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  Ian, I found this at Dr. Weil's website.


psychoacoustics (the new scientific field that studies the effects of

sound on consciousness). The music will lead you to a place where

healing can occur.

Music can be a powerful healing modality. Classical music scores that

approximate the rhythm of the resting heart (70 beats per minute) can

actually slow a heart that is beating too rapidly.

I'm certainly not the first person to recognize the healing benefits of

music. Egyptian physicians prescribed chants for various conditions as

long ago as 3,500 B.C. The ancient Chinese connected " music " , " medicine "

and " emotions " in their written symbols. The major part of the Chinese

character for " medicine " is the same as the Chinese character for

" music, " and " music " and " happiness " share the same Chinese character.

So, music as medicine is not new. But innovative recording technology is

new and exciting. With the help of my collaborators (composer Joshua

Leeds and brainwave expert Anna Wise) I was able to use that technology

and combine it with information from research in brainwave biofeedback

that has occurred over the past 30 years. The result is a unique CD,

containing beat frequencies to influence brainwaves, that allows you to

enter states of consciousness different from your normal waking state.

In these states, close to unconsciousness but focused and still

retaining connections to awareness, positive changes can take place.

The music is beautiful and will make you feel good -- secure and happy

-- creating an emotional climate for deep relaxation. While it's

intended for everyone, it may be especially helpful for people who are

in pain or sick or facing surgery or who simply feel the stress of

life's daily challenges. Stress is a primary or aggravating cause of

most illness, and frequently obstructs the body's effort to return to a

state of health. When you are deeply relaxed, the positive emotions

generated by the music can pass into your body, helping it along the

road to recovery, as well as to creativity and productivity.

I've said it in " Spontaneous Healing " , and it's worth repeating: I've

learned that you are your own physician and can heal yourself. The trick

is to get your ego out of the way, get your concepts out of the way and

just let the body heal itself. It knows how to do it. " Sound Body, Sound

Mind " is designed to help you do just that.




Take good care.



Renee and Jerry

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Thanks hon.


I appreciate it.






Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D.505-772-5889Dr.IanShillington





Thursday, January 11, 2001 6:19 PM

[herbal remedies] music

Ian, I found this at Dr. Weil's website.psychoacoustics (the new scientific field that studies the effects ofsound on consciousness). The music will lead you to a place wherehealing can occur. Music can be a powerful healing modality. Classical music scores thatapproximate the rhythm of the resting heart (70 beats per minute) canactually slow a heart that is beating too rapidly.I'm certainly not the first person to recognize the healing benefits ofmusic. Egyptian physicians prescribed chants for various conditions aslong ago as 3,500 B.C. The ancient Chinese connected "music", "medicine"and "emotions" in their written symbols. The major part of the Chinesecharacter for "medicine" is the same as the Chinese character for"music," and "music" and "happiness" share the same Chinese character. So, music as medicine is not new. But innovative recording technology isnew and exciting. With the help of my collaborators (composer JoshuaLeeds and brainwave expert Anna Wise) I was able to use that technologyand combine it with information from research in brainwave biofeedbackthat has occurred over the past 30 years. The result is a unique CD,containing beat frequencies to influence brainwaves, that allows you toenter states of consciousness different from your normal waking state.In these states, close to unconsciousness but focused and stillretaining connections to awareness, positive changes can take place. The music is beautiful and will make you feel good -- secure and happy-- creating an emotional climate for deep relaxation. While it'sintended for everyone, it may be especially helpful for people who arein pain or sick or facing surgery or who simply feel the stress oflife's daily challenges. Stress is a primary or aggravating cause ofmost illness, and frequently obstructs the body's effort to return to astate of health. When you are deeply relaxed, the positive emotionsgenerated by the music can pass into your body, helping it along theroad to recovery, as well as to creativity and productivity. I've said it in "Spontaneous Healing", and it's worth repeating: I'velearned that you are your own physician and can heal yourself. The trickis to get your ego out of the way, get your concepts out of the way andjust let the body heal itself. It knows how to do it. "Sound Body, SoundMind" is designed to help you do just that. Take good care.Love, Renee and JerryFederal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of Naturopathyian_shillington

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