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Caroline: Spiral Meditation

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Do you alternate directions when stirring the chakras, or go in the direction of

your Chokurei or...? (I have a double attunement, different Masters, so I have

two Chokurei's, one in each side, mirror images.)


Jim Snow

Paramedic, Reiki Master




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Spiraling depends on the motivation. The " traditional " Chokurei is a

counterclockwise spiral off the branch, and it serves to " rev up " the chakras

(please note that this is a personal usage intervention comment,

chakras are not traditionally part of Usui Reiki education at all).


Have you ever had one of those little toy cars that you ran backwards on the

carpet to get it to run forward? That is how the counterclockwise symbol winds

the chakra, like winding a watch spring. For most energy

centers this is the " natural " way to approach them.


Now, if a chakra is particularly slow, stagnant, blocked, or weak, it may need a

" push " to get it rolling instead, and that would be the reason to use a

clockwise Chokurei (a " non-traditional " symbol) or spiral

movement over it.


jimsnow wrote:


> Do you alternate directions when stirring the chakras, or go in the direction

of your Chokurei or...? (I have a double attunement, different Masters, so I

have two Chokurei's, one in each side, mirror images.)


> Jim Snow

> Paramedic, Reiki Master






" Look for Rainbows in the Darkness "





_____NetZero Free Internet Access and Email______


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Dear Crow: I just finished reading (and reading) a missive about learning

the importance of the chakras to apply Usui Reiki. So, are they for extra

focus or healing points or what exactly? Love, Jeannie



" Caroline Abreu " <crow

Re: Caroline: Re: Spiral Meditation




> chakras are not traditionally part of Usui Reiki education at all).


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The chakras are simply from another healing system, like meridians are. In Usui

System Reiki, Mikao Usui did not

teach these systems; his work with Reiki was of a more intuitive nature,

utilizing special meditations and

symbols. Later, a standard set of hand positions were added by his protege and

student, Chujiro Hayashi.


It is important to know when you are blending systems that you are blending

systems, and what came from what

tradition; this is especially important if you teach different systems, like I

do, for clarity and continuity.

Many people use Reiki in their chakra work, but it has to be emphasized that

chakra healing does not come from the

Reiki system.


Thanks for asking,


" Look for Rainbows in the Darkness "


oplbeach wrote:


> Dear Crow: I just finished reading (and reading) a missive about learning

> the importance of the chakras to apply Usui Reiki. So, are they for extra

> focus or healing points or what exactly? Love, Jeannie




Rev. Caroline Gutierrez Abreu, BS, RN, CHTP/I, CRMT, CH

AIM: CaroCrow



" We see things not as they are but as we are. " The Talmud


" We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we

created them. " Albert Einstein


A wise person learns by the experience of others. An ordinary person learns by

his or her own experience. A fool

learns by nobody's experience.




_____NetZero Free Internet Access and Email______


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