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Hi all


I agree with Connie, enough already with the info on Microhydrin..it might be

good stuff, but the " advertisement " stuff should be promoted personally to

the individual interested...



Master Herbalist




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  • 1 year later...


Dear Victoria:

RE: Questions

What form of calcium are you taking? Oyster shell? Pure calcium carbonate? Etc?

I have been taking pure calcium carbonate. The reason is that when I first started, I took calcium and magnesium and as I already have loose stools I couldn’t tolerate any magnesium it made it even worse. If oyster shell is better, I can tolerate that. I took it for a while but switched back to calcium carbonate because I chew it up to make sure it gets absorbed better and the oyster shell didn’t taste good when I chewed it up. But I certainly will switch if that has some magnesium in it and might help. Is the oyster shell tablets you get at WalMart ok to use. That’s where I get calcium carbonate that worked fine. I’ve heard some talk about contamination?? in ANY oyster shell. What is that all about? Since I can’t take mag I figured I must not need that and the calcium helped so I figured I was deficient in it. Are there any other foods or herbs with magnesium that wouldn’t get me loose stools?

Is the chocolate milk chocolate or dark chocolate?

I eat any kind of candy bar with chocolate. I guess the first ingredient in most bars are milk chocolate but if you eat enough it does make a difference in pain.

Do you eat any yogurt? With live cultures?

I do eat usually 1 Yoplait a day or every other day with live cultures.


Did you get my massive list of answers to your previous questions??

Thanks - Sharon

Oyster shell is one of the best Ca supplements because it also contains Mg. The body needs both Ca and Mg, and up to a point, each needs the other in order to be absorbed and utilized. After that point is reached, Ca and Mg are in competition with each other. If Ca intake is excessive - like sometimes can happen if pure calcium carbonate is taken, Mg gets excreted. If the person takes too much Mg, too much Ca is excreted. There is a long list of medical symptoms and disorders that magnesium deficiency is implicated in? These include insomnia (not all cases of insomnia), one type of high blood pressure, muscle spasms and tics, and excessive pain (in some cases of excessive pain). (See the work of Mildred Seelig, MD, American College of Nutrition for more details on Mg.) Some experts believe that Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) and Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) are the same thing. If the pain predominates, the person gets the FMS diagnosis. If fatigue predominates, the person gets the CFIDS diagnosis. There is an amazing overlap of symptoms between the two, and the last I heard about 85% of people diagnosed with CFIDS also carry the FMS diagnosis. A lot of PWCs (People With CFIDS) are helped by magnesium. (Not all, but many.) One thing I've noticed (haven't seen any studies on this, it's strictly my observation) is that not only do PWCs tend to need more Mg, their genetic relatives also tend to have this need. One of the roles magnesium plays in the body is it enhances the neurotransmitter GABA. NMDA excites neurons to fire; GABA inhibits them from firing. In a well person, the excitatory neurotransmitter NMDA and the inhibitary GABA are more or less in balance, causing neurons to fire enough but not too much. Too much GABA relative to NMDA, and coma results. Too much NMDA relative to GABA, and seizures result. But long before the point of seizures is reached, the person is having problems with "sensory overload". The patterns in a rug, the smells in a supermarket, etc. can seem overwhleming because the neurons are "firing" too much and not being inhibited. A light touch can feel extremely painful because the neurons are firing too much. (See the work of Paul Cheney, MD, and the CFIDS Association of America.) Obviously, Mg supplementation is not going to take away all pain - just that due to neurons firing too much. But, if Mg deficiency is a problem in your case, the Mg supplementation may be enough to enable someone to massage or adjust your neck if that turns out to be helpful. It also may be enough that you can stand to do acupressure on the GB 20 points. (Don't attempt it until that pain problem is cleared up or at least improved.) Muscles need Mg in order to relax. If muscles stay contracted (tense), this can be very fatiguing as well as painful. Also, chiropractric and osteopathic adjustments and manipulations tend not to last on many PWCs. The reason they don't last (until Mg is supplemented) is that the muscles stay so contracted that in some individuals they can pull the back out of alignment again. The blood tests for Mg levels leave a lot to be desired. The best test is a urinalysis test. (Sorry, don't remember the name of the test.) Sometimes, the oyster shell is not enough, and the person needs the Mg injections. I did. After a few years I got to the point where I no longer needed the shots and could absorb enough Mg from pills. (Still haven't gotten to the point where I can get enough just from diet alone, but some people can. My problems went untreated for so many years.) Malic acid (found in apples) improves absorption of Mg. So does I believe boron. Aluminum interfers with Mg absorption. You don't drink soft drinks, but for readers who do, if you drink pop out of unlined cans, one can get enough Al (even though very slight) that it will interfere with Mg absorption. People with excessive, loose, especially watery bowel movements often have problems with Mg absorption. For example, people with Celiac disease, colitis, etc. If there is not a MD in your area who knows about the urinalysis test and the various roles Mg play in the body, you may want to cautiously introduce more Mg into your diet. Mustard greens are high in Mg. Oyster shell (if you aren't already taking this form of Ca supplement) contain both Ca and Mg in ratios that the body likes. But if the Mg is very low, a person will need a Mg supplement or a Ca-Mg supplement with more Mg than Ca. Some of the best Mg supplements also contain malic acid which helps Mg absorption. If the best that your local MD can do is a blood test for Mg levels, keep in mind that the blood can have enough Mg but the cells may not. This is why the urinalysis test is superior to the blood tests for measuring Mg. If Mg deficiency is a factor in the headaches, the Mg supplementation by itself probably won't totally stop the headaches. The supplementation will reduce the pain some (the part due to the excessive firing of neurons) and hopefully to the point where massage and acupressure can be used on the neck. IF this is a factor in your case. What you're going to be looking for is slight improvement or maybe partial improvement. Healing often has to be done in steps. Figure out what the major factors may be that are preventing other healing from taking place. In this case, the neck and head pain is so great that you can't stand for anyone to touch the area. Also, there may be some absorption problems because of the bowel movements. The reason I asked about yogurt is not only is it a source of calcium, the live cultures often can help the bowel environment. Make sure the yogurt has live cultures. Not all brands do. If anything you try makes you feel worse, stop immediately. Introduce changes one at a time and very slowly. Err on the side of too little rather than too much. If a little is great, more often is not better but worse. Both too much and too little Mg can be fatal. Victoria

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> What form of calcium are you taking? Oyster shell? Pure calcium

> carbonate? Etc?


I use them both at different times. I use the calcium carbonate when

I get leg cramps from doing a lot of walking. Otherwise, it's oyster



I take more Mg than the recommended 2:1 ratio of Ca to Mg because

that works best for me. Evidently, I still have some absorption



> I have been taking pure calcium carbonate. The reason is that when


> first started, I took calcium and magnesium and as I already have

> loose stools I couldn't tolerate any magnesium it made it even


> If oyster shell is better, I can tolerate that. I took it for a


> but switched back to calcium carbonate because I chew it up to make

> sure it gets absorbed better and the oyster shell didn't taste good

> when I chewed it up.


You can take oyster shell, or take the Ca and Mg separately. I use

Mg chelated with amino acids. I forwarded in a bunch of articles on

Mg that should help in making some decisions. Also a couple of

articles on chocolate.


The important thing is to find the combination that is right for

you. The 2:1 guideline is just a general guideline. It will work

for most people, but there always are exceptions.


> deficient in it. Are there any other foods or herbs with magnesium

> that wouldn't get me loose stools?


Mg carbonate and oral Mg sulfate still are used as laxatives. Mg

compounds do tend to have that property, some worse than others. You

might want to try different forms of Mg like that chelated with amino

acids or the Mg glycinate. Some Mg is absorbed when a person soaks

in a bath with epsom salts. Also, there is a sublignual Mg that one

can absorb from under the tongue. I forget the name of the company

in I believe Dalton, Georgia which I used to get it from. Other

companies probably offer it.


> Is the chocolate milk chocolate or dark chocolate?


I believe the dark chocolate is best.


> Do you eat any yogurt? With live cultures?


Yep. With live cultures.


> Did you get my massive list of answers to your previous questions??


Yes. Thanks. I'm waiting to answer that as the possible Mg problems

are going to be easier for you to identify and solve. And may make it

possible to use some acupoints that you cannot use now because of the




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> I use

> Mg chelated with amino acids. I forwarded in a

> bunch of articles on

> Mg that should help in making some decisions. Also

> a couple of articles on chocolate.


Chocolated with amino acids? Mmm...that sounds









Oh, I do have a general question for people... blood

clots, lower leg. Ankle injury. Don't have anymore

specifics. Experience?






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Ankle Injury with blood bruise ?

You can use Arnica Montana tincture or cream on the ankle, and in homeopathic

granules - it is very efficient for sprained ankles and any kind of injury

- not TCM, but very old european medicine.

You may also use Posumon - used by some chinese martial artists.

Not long ago I used both one a badly bruised chin bone and ankle -

one application of Arnica, 2 hours later one of Posumon, repeatedly for

one and a half day after the injury. And had a good result : No more pain

after 12 hours.

If lots of blood accumulation (Bluish bruises) you can bleed it out

by puncturing the skin with needles (small hammer) and sucking the blood

out with a small vacuum pump. I had it done on me. It works, you heal much

faster. If you let the blood there to be eliminated by itself it stagnates,

the Qi does not move, it hurts and takes a long time to heal, bla bla bla.


Hugo Ramiro wrote:

Oh, I do have a general question for people...


clots, lower leg. Ankle injury. Don't have anymore

specifics. Experience?




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  • 3 weeks later...

--- frederic <fredlecut wrote: > Ankle

Injury with blood bruise ?

> You can use Arnica Montana tincture or cream on the

> ankle, and in

> homeopathic granules - it is very efficient for

> sprained ankles and any

> kind of injury - not TCM, but very old european

> medicine.


Oh, I see, arnica tincture and Arnica homeopathic

granules :) got it, sorry. Ok, I'll look for those.


> If lots of blood accumulation (Bluish bruises) you

> can bleed it out by

> puncturing the skin with needles (small hammer) and

> sucking the blood

> out with a small vacuum pump. I had it done on me.


Ok. Contraindications?


I'll give a bit more info - there is no bruising, but

there is a concern of blood clots being present in the

blood bessels down there. What I don't want to do is

loosen the assumed clots and cause any sort of acute

obstruction. Any mroe info regarding this? Surgery, of

course is one option if the clots are confirmed via

imaging...but beyond that?


Hugo :)




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I am not aware of contraindication, you are not trying to puncture any

vessel, just very superficial punctures through the skin to pump the accumulated

blood (Blue or brown) which has leaked from the vessels when they tore

up when you sprained the ankle. You only do this over the bruised area.

You are not going to release any clots into these vessels.


Hugo Ramiro wrote:

--- frederic <fredlecut

wrote: > Ankle

Injury with blood bruise ?

> You can use Arnica Montana tincture or cream on the

> ankle, and in

> homeopathic granules - it is very efficient for

> sprained ankles and any

> kind of injury - not TCM, but very old european

> medicine.

Oh, I see, arnica tincture and Arnica homeopathic

granules :) got it, sorry. Ok, I'll look for those.

> If lots of blood accumulation (Bluish bruises) you

> can bleed it out by

> puncturing the skin with needles (small hammer) and

> sucking the blood

> out with a small vacuum pump. I had it done on me.

Ok. Contraindications?

I'll give a bit more info - there is no bruising, but

there is a concern of blood clots being present in the

blood bessels down there. What I don't want to do is

loosen the assumed clots and cause any sort of acute

obstruction. Any mroe info regarding this? Surgery, of

course is one option if the clots are confirmed via

imaging...but beyond that?

Hugo :)



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--- frederic <fredlecut wrote: > I am

not aware of contraindication, you are not

> trying to puncture any

> vessel, just very superficial punctures through the

> skin to pump the

> accumulated blood (Blue or brown) which has leaked

> from the vessels when

> they tore up when you sprained the ankle. You only

> do this over the

> bruised area. You are not going to release any clots

> into these vessels.


Hi, thanks for the reply Frederic! :)

So how about an existing clot. Will stimulating 1.

blood circulation, and 2. clot dissolution (via

acupuncture or herbs) create any risk of an existing

clot breaking away from the vessel wall and


And the injured ankle is not mine, therefore the

scarcity fo info - it belongs to a prospective




Bye for now,

Hugo :)




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Chris,

I might also be interested depending on the final price, if it's from

Butch I know the quality will be fantastic. Still have the little vial that I

got from the last rose otto co-op that you had.

God Bless,


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  • 1 year later...

There is a difference between mere " good intentions " and intention (in the

sense of qi directed toward a certain goal) that is coupled with wisdom and

perception. In Buddhist theories of mind, " direction " (loosely analogous to

intention in this case) needs to be coupled with wisdom and compassion in

order to attain our full human / cosmic potential. They are like three legs

of a stool. In this sense, the actual content of the medicine we practice

may differ, only because our attainment of these three pillars will be

incomplete, especially in the " wisdom " department, since this requires the

greatest time to aquire. Thus, the knowledge sets we possess will differ,

will have gaps, but may still be adequately coherent and reflective of

clinical reality to effect a cure in most patients. However, if our

direction (intention) and compassion are strong, we will be compelled to

perceive our own actions, learn from our successes and mistakes, and find a

way to help those who appear before us (just as Salvador's " trail of bodies "

attests). Obviously, someone with good intentions can do much harm before

they acquire any sort of wisdom or compassion. But even if the wisdom is

missing, compassion and attention will require us to seek out wisdom before

we harm any more of our patients....


Until someone comes up with a better explanation for the plurality and

diversity of Chinese medicine(s), I'll stick to that theory.


Benjamin Hawes, MAOM, Lic. Ac.,



1430 E. Main Street, Suite #4

Cortez, CO 81321

(970) 565-0230


> Are you suggesting that because each of us views 'truth from a

> different part of the valley' that therefore the laws of Physics and

> the Laws of Mind are also unique for each of us?


> are you also suggesting going back to your own cliches? that we are

> foreever doomed to view the world from inside our individual well?.


> Could it be that only those who are unable/ unwilling or unaware to

> climb out of their well assume that it must be true for others also.


> It seems to me that mixing metaphors can lead to greater confussion,

> This surely has been a push behind western science , to come to a

> concesus through experimentation, to separate 'what I beleive' from

> 'what I can prove'.


> And I can 'prove' all the statements that I share on acupuncture on

> this forum, because I am sorry to say, I have the 'bodies' behind me

> to prove it.


> Salvador

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