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Fw: special prayer request

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Paula Phelps

Katrena Tompkins

Sunday, October 29, 2000 5:16 PM

Fw: special prayer request






Paula M. Phelps ; dawnh ; Chris Holt

Saturday, October 28, 2000 4:20 PM

special prayer request








Friday, October 27, 2000 10:26 PM

fw: special prayer request



Your prayers are needed for Michael Novenche, and his parents.


They don't have a large forwarding list but I'm hoping that some of you

do. Everyone with large mailing list, please forward what I am writing

to you now to ask for your help. I do not really know how to start a

prayer chain, but we need a miracle.


Michael Novenche is a 2 year-old beautiful little boy in Clifton Park,

New York, and the grandson of a very dear friend of mine. A few months

ago, he started throwing up and telling Mommy " boo boo in my head. " He

was brought to the doctors and tests were ran on him, later that week

he started losing feeling in the left side of his poor little body.

They found a large tumor in his brain. He was brought to a hospital in

Boston where doctors told his family the tumor was too big and it was

too risky to operate on it.


His aunts and uncle would not give up, they called Beth Israel, then

E-mailed Dr. Epstein for him to look a Michael's films. Michael's uncle

then drove the films to New York City himself for Dr.Epstein to look


Dr. Epstein operated but couldn't remove the entire tumor and now he

has to go through chemo to keep the tumor from growing and hitting the

brain stem. We need all the prayers we can get for the chemo to kill

the tumor entirely.


As I write this, he started chemotherapy and we are hoping desperately

that it works. We need all the prayers we can get. Please stop and say

one prayer for this beautiful baby boy Michael when you read this

letter. They need a miracle of God's healing so that their precious

baby boy will grow up.


I am asking you to send this letter, or copies of it, to everybody you

can think of that will pray for Michael. Please also take his name to

your church and church groups and ask others to pray for his healing.

Many thanks and may God bless each one of you who care enough to pray

for a little boy's life.


I am asking that each and every one of you please forward this on to

everyone that you know. Just think if this was your little child going

through this right now. We all know that God can heal this little

angel, if it's His will.


Please take time to do this right now.


Please just take a minute and pray for Michael. He could be your child

or grandchild. I know I would want everyone to take a minute if he







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