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Energetic Transformation Class

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Here is the information about Ross Heaven's home study class.




Hi everyone

A few people have mailed me recently to ask about Energetic


which is the 12 part home study course i run in shamanism and

imagework, and

as we also have a number of new list members, i thought it might be

useful to


include some introductory information below.

If anyone would like to register for this course or wants more


please do feel entirely free to mail me.

With love




Energetic Transformation


For information and registration, contact:


Ross Heaven

32 Cranstoun Street Northampton

NN1 3BH, UK. rossheaven



" Every sorcerer has to prove everything with his own experience "


Carlos Castaneda.


Energetic Transformation is a practical home study course in the


and practice of shamanism and imagework - two powerful techniques for

personal and spiritual development - with personal guidance and

support at

all times.


You will learn techniques of journeying practised universally by

shamans for

50,000 years, and new techniques of imagework, based on proven


approaches, including Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Gestalt and





Everyone completing the course has the opportunity to take part in a



on Energetic Transformation, where you can put what you have learned


practice and receive guidance, and support among your peers and fellow



All those who complete the course will also receive a Certificate in

Energetic Transformation, an acknowledgement of your new skills and

resources, which will enable you to work with others and to pass on


techniques you have learned.


Why home study?

The effectiveness of home study is proven through the success of the


University and other organisations - and it has many advantages:

¨ No travelling

¨ No major expense

¨ No wasted time spent in workshops and seminars.

- You work at your own pace and take the time you need to absorb new

information without rush or pressure from the workshop group.


Support and guidance

Help is available at all times and the course has its own online

community at


ETCEnergyTransform for individual guidance and support.


Course material

Material is geared to the practical, with interesting and exciting


throughout, all of them based on techniques used by shamans throughout


ages and on imagework, a modern adaptation proven in workshops

worldwide. The


course is a complete teaching structure in its own right - you do not

need to


buy any other costly books, tools or materials, tho recommended


reading is also offered.


Getting started

Begin the course at any time. All of the teaching is directly personal


entirely flexible. You work at your own pace and according to your own

schedules. The course takes about a year to complete - unless you

choose to

work more quickly (the course is flexible enough to allow this). Or,

if you

need longer, you simply take the time you personally need to complete.



Those who wish to practice Energetic Transformation are able to do so



Certification, which requires attendance at one workshop weekend in


to completion of course material. (There is an alternative for


students who may find workshop attendance difficult). Two such

workshops are

held each year.


Course Components

Course content includes:

1. Sensing the Illusion - Deconstructing the 'linear universe'. Where


world begins.

2. The holographic universe - The holographic body, mind, world and


nature of reality.

3. Shamanic implications of holographic theory - Reality and miracles.

4. Introduction to shamanism - Traditional and modern forms. The call

of the


shaman. Ecstasy. Principles of journeying.

5. Into the Otherworld - Journey to explore the Lower and Upper


6. The journey continues - Journey to your spirit ally. The tonal and



7. Final journey for power - Journey to find your shamanic tools.


consciousness and planetary evolution.

8. Imagework - The nature of images. The Jungian 'otherworld'. Do


images have external reality?

9. Imagework and shamanism - The language of images. The image as a


for your life. Meeting your inner child. Visiting a possible future.

10. Transforming energy - The medicine wheel and the Four Directions.


Life Wheel. Mind maps.

11. The psychology of the inner landscape - The magic of Theta. The


limbic and new brains. Mapping the inner landscape.

12. Techniques for living - Fear - Clarity - Power - Fatigue: The Four




Please send payments along with your request for each new part of the



Fees are as follows:


Registration, Introduction and Part 1: £25

Each part thereafter: £15

Workshop (optional): £50/day Day 1: Journeying for power

Day 2: Using imagework and Energetic Transformation


All fees are inclusive of P & P and the workshop fee includes light

refreshments and all resources. Please make cheques/PO's payable to




To register


By post: Write to Ross Heaven, 32 Cranstoun Street, Northampton NN1


United Kingdom.

By email: rossheaven


We look forward to working with you!





" Look for Rainbows in the Darkness "


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