like Easter Seals. It makes> me sick! My son gets services from Easter Seals and> they insist that he be on Lexapro, even though two> other psychiatrists told him he doesn't need> medications within a month before he went to Easter> Seals. He takes the prescription and gets it filled,> but doesn't take the Lexapro.> What sort of head injury did your son have? What> did the doctors do (or what are they doing) about> the> injury other than just

prescribing depakote to> control> the seizures? It makes me angry that doctors> prescribe> drugs to deal with symptoms but fail to treat the> underlying cause of the symptoms. It seems if they> address the healing of the injury, the seizures> would> stop and he wouldn't need the depakote! And a no> sugar> diet is just a good idea for any child, especially a> child with ADHD. I just got something in my email> box> from "Emotional Health" about ADHD in children too.> I> haven't read it yet, but if it's good, I'll post it!> I think you are doing the right things with your> son. You are his mother and you know him better than> anyone else. When I work with the ADHD kids and> their> families, one of the things I do with them is a> colon> detox, like the herbal laxative you mentioned. It is> really

beneficial to those particular kids. I'll> post> the rest of that story soon. I was hoping to do it> today, but I got invited to go out and see Ted> Nugent> tonight so I may not get to it until tomorrow!> Anyway,> you keep up the good work with your son. Continue to> trust your own instincts.> > Blessings, Renee> > --- Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:> > > Hi,> > My son started having seizures a year ago after> > being hit in the head. I did try the whole> > alternative route for several weeks with good> > results, but I could not convince the world to not> > give him sugar, so therefore I was going crazy.> Well> > as seizures persisted he ended going on Depakote.> > You want to see a fairly bright child sure take a> > dive school suffered, but he did not have another>

> seizure after starting the depakote, he took it> for> > several months faithfully, then it started> becoming> > a hit or miss situation on taking those drugs.> > Grades dramatically improved. You have to remember> > this isn't my choose and it broke my heart, all> > these people have seen me heal myself and yet> > wouldn't help me out including my husband, just to> > follow a diet, NO SUGAR. Then I found out what a> big> > deal that is to everyone.> > Now for the rest of my story. No drugs this whole> > summer. I gave him Super food everyday and> echinecea> > + for children and a herbal laxative for children> > occasionally. I agreed to not say a thing about> what> > else he consumes as long as he took those things.> He> > had two episode but I don't know if it was> seizures>

> or not. He threw up and then went right to bed and> > slept for awhile.> > But I can only hope my son becomes advocate of> not> > being on drugs, he sure did not like that> Depakote,> > made him dopey> > > > Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:> > Good info Kel. I am getting caught up again and> > realize you posted this a couple of weeks ago.> > > > My son was on Ritalin for 11 years. He hated it. I> > was thrilled to discover an ADHD protocol of> > nutrition had been developed with my own First> > Fitness supplements. I took Jason off Ritalin> > (without his doctor's advice, because I knew what> > the doctor would say!) and put him on the> nutrition> > protocol. The progress he made with the nutrition> > was astonishing. I will write that out in a story>

> when I have time and post it. Today, at age 22,> > Jason talks to everyone he can about getting kids> > off of drugs and on nutrition. We both push the> > nutritional protocol as much as possible to> doctors,> > parents and anyone else who will listen. I urge> > everyone who has an interest to look at the> website:> > www.ritalindeath.com. It is horrifying to think> this> > could have happened to my own child. Thanks again,> > Kel, for this very important info. We have created> a> > country full of drugged up, zombie kids. Jason> > wasn't able to join any branch of military service> > because he took Ritalin beyond the age of 12. We> > crusasade to keep our middle school and high> school> > aged kids off of drugs, but then we put our very> > young children (Jason was 4!) on drugs! Am I the>

> only one who thinks something is wrong with this> > picture? I'm willing to bet I'm not!> > > > Blessings, Renee> > > > "Kelly W." <kellykebby wrote:> > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom> > Cruise Speaking Out> > > > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise> > Speaking Out JoAnn > > Guest Aug 14, 2005 14:39 PDT > > > > > > 7/29/05 Source: Campaign For Truth > >>http://www.healthliesexposed.com/articles/article_2005_07_30_1631.shtml> > > > > > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise> > Speaking Out; Warns > > About National Crisis of Child-Drugging with> 'Kiddy> > Cocaine' and

> > Suicide-Inducing Antidepressants; > > > > The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a> > psychiatric watchdog > > group, said Tom Cruise's remarks on NBC's Today> Show> > (Friday, June 24) > > represent a growing public awareness about the> > national crisis of > > children and adults being prescribed mind-altering> > drugs. More than 8 > > million children in the United States now take> these> > drugs; millions > > more abuse them. Today the group released a White> > Paper on "Common > > Psychiatric Drugs and Their Effects" that educates> > people about the > > physically and mentally damaging effects of> > psychotropic drugs that are > > often prescribed for a "chemical imbalance"> medical> === message truncated




Start your day with - make it your home page

Start your day with - make it your home page

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Hi Gina,


I would love to see your website. Thanks for sharing it and for the info on how J might start one of his own. Yes, it's a small world, but often way too large as well! Ted was great. He is no longer a Michiganian either, but a Texan now. He had to leave his house in Chelsea because of black mold. They had to leave everything they owned behind, including his gold records, guitars, bows and guns for hunting, all their clothes. If they took anything from the house, they risked taking the mold with them as well. They ended up in Texas because his wife, Charmaine, got really sick from the mold and her doctors are down there.

The show was great. You couldn't move your foot on the hill at Pine Knob without stepping on someone. He did all the old classics though and everything else right to present time. He shot Saddaam Hussein with a bow and arrow, which I thought was great because I am an archer too! He's a great shot! And an awesome guitarist. I was home by 11:30 p.m. though. Big night out! I had fun though! I'll have to tell you sometime about how I was having breakfast with Bob Seger's wife and planning class parties and events for our children's 5th grade class for a full half of the school year before I knew who her husband was. They are just the coolest people. You would never know he's a rock n roll hall of fame legend, to just hang out and socialize with him. Anyway, I felt like an idiot because everyone else knew who Nita was but me! I never put the 2 and 2 together knowing her last name was Seger!


Blessings, ReneeGina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:



Well shoot a bit far I am in Iowa. I was born in Marquette ,Mich. I designed my own website at Tripod it was pretty easy if you like to take a look at mine to get an idea www.ginakopera.com The whole service is free unless you want to add things, I pay $8.95 a month so I can have my own domain (www.com) otherwise you get http:/blahblahblah and with everything else in between. How was Ted doing?


GinaRenee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:


Hi Gina,


I am in Michigan, Oakland County, close to the city of Pontiac. If you're not close perhaps I can have Jason post his story in his own words here. And, like me, he is always available on the phone. He does have a First Fitness website, but that is pretty much the same as mine. It's basically the company website for independent distributors. Jason did, however, create the website for the whole special education department of the South Lake School district, where we lived in St. Clair Shores while he was in high school. So he really should create his own web site in regard to autism and ADHD. I don't know why I never thought of that before (chemo brain!)! He keeps telling me "Mom, you're gonna have to stop using that chemo brain excuse and admit that it's your age!" I tell him as long as I can use chemo for an excuse, I don't have to admit anything about my age!!! Anyway, Jason's website is www.firstfitness.com/jchilton. And you are a good mom who is doing the right things for your son, in my opinion. Don't ever let anyone tell you differently. And if anyone does, oh well, that's their opinion, so don't let it bother you. Because someone else says something doesn't necessarily make it true! Let me know if I can put you in contact with Jason somehow. He would be very open to it.


Blessings, Renee

Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:



Thank You so much. I needed to hear that, it brought tears to my eyes. Does you son have a website? Just out of curiosity if you were close I loved to hear your son speak. Can I ask you what state you live in?


GinaRenee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:

Hi Gina, My gosh, poor kid! Ouch! When my 5 year old had herseizure about a month ago, she complained that herhead hurt just minutes before her seizure. My son isautistic, very high functioning, and ADHD. He is 22yrs. old now. He was on Ritalin for 11 years, startingat age 4. He always felt drugged and zombied out. Hebegged me for years to take him off the Ritalin. Thatis the exact reason he won't take the lexapro now. Hestill uses his nutritional protocol for both the ADHDand for occassional depression. After my cancer he hada rather serious bout with depression. But while I wassick, he took over 110% of my responsiblities,including becoming an instant 18 year old singleparent to his 8 yr old and 16 month old sisters for 7months! It's no wonder he got depressed! When I took Jason off

Ritalin when he was 14, Ididn't tell his doctor either. I know what he wouldhave said. Doctors want people on drugs. They getperks from the pharmaceutical companies forprescribing their medications. And don't even get mestarted on those other rip off artists who prey on theneeds and desperation of sick people - thepharmaceutical companies!!! Jason now talks to everyone he can, doctors,parents, teachers - anyone who will listen, aboutgetting kids off of drugs and putting them onnutrition. He relates his own experiences to them. Theprogress he made after stopping the ritalin is utterlyamazing. I believe the nutrition also helped with someof the characteristics of the autism too, because heis so much more social and willing to talk to people,even strangers! When my daughter was born with a sacro-coccygealteratoma tumor, which was surgically removed at 3 daysold, I started giving

her 3 of my supplements as soonas I got her past the doors of the NICU! I never toldher doctors either. But when they commented on what aremarkably fast recovery she made, I just gloated insilence! I must run for now. Ted Nugent is waiting for me!(yeah, right!) I'm long overdue for a night out withno kids! I value every precious second I have with mykids because doctors told me I wouldn't be here todayto raise them. But I still need a small break everyonce in a while! You're a good mom, Gina. Keep up thegood work and don't waste anymore mental energyworrying about what anyone else thinks! God Bless!Blessings, Renee--- Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:> Hi Renee,> I know with my son the drugs made him drugged out,> it slowed him down and my guess maybe it gave his> brain a break enough to help it heal. Once in awhile> he complains of

headache, (like today) I don't know> if he is crying wolf or not. He is fine right now(> hour later) But as far as the injury he was elbowed> by an adult right between the eyebrows and nailed> the following week in the same spot with a baseball.> When the seizure were over he was holding his> forehead right were the injury happened. So after> his headache episode I gave him another talk that I> will help but he is going to have to take> responsibility for what he is eating. When I tried> to control that before I was going absolutely crazy,> that wasn't good for anyone. And as far as the> doctors I have not been back with him for a check> up. From what I have learned it is better to just> drop gently out, I am afraid it will make many> upset.> What happened to your son?> Have a great time at the Concert!!> > Gina> >

> Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:> Hi Gina,> > Alot of the consumers I work with in the mental> health job take depakote for seizure disorders.> These> are all adults, they all hate it and don't feel they> need it. But it is an absolute requirement for them> to> be on drugs in order to get mental health services> from the core providers, like Easter Seals. It makes> me sick! My son gets services from Easter Seals and> they insist that he be on Lexapro, even though two> other psychiatrists told him he doesn't need> medications within a month before he went to Easter> Seals. He takes the prescription and gets it filled,> but doesn't take the Lexapro.> What sort of head injury did your son have? What> did the doctors do (or what are they doing) about> the> injury other than just

prescribing depakote to> control> the seizures? It makes me angry that doctors> prescribe> drugs to deal with symptoms but fail to treat the> underlying cause of the symptoms. It seems if they> address the healing of the injury, the seizures> would> stop and he wouldn't need the depakote! And a no> sugar> diet is just a good idea for any child, especially a> child with ADHD. I just got something in my email> box> from "Emotional Health" about ADHD in children too.> I> haven't read it yet, but if it's good, I'll post it!> I think you are doing the right things with your> son. You are his mother and you know him better than> anyone else. When I work with the ADHD kids and> their> families, one of the things I do with them is a> colon> detox, like the herbal laxative you mentioned. It is> really

beneficial to those particular kids. I'll> post> the rest of that story soon. I was hoping to do it> today, but I got invited to go out and see Ted> Nugent> tonight so I may not get to it until tomorrow!> Anyway,> you keep up the good work with your son. Continue to> trust your own instincts.> > Blessings, Renee> > --- Gina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote:> > > Hi,> > My son started having seizures a year ago after> > being hit in the head. I did try the whole> > alternative route for several weeks with good> > results, but I could not convince the world to not> > give him sugar, so therefore I was going crazy.> Well> > as seizures persisted he ended going on Depakote.> > You want to see a fairly bright child sure take a> > dive school suffered, but he did not have another>

> seizure after starting the depakote, he took it> for> > several months faithfully, then it started> becoming> > a hit or miss situation on taking those drugs.> > Grades dramatically improved. You have to remember> > this isn't my choose and it broke my heart, all> > these people have seen me heal myself and yet> > wouldn't help me out including my husband, just to> > follow a diet, NO SUGAR. Then I found out what a> big> > deal that is to everyone.> > Now for the rest of my story. No drugs this whole> > summer. I gave him Super food everyday and> echinecea> > + for children and a herbal laxative for children> > occasionally. I agreed to not say a thing about> what> > else he consumes as long as he took those things.> He> > had two episode but I don't know if it was> seizures>

> or not. He threw up and then went right to bed and> > slept for awhile.> > But I can only hope my son becomes advocate of> not> > being on drugs, he sure did not like that> Depakote,> > made him dopey> > > > Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:> > Good info Kel. I am getting caught up again and> > realize you posted this a couple of weeks ago.> > > > My son was on Ritalin for 11 years. He hated it. I> > was thrilled to discover an ADHD protocol of> > nutrition had been developed with my own First> > Fitness supplements. I took Jason off Ritalin> > (without his doctor's advice, because I knew what> > the doctor would say!) and put him on the> nutrition> > protocol. The progress he made with the nutrition> > was astonishing. I will write that out in a story>

> when I have time and post it. Today, at age 22,> > Jason talks to everyone he can about getting kids> > off of drugs and on nutrition. We both push the> > nutritional protocol as much as possible to> doctors,> > parents and anyone else who will listen. I urge> > everyone who has an interest to look at the> website:> > www.ritalindeath.com. It is horrifying to think> this> > could have happened to my own child. Thanks again,> > Kel, for this very important info. We have created> a> > country full of drugged up, zombie kids. Jason> > wasn't able to join any branch of military service> > because he took Ritalin beyond the age of 12. We> > crusasade to keep our middle school and high> school> > aged kids off of drugs, but then we put our very> > young children (Jason was 4!) on drugs! Am I the>

> only one who thinks something is wrong with this> > picture? I'm willing to bet I'm not!> > > > Blessings, Renee> > > > "Kelly W." <kellykebby wrote:> > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom> > Cruise Speaking Out> > > > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise> > Speaking Out JoAnn > > Guest Aug 14, 2005 14:39 PDT > > > > > > 7/29/05 Source: Campaign For Truth > >>http://www.healthliesexposed.com/articles/article_2005_07_30_1631.shtml> > > > > > Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise> > Speaking Out; Warns > > About National Crisis of Child-Drugging with> 'Kiddy> > Cocaine' and

> > Suicide-Inducing Antidepressants; > > > > The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a> > psychiatric watchdog > > group, said Tom Cruise's remarks on NBC's Today> Show> > (Friday, June 24) > > represent a growing public awareness about the> > national crisis of > > children and adults being prescribed mind-altering> > drugs. More than 8 > > million children in the United States now take> these> > drugs; millions > > more abuse them. Today the group released a White> > Paper on "Common > > Psychiatric Drugs and Their Effects" that educates> > people about the > > physically and mentally damaging effects of> > psychotropic drugs that are > > often prescribed for a "chemical imbalance"> medical> === message truncated




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