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Blood Types

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Dear Herbalists,

This letter was written by Sharon on another list - I felt it was

such a good letter that I am forwarding it you you all.....Any

comments?........Love Penny


Carolyn, I too have heard of this blood type theory. It says

that people with different blood types would be healthier on

different diets. Like the " O " type should be carnivorous and

some of the other types should be vegetarian. There is

probably no one diet that is ideal for everyone. However,

although we are not all the same, we are all human beings.

As such, we are not so different as to have one group

anatomically and physiologically vegetarians, and another

group anatomically and physiologically carnivorous. That

much of a difference would more likely define two different

species. If the theory were true and the genes for blood

type were associated with genes for carnivorous or

vegetarian diets, then you also might expect genes for the

following attributes to be associated with meat eating: large

canine teeth that would enable those with type " O " blood to

be able to jump on the back of a cow and bite a chunk out of

its hide; a short intestinal tract to speed up the passage of

meat to prevent it from putrefying in the bowel; and an

unlimited capacity for metabolizing cholesterol.

(Incidentally I was at a church dinner function last night and

five of the other six people at my table were on cholesterol

lowering medication). Beings these physical attributes do

not appear to be present in most of those humans with type

" O " blood, there does not appear to be two different species

of humans. I believe the state of our digestive systems

determines what foods agree with us and what foods do not.

If we have abuse our digestion through improper eating, we

are very limited. All one has to do is take a walk down an

isle of any drugstore to see the many many digestive aids on

the market. No I don't believe I can buy into this blood type




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I dunno...type " o " is the hunter gatherer type..the oldest blood type.

I am type O...O negative...and I am not much of a hunter, but I am a


Nuts are a large part of my diet...nuts and stuff I tend to gather rather

than grow, in a lot of ways. I CAN eat anything, I have a strong digestive

system..in and out, you know...

except for tomatoes mixed with starches...that stuff is toxic to me. I

never pay attention to cholesterol, and think that people who avoid it are

more likely to have problems (my family experience proves that point to

me..my sister avoided it completely and it is now totally out of balance in

her as a result).


I never could get far in reading the Eat Right for Your Blood Type book,

though...the basic theory seemed to conflict with the list of food, in my

mind...I just think that the basic theory makes some sense to me.



>Carolyn, I too have heard of this blood type theory. It says

>that people with different blood types would be healthier on

>different diets

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I have heard both positive and negative on this issue.. A friend of mine swears by this program. She said it worked so well for her. Of course she was one of the veggie types. Coincidentally, I am O+ and happen to have had 2 sets of canine teeth on the top and bottom which were removed because my mouth was too small. (despite my parents insisting that my mouth was very large LOL). I also have a very low cholesterol level at each annual physical. Just noting similarities made, I haven't tried this program myself so I can not give real life experience.


Love and Blessings,


If the theory were true and the genes for bloodtype were associated with genes for carnivorous orvegetarian diets, then you also might expect genes for thefollowing attributes to be associated with meat eating: largecanine teeth that would enable those with type "O" blood tobe able to jump on the back of a cow and bite a chunk out ofits hide; a short intestinal tract to speed up the passage ofmeat to prevent it from putrefying in the bowel; and anunlimited capacity for metabolizing cholesterol.

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Penny, I wonder about all this stuff we hear about blood type diet etc. My dad is 81, has eaten meat,cheese, and pretty much what he's wanted all his life. He's not sick, and he doesn't have high blood pressure. He's never drank or smoked, and he rides his bicycle up and down the road out here once every couple days picking up aluminum cans. He's worked physically hard all his life (still does), and thinks my interest in herbs is silly. Bring on the greens with plenty of bacon please!Mom, is another story, she's battled heart problems all her life, but then she took strong diet pills back in the 50's which screwed up her heart somehow(enlarged heart) I'm glad to not be sick or have high blood pressure at 49. I am fat though, but mainly vegan. So who knows. I have a hard time believing that blood type diet. My grandmother and great grandmother lived to 99. How much longer do we want to live anyhow?




Penny Khaled

herbal remedies

Sunday, February 11, 2001 5:41 PM

[herbal remedies] Blood Types

Dear Herbalists, This letter was written by Sharon on another list - I felt it wassuch a good letter that I am forwarding it you you all.....Anycomments?........Love PennyCarolyn, I too have heard of this blood type theory. It saysthat people with different blood types would be healthier ondifferent diets. Like the "O" type should be carnivorous andsome of the other types should be vegetarian. There isprobably no one diet that is ideal for everyone. However,although we are not all the same, we are all human beings.As such, we are not so different as to have one groupanatomically and physiologically vegetarians, and anothergroup anatomically and physiologically carnivorous. Thatmuch of a difference would more likely define two differentspecies. If the theory were true and the genes for bloodtype were associated with genes for carnivorous orvegetarian diets, then you also might expect genes for thefollowing attributes to be associated with meat eating: largecanine teeth that would enable those with type "O" blood tobe able to jump on the back of a cow and bite a chunk out ofits hide; a short intestinal tract to speed up the passage ofmeat to prevent it from putrefying in the bowel; and anunlimited capacity for metabolizing cholesterol.(Incidentally I was at a church dinner function last night andfive of the other six people at my table were on cholesterollowering medication). Beings these physical attributes donot appear to be present in most of those humans with type"O" blood, there does not appear to be two different speciesof humans. I believe the state of our digestive systemsdetermines what foods agree with us and what foods do not.If we have abuse our digestion through improper eating, weare very limited. All one has to do is take a walk down anisle of any drugstore to see the many many digestive aids onthe market. No I don't believe I can buy into this blood typetheory.SharonFederal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of Naturopathyian_shillington

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