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Ordering Herbs

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Dear Herbalists,

I DO understand the desire to rush off and order herbs and get them

delivered in pretty packets BUT - pause - look around you.. Do you see

earth and grass?

If you have a space of ground that is 10 ft by 5 ft, then you have

enough space to grow all the herbs that you will need for your family

and you will be able to make gifts for friends or sell some.

Here is a site that can give you some information on

this.....http://www.merlin.net.au/~arachne/reearth.html .

I live in a Mobile Home park - I have very little land to plant but

I grow over 50 species of herbs. I wild craft quite a lot in undeveloped

land near me.

Admittedly - it is Florida - but we have the tremendous heat and

drought to contend with (that lost me about 20 herbs this summer).

I recycle all my vegetable wastes in an old trash can punched with

holes at the back which gives me the richest compost.....

Grow what YOU can.

Not only will you have the best quality herbs, but you will be

creating clean air, more butterflies and nourishing the earth.

Catalogues are great to look through, but bare feet on the earth ,

your hands covered in soil and breathing the air around the herbs is

priceless........Love Penny (with " just planted " two hanging baskets of

lobelia seeds in the spare bedroom etc..)

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Right on sister. This is one of the reasons I moved to New Mexico where the laws are saner.


Even though it's 25°F outside now, Valorie and I have Habaneros, and Basil growing in a window as I write, and were still not completely unpacked. Soon to be planted are Prickly Pear and a few others as time allows.


More importantly if the Pharmaceuticals, AMA, FDA, etc. should ever get laws passed which would outlaw herbal preparation sales (so that only MDs could prescribe, and only pharmaceuticals could harvest, prepare and sell), (not too farfetched after what happened in Florida), the only way to fight back would be to have each of us with our own little patch of herbs, and a wildcrafting society spreading the word of natural health here in the land of the free.


This is one of the reasons I broadly publish my successful formulae to this list and to anyone who asks for them. Doc Christopher was busted 6 times by the Feds for saving people's lives and at one time, he and his entire family was living in and out of his two cars. I'd never underestimate the length that the Pharmaceuticals, AMA, and the FDA would go to crush our movement, and I don't consider it science fiction that there might possibly come a time when the only way to get an herbal preparation is by trading an herb that "Sally" grew for an herb that "George" grew.


If each and everyone of us encouraged our family and friends to grow their own, the big ogres above wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of supressing the movement and Americans would become a lot healthier to boot.


I think it's very admirable that you grow that many herbs on such a small plot that you have.






Ian Shillington N.D.Dr.IanShillington



Penny Khaled

herbal remedies

Friday, December 15, 2000 3:45 PM

[herbal remedies] Ordering Herbs

Dear Herbalists, I DO understand the desire to rush off and order herbs and get themdelivered in pretty packets BUT - pause - look around you.. Do you seeearth and grass? If you have a space of ground that is 10 ft by 5 ft, then you haveenough space to grow all the herbs that you will need for your familyand you will be able to make gifts for friends or sell some. Here is a site that can give you some information onthis.....http://www.merlin.net.au/~arachne/reearth.html . I live in a Mobile Home park - I have very little land to plant butI grow over 50 species of herbs. I wild craft quite a lot in undevelopedland near me. Admittedly - it is Florida - but we have the tremendous heat anddrought to contend with (that lost me about 20 herbs this summer). I recycle all my vegetable wastes in an old trash can punched withholes at the back which gives me the richest compost..... Grow what YOU can. Not only will you have the best quality herbs, but you will becreating clean air, more butterflies and nourishing the earth. Catalogues are great to look through, but bare feet on the earth ,your hands covered in soil and breathing the air around the herbs ispriceless........Love Penny (with "just planted "two hanging baskets oflobelia seeds in the spare bedroom etc..)Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of Naturopathyian_shillington

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