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hypnotic 'forms'

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Dear Frank,

You mentioned a 'tingling' feeling of fear connected to your young daughter.


Your detailed report on this was very interesting.

I discovered that kind of feeling some time ago. As practicing psychologist,

I often felt waves of a variety of feelings. Since I operate often from a

'gestalt' basis, I realized that these were not my own feelings and even

thoughts. So often, that I bagan to pay attention to these dynamics.

These realizations gave me an immediate perspective of where my client was


This was a wonderful discovery. It sped up my own growth and the speed of

the sessions as well.


I worked with this discovery on the 'countertransference' basis. Sheer



At some time I came across the name for this phenomena. It is a form of

being clairvoyant. This feeling /knowing, is called being 'clairsentient.'

Clear to 'check in on the feelings', I would say.


The folowing is an elaboration, on this phenomana, in case some individuals

might be curious to hear more.

So, if I am allowed such a long discourse, please bear with me. I will

describe how I deal with this experience.

As soon as I recognize these particular kind of feelings, I do

the boundary trick. I recognise that the feelings are authentic, but

belongs to the other person. In this way,

the feelings are not damaging or even offensive to me. Kind of based on

gestalt again. Then I focus on the feelings and

work with this loose -ended energy, with my client. It is

freeing and also motivates the client to become more aware of what is

happening within their own bodies.


This ability of clairsentience matured since I paid attention to it

in ever such a gentle way. I began noticing 'feeling' the thoughts of some

clients, as it streams.

Wow! Imagine! It moves physically like a stream. Sometimes thick and


Other times with

broken off interruptions.. Such as 'blocking' a thought or when not knowing

where to go

with a particular need or thought. The intensity, the tightness of it, or

of the flowing feeling,

informs me how a client applies their thoughts.

If a person is highly intelligent, it is a wonderful feeling. Their thoughts

moves in 'wheels' connecting into the next.

This has a neat feel-good glow to it. Often. So organized and clear that I

found such

an experience energizing. Just as if this makes my own thoughts and

strategies much more clear.


More disturbing was the discovery that individuals who suffered from cancer

or an illness of severity, often strongly 'blocked' their thoughts. As if

they strongly

negated themselves. This comment does not imply anything more than an


I do know though that people who have lots of rejecting thoughts, such as

rejecting a feeling about something, without acting on it,

or just have a strong rejecting thought without voicing anything to the, or

about the person of their 'wrath',

this has a detremental effect on their immediate environment.

Things break easily around them. Especially in a domestic setup.


How can I explain it?

Let me try to do so in a clumsy/ non accademic way: The fierce thinker

withdraws warmth

and physical energy from the objects that surrounds the thinker. This

'robbed -off ' energy

then weakens the atomic structure of the physical objects around them. I

suppose maybe

they often robs enery from their chidren as well. Sometimes we feel this

when we connect with

'depleting' parents or teachers.

An intellectualy or emotionally drained person is dangerous in this way too.

My friend, who does body alignment

is like that after she had done a treatment. I used to avoid her if she had

just finished doing a treatment on someone.

They do not realise how often

they drain their partners or children after lets say, having done hard



I did personal research on this phenomena for more than a year . More than a

decade in fact.

Well, I found stunning connections to the invisible effects

resulting from energy streaming.

E.g., such as the reason why, when being afraid and when being alone in a

house, one begins to hear

scarry sounds, enough to fuel fantasy into even more fear:


Your personal fear co-creates these sounds, in a simple physical way.

A needy emotional system (body and soul), is depleted of inner warmth.

Simply contracting with fear, burns up energy. One needs more warmth to

sustain comfort.

Just like you withdraw air for breathing, you automatically withdraw warmth

from the direct environment.

(The physics here, I suspects, works on the same principle as lightning.)


Objects looses its warmth, has to narrow/ contract, to adjust to the new

atomic makeup

(or whatever); and then contracts. This then has the side effect of making

a loud 'boom' sound. The more one believes that someone now is stalking


the more you withdraw energy from the environment. In this way you only


more objects that will crack with sound around you. Funny to think that

you create your own objects to fear! Literally.


When working with people, these dynamics renders invaluable information. It

is easier

to follow the energy of someone when they are onto a subject or something

that is not yet clear.

Or to notice when an idea, or thought, goes into completion. Lovely.

I can thus pick up the exact point of 'fear' or selfdoubt. Also of

completion. ..So nice.

Mostly the person is unaware of doing this. This not-knowing dulls into an


mode.. Work with this, brings personal awareness back. More complicated in

therapy than the

simplistic way in which I describe the dynamics.

Very exiting things, these. (... I do have copy rights. Sorry)


Just incase some members are afraid that I am advertising myself here, not


worry. I am a recent emigrant to the States, and is not allowed to practice,

since the rules for practicing psychologists here, are too severe for me to


Blessings of the Light,


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Would you be able to recommend a good book on gestalt for those who do not

know much about it... (and assuming that they do not have a background in

psychology or counseling/therapy)?







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>Would you be able to recommend a good book on gestalt





Perls would be a good start.


Check into this book list:





Anne-Louise Lasley <rosebud76

Thursday, January 18, 2001 1:28 PM

Re: Re: hypnotic 'forms'





>Would you be able to recommend a good book on gestalt for those who

do not

>know much about it... (and assuming that they do not have a

background in

>psychology or counseling/therapy)?







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Dear Anne-Louise,

Someone on Mindlist already recommended you a few good books to read on

gestalt. They are good to read!


My favorite is the very first gestalt book I read which my mentor

recommended when I was a Masters student. So I do not know if this

background, made the psychological assimilation of gestalt possible. The

name of this book is simple:

'Gestalt is...' by Perls, Goodman and Hefferline. Perls was not keen to

write. He could think on is feet. I think that the co-authors saw to getting

the concept published. Perls was German and only came to the USA during the

middle years of his life. He left his country as a Nazi fugitive, when he

saw that the writing was on the wall. The ground came back under his feet in

South-Africa. (There he worked on the Ego Hunger .. book, and had it

published in Durban. His first book)


For me gestalt is the essence of all. Gestalt blends with bodymind work,

like water with a flower. That is, when you think of osmosis.


Gestalt consists of basics such as, 'awareness is...'

We are created towards excitement; this is where the foreground / background

idea manifests. Boundaries.

The latter took me a long time to really understand, but this is where you

strike gold.

Then, 'there are no rules.' Also liberating. This takes us back to the

body as the manual of wisdom. The only trusted manual re. rules, since this

is the what we were born with. This is the physical manual that God gave us.

Gestalt helps us to clear the manual. ...Again with this therapy.


Much has been written on gestalt, but for me " gestalt is.. "

remains my personal Bible.

Wishing you star-blinking beingness,


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Oeps.Two separate writings were posted on the subject of ' thought and

feeling, streaming' into another person's consciousness

The first letter was merely a personal response. I then took the time to

edit and add to the concept for the second letter I posted to the group.

Just to let you know.


Since this topic came up and I was asked about it, how about telling you,

about the strange experience I have had in this regard.



Some numbers of years ago, I got a call from a person of status. He told me

that his daughter refused to talk. She was married and used to love to


Somehow she managed to get a lot of garbage in her life and out of the blue,

refused to talk.

When her father phoned, she had been hospitalized for two years. He noticed

no progress and feared the drugs and

methods he had seen being tried out, on her.


I saw this frail woman for about three sessions. How silent can it be! She

did not squeak one single word the entire first two sessions.


By the way, my intent is not to transgress privacy and protection of the

individual. The way in which I relate this, will not harm anybody.

Least of all, the woman I saw.


This woman melted into the corner of the stuffed chair like the last ray of

the sun before it disappears behind the hills.

She pulled her front part of her jersey over the left side of her body and

armlocked herself. That was it. That and the silence of an Artic ice cap.

I waited to feel how she impact on me. Not having a clue what we are going

to do about her silence.


Some more silence. .. Ongoing silence.


Then I 'feel-saw' an image forming in my mind. I so whish now, that I can

remember the stream of images that entered my mind; but oh, they were so

informative. Symbols of her thoughts: a darkened city with high-rise

buildings, and this vast waste field of debris towards the outskirts of the

inner city.

I verbalized for her: ' You feel that you had build a civilized life and

gradually things just got old on you?'

She kind of jerked with surprise and graced me with a glance, two seconds



I knew I had her then. I also had to cope with immense surprise welling up

inside myself. What was happening here?


From there onwards, I simply waited for each next picture frame, and then

verbalized it. Her body felt-sense inclined more towards the 'depleting

energy' kind. She would merely twitch in her body if I impacted. This was

how she 'talked' to me. Often I simply felt a bad or needy feel in my body.

She became the baby in my womb. I wanted to wince having her there. Then I

got blessed and realized that this was a countertransference!


Did we have to work on this one! I had to tell her how I felt here

'beingness'. I made a simple statement; " This feeling like being an

unwanted baby , not ever ending in life, must be hard. You were so happy to

find that the sleazy feeling went away, when you found friends and could

enjoy company so much, that you could even party together. "

I felt a dizzying wave of euphoria. So I added, using her guiding signal;

" Having wine and some special kinds of drugs, finally made your head feel

sleepy. You did not have to worry about things now. "

She rewarded me with a flood of warmth through my body. I came to recognize

this as a 'yes' signal, by this time. We continued to pattern her history.

Sorry, I meant her herstory, with experiences and words, that haven't had

found affectionate mirroring through people who were significant to her in

her life. I began to add, weaving structure which she signaled to me

through her body wisdom, commenting on how each experience my body feel.

Sometimes even sneaking in a tiny wish through, which I framed into ideas,

anticipating her needs.


Nothing had prepared me for what was happening here. I had to know that it

was not me who were having these feelings and thought-pictures. She must

have been a highly intelligent person at some time, for having the ability

to stream the contents to me so clearly.

Knowing little bit about countertransference, helped me to realize, that

the streaming of feelings were not mine.

The streamings was to merely use a different vehicle than words, to

communicate to me. Once I got this insight, I could continue to do straight

forward therapy. Ego building was the obvious need here. The immediate task

at hand here.That was why I felt her 'like a baby in my womb " . She was

contracting me to built her a structure, an ego, from where she could

operate her day and her needs.


Her strict background, the strict ways with which she was raised as a child,

have had boxed her soul with rules and regulations. When finally she could

escape to juiciness in her late teens, the party life was heaven. But she

did not even have an ego yet. I understand the ego to be the basic inner

platform from where one can take flight. That is, till the day or time,

whenl the platform becomes redundant. When it ceases to be the inner nest

to which you want and feel the need to return to. One outgrows ego

naturally, if the true nature receives love and can be expressed.


At the time before my encounter with her, I was kind of vague about knowing

of this ability, and even more about the existense of 'clairsentience' as a

phenomena. The session with her, brought it at home for me. I just had to

take immense risks. There was no way I have had a clue as to whether what I

am doing, was valid. Did I just make up a story, refusing to admit defeat? I

had to wait for the next session. She did not block her father when he

brought her for the next appointment, he had made.


My happy moment with her, was when I softly asked her, if she would be

willing to nod her head, if she liked what I was doing with her, during the

second session. I then dared the next question. Will she nod if I was

correct with what I 'saw and felt'. Did my words of pictures and feelings,

match the contents of what arose inside her?

She rewarded me with a double nod on this one!


She broke the last session with a short sentence of verbalised words, which

made both of us jump.

Her father phoned to let me know that she could go home. She took to living

and communicating again.

Discovering the invisible world of streaming energy was wonderful.


Wishes of star-blinking beingness,


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Dear Ina, your story has inspired me so very much. I made a decision a few

days ago to embark upon a new journey and I take your story shared here as

an affirmation that I am going in the right direction. I thank you deeply.


:) (0)'s





on 1/20/01 11:46 AM, Inamarx at inamarx wrote:



> Oeps.Two separate writings were posted on the subject of ' thought and

> feeling, streaming' into another person's consciousness

> The first letter was merely a personal response. I then took the time to

> edit and add to the concept for the second letter I posted to the group.

> Just to let you know.


> Since this topic came up and I was asked about it, how about telling you,

> about the strange experience I have had in this regard.



> Some numbers of years ago, I got a call from a person of status. He told me

> that his daughter refused to talk. She was married and used to love to

> party.

> Somehow she managed to get a lot of garbage in her life and out of the blue,

> refused to talk.

> When her father phoned, she had been hospitalized for two years. He noticed

> no progress and feared the drugs and

> methods he had seen being tried out, on her.


> I saw this frail woman for about three sessions. How silent can it be! She

> did not squeak one single word the entire first two sessions.


> By the way, my intent is not to transgress privacy and protection of the

> individual. The way in which I relate this, will not harm anybody.

> Least of all, the woman I saw.


> This woman melted into the corner of the stuffed chair like the last ray of

> the sun before it disappears behind the hills.

> She pulled her front part of her jersey over the left side of her body and

> armlocked herself. That was it. That and the silence of an Artic ice cap.

> I waited to feel how she impact on me. Not having a clue what we are going

> to do about her silence.


> Some more silence. .. Ongoing silence.


> Then I 'feel-saw' an image forming in my mind. I so whish now, that I can

> remember the stream of images that entered my mind; but oh, they were so

> informative. Symbols of her thoughts: a darkened city with high-rise

> buildings, and this vast waste field of debris towards the outskirts of the

> inner city.

> I verbalized for her: ' You feel that you had build a civilized life and

> gradually things just got old on you?'

> She kind of jerked with surprise and graced me with a glance, two seconds

> long.


> I knew I had her then. I also had to cope with immense surprise welling up

> inside myself. What was happening here?


> From there onwards, I simply waited for each next picture frame, and then

> verbalized it. Her body felt-sense inclined more towards the 'depleting

> energy' kind. She would merely twitch in her body if I impacted. This was

> how she 'talked' to me. Often I simply felt a bad or needy feel in my body.

> She became the baby in my womb. I wanted to wince having her there. Then I

> got blessed and realized that this was a countertransference!


> Did we have to work on this one! I had to tell her how I felt here

> 'beingness'. I made a simple statement; " This feeling like being an

> unwanted baby , not ever ending in life, must be hard. You were so happy to

> find that the sleazy feeling went away, when you found friends and could

> enjoy company so much, that you could even party together. "

> I felt a dizzying wave of euphoria. So I added, using her guiding signal;

> " Having wine and some special kinds of drugs, finally made your head feel

> sleepy. You did not have to worry about things now. "

> She rewarded me with a flood of warmth through my body. I came to recognize

> this as a 'yes' signal, by this time. We continued to pattern her history.

> Sorry, I meant her herstory, with experiences and words, that haven't had

> found affectionate mirroring through people who were significant to her in

> her life. I began to add, weaving structure which she signaled to me

> through her body wisdom, commenting on how each experience my body feel.

> Sometimes even sneaking in a tiny wish through, which I framed into ideas,

> anticipating her needs.


> Nothing had prepared me for what was happening here. I had to know that it

> was not me who were having these feelings and thought-pictures. She must

> have been a highly intelligent person at some time, for having the ability

> to stream the contents to me so clearly.

> Knowing little bit about countertransference, helped me to realize, that

> the streaming of feelings were not mine.

> The streamings was to merely use a different vehicle than words, to

> communicate to me. Once I got this insight, I could continue to do straight

> forward therapy. Ego building was the obvious need here. The immediate task

> at hand here.That was why I felt her 'like a baby in my womb " . She was

> contracting me to built her a structure, an ego, from where she could

> operate her day and her needs.


> Her strict background, the strict ways with which she was raised as a child,

> have had boxed her soul with rules and regulations. When finally she could

> escape to juiciness in her late teens, the party life was heaven. But she

> did not even have an ego yet. I understand the ego to be the basic inner

> platform from where one can take flight. That is, till the day or time,

> whenl the platform becomes redundant. When it ceases to be the inner nest

> to which you want and feel the need to return to. One outgrows ego

> naturally, if the true nature receives love and can be expressed.


> At the time before my encounter with her, I was kind of vague about knowing

> of this ability, and even more about the existense of 'clairsentience' as a

> phenomena. The session with her, brought it at home for me. I just had to

> take immense risks. There was no way I have had a clue as to whether what I

> am doing, was valid. Did I just make up a story, refusing to admit defeat? I

> had to wait for the next session. She did not block her father when he

> brought her for the next appointment, he had made.


> My happy moment with her, was when I softly asked her, if she would be

> willing to nod her head, if she liked what I was doing with her, during the

> second session. I then dared the next question. Will she nod if I was

> correct with what I 'saw and felt'. Did my words of pictures and feelings,

> match the contents of what arose inside her?

> She rewarded me with a double nod on this one!


> She broke the last session with a short sentence of verbalised words, which

> made both of us jump.

> Her father phoned to let me know that she could go home. She took to living

> and communicating again.

> Discovering the invisible world of streaming energy was wonderful.


> Wishes of star-blinking beingness,

> Ina.


> Visit the community page:

> For administrative problems -owner

> To , -


> All messages, files and archives of this forum are copyright of the

> group and the individual authors.



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I'd probably also recommend GESTALT THERAPY VERBATIM, about 30 years old, but

great stuff by Fritz Perls.







GrCrdni ; psydtobe1 ; kathy ;

Reiki4Migraine-owner ; mpenner ;


Sunday, January 28, 2001 10:41 AM

hypnotic 'forms'



" Rusty Morgan " <rustym

>Would you be able to recommend a good book on gestalt





Perls would be a good start.


Check into this book list:








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