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Dear Erdeen,


Sorry to hear about your osteoporosis. Did your Dr. put you on any

medications? There are many good ones on the market. My mother is 94

and has broken many bones due to osteoporosis but her bone density is

much improved after taking medication. How old are you, anyway? I get

the feeling you might be rather young and are, therefore, so surprised.

I know improvement is possible. Keep your chin up.



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Dear Erdeen,


You're lucky to have been so healthy for so long. I'm 62 and have been

dealing with tumors in my spine for 20 years but, in spite of the Drs.

predictions, I am doing remarkably well. Illness does have many

life-changing consequences but they are not all bad by any means. Some

of my richest moments have been during my sickest moments. I don't

understand it but have learned to accept it as it is. For me, I found

that illness cracked open areas in my life that needed to crack open so

that something new could be released.


Please stay in touch as you go through your treatment. There is much

that can be done today. You may never be aware of the consequences if

treatment is successful. I think emotional support is invaluable and I

have found it in strange places---never where I had expected to find it.


Take care,



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Dear Caroline:All of a sudden I am just stumped. A few days ago I saw my

Dr. to receive a report on my Bone Density exam.My Dr. said that this is

the worst case of osteoporosis she has ever seen.I am an R.N ,a healer

and I thought a person of faith I,m sure I,ll be fine but I,m really

amazed that this news would affect me as it has Do you know of a good

holistic treatment plan for this disease?Please if you have any thoughts

on this would you advise. Thanks so much ! Much Love, Erdeen


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You know my friend... the long cool drink of water I mentioned in a previous

post? Well, she is going through the same thing, and we have been doing a

lot of websearching together to look at this issue. Of course, there is the

aspect of hormones and calcium/magnesium absorption to be considered, and I

don't know what sort of medications your physician has ordered, but I will

tell you to pay close attention when you take them, as some things (like

your coffee) may block them, and other things (like cardiac drugs) may be

blocked by them.


From an energetic standpoint, the bones are governed by the root or base

chakra, and the etheric layer or closest, physical layer of the energy

field. They provide structure for the body as well as creating new blood

cells. When I visualize osteoporosis I think of things like cork or swiss

cheese, dry wood; it seems to be an excess of wind and a deficit of water.

It may be helpful to develop a simple visual for yourself... here is a good

one... if you have ever colored celery or carnations, you know that they are

porous, and when you place them in colored water they absorb it and change

to the tint. Imagine that after you eat or take your medication, your bones

are taking the moisture, calcium, magnesium and other nutrients that they

need to be fortified from your blood, and then producing more healthy blood

cells to oxygenate your body. Feel that you are feeding your bones, that

your bones are feeding and supporting you. Know that you are fully supported

by the universe, and that you are intrinsically strong and capable of

renewing that strength. You may consider taking Tai Chi or Qi Gong; and I

suggest those rather than Yoga because of the weight bearing aspects of

standing work, not just the flexibility.


There is also a tribal aspect to osteoporosis, having to do with life stage;

often we face this problem with hormonal shifts that begin to occur in our

thirties or forties, as the curtain between our mother selves and our crone

selves begins to flirt with us a bit and we start finding those stray hairs

on our chins and that parts of us are making friends with gravity that

seemed so buoyant before ;-) Just know that being a crone does not mean we

have to be kyphotic. There are many healthy, straight and strong elders out

there, and we can model them rather than the fearful ideals of age we see in

the hospital and in long term care. I think sometimes being a nurse makes us

*more* afraid because we know all the things that can go wrong. But bear in

mind that they do not have to, and that what you are experiencing does not

have to be degenerative.








> information Please!

>Thu, 22 Feb 2001 20:33:52 -0600


>Dear Caroline:All of a sudden I am just stumped. A few days ago I saw my

>Dr. to receive a report on my Bone Density exam.My Dr. said that this is

>the worst case of osteoporosis she has ever seen.I am an R.N ,a healer

>and I thought a person of faith I,m sure I,ll be fine but I,m really

>amazed that this news would affect me as it has Do you know of a good

>holistic treatment plan for this disease?Please if you have any thoughts

>on this would you advise. Thanks so much ! Much Love, Erdeen





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Dear Celeste Thank you so much for your concern. I am 65 years old. I am

extremely active very independent

and any kind of infimity was just not expected. I havn,t started on any form of

treatment as yet . I,m very sure

I,ll do just fine. Much Love! Erdeen erdeen


celeste m sullivan wrote:


> Dear Erdeen,


> Sorry to hear about your osteoporosis. Did your Dr. put you on any

> medications? There are many good ones on the market. My mother is 94

> and has broken many bones due to osteoporosis but her bone density is

> much improved after taking medication. How old are you, anyway? I get

> the feeling you might be rather young and are, therefore, so surprised.

> I know improvement is possible. Keep your chin up.


> Celeste



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Dear Caroline; Thank you so muchfor your answer and fine ideas! I blush today

because I was so frightened. I am

so well otherwise. Today I am feeling much better and I am sure everything will

be just fine.Again I say than

you! Much Love ,Erdeen erdeen


Caroline Abreu wrote:


> Erdeen:


> You know my friend... the long cool drink of water I mentioned in a previous

> post? Well, she is going through the same thing, and we have been doing a

> lot of websearching together to look at this issue. Of course, there is the

> aspect of hormones and calcium/magnesium absorption to be considered, and I

> don't know what sort of medications your physician has ordered, but I will

> tell you to pay close attention when you take them, as some things (like

> your coffee) may block them, and other things (like cardiac drugs) may be

> blocked by them.


> >From an energetic standpoint, the bones are governed by the root or base

> chakra, and the etheric layer or closest, physical layer of the energy

> field. They provide structure for the body as well as creating new blood

> cells. When I visualize osteoporosis I think of things like cork or swiss

> cheese, dry wood; it seems to be an excess of wind and a deficit of water.

> It may be helpful to develop a simple visual for yourself... here is a good

> one... if you have ever colored celery or carnations, you know that they are

> porous, and when you place them in colored water they absorb it and change

> to the tint. Imagine that after you eat or take your medication, your bones

> are taking the moisture, calcium, magnesium and other nutrients that they

> need to be fortified from your blood, and then producing more healthy blood

> cells to oxygenate your body. Feel that you are feeding your bones, that

> your bones are feeding and supporting you. Know that you are fully supported

> by the universe, and that you are intrinsically strong and capable of

> renewing that strength. You may consider taking Tai Chi or Qi Gong; and I

> suggest those rather than Yoga because of the weight bearing aspects of

> standing work, not just the flexibility.


> There is also a tribal aspect to osteoporosis, having to do with life stage;

> often we face this problem with hormonal shifts that begin to occur in our

> thirties or forties, as the curtain between our mother selves and our crone

> selves begins to flirt with us a bit and we start finding those stray hairs

> on our chins and that parts of us are making friends with gravity that

> seemed so buoyant before ;-) Just know that being a crone does not mean we

> have to be kyphotic. There are many healthy, straight and strong elders out

> there, and we can model them rather than the fearful ideals of age we see in

> the hospital and in long term care. I think sometimes being a nurse makes us

> *more* afraid because we know all the things that can go wrong. But bear in

> mind that they do not have to, and that what you are experiencing does not

> have to be degenerative.


> Blessings,

> Crow



> >

> >

> > information Please!

> >Thu, 22 Feb 2001 20:33:52 -0600

> >

> >Dear Caroline:All of a sudden I am just stumped. A few days ago I saw my

> >Dr. to receive a report on my Bone Density exam.My Dr. said that this is

> >the worst case of osteoporosis she has ever seen.I am an R.N ,a healer

> >and I thought a person of faith I,m sure I,ll be fine but I,m really

> >amazed that this news would affect me as it has Do you know of a good

> >holistic treatment plan for this disease?Please if you have any thoughts

> >on this would you advise. Thanks so much ! Much Love, Erdeen

> >erdeen.

> >


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Where we are is certainly the only place we can be in the moment. So please

do not feel embarassed that you were frightened, or that you expressed it. I

know that when I go to the doctor and hear something that is unexpected, it

can throw me off kilter.


You *will* be all right, because you care enough about yourself to be

proactive, and I am sure you are a sensible being. Take good care of

yourself! I am going to re-forward my post on the Root chakra, the old

timers will be familiar with it but I'm sure several people here are not, so

it's recycle time. Hope it is helpful in your " bone work " .


Recovering Orthopedic Nurse,







>Re: information Please!

>Fri, 23 Feb 2001 20:33:38 -0600


>Dear Caroline; Thank you so muchfor your answer and fine ideas! I blush

>today because I was so frightened. I am

>so well otherwise. Today I am feeling much better and I am sure everything

>will be just fine.Again I say than

>you! Much Love ,Erdeen erdeen




Caroline " Crow " Abreu, BS, RN, CHTP/I, CRMT, CH, MTC


Subtle Energy Techniques to Support Growth & Healing

Healing Touch, Reiki, Chios, Hypnotherapy


~~~SomaChi...the Balance you've been looking for...~~~


" The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind

is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors

the servant and has forgotten the gift. " ~ Albert Einstein


" The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our

dispositions, and not on our circumstances. We carry the

seeds of the one or the other about with us in our minds

wherever we go. " ~ Martha Washington (1732 - 1802)








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