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Fwd: Positive Effects?

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Hi All:


Got this missive from someone off list and wanted to share it with the

group, feel free to respond and I'll forward any relevant answers to the

posting party. Thanks :-)




<<<forwarded message>>>

I began taking Paxil early this year (March) for anxiety disorder. I

had a hellacious few years and suddenly found that I was having difficulty

coping. Became a screaming bitchy shrew (perimenopause), and realized I

needed help when I began having panic attacks--the one on the highway behind

the wheel convinced me!


The Paxil changed my life! Within 2 weeks, the panic attacks were

significantly better, within a month they were completely gone, and I

was a reasonable, happy person again...except that my sex drive and

responsiveness had disappeared.


I figured it was a trade off, I'd had about 30 years of great sex, and

it seemed like a price I was willing to pay in order to have all other

aspects of my life back to " normal " .


A few days after our Reiki I attunement, I felt a bit more interested in

making love than I had in months. Within a week, I was having a pretty good

time--not exactly back to fireworks, but quite close. It continues to get

better each time.


Question: I know that a Reiki attunement is a great healing in itself. Can

it also restore sexual responsiveness? Just curious as to whether Reiki was

the factor.


If this is simply the placebo effect, that's OK too, bring it on!

<<<end forwarded message>>>


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Dear Caroline,


<<A few days after our Reiki I attunement, I felt a bit more interested in

making love than I had in months. Within a week, I was having a pretty


time--not exactly back to fireworks, but quite close. It continues to get

better each time.


Question: I know that a Reiki attunement is a great healing in itself. Can

it also restore sexual responsiveness? Just curious as to whether Reiki


the factor.>>


I was wondering if Paxil could work by de-energising all the chakras. Hence

working on anxiety by slowing down the energy flow. This would also cause a

loss of libido as the drug may work on the whole body not just where it is

needed. Perhaps the reiki attunement has re-opened re-activated and

re-balanced all the chakras to operate properly and thus the second chakra

is doing its stuff again.

Just my thoughts,

Maybe someone else could explain it better.

Love and Light, Ninox



Caroline Abreu [sMTP:nrgbalance]

Saturday, 4 November 2000 5:12


Fwd: Positive Effects?


Hi All:


Got this missive from someone off list and wanted to share it with the

group, feel free to respond and I'll forward any relevant answers to the

posting party. Thanks :-)




<<<forwarded message>>>

I began taking Paxil early this year (March) for anxiety disorder. I

had a hellacious few years and suddenly found that I was having difficulty

coping. Became a screaming bitchy shrew (perimenopause), and realized I

needed help when I began having panic attacks--the one on the highway


the wheel convinced me!


The Paxil changed my life! Within 2 weeks, the panic attacks were

significantly better, within a month they were completely gone, and I

was a reasonable, happy person again...except that my sex drive and

responsiveness had disappeared.


I figured it was a trade off, I'd had about 30 years of great sex, and

it seemed like a price I was willing to pay in order to have all other

aspects of my life back to " normal " .



If this is simply the placebo effect, that's OK too, bring it on!

<<<end forwarded message>>>


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I think that is a relevant speculation. I have taken antidepressants myself in

the past, and experienced that

" muffled " feeling for awhile that none of my emotions were particularly vivid in

any way. I suppose that is part

of the reason they are effective, just as antipsychotics serve to shut down the

hallucinatory mechanisms at the

brow chakra level.


For me, most of the dullness passed after a while, and with it I noticed that my

negative mindsets were reduced as

well. Since I was taking them for situational depression, I was not on

long-term therapy, so I can't comment on

the long-term effects of antidepressants on " normal " emotion/feeling.


Sometimes we forget that energetic awareness can bring with it not only feelings

of elation but can also dredge up

supressed memories and feelings as well. If we are diligent in our self care

then the energy can support our

processing of these refound emotions, but for some it can be upsetting or

disorienting and may require



I always encourage people to understand that psychotherapy and medications can

be useful for what they are

designed for, and not to avoid them out of shame or negative ideas from

stereotypes or hype. They may have side

effects, but those are usually less than the initial problem they are taken for.


I dated a generally pleasant young man several years ago who was bipolar, and

had great conflicts with his

treatment and medication because as a child his grandfather had been his

caretaker, and instead of giving him his

medication had flushed it down the toilet, telling him that if he was " strong "

he would not need pills.

Compounding that was a father who was career military, constantly instructed

him to be " a man " , and insisted that

there were no " crazy people " in their family. So the conflict emerged every time

he cycled into his manic phase,

and instead of taking his Lithium he would defensively pronounce that he could

" handle it " . His legacy from his

poorly educated grandfather and his abusive father has been a lack of self

esteem and an inability to cope with

his health challenges effectively, which has adversely affected his

interpersonal relationships, his ability to be

educated, and his ability to hold a job.


He is at an impasse, too programmed to fight his problems rather than learn to

understand and manage them.


Thanks for your comments, Ninox, I'll pass them along.


" Look for Rainbows in the Darkness "


Ninox wrote:


> Dear Caroline,


> <<A few days after our Reiki I attunement, I felt a bit more interested in

> making love than I had in months. Within a week, I was having a pretty

> good

> time--not exactly back to fireworks, but quite close. It continues to get

> better each time.


> Question: I know that a Reiki attunement is a great healing in itself. Can

> it also restore sexual responsiveness? Just curious as to whether Reiki

> was

> the factor.>>


> I was wondering if Paxil could work by de-energising all the chakras. Hence

working on anxiety by slowing down

> the energy flow. This would also cause a loss of libido as the drug may work

on the whole body not just where it

> is needed. Perhaps the reiki attunement has re-opened re-activated and

re-balanced all the chakras to operate

> properly and thus the second chakra is doing its stuff again.

> Just my thoughts,

> Maybe someone else could explain it better.

> Love and Light, Ninox





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Dear Crow: I am on a mood-elevator due to my heart condition causing a panic

situation in me. Can proper ckakra health and Reiki diminish my need (not a

medical opinion please.) Jeannie



" Caroline Abreu " <crow


Monday, November 06, 2000 6:05 AM

Re: Fwd: Positive Effects?



> Ninox:


> I think that is a relevant speculation. I have taken antidepressants

myself in the past, and experienced that

> " muffled " feeling for awhile that none of my emotions

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Hi Jeannie:


It's been found through observation that regular self maintenance with bodywork

and energy work can help your

metabolism reestablish its normal functioning, and that can have an affect on

your medications.


No, this isn't a medical opinion, but an observation and a caution... when I am

working with people who are

diabetic, for instance, I have them carefully watch their blood sugar levels so

that they do not get the wrong

amount of insulin; a person with hypertension who starts having a good

relaxation effect may need less medication,

and may need to watch for orthostasis (feeling fainty when getting up too

fast)... and a person who is depressed

may find that some of their somatic symptoms (such as tiredness and lack of

concentration) are diminishing, so

their medication may be reduced.


However, I *never* encourage people to do this for themselves... if you find

that you are doing better and think

you can manage with less meds, consult your MD and explain why; they will

usually check you themselves and reduce

the medication if it seems prudent to do so.




" Look for Rainbows in the Darkness "


oplbeach wrote:


> Dear Crow: I am on a mood-elevator due to my heart condition causing a panic

situation in me. Can proper ckakra

> health and Reiki diminish my need (not a medical opinion please.) Jeannie




Rev. Caroline Gutierrez Abreu, BS, RN, CHTP/I, CRMT, CH

AIM: CaroCrow






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