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Avery: Sugar addiction and ADHD info

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Hi Avery,


Sorry, I'm a day late and a dollar short as usual! The first thing I want to recommend are a couple of good books for your sugar addiction and your son's ADHD. First is a book called "Lick the Sugar Habit" by Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. I got this book at least 10 years ago and I still see it in most health food stores today. I have to be honest here. I didn't completely eliminate all sugar until my cancer was diagnosed. This book was a great start for me though, so when I was diagnosed, it wasn't that hard to completely eliminate the sugar. I do admit that once in a blue moon I still may pop a creme saver into my mouth or something, but not often.

Next, a couple of good books for addressing diet for ADHD are "The ADD and ADHD Diet" by Rachel Bell and Dr. Howard Peiper, and "Enzymes for Autism and other Neurological Conditions" by Karen DeFelice, which has a section on ADHD and also food intolerences and chemical sensitivities. I also have DR. Feingold's "The Feingold Diet". It's a good book, but I found other nutritional avenues that worked better for my son. That is where I started though, with the Feingold diet, when Jason was only 4 years old.

I would like to get Jason, now 22 years old, on here to tell his story in his own words. When I took him off the ritalin and put him on the nutritional protocol, I used the same supplements that I used to battle my cancer. This includes colon detoxification, so you are on the right track. You can find the products on my website at www.firstfitness.com/thin4life or on Jason's (which is basically the same as mine) www.firstfitness.com/jchilton

If you would like to try the protocol, I would be more than happy to give you my distributor discount on the products (they aren't expensive to begin with), like I do for all cancer patients and anyone with other life threatening or altering illnesses. Jason and I both now go out and talk to doctors, teachers, parents, etc., to get kids oof of drugs and on nutrition. As far as colon detox, I recommend my supplement Reneu, just like I've recommended it to everyone else here on the site, I think. My cancer doctors say Reneu is responsible for keeping my cancer from advancing further into my colon and into my lymphatic system. The environment in my colon was just not conducive to the cancer being able to thrive and survive in there. And even after the cancer that the docs said would kill me within six months (that was 3 and 1/2 years ago!) my colon is still about 30 years younger than I am! So it is just like a reflex almost for me to recommend that product! But anyway, here is the

First Fitness ADHD protocol:


First Fitness A.D.D. Protocol





3 oz. At breakfast


Vital Green

1 at breakfast, 1 at bedtime


Body FX

1 shake for breakfast

6 hour time released perfect nutrition


Kids under 80 lbs:


Fit to a Tea - daily

Bionic – ½ oz. daily



Kids over 80 lbs:


Reneu – 1 at bedtime

Bionic Tonic – 1 oz daily


If you would like to try it, let me know so I can get you my discount on the products. I don't recommend my supplements to make a profit, but to help those who really need help. It is a very profitable business though to everyone else who is more business minded than me. I am just a nurturer by nature though! I am going to get Jason on here to tell his own ADHD and autism success stories too. He loves to share and help just like his dear old mom! (Actually, I'm only 43 so it will be a long time before this dear mom gets old!)

Blessings, Renee



idesign61204 <averylt wrote:

Hi I am very new to natural healing and I have just ready natural cures they don't want you to know about. Also I have started colon cleansing from dr.natura. What I need the most is the best book to read on detoxing. Also I need to know what, if anything, I can do or take to help me stop the sugar cravings. I am addited to sugar. it is my drug of choice. I feel helpless to stop the craving. I am also taking a yeast pill to help with yeast overgrowth. one more thing.......sorry....... My 7 year old son has ADHD and is on stratera. I can not take him off it without knowing if there is a natural book or something to help him. If anyone has faced this problem or else knows what to read PLEASE PLEASE help me. Thanks so muchAvery

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Hi again,


One thing I forgot to mention with the supplements is that on the products page the ingredients of each products are listed. If you have any concerns, you can print that info and take it to your son's doctor. Honestly though, I didn't tell Jason's doctors I was taking him off ritalin. I knew what their response would be, so I just did it. I did do it under the advice and recommendations of a dear friend, Dr. Silva, Ph.D., in Dallas, who has two doctrates in nutrition. Her husband is also a registered pharmacist. They have a clinic in Dallas (actually South Lake, TX) and use First Fitness supplements exclusively there.

If you don't want to tell your son's doctor that you want to take him off the stratera, you can still take the product ingredients list to the doc and tell him you want to add some nutritional supplements to your son's diet and ask him if there is anything in them that will harm him in anyway. I've never had a doctor tell anyone not to use the products because they are all natural and there is nothing in them that will harm them. All the F.D.A. required labeling is on them anyway. It is always best to do something like this under your doctor's supervision, but most doctors will say No! don't take your child of of drugs! So if you choose to do it on your own, start him on the supplements and gradually decrease the amount of statera he takes. It shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to ween him off of it.

I also used three of the supplements listed in the ADHD protocol with my daughter when she was only 2 weeks old, again under the advice of Dr. E. She was born with a rare sacro-coccygeal teratoma tumor. It was surgically removed when she was 3 days old. There was still a great chance that the tumor would return, malignant the second time. So as soon as I got here past the doors of the NICU, I started putting Bionic Tonic and Body FX shakes in her bottles of breast milk. I also gave her Biomega from a medicine dropper. I had been to a lecture given by an alternative medicine oncologist not long before that. He was not involoved with the First Fitness company, but said we had everything in our products that he uses with his cancer patients. His name is Dr. Gary Tunsky. He also told of an alternative medicine pediatric oncologist who used Bionic Tonic with her infant patients, putting it in their bottles of formula, with great success. I never told Noelle's

doctors I was giving her the products. But when they commented on what a remarkably fast recovery she made, I just gloated in silence! Noelle is 5 now, the tumor has never returned and she still insists on having her Biomega and Body FX shakes everyday (which says something about the good taste of the products!)

I work everyday with mental health consumers, all adults, whose biggest complaints are about being on medications they feel they don't need. But in order to get mental health services from the core providers like Easter Seals, it is a requirement for them to be on medications. Some of them do really need meds, even if they think they don't, but alot of them don't need them. They just take them so they can get the other services they need from the core providers. My son gets services from Easter Seals. They insist that he take Lexapro, an anti depressant, even though 2 different psychiatrists said he doesn't need meds just within a month before he started going to Easter Seals. So he goes for his med revues and gets his script and has it filled, but he doesn't actually take the meds! 11 years of Ritalin was enough for him! And he still uses the supplements for his ADHD and also for his periodic bouts with depression.

I hope some of this info helps you to make informed decisions regarding your son's and your own health. Please let me know if I can be of any further help, information or support.


Blessings, ReneeRenee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:


Hi Avery,


Sorry, I'm a day late and a dollar short as usual! The first thing I want to recommend are a couple of good books for your sugar addiction and your son's ADHD. First is a book called "Lick the Sugar Habit" by Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. I got this book at least 10 years ago and I still see it in most health food stores today. I have to be honest here. I didn't completely eliminate all sugar until my cancer was diagnosed. This book was a great start for me though, so when I was diagnosed, it wasn't that hard to completely eliminate the sugar. I do admit that once in a blue moon I still may pop a creme saver into my mouth or something, but not often.

Next, a couple of good books for addressing diet for ADHD are "The ADD and ADHD Diet" by Rachel Bell and Dr. Howard Peiper, and "Enzymes for Autism and other Neurological Conditions" by Karen DeFelice, which has a section on ADHD and also food intolerences and chemical sensitivities. I also have DR. Feingold's "The Feingold Diet". It's a good book, but I found other nutritional avenues that worked better for my son. That is where I started though, with the Feingold diet, when Jason was only 4 years old.

I would like to get Jason, now 22 years old, on here to tell his story in his own words. When I took him off the ritalin and put him on the nutritional protocol, I used the same supplements that I used to battle my cancer. This includes colon detoxification, so you are on the right track. You can find the products on my website at www.firstfitness.com/thin4life or on Jason's (which is basically the same as mine) www.firstfitness.com/jchilton

If you would like to try the protocol, I would be more than happy to give you my distributor discount on the products (they aren't expensive to begin with), like I do for all cancer patients and anyone with other life threatening or altering illnesses. Jason and I both now go out and talk to doctors, teachers, parents, etc., to get kids oof of drugs and on nutrition. As far as colon detox, I recommend my supplement Reneu, just like I've recommended it to everyone else here on the site, I think. My cancer doctors say Reneu is responsible for keeping my cancer from advancing further into my colon and into my lymphatic system. The environment in my colon was just not conducive to the cancer being able to thrive and survive in there. And even after the cancer that the docs said would kill me within six months (that was 3 and 1/2 years ago!) my colon is still about 30 years younger than I am! So it is just like a reflex almost for me to recommend that product! But anyway, here is the

First Fitness ADHD protocol:


First Fitness A.D.D. Protocol





3 oz. At breakfast


Vital Green

1 at breakfast, 1 at bedtime


Body FX

1 shake for breakfast

6 hour time released perfect nutrition


Kids under 80 lbs:


Fit to a Tea - daily

Bionic – ½ oz. daily



Kids over 80 lbs:


Reneu – 1 at bedtime

Bionic Tonic – 1 oz daily


If you would like to try it, let me know so I can get you my discount on the products. I don't recommend my supplements to make a profit, but to help those who really need help. It is a very profitable business though to everyone else who is more business minded than me. I am just a nurturer by nature though! I am going to get Jason on here to tell his own ADHD and autism success stories too. He loves to share and help just like his dear old mom! (Actually, I'm only 43 so it will be a long time before this dear mom gets old!)

Blessings, Renee



idesign61204 <averylt wrote:

Hi I am very new to natural healing and I have just ready natural cures they don't want you to know about. Also I have started colon cleansing from dr.natura. What I need the most is the best book to read on detoxing. Also I need to know what, if anything, I can do or take to help me stop the sugar cravings. I am addited to sugar. it is my drug of choice. I feel helpless to stop the craving. I am also taking a yeast pill to help with yeast overgrowth. one more thing.......sorry....... My 7 year old son has ADHD and is on stratera. I can not take him off it without knowing if there is a natural book or something to help him. If anyone has faced this problem or else knows what to read PLEASE PLEASE help me. Thanks so muchAvery

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Thank you for all this great information Renee. Kel




--- Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:


> Hi Avery,


> Sorry, I'm a day late and a dollar short as

> usual! The first thing I want to recommend are a


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It's both my pleasure and my moral obligation! Blessings, Renee"Kelly W." <kellykebby wrote:

Thank you for all this great information Renee. Kel--- Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:> Hi Avery,> > Sorry, I'm a day late and a dollar short as> usual! The first thing I want to recommend are a>

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