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You can joke about it but something that can work for you establishing a

center in your community is publishing a list of events for people to give

workshops, this gives the center local attention and couple of us might be

ready to go down under and give a workshop in South Africa.

Have a nice creative day

Anand Avid


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  • 6 years later...

Hi Dhara,


I am also a student of Ayurveda and will list below some of the

recommendations I have learned for irregular menses or lack of menses. My

suggestions are for apana-vayu which will also be helpful for artava vaha srotas

(the channel for menstruation). It sounds like she could use some more help

with building up her artava (the last tissue to get nourished in the body) as

well as getting apana-vayu back into its seat in the pelvis.


In general, it is vata dosha that is out of balance so creating a regular

routine of things will be very helpful -- regular eating times, regular morning

routine, regular abyangha (oil bath - for instructions, check out:

http://www.drclaudiawelch.com/abhyanga.htm), etc. Writing out a schedule can be

really helpful for vata -- just make sure to leave some wiggle room since vata

will go crazy if it feels it is being confined too much!


Apana vayu (or apana vata) goes out of balance when there is too much upward

moving energy (udana vayu). Your client may also be feeling ungrounded or

spacey in general, so any and all grounding techniques will be helpful --- like

restorative yoga, lots of asana on the ground with forward bends, hot rock



Grounding foods (like root veggies and winter squash) baked in the oven with

lots of ghee or good oils will be excellent for bringing back apana-vayu to its

seat. Yams are especially good for the uterus and are also helpful with

constipation. Warmed spiced milk at night will also be good to bring that vata

back down. Maybe even Ysha's warmed garlic milk? (Ysha?)


If anemia is the cause, then eating currants, raisins, carrots and beets will

help (well cooked or soaked). Also, taking 7 tablespoons of honey 3 days in a

row is supposed to help (I have never tried this but was taught this is a good



I have been told that meditating during menstruation is not the best idea

since the energy in meditation is moving upwards (or can do this) so either

suggesting to do slow, deep, pelvic breathing during menses is a good idea or

visualizing roots growing into the ground -- something like this might be

helpful to keep the schedule going (remember, vata needs this above anything



Basthis (oil enemas) will also be helpful to bring the downward moving vata

back to its seat in the colon and pelvis. What I have learned for how to do

basthis: 1/3 cup (some can handle more) slightly warmed sesame oil (organic food

grade) in an enema bag. Get all the air out of the tube, insert while lying on

left side with legs slightly bent, and hold the oil for as long as she can.

Many times, people don't have any oil come out for a week or more! Don't be

alarmed - the colon and intestines are just soaking up the oil. After the

basthi, she should just take it easy (hard for vata-types to do!).


Although it does not sound like this is the cause of your client's amenorea,

castor oil packs are a good thing to know about and even try to see if they help

things. If there is stagnation (which would be clear if there is painful

menses, clotting for a vata type, or painful cramps and pms): rub castor oil on

the abdomen, put a piece of flannel on top and lay a hot water bottle on top of

this. Your client should then lay down for about 1-1.5 hours and just relax.

This relaxation part is very important since part of why vata gets vitiated is

because it simply does too much and forgets to ground and relax. The heat is

good since vata is cold in quality so getting some heat to the pelvis is

important. And the castor oil is oily in nature, countering vata's dry quality.

Laying down and resting counters vata's mobile quality. She should do this

every day for a month or 2 before her cycle begins but not during her cycle.

Her cycle may be intense and even painful when it

starts but this is just the stagnation moving out (if that is the cause of the

irregularity or lack of menses). She can also put a piece of plastic wrap on

top of her belly (to protect flannel from getting oily). Castor oil is intense,

and is good at breaking stuff up -- like fibroids (just wait 3 months after any

fibroid scraping procedures to do the packs). It will also bring the energy

back down to the pelvis.


Those are my suggestions. I know there are some herbs that will help, but I

am not one to make many suggestions there. Ones I believe will be helpful are

triphala (in general to get apana moving downward again), either ashoka or

shatavari (unless there are estrogen issues), and I believe ashwaghanda is good

in general for vata (for its building and strenthening nature). Please consult

with someone about herbs though -- as I said, my knowledge is limited here.


Hope this helps!



ayurveda wrote:

Perinatal Ayurveda

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)


Re: Apana Vata dharajani20

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Re: Apana Vata Posted by: " dharajani20 " dharajani20

dharajani20 Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:25 am (PST) Hi ayurveda Group:


I recently joined the group. I am a student of Ayurveda and

interested in learning more about the field from the parishioners.


I would like to find out more about Apana Vata specifically a

condition related to delayed or absence of menstruation. What

causes apana vata and how to go about curing it?


The case is of a 30 year old woman who is vata-pitta body

consitution and she is trying to get pregnent but her she does not

get regular periods.





ayurveda , " cmthite " <cmthite



> I would like to share this experience with you. This is


> very simple case but I think this would help to explain how we can

> use Ayurvedic principles to treat different conditions in day-to-


> practice.


> Not exactly perinatal, but this case explains importance of a type


> vata called apana vata. Main functions of apana vata are


> of waste and also childbirth. Normal direction of apana vata is

> downwards. And therefore modalities such as anuloman (mild

> purgation), basti, and anal suppository helps regulate the


> of apana vata.


> A 4-year-old girl was brought to me at 8.30 in the evening with


> mother telling that she has not passed urine since last 24 hours.


> has had diarrhea, fever, and vomiting since 3 days and was treated

> elsewhere for that with antibiotic and antiemetic. Fever subsided,

> but she was still throwing up. Diarrhea stopped but she had not

> passed any stool since the day before I saw her. The parents


> the pediatrician who felt the anuria was due to dehydration and


> the child may need admission and IV fluids. Although the parents


> given her lots and lots of water and other fluids, but no urine

> still. When I saw the patient, she was alert and playful without


> sign of dehydration with little abdominal distention. I asked them


> stop all medications, stop pushing water, and I gave her little

> gokshur and yavakshar every hour to help her urinate. Nothing

> happened. Suspecting this was due to obstruction of apana vata,


> 2.30 a.m. I decided to use anal suppository before giving her any

> basti treatment. This did the trick. She passed some stool and


> with that she passed lot of urine and slept soundly afterwards.


> I have posted this elsewhere on the internet but I felt I should


> share this with you.


> Dr Thite

> www.ayurvedicrx.com




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Hello Dhara,


For delayed menses, firstly, attempt should be made to find the exact

cause. There may be multiple causes. Menstruation is primarily related to

the first dhatu that is rasa dhatu. There could be inadequate rasadhatu/

improper digestion of rasadhatu or a block in its flow. Raja (menstrual

flow?) and stanya (breastmilk) are upadhatus (sub-dhatus) of rasadhatu.

There could also be inadequate rakta dhatu (which has direct relation to

menses). Sometimes there is interference by other dhatus such as medodhatu

(fat). Excess fat may be a cause of this. There could be inadequate or

vitiated shukradhatu also (though there are difference of opinion about

presence of shukradhatu in women). The other dhatus (mamsa asthi and majja)

may also be considered, but these are rather remotely related.


I agree with Lexie regarding meditation and also use of basti and snehan

swedan (oil application and fomentation) to normalize apana vata. Use of 7

tablespoons of honey, I think, is subject to Agni of the person, because

honey is Guru (heavy to digest) and also hot in property.


Apart from these we may find different conditions diagnosed by modern

techniques, e.g., ovarian cysts, fibroids, etc. Although, the Ayurvedic

diagnosis may vary according to symptom complex. One of our primary

infertility patients had ovarian cysts and she was treated with

panchankarmas and some herbs including Latakaranj and pushyanuga churna.

This gave excellent results, the cysts vanished, and she conceived after

three months of treatment.


Uterus is compared with earth, where a seed is implanted and with proper

watering and nourishment, it grows to a plant. Uterine tissue (especially

endometrium) is pretty delicate and is vulnerable to extremes of diet and

behavior. Also, In my opinion prolonged use of birth control methods may

eventually hurt the whole reproductive system, but this could be a subject

for another discussion .


Dr. Thite




On 9/27/07, Lexie Neonakis <lexneon wrote:


> Hi Dhara,


> I am also a student of Ayurveda and will list below some of the

> recommendations I have learned for irregular menses or lack of menses. My

> suggestions are for apana-vayu which will also be helpful for artava vaha

> srotas (the channel for menstruation). It sounds like she could use some

> more help with building up her artava (the last tissue to get nourished in

> the body) as well as getting apana-vayu back into its seat in the pelvis.


> In general, it is vata dosha that is out of balance so creating a regular

> routine of things will be very helpful -- regular eating times, regular

> morning routine, regular abyangha (oil bath - for instructions, check out:

> http://www.drclaudiawelch.com/abhyanga.htm), etc. Writing out a schedule

> can be really helpful for vata -- just make sure to leave some wiggle room

> since vata will go crazy if it feels it is being confined too much!


> Apana vayu (or apana vata) goes out of balance when there is too much

> upward moving energy (udana vayu). Your client may also be feeling

> ungrounded or spacey in general, so any and all grounding techniques will be

> helpful --- like restorative yoga, lots of asana on the ground with forward

> bends, hot rock massages...


> Grounding foods (like root veggies and winter squash) baked in the oven

> with lots of ghee or good oils will be excellent for bringing back

> apana-vayu to its seat. Yams are especially good for the uterus and are also

> helpful with constipation. Warmed spiced milk at night will also be good to

> bring that vata back down. Maybe even Ysha's warmed garlic milk? (Ysha?)


> If anemia is the cause, then eating currants, raisins, carrots and beets

> will help (well cooked or soaked). Also, taking 7 tablespoons of honey 3

> days in a row is supposed to help (I have never tried this but was taught

> this is a good remedy).


> I have been told that meditating during menstruation is not the best idea

> since the energy in meditation is moving upwards (or can do this) so either

> suggesting to do slow, deep, pelvic breathing during menses is a good idea

> or visualizing roots growing into the ground -- something like this might be

> helpful to keep the schedule going (remember, vata needs this above anything

> else!).


> Basthis (oil enemas) will also be helpful to bring the downward moving

> vata back to its seat in the colon and pelvis. What I have learned for how

> to do basthis: 1/3 cup (some can handle more) slightly warmed sesame oil

> (organic food grade) in an enema bag. Get all the air out of the tube,

> insert while lying on left side with legs slightly bent, and hold the oil

> for as long as she can. Many times, people don't have any oil come out for a

> week or more! Don't be alarmed - the colon and intestines are just soaking

> up the oil. After the basthi, she should just take it easy (hard for

> vata-types to do!).


> Although it does not sound like this is the cause of your client's

> amenorea, castor oil packs are a good thing to know about and even try to

> see if they help things. If there is stagnation (which would be clear if

> there is painful menses, clotting for a vata type, or painful cramps and

> pms): rub castor oil on the abdomen, put a piece of flannel on top and lay a

> hot water bottle on top of this. Your client should then lay down for about

> 1-1.5 hours and just relax. This relaxation part is very important since

> part of why vata gets vitiated is because it simply does too much and

> forgets to ground and relax. The heat is good since vata is cold in quality

> so getting some heat to the pelvis is important. And the castor oil is oily

> in nature, countering vata's dry quality. Laying down and resting counters

> vata's mobile quality. She should do this every day for a month or 2 before

> her cycle begins but not during her cycle. Her cycle may be intense and even

> painful when it

> starts but this is just the stagnation moving out (if that is the cause of

> the irregularity or lack of menses). She can also put a piece of plastic

> wrap on top of her belly (to protect flannel from getting oily). Castor oil

> is intense, and is good at breaking stuff up -- like fibroids (just wait 3

> months after any fibroid scraping procedures to do the packs). It will also

> bring the energy back down to the pelvis.


> Those are my suggestions. I know there are some herbs that will help, but

> I am not one to make many suggestions there. Ones I believe will be helpful

> are triphala (in general to get apana moving downward again), either ashoka

> or shatavari (unless there are estrogen issues), and I believe ashwaghanda

> is good in general for vata (for its building and strenthening nature).

> Please consult with someone about herbs though -- as I said, my knowledge is

> limited here.


> Hope this helps!

> Lexie


> ayurveda <ayurveda%40>wrote:

> Perinatal Ayurveda

> Messages In This Digest (1 Message)

> 1a.

> Re: Apana Vata dharajani20

> View All Topics | Create New Topic

> Message

> 1a.

> Re: Apana Vata Posted by: " dharajani20 "

dharajani20<dharajani20%40>dharajani20 Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:25

am (PST) Hi ayurveda Group:


> I recently joined the group. I am a student of Ayurveda and

> interested in learning more about the field from the parishioners.


> I would like to find out more about Apana Vata specifically a

> condition related to delayed or absence of menstruation. What

> causes apana vata and how to go about curing it?


> The case is of a 30 year old woman who is vata-pitta body

> consitution and she is trying to get pregnent but her she does not

> get regular periods.


> Thanks,

> Dhara


> ayurveda <ayurveda%40>,

> " cmthite " <cmthite

> wrote:

> >

> > I would like to share this experience with you. This is

> relatively

> > very simple case but I think this would help to explain how we can

> > use Ayurvedic principles to treat different conditions in day-to-

> day

> > practice.

> >

> > Not exactly perinatal, but this case explains importance of a type

> of

> > vata called apana vata. Main functions of apana vata are

> excretion

> > of waste and also childbirth. Normal direction of apana vata is

> > downwards. And therefore modalities such as anuloman (mild

> > purgation), basti, and anal suppository helps regulate the

> function

> > of apana vata.

> >

> > A 4-year-old girl was brought to me at 8.30 in the evening with

> the

> > mother telling that she has not passed urine since last 24 hours.

> She

> > has had diarrhea, fever, and vomiting since 3 days and was treated

> > elsewhere for that with antibiotic and antiemetic. Fever subsided,

> > but she was still throwing up. Diarrhea stopped but she had not

> > passed any stool since the day before I saw her. The parents

> called

> > the pediatrician who felt the anuria was due to dehydration and

> that

> > the child may need admission and IV fluids. Although the parents

> had

> > given her lots and lots of water and other fluids, but no urine

> > still. When I saw the patient, she was alert and playful without

> any

> > sign of dehydration with little abdominal distention. I asked them

> to

> > stop all medications, stop pushing water, and I gave her little

> > gokshur and yavakshar every hour to help her urinate. Nothing

> > happened. Suspecting this was due to obstruction of apana vata,

> at

> > 2.30 a.m. I decided to use anal suppository before giving her any

> > basti treatment. This did the trick. She passed some stool and

> along

> > with that she passed lot of urine and slept soundly afterwards.

> >

> > I have posted this elsewhere on the internet but I felt I should

> also

> > share this with you.

> >

> > Dr Thite

> > www.ayurvedicrx.com

> >


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