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Digest Number 817

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Dear Whoever,


> If it is > the majority opinion of the field (however that could be known) that we are > happy to be a trade, then we can have a trade-oriented education, but we > cannot then demand professional pay and prestige.


"Professional pay" has nothing to do with qualifications. It has to do with supply and demand.

A thing, product or service, is worth what someone will pay for it. Just that simple.


My recommendation for our profession is to quit trying to crash a party at which we aren't wanted. That party should hold no attraction for us anyway. It's collapsing under it's own weight and demands that we distort our professional practice and abandon it's philosphical underpinnings.


The western medicine establishment will never let us in willingly and the reasons for this have not a jot

or a tittle to do with the validity or efficacy or educational level of our profession. It has to do with

money and risk management. They control the money and we want it. We're a threat. They know nothing about herbs and treating patient who takes herbs is a very risky proposition to them.


The way to achieve respect and a viable income is to make our services accessible to the mainstream, deliver high quality care, and practice medicine and business in an ethical manner. In other words, get results and charge a reasonable price.



Joe Balensi







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While the below is certainly true in many respects, there is still the

regulatory aspect of our practice that we have to include in the equation. If

we do not involve ourselves in professional processes, we stand to be the

only profession that has herbs within our scope and training, but is

restricted by availability to our use of them.

Peripherally, this could also expand, over decades, to only being able to do

acupuncture to patients by direction of physicians on the points specified by

those physicians. Coming from a state (PA) where we are just removing the

yoke of actual physician supervisorship and having a " filiform needles only "

scope after 15 years, assuming that all goes well, I understand the need of a

" profession " more than those who have had the advantage of predecessors with

the vision to move professional legislation through their state.

I am a big market buff, but I do see the writing on the wall that if we don't

get our act together professionally, we stand to lose access to many herbs,

if not all of them, and the patients lose access to the only professional

people who know how to use them properly.


David Molony


In a message dated 12/21/01 8:58:01 AM, jlb writes:


<< Dear Whoever,



> If it is


> the majority opinion of the field (however that could be known) that we



> happy to be a trade, then we can have a trade-oriented education, but we


> cannot then demand professional pay and prestige.



" Professional pay " has nothing to do with qualifications. It has to do with

supply and demand.


A thing, product or service, is worth what someone will pay for it. Just

that simple.



My recommendation for our profession is to quit trying to crash a party at

which we aren't wanted. That party should hold no attraction for us anyway.

It's collapsing under it's own weight and demands that we distort our

professional practice and abandon it's philosphical underpinnings.



The western medicine establishment will never let us in willingly and the

reasons for this have not a jot


or a tittle to do with the validity or efficacy or educational level of our

profession. It has to do with


money and risk management. They control the money and we want it. We're a

threat. They know nothing about herbs and treating patient who takes herbs

is a very risky proposition to them.



The way to achieve respect and a viable income is to make our services

accessible to the mainstream, deliver high quality care, and practice

medicine and business in an ethical manner. In other words, get results and

charge a reasonable price.




Joe Balensi >>

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I'm new to this group and found Rich's discussion very interesting. I'm a

holistic therapist who has experienced profound change in my belief system

using the energy therapies (EFT, BSFF, TAT). I came from a background in

traditional psychotherapy and continue to be amazed at the incredible effect

of these " new " therapies. I have wonderful results with my clients with

everything from addictions to phobias. I have colleagues who originally

trained in hypnosis and hypnotherapy who now use energy therapy instead. As

someone who has experienced hypnosis, EFT / BSFF / TAT take healing and

change to a whole new level.


I simply take myself out of the way and my Higher Power / God / wherever

your spiritual faith resides, works through me. I have found that this is

important for me to access my intuition, which has led to my working more

and more with mental, surrogate healing. (Most of my practice is



I cannot emphasize enough how great it is to no longer have the word " can't "

in my life. The treatment is SO simple and the effects are immediate.


If there is anyone in this group who is interested in seeing how these

therapies change a belief, please email me and we can set up a phone











Tuesday, January 01, 2002 4:23 AM

Digest Number 817



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> All messages, files and archives of this forum are Copyright

group and the individual authors.

> ------


> There are 5 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Re: Be Sweet...

> celeste m sullivan <csull3

> 2. the boundaries of hypnosis

> rputman

> 3. Heart And Soul...

> " blue willow " <musings

> 4. Re: the boundaries of hypnosis

> celeste m sullivan <csull3

> 5. A New Year Is Upon Us...

> " blue willow " <musings



> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 1

> Sun, 30 Dec 2001 21:09:35 -0600

> celeste m sullivan <csull3

> Re: Be Sweet...


> Nice sentiments but don't sell Women Who Run with the Wolves short. It

> is a wonderfully insightful book filled with women's issues.


> God bless.


> Celeste

> ______________


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> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 2

> Mon, 31 Dec 2001 06:17:20 EST

> rputman

> the boundaries of hypnosis


> Hello Morgan and any other list members who have worked with hypnosis.


> I've often wondered about how many hypnotists may have explored the

> boundaries of what's possible with hypnosis. For example, what if a person

> has inherent paranormal abilities, but the person's conscious mind has


> declared, " It's illogical to think that you could do such stuff " or " Only

> weird people do that kind of stuff, and you're not weird. " Because of such

> " messages " the person never explored such paranormal abilities. Might

> hypnosis be able to lift such conscious mind constraints and expose

> underlying abilities which have heretofore been suppressed?


> I'm no Biblical scholar, but as I recall Jesus advised along the lines of,

> " You too can do such things and more! " The implication was that it is

> limiting BELIEFS that prevent average people from " doing such things and

> more " .


> Has anybody here explored such possibilities or do you know of someone who

> has?

> Any stories to relate?


> Rich in Minnesota


> <A HREF= " http://EarnSave.homestead.com/endorsement.html " >Earn endorsement

income like professional athletes do!</A>





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