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People often think the answer to good health or a cure

for an ailment is

vitamin pills or some expensive product from the

health food store. Even sometimes herbs in the form

of tablets (I prefer tea infusions or

decoctions or tinctures) whereas whilst all these

things may help in alot of instances,

and I've met people who've testified to this, I think

a person can get better results and faster healing

when they refer back to their kitchen and some answers

are found in our food and proper nutritional juice



I believe proper nutritional fasting gets rid of allot


disease. I think that some Naturopaths are getting

like Doctors in that

they're always pushing some product and are veering

away from simple

treatments and remedies. I rarely hear Natropaths

today recommending a

juice fast and refer people back to their kitchens.


" The first thing an animal does when it is sick is

stop eating. They fast

themselves. Likewise, the first thing we need to do

when we don't feel well

is: stop food. There are a lot of reasons for that.

Food takes a tremendous

amount of energy to digest--and that's blood and

energy. Our digestive

system, basically the muscles and the tissues, fill

with blood. When you

stop eating, your digestive system rests, and all that

blood and energy can

be put somewhere else to heal you.


People have said to me, " What do I do for this

particular disease? " Juice

fasting. " What do I do for degeneration? " Juice

fasting. " What do I do for

heart disease? " Juice fasting.


Juice fasting is for the incurables. Juice fasting is

the answer, because it

allows your body to rest - and it lets your body

choose what it wants to



If you just keep cramming food down your mouth, you'll

just get more tired.

Your body has to digest large amounts of food, and

it's the opposite of what

you should do when you're not well.


Juices flush and cleanse the organs of the body.

Juices are enzyme therapy.

Juices contain gigantic amounts of enzymes. And a lot

of people nowadays are

taking enzymes because of the benefits, but you don't

have to, they're in

the juices. Enzymes are heat sensitive, meaning

that when you cook food,

you destroy all the enzymes. Now, when you eat that

food or juice, it's

okay. Your body will produce enzymes in order for you

to digest that food.

But when your body does that - it can't do something

else. It only has a

limited amount of energy. So, one of the things

that juices do, because

they are loaded with enzymes, is they give your body a

vacation. Most of

us live enzyme-free diets. If all we eat is cooked

food, there are no

enzymes in it. By supplying your body with high doses

of enzymes, it gives

many of your organs like your pancreas, your liver,

your digestive system a

holiday, because they don't have to try to manufacture

chemicals that are

coming in through your juices. "


The above quotes came from Dr Schulze found at the

following website;









Ariadne - Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/athens/agora/7732/health.html







Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.


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