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Hypnotherapy and Other Forms of Trancework

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Well, I am going to wade in here and have a say today, if anyone is

listening ;-)


The Man and I have just completed our second Hypnotherapy weekend (we

are working towards using it as an adjunct to our practice) and we are

up to our armpits right now in hypnotic scripts and the like.


I am curious to know, because this is certainly a grey area, the

crossover of somatic and mental health, how many people here who do

actual physical touch work also do any sort of trance work (hypnosis,

guided imagery, shamanic journeying) and if you do, have you ever

mixed a session by using the mind segment with the body segment?


I am curious about this from several angles, number one of which is

that I can immediately see where this might cause many ethical

dilemmas on both sides; on the other hand, I think it would be

extremely useful for the clients to open up, relax, and release

easily, and would like to explore the possibility that they might be

compatible with careful planning and safety measures.


This is actually coming from the other side of the same issue as

whether people who are not licensed to touch should do energy work

(such as psychotherapists) because of boundary issues. Our actual plan

is to sponsor clinics and group work with the hypnosis for stress

reduction and smoking cessation mostly, and I am willing to keep the

straight sessions completely separate because I understand the

inherent issues deeply, but I am ever the curious one and I am

interested in having some input on this.


Put another way... would *you* like to have a joint session of

bodywork incorporated with a trance script you had read beforehand,

including positive affirmations and suggestions for healing tailored

from your intake form?





" Look for Rainbows in the Darkness "


Rev. Caroline Abreu, BS, RN, CHTP/I, CRMT

ICQ# 4458763

AIM= CaroCrow

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I do hypnotherapy and bodywork. I almost always to them together. At

the very least I use an induction to help the client get into a

relaxed state. Sometimes it is more hypnotherapy than bodywork,

depends on what the client wants.


I personally would want someone who is doing bodywork on me to use

hypnosis along with it. Maybe that is why I use the combination when

I can.


As to reading the script before hand. Well yes and no. If I know and

trust the therapist I let them have free reign. But with someone new

I need to let them know that I have certain likes and dislikes. All

to often someone takes me to the " beach " in a relaxation induction

when in fact I don't care for the beach. This of course could be why

we do intake before the actual session starts.


Actually I usually use a script that lets the person go where they

want and not try to lead them there.




>Put another way... would *you* like to have a joint session of

>bodywork incorporated with a trance script you had read beforehand,

>including positive affirmations and suggestions for healing tailored

>from your intake form?





> " Look for Rainbows in the Darkness "




Lee Dronick,HHP - Holistic Health Practitioner & Massage Therapist

www.dronick.com ----------San Diego CA---------- lee

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Caroline Abreu <crow writes:


> I am curious to know, because this is certainly a grey area, the

> crossover of somatic and mental health, how many people here who do

> actual physical touch work also do any sort of trance work

> (hypnosis, guided imagery, shamanic journeying) and if you do, have

> you ever mixed a session by using the mind segment with the body

> segment?


Not professionally. It's an avocation for me and yes, I mix.


> Put another way... would *you* like to have a joint session of

> bodywork incorporated with a trance script you had read beforehand,

> including positive affirmations and suggestions for healing tailored

> from your intake form?


Script? No. Scripts are largely pointless for me. I'd rather have

silence so that I could focus and meditate privately.


However, for some forms of work, I'd prefer a mix, yes.


But then, for those who've been trained in bodywork, isn't there at

least a passing nod given to building rappoir with your client? Or a

running patter? Or putting the client at ease?



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At 07:18 21/09/99 -0400, you wrote:



>I am curious to know, because this is certainly a grey area, the

>crossover of somatic and mental health, how many people here who do

>actual physical touch work also do any sort of trance work (hypnosis,

>guided imagery, shamanic journeying) and if you do, have you ever

>mixed a session by using the mind segment with the body segment?


Hi Crow,

I introduced myself to the list some time ago and have been lurking

since, following daily posts with interest. I am in the midst of a major

life move, packing like crazy, but couldn't pass up the opportunity to

respond to the above.

My colleagues and I received our Healing Touch certification doing

courses through the Justice Institute in Vancouver, B.C. The courses are

called " Using Energy Based Healing in a Solution Focused Practice " . In the

course, we were taught the use of Metaphor and Guided Imagery in conjunction

with the techniques of Healing Touch.

In my own practice, during the interview part of the therapy, we

talk about issues that might be troublesome, what relaxing images work for

the person, favorite colors, sounds etc. Then I will use a guided imagery

grounding technique and weave a metaphor based on the information given and

my own intuition. In the beginning, coming up with stories seemed to be a

struggle. Now, being more intuitively open to the energy field, I seem to

know what to say and find this combination very powerful.

One of my main objectives while doing energy work is to reinforce

that the client is the " director " if you will, of the process. Nothing is

done during the session that does not meet with their approval. They also

have the option to end the session at any time if they are feeling

uncomfortable. Keeping my intention pure and my ego out of the process

helps tremendously.

As a nurse, I have Standards of Practice I must conform to while

doing this work. They include only preforming therapies for which I have

received appropriate training and professional ethics. The basic concept

" Do No Harm " is a conerstone of Nursing practice.


>Put another way... would *you* like to have a joint session of

>bodywork incorporated with a trance script you had read beforehand,

>including positive affirmations and suggestions for healing tailored

>from your intake form?


I have experienced H.T. for myself with the above format and have

found it very powerful and beneficial. I am definately " Pro " this type of





G.J. Davidson, R.P.N. CHTP





> " Look for Rainbows in the Darkness "


>Rev. Caroline Abreu, BS, RN, CHTP/I, CRMT

>ICQ# 4458763

>AIM= CaroCrow



>To from , send an email to




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Hi Gloria:


Was the training you received to integrate HT the advanced " HT and

Hypnosis " segment? I must admit I have missed that so far; it was not

in the basic training components in any of the HT classes required for

CHTP (Levels I through III). May I ask who is teaching that? That

sounds like something I would like to explore (although you might as

well be on the other side of the world from me in Vancouver LOL). Is

it a class that was developed for your nurse practitioner program?


It is interesting to me that HT is being taught this way where you

are, and very exciting, too. I am much less concerned about the

interface of HT with hypnosis, though, than massage and hypnosis...

but the responses I have been getting have been generally positive,

and I think I have had some good input on how to make it acceptable in



Of course, there will always be people that will opt not to do it

because of some personal discomfort, but not all therapies are suited

to everyone, and it seems to be a gentle and effective combination.


Thanks for your post!



G. J. Davidson wrote:



> My colleagues and I received our Healing Touch certification doing

> courses through the Justice Institute in Vancouver, B.C. The courses are

> called " Using Energy Based Healing in a Solution Focused Practice " . In the

> course, we were taught the use of Metaphor and Guided Imagery in conjunction

> with the techniques of Healing Touch.


> Regards,

> Gloria

> G.J. Davidson, R.P.N. CHTP

> >

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