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Fw: [HealingWithWords] FYI-Behavioral Changes

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> This is from " Earth Changes " newsletter that i to, and fits


> in with what members of the Healing With Words group have been discussing

> recently, beginning with personal expressions of fatigue and extending to


> effects of global warming, etc. I share the following for those reasons.

> Interesting web site.

> As a former psychiatric nurse, and also at one time OB/GYN nurse, I have


> doubts about the effects of the magnetic pull of full moon on behavior. Of

> course most of the scientific community discredits this. And those of us


> do Reiki and other " energy " work have no problem believing it. Mitch

brings a

> good left/right brain balance to this subject.

> Carolyn


> CME's, M-Class Flares and Human Behavior...10/30/00

> by Mitch Battros (ECTV)


> NASA has just announced a powerful M5-Class solar flare and a possible

> CME occurred on October 29th. This could generate a powerful geomagnetic

> storm capable of knocking out power grids, and produce one heck of a

> aurora show.


> It takes approximately 48 hours for solar activity to hit our Earth's

> atmosphere. Watch for severe and extreme weather to occur as a result.


> Equation:

> Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream

> Currents = Extreme Weather (mb)


> Geomagnetic storms and human behavior.

> Today at work I had one patient who made an " escape " when our unit is

> not a lock up. Three patients experienced severe anxiety attacks. Two

> patients initiate a physical encounter, and this was all before lunch.

> On my return from cramming down a sandwich in the staff room due to

> initiating a high staff alert as a result of several patients acting

> out, I witness staff themselves in conflict.


> Was this a normal day at work, No. Have I seen this before, Yes. Was it

> during or around geomagnetic storms as a result of solar activity, Yes.

> Folks, I would like to suggest, as many of us have accepted a full moon

> affects behavior, so does magnetics.

> I have also noticed a spike in missing pets in the newspaper. This goes

> along with people sharing how their pets have been acting in strange

> ways over the last 24 hours. One cannot help but ask the question " is

> there a connection to solar activity, geomagnetic storms, and

> human/animal behavior " . My guess is Yes!


> As a N.A.D.A. Certified Acupuncturist, I have some understanding of

> magnetics and the human (animal) grid. It has been

> known for thousands of years there is an energy that runs through all

> living things. The Chinese call this energy " Chi " or " Qi " .

> The Japanese call it " Ki " . The eastern Indians (India) call it " Prana " .

> The Mayans call it " Gaia " . And of course, Luke

> Skywalker calls it " The Force " .


> It is when this energy is out of balance, that it manifest as illness

> (both physical and mental). The very basics of acupuncture

> is the study of the human gird or energy field and its connection to our

> anatomy. The largest part of an acupuncturist study,

> is defining and identifying the energy points which network through the

> human (animal) body. These energy points are known

> as " meridians " . Meridians are a network of bio-magnetic grids (energy

> points) that run through all living things. When the life

> force energy i.e., " Chi, Ki, Prana, Gaia, The Force " is out of balance,

> it manifest as illness. What an acupuncturist will do is

> manipulate certain meridians, depending on the ailment, to bring balance

> back to the body and mind.


> I believe it is more than possible the current " magnetic shift " , due to

> the Suns solar cycle, has a direct affect on human

> (animal) behavior. Could this be the cause of hundreds of dolphins

> beaching themselves? Also the phenomenon of migrant

> birds flying in areas never before seen. Could it be true there is an

> epidemic of " mood and personality " disorders such as

> Depression, Anxiety, Phobias, Addictions? Is this a result of the

> earth's magnetic field shifting? Could this " magnetic shift " in

> addition to affecting our weather, also be affecting humans as well?


> Just as the Earth has its magnetic field, so do humans. It makes sense

> that what would certainly disrupt one, would disrupt the

> other. Are we indeed connected to the Earth (Universe) in ways current

> science cannot explain. Perhaps we will find the

> answers in our ancestors ancient text.


> Equation: Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Extreme Weather

> (and perhaps emotional disturbance).


> Mitch Battros

> Producer - Earth Changes TV

> http://www.earthchangesTV.com



> *****************************

> The thought manifests as the word;

> The word manifests as the deed;

> The deed develops into habit;

> And habit hardens into character.


> ~Buddha


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