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dear Harri




what a life-guide. I am grateful for sharing your ideas and experience with


i identified with almost every word you wrote. like we were on the same

wave-frequency. i have to read this again and again (is this a negative

seriousness :-)?)


what i liked most is the choice to open to every thing.

do you know the legend about the princess and the pea? that she could feel

the small pea beneath the thick matress?.... (hans chrisian andersen)


well, for me - i would have felt the pea even beneath 1000 matresses.

it's not bragging. It's just so. i can feel people's energies even by phone

even by e-mail... I see to much.... I hear too much

and being too perceptive making me vulnerable to their energies.


if i feel bad vibes - i can become miserable. sometimes it can be a human

being that i have never met before...sometimes he doesn't

say anything.... just look and i can immediately feel his thoughts

i can feel jealousy for example - and that's a very negative feeling

which will not leave me until i have a good bath or sleep or excercise.


sometimes the bad energy is sticky and will not leave me - so usually i try

to avoid people...or keep a contact by phone only.


I realized that the problem is in my attitude, that i need to wear shields

or learn to be strong enough not to let the negative energies penetrate. but

i do not know the techniques.

there is a chinese proverb that says: flies never visit a cracked egg.

which means : if you are whole and complete and united - the bad things will

never visit you.

and i love this idea because when i had the problem with the finger

(piece of wood- antibiotics : remember)? i learned that the crack (cut in

the finger) attracted the " flies " ( it started to swell, and to be inflamed

so i needed antibiotics - which led to rush in my body and a running nose

etc etc.- i learned never to use antibiotics of any kind)


this was of course in the physical plane but in the mental plane it must be

the same.

I want to learn to be whole - with no cracks - and keep myself like this -

so the bad energies will never come to visit me. they may be around but i

won't react to them.

i must admit that sometimes i feel the negative energies inside myself. like

a computer virus that contaminates you and it starts to be difficult to ret

rid of it.


I hope this does not sound lunatic... i have a little (12 years old) girl

which is very perceptive too, and she starts crying whenever she feels bad

energies from people.

many blessings


Ps : may i ask what is your astrological sign? also the chinese sign?













Harri Kantele <harri.kantele


éåí øáéòé 21 îøõ 2001 14:29

Vs: of relaxation



> Dear Anat,


> Well, I cannot bragg too much over my relaxedness yet but I'm quite


> that I'm going/growing to that direction more and more. I could say steady

> but slowly. Perhaps the most important thing to me has been the


> of my own " internal " wisdom. I mean, the ability to just listen to

myself -

> not the others. This doesn't mean that other people wouldn't have good

> advice nor that I wouldn't follow them. It means that I want to check them

> with me first and if I'll get a positive answer from myself (usually it's


> feeling of certainty- little bit difficult to explain it with words) I


> follow it. Sometimes (actually it feels now that too many times) I have


> against my " inner guidance " knowingly. It is a good learning experience


> it may be, if you are able to learn from it), but I wouldn't recommend it


> anybody. Unless you want to learn by making yourself suffer.


> I think there's a better way to do this , allthough I cannot say exactly

> what it is, because I think that everybody must learn the best way for

> themselves by themselves. Of course you can always get guiding from more

> experienced individuals, but there is this " danger " of loosing your own


> if you, by following other persons advice will be blinded from your own

> internal wisdom and thus are not able to listen your conscience/ inner

> voice/feelings. I think the main thing here is to be honest with/to


> , be open to life and experiences (and sometimes to know when you need to

> " protect " yourself - by " not being open " , by resting, by avoiding some

> people, by not attending to something you ought to...) and to pay


> both to your thoughts (mind) and to your feelings (body) AND noticing what

> kind of responses you are receiving from them. Which means from YOU.


> Are there any general guidelines that would apply to everybody. I think

> there are. One thing that I know for sure is that many times stress,

> anxiousness, depression, fatique etc... whatever that could be desrcibed


> being mental, has their origin in physical side of ones being. In that


> doing mental excercises " (visualizations, positive affirmations,

> meditation...) won't solve the problem. They will give at least some


> (depends on how serious the physical condition is - for example a mercury


> other heavy metal toxicity, brain tumor...) but in order to get well again

> one has to pay attention to the physical side also. By the physical side I

> mean things like diet, different cleanses (bowel, kidney, liver...)

> excercise, cleaning the environment where one lives ( throwing out toxic

> substances from home) maybe avoiding electro-magnetic radiation and


> in general as much as possible.


> As I already mentioned, one very important thing to start with is paying

> attention to bodily and mental " messages " . Headache is a message of

> something. It may have it's origin either on the mental side or the


> side. First thing is to find out where it comes from. When you know this

> then you can go on considering actual " cures " for it. The same is true


> stress. Or with any other ailment/ desease. At least that's how I think it

> is.


> Only after this " short " introduction I can give you some practical advice.

> And these are my personal findings and may not apply to you. And I want to

> stress that I'm still a " schoolboy of life " myself, but despite of tha,t I

> think I often know more than those so called experts. And, althoght these

> are serious issues they are not meant to be taken seriously.


> So the place where I'd start dealing with stress is attitude. What helped


> long long time ago was an article in Readers Digest. Yes you read right.


> was about this ancient chinese saying " Nothing is so important than

> gardening - and even that is not so important " . How did this help me?


> time I caught myself stressing/ worrying over somthing I asked myself: How

> important is this to me REALLY? Many times this question lead me to " inner

> laughter " . That's how I started to learn to put things into " right "

> perspectives.


> Second thing that I'd do would be to check my physical side by a) checking

> my diet (by adjusting my bloopPH to correct level), b) checking how do I


> my body ( " right " working/ sitting positions- " right " walking - am I

> breathing " right " - does my body get enough enjoyable exercise...) and c)


> I get enough rest/sleep. Simultaneously I'd do some " basic " organ and


> cleansing. If I was to have any cronic desease I'd also check possible

> infections (root canals, extracted wisdom tooth sites) in my mouth by some

> very experienced biological or wholistic dentist. And I would certainly

> consider removing all amalgam fillings from my mouth. I'd also check if

> there were some constant pollution going on in my home. Old leaking copper

> pipes, asbestose/ fiberglass dust, mold...


> Why am I recommending all these purely physical cleanses to reduce stress?

> Simply because if the cause is purely physical, then you need to start

> there. If someones nervourness, anxiety or stress comes from mercury

> toxicity the symptoms will remain until the root cause has been moved.


> about this " fact " that mind/ spirit comes before body? Before we had these

> toxins (polluted water/air, chemicals, drugs, radiation, nutrient


> gene manipulated foods, amalgams, root canal treatments, electro-magnetig

> fields etc...) that was most likely the case. Are there then not any


> who can " clean " themselves by using their mind/ spirit? I believe there


> But they are not the ones following " normal " western lifestile. I could

> assume that advanced yogis, Qigong masters, zen munks and people similar


> them, people who can control and harness the energy level of reality " all

> the way " are able to do this. I believe there can be natural talents,

> individuals who are able to do these things also without any particular

> practise, but they are only few.


> Back to the topic. It seems that I could write a book of this subject.

> Hmmm... maybe I will. OK, if there was any stress left after the physical

> adjustments I'd start dealing the mental side by using different

" relaxation

> techniques " . Maybe little meditation, some visualization, emotional work,

> hypnotherapy, EMDR... Main thing is to do something you think is


> (you believe it can work) and to do something that feels good. All in all

> it's about making right choises for YOURSELF. And the only person who


> what's good for you is YOU. Sometimes it's more difficult but that's the

> right direction to go asking questions.


> Then what actual ways do I myself use for acute stress reduction. First

> comes the " right attitude " which includes laughter. If that doesn't work I

> can go walking to some beatifull place. I may start listening some music I

> like. I may start playing guitar. I may start composing new songs. Maybe I

> go to a bar and have couple of beers and meet some new people. Yes, I do

> that also. Concert or art exhibition works also sometimes. Or I can go

> swimming. Or I can do what Anukki suggested and go to SAUNA. It cleanses

> you, solves muscular tensions, purifies your soul and when done the right

> way to YOU (not too long, not too hot), feels like heaven. I've been


> in sauna now every day from last saturday and I'm going to continue untill

> next monday. If you don't have any sauna on bathing facilities near you,

> sunbathing is egually relaxing (not so cleansing, though) especially when

> combined with swimming in the sea and of course when done the right way to

> YOU.


> Now I think it's better to finnish this before it becomes my first " book " .


> Hoping you creative and rewarding times!


> And don't listen to me, listen to yourself,


> Harri


> PS. Nothing is so important than LISTENING to YOURSELF...and even that


> so important...

> PPS. This doesn't mean that life or your actions wouldn't be important.


> are, but there's a big difference between a negative and a positive

> seriousness and I think you know what that is without me telling it.





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You said:


<<there is a chinese proverb that says: flies never visit a cracked egg.

which means : if you are whole and complete and united - the bad things will

never visit you.>>


Doesn't this mean the opposite? ;-) Perhaps you missed something in the

writing of the proverb.


I wanted to say something very clearly about vulnerability and protection.

The urge for it arises from fear, not from reality. The more impermeable and

thick we make the walls around us, the less likely we are to be able to

fully experience the life we have chosen for ourselves... that includes the

" good " as well as the " bad " .


Try to understand that everything is a lesson. Since that is so, rather than

trying to avoid, protect, hide, etc. you should be finding ways to assess,

observe, understand and cope, or at least accept. Be a clear channel and

nothing will " stick " to you. That is much better than being " guarded " . Other

people's energy may not feel comfortable, but that does not mean that you

should avoid it. Every wall will fall eventually, so don't put your faith in

them. Instead fortify what is inside you, not what is around you.


What Harri told you is very important here... be open. Your fear is your

most dangerous enemy, and it lives inside the walls with you.





PS: Could you PLEASE edit your posts so that they are not so long? Try

configuring your browser to reply without trailing the post you are

responding to. Thanks.




> " pine " <pine



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I went through something similar to you several years ago. I was sensitive

to negative emotions, and so scared of more contact that I eventually had to

shut down or go crazy. I had a nervous breakdown. Not a route I'd recommend.


It may be difficult to find, but I'd suggest trying to find someone to work

with, or, if this is not an option, find some books or tapes (maybe someone

here can recommend something) that can help you gain some control over your

talent. It changed my world, so that I can receive the positive flow as well

as the shadow (growth) side.



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