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Male Therapists

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Hi to all

I would like to put my two cents in about gender. I was abused by male

perpetrayors.but that does not mean all males are perpetrator or all females

are not.

When we look at the issue it is the act not the gender. Our society has a

way of steryotyping who does what and who does not.. We must look at each

individual individually and not judge them by their gender. If this was

true. all people who were abused would also be abusers and that is not true.

Just my two cents



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This has absolutely nothing to do with sexual abuse, it has to do with

looking at people as people and not as genitals. Obviously there are a

lot of people out there who are unable to do this.


Let's get down to brass tacks. You don't have to answer this question,

but just for your own reality check... Were you abused sexually as a

child? What is your sexual preference? Is the former based on the



Do not use this list as a bully pulpit to bash men, it will not be



Just because 90% of sexual perpetrators are male (and I have problems

believing that statistic, knowing as I do that many boys are molested

by older women and it is never reported... society calls that 'giving

him experience') does not mean male therapists are " the rapists " out

there. Most abuse occurs within the family unit. It is not something

lurking " out there " .... it is more than likely a person who is known,

loved and trusted in the family of origin.


We are not going to perpetuate myths here, and we are not going to

maintain some sort of misandrogy here. There are just as many fine and

competant male therapists as there are female ones, and you know it.


Fear gets you no where. You are chasing your tail. Find out where the

fear comes from, and if it is rational, deal with it... if it is not,

learn to remove it from your mindset.


We are sitting here at the tail end of the 20th century, and I have

heard all sorts of wonderful things spill out of the mouths of people

about how we should all work together and love one another and

eliminate predjudice and " give peace a chance " and a lot of other

things... and then I hear something like this and it really rattles my

chain. Half of the human race is male. Get over it.


Anukki wrote:


> Anukki


> Caro sez:


> << but it is no safer to assume that just because a therapist is a

> woman she will not do anything inappropriate or sexual to you. >>


> 90% of sexual perpetrators are male.


> Anukki

> AnniesHands.com




" Look for Rainbows in the Darkness "


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The obsession that 'all men are potential rapists', which as a male I find

deeply insulting and grossly misunderstanding of men, means that female abusers

are ignored and their victims disbelieved. I've had to deal with a problem

therapist once so far and that was a female MT who had offered her services at

an abused woman centre and was hitting on the clients. I ended up taking on two

sexually abused women as my clients to get them away from her. Both clients

complained and both clients were discounted because 'women don't do that sort of



Incidentally both women took strength and self esteem away from being able to

form a non abusive relationship with a man which leaves me feeling that this is

a therapeutic area worth exploring. Cautiously.


When someone tells me that I'm a rapist they're trying to push something into me

or onto me that does not belong there, that I really do not want there and that

I find deeply offensive and degrading and I'm left feeling extremely angry and

violated. This completely overrides all previous knowledge and relationship and

leaves me feeling that they are not a good person to be around.



('tis my curse to be a Libran...)


On the other hand have you read alt.backrubs recently? Yeuchh.




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