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Should I quit?

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Josee, I agree with Joel. Begin your own work now! Use the Militarey job to

help you to see WHY the spiritual work IS so important! Remember, it is what

you see AT WORK, that gives you the UNDERSTANDING that is needed to help

those in similar situations. Experience, and haveing the courage to learn

alittle more, are educational experiences we would not normally afford to pay

for. Since YOU ARE such a 'spiritual' person, --LEARN, --to exercise that

privilege, with a newer, and better outlook, and attitude! Desiring to

retreat, from the uncomfortable, is perhaps an instinct of FEAR! Fear, may

tell you that you will not have the necessary time to do as you wish. Being

a ;spiritual' person, you will KNOW, that that is a LIE!

God Bless, and Stay WITH YOU during your best challenge yet! They are all

just tests, anyway, aren't they? You decide, --your grade!!! E --C--or an


I'm rootin for an A+. I know you have that in you. Remember, it is NOT your

losses to look at, it is what you GAIN! Think this over carefully! What is

the Spiritual conclusion? Let us know. Your decision is ONLY Yours! What

would your God want you to do? THAT, is what I would do! Much Love, Rose

PS. I had a similar decision, a year ago. I decided to 'keep on truckin',

and THIS time, I will do it MY WAY! And That is what I know My God wants me

to do! And That is WHY, I will continue! Also, after a year and a half, I

am 'gunning my motors'!!!

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This is probably the only place on the internet I feel safe to share

my thoughts and feeling because I trust you people. I have been very

unhappy with my work for the past two years (since I started soul

searching after a pre cancer scary experience). I don't have the same

priorities anymore and want different things from life. I don't have

the guts to leave my job because of all the advantages that it offers

plus a pension in 3 years for the rest of my life. My husband and

father want me to stay because of all of the above, I must say I am

very confuse with everything. I don't feel like going to work anymore

but I also don't want to disappoint my family. I have been told by a

medium that my goal in life was to be a spiritual teacher. I feel

very connected to that and over the years at work, I've helped many

people. If I could always be myself at work, it would make things

easier but the military energy is very strong and sometimes

overwhelming because I'm becoming a different person. Is it worth it

to stay and finish this contract?



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I'm wondering if it really has to be a case of either/or. What

stops you from staying with your current job for three years while

you begin doing your spiritual teaching? What kind of preparation

do you need to do spiritual teaching on a full-time basis? Can

you do that preparation while you continue working at your regular




Joel P. Bowman, Ph.D.

Email: joel.bowman

Department of Business Information Systems

Western Michigan University



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I completely understand your situation. Do you follow your desires...

or do you obey the wishes of others.


Consider this, YOU are here at this time in life to give

of your knowledge and experience to help and assist

others. THAT is something that ONLY YOU can

do, no one else can do it for you.


In order to give of yourself you must have an inner

well spring of joy and inspiration. That well spring must

be guarded at all times and must never be neglected.

If this well spring dries up...so do you. And all you will

have to offer is dry sand in place of refreshing water

to others.


So, if I were you...I would ask myself:


Where is MY bliss? What must I have and what

does it take in order for ME to feel alive and vibrant,

pulsing with the energy and power of a human fully

aware and humming with natural life and power?


Find what turns YOU on...find it and jump in

an NEVER let go...not for anyone. Only you

can find what makes you happy and what

makes you feel alive. If you insist on being a

martyr....then at least sacrifice yourself for something

that MEANS something...not just the opinions

and ideas of others.


If you can find a happy medium...even Better!


Always consider the feelings of others...but in

my 'opinion' they are responsible for them...

and you are responsible for YOU. You have

something to do here with your life...so DO IT!


Take care,




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Hi Josee,


I agree with everyone so far. I also think that if you were doing what you

want to be doing, you'd be happier, and then that happiness would span out

into your job. You might even end up liking your job.


I also think that if people want to be spiritual teachers then they think

that they'll be surrounded by people who agree with them, like preaching to

the converted. You can be a teacher where you are, just be more of who you

want to be. Shine your light. Im sure the people that surround you in your

job will feel blessed to work with you.


I love Barbara Shers books on this subject. Go check her out, shes so





At 16:31 13/01/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>Josee, I agree with Joel. Begin your own work now! Use the Militarey job to

>help you to see WHY the spiritual work IS so important! Remember, it is what

>you see AT WORK, that gives you the UNDERSTANDING that is needed to help

>those in similar situations.




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You know, sometimes you CAN--retire early, for alittle less retirement fund

monthly. Have you looked into this? perhaps you can have the best of both

worlds to retire early, but do your math first. Check this out. Don't end

up with nothing! You deserve better!

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> Josee...


> Josee..


> You are obviously unsure about leaving your job, otherwise you would not be

> putting this question across.


> I agree with everyone too. You don¹t have to leave your job to be a spiritual

> teacher. In fact you can use your talents, and grow in your spiritual journey

> as well as completing your contract.


> I would use this time of indecision to be aware of what emotions this

> challenge bring, in order to learn more about myself and hopefully with time

> for reflection and meditation, learn from it, and use this experience in your

> teaching.


> Wishing you many blessings along the way,

> Jocelyne




> I'm wondering if it really has to be a case of either/or. What

> stops you from staying with your current job for three years while

> you begin doing your spiritual teaching? What kind of preparation

> do you need to do spiritual teaching on a full-time basis? Can

> you do that preparation while you continue working at your regular

> job?

> --

> ------------------------------

> Joel P. Bowman, Ph.D.

> Email: joel.bowman

> Department of Business Information Systems

> Western Michigan University

> http://spider.hcob.wmich.edu/~bowman

> ------------------------------




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Hi Josee,



" reiki13 " <reiki13




> This is probably the only place on the internet I feel safe to share

> my thoughts and feeling because I trust you people. I have been very

> unhappy with my work for the past two years (since I started soul

> searching after a pre cancer scary experience). I don't have the same

> priorities anymore and want different things from life. I don't have

> the guts to leave my job because of all the advantages that it offers

> plus a pension in 3 years for the rest of my life.


This is an important consideration. Sometimes the smart thing to do is not

always the easiest. IF you did not have your pension would you be able to



My husband and

> father want me to stay because of all of the above, I must say I am

> very confuse with everything. I don't feel like going to work anymore

> but I also don't want to disappoint my family.


I think it is a matter of focus. Right now you are focusing on all the

reason you should quit and all the feelings that support those reasons. When

you think about the reasons to stay do you think about all the 'feelings'

that support that?



I have been told by a

> medium that my goal in life was to be a spiritual teacher. I feel

> very connected to that and over the years at work, I've helped many

> people.


NEVER support any life decision baseed on a meduim. The things is, was that

your goal in life BEFORE you were told it was your goal? Some are good but

many are total flakes that just tell you what you want to hear. Never listen

to anyone telling you how to run your life that is driving a 1982 escort. :)

Just kidding about the car but you get what I mean .


If I could always be myself at work, it would make things

> easier but the military energy is very strong and sometimes

> overwhelming because I'm becoming a different person. Is it worth it

> to stay and finish this contract?


You are forgetting something . We are all different people depending on the

CONTEXT we are in. It is OK to be a different person at work than you are at

home. It is actually a good idea. Those who try to be the same as they are

as work, at home, have a very troubled home life. No one likes to be treated

like an employee in their home :)


It sounds like it would be smarter to just change the way you look at work.

Move in a direction that it becomes part of a larger goal. If you decide

that goal is to teach, then spenf the next three years educating yourself

and perfecting your teaching style. Then you can make the transition slowly

and bulid a teaching philosophy and style as well as the content you want to



Here is the FUN part. At any time you are free to change your mind. If you

begin to make a good living at teaching and feel comfortable without the

pension, then quit.


I have seen many people jump into teaching because the love people and are

good with them. Then they regret the decision because they jumped without a

parachute. They began to hate what they did because they jumped into it and

were angry because they made the decision and at the circumstances that

decision put them in.


So move in the direction you want but COMBINE that with the security and

comfort that is smart.


I personally did this so I know. I installed carpet for 15 years. It hurt my

body and I could rarely sleep because of the physical pain I was in. My

knees and back were a mess. My neck was so out of line that just typing on

the computer was a long and painful chore.


So three years ago I began teach application of NLP and hypnosis in real

life interactions. Our first seminar was in March 1999. We came out woth a

product and were able to make extra money BUT I still was laying carpet

every day and in constant pain. This is where I perfected Pain Control and

learned the downfalls of it. I hated what I was doing because of the

physical pain but I knew that it allowed me to pay for my house and continue

to build the business and feel comfortable.


You see I knew that what I was doing for a living, even though it was

painful, was part of the larger goal I had. It was not until december of

2000 that I had built enough of a client base and had the ongoing sale from

products to support what I would be comfortable with living on.


Kim did not quit her job until the summer of 2001. A full 2 and a half years

after we started. We own our own houses and needed the security of KNOWING

we could pay for them.



Here is the key. I am not sure our business would be so successful if I had

the added stress of HAVING to make the money off of the new business. I am

not sure we could have served our customers BEST interest if we HAD to make

the money off of them to survive. Since we did not need the money, we were

able to pay FULL attention to what our clients and customers needed that

would be best for them. I think that has been one of the main reasons our

business does so well and our clients are so comfortable with us.


As it is now. We love what we do and get to travel all over the world to do

it. WE have a good product and tend to sell out our seminars. If I had just

looked at where I was and what I hated doing and all the pain I was in, I

might have had a very hard time since all I was noticing was what was in

that moment and then basing my decision ONLY on it. Luckily for me I knew

how to future pace things a bit and see the bigger picture.


Anyway, I hope this helps.



Tom Vizzini


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> Josee




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Thank you so much for all the great advices. I have decided to stay

for the rest of my contract but meanwhile, I'm not going to wait any

longer to do what I love. So I'm taking different classes at night

and I'm also involved in therapy dog program which I always wanted

doing. I'm extremely busy but I think at the end, I'll have the best

of both world. Also I have decided to be more of myself at work, I

was told once that when you speak from the heart you can never go

wrong. I still have to teach discipline to my students but inside the

office with co-workers, I'll be true to myself and maybe that way,

they will see another horizon. You guys are great.



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