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Sylvia Browne's Life Themes

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I found the book Life on the Other Side. Sylvia lists only the most common Life themes. You can have more then one Life Theme & we can create positive or negative results. I gave a quick explanation, not the full one. We have Secondary themes, but she does not list them. The life themes are:

Activator: (troubleshooters,gradification in getting the job done & done right)

Aesthetic Pursuits: (A drive to create beauty, many are artists, dancers, in theatre, musicians, writers, architecture...)

Analyzer: (researcher, need to understand, brilliant with technical work)

Banner Carrier: (picketers, demonstraters, lobbyists)

Builder: (behind the scenes heroes of society)

Catalyst: (here to inspire, mobilize & make things happen)

Cause Fighter: (they are the generals, compete & attract attention)

Controller: (organize, supervise, delegate)

Emotionality: (extraordinary ability to feel intensely, from highest to lowest)

Experiencer: (insatiable urge to indulge in any pursuit, variety & praticipation)

Fallibility: (Most advanced spirits willingly take on this theme & choose to be born with physical, mental, or emotional challenges.

Follower: (leaders could not exist without the follower. They can be a powerful force giving support where it is needed)

Harmony: (requires peace, calm & balance. Settle misunderstandings & restore order to chaotic situations)

Healer: (devoted to easing pain & improving physical & emotional well-being for humankind. Have to learn balance bet. empathy & objectivity, & to cope with the intense stress this theme subjects them to)

Humanitarian: (they don't talk, they take action. They are too busy on the frontlines, facing problems head-on. They are fearless & aggressive in helping others. They have to learn to pace themselves)

Infallibility: (Born with every possible advantage. They inspire envy & resentment, there problems are rarely taken seriously. Vulnerable to self destructive behavior & excesses)

Intellectuality: (driven by insatiable need to study & expand there knowledge)

Irritant: (negative, always peeved, complaining, eager to find fault with others)

Justice: (endless pursuit of fairness & an active outrage against inequity)

Lawfulness: (committed to defending the law, peace officers, lawyers, judges, law professors, public servants....)

Leader: (they choose leadership roles in established areas)

Loner: (they are not anti-social, but they are most relaxed & comfortable when alone)

Loser: (insistent on being the underdog, find situations to squander there advantages & then blame everyone for there hardships. Easily bored if no melodrama in their lives & so they create it or find it)

Manipulator: (Uniquely gifted with ability to control peoples actions & emotions to their advantage. Self centered & a power game)

Passivity: ( Extreme sensivity to emotional discord & nonconfrontational. They express there opinions calmly)

Patience: (They are aspiring for high advancement, few virtues are harder to find & maintain on earth)

Pawn: (they perform a critical function. Their willingness to be manipulated, a significant catalyst in a large event, for better or for worse. Like the Pawn Judas who betrayed Christ)

Peacemaker: (they are zealous in their abhorence of violence & war, can be radical in trying to end them. A passion for peace)

Performer: (they crave the spolight. Can be the class clown, prakster, the biggest spender.... Too often dependent on others for their opinion of themselves)

Persecution: (spend there lives in a tense, perpetual cringe, the next blow, the next disaster. They avoid happiness, there convinced it will be taken away. Misfortune is there comfort zone)

Persecutor: (they are self justifying, remorseless sociopaths.

Poverty: (It does not have anything to do with abence of money & possessions. It can manifest in anyone who maintains a constant attitude of deprivation.

Psychic: (they face enormous disapproval or are accused of being mentally disturbed as children. 2 biggest hurdles are learning to use their gifts to better the human condition, rather then scam or manipulate, & remembering their gift of helping belongs to God, not to them)

Rejection: (includes the choice of a childhood in which estrangement or abandoment will play a major role)

Rescuer: (driven to rusg to the aid of anyone they perceive to be a victim. Drawn toward weakness & helplessness & excel in a crisis. Selfless heroes)

Responsibility: (to do with an actual emotional requirement. At their happiest Tackling & completing projects. Challenge is controlling the stress)

Spirituality: (It drives a relentless search for spiritual peace of mind & access to feeling directly connected to God)

Survival: (choosing to approach their lifetime as one long endurance test. They are serious, lack the sense of humor, melodramatic. Devoting all there energy to defending their lives)

Temperance: (innate disinterest in anything addictive. Have to constantly work against giving into addiction. Refusal to fall victim to there vulnerability. they can become fearful)

Tolerance: (have to guard against tendency to tolerate as much of life as possible, including intolerable & unacceptable. Have to learn to be selective, or will resort to isolating themselves. Most valuable when used with moderation)

Victim: (Chosen by the most highly advanced spirits, devote their incarnation to scrificing themselves for the bettement of humankind. They are the abuse & murder victims, especially children. There lives are not wasted, they live on as brilliant inspirations for earth & the otherside)

Victimizer: (collecting anyone over whom they can gain complete control, out of a voracious need to see their own absolute power)

Warrior: (they become the heroes who step up with anonymous courage to go where they are needed. There firefighters, paramedics, honest policemen, astronauts, pioneers, teachers, explorers, researchers, servicemen..... Devoted & Risk takers)

Winner: (they don't always win, they always maintain an overwhelming compulsion to win. Unrealisitc optimists. They can develop amnesia about a loss, & convice themselves the next time will bring them luck, happiness, security. They can become desperate & dependent)










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