Guest guest Posted February 1, 2002 Report Share Posted February 1, 2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Naturopathic Medicine and Whole Life Coaching Healing for Mind, Body and Spirit - Physical and Mental Health Nutrition, Herbs, Fitness, Relationships, Career, Living your Passion Linda Ryan, PhD, ND " DrNature " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ February 1, 2002 " There's a seeker born every minute " WELCOME to our Second Issue! I have received so many responses to the " Visual Ezines " that I've decided to keep them going and continue to do the Newsletter here through this list. Thank you all so much for your positive feedback. Feel free to forward the Inspirations and this Newsletter to others and ask them to sign up to receive them directly.... it would be nice to see this list grow... *** I was on the phone to a friend who was at his office and near the end of the conversation he said what sounded like - I gotta go. I hope your life has great meaning. " What? I asked " What? " he repeated. " What did you say? I asked again " I said, 'I gotta go, I'm late for a meeting.' Why? " " Oh! I thought you said I gotta go. I hope your life has great meaning. " We both laughed. But if only we ended more conversations that way, huh? So here we go...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mind** " Overcoming Obstacles " We all want a good life. We all want a happy life. So what stops us? Obstacles in our paths that look more like mountains than molehills. Dejection and despair over obstacles cause more failure than actual failure itself. Basically there are two obstacles you must look out for: 1. You 2. Everybody else Conquer those two and you've got it made. To quote my grandfather's former employer, Henry Ford: " Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. " You must take the time to first figure out what it is you want, you certainly wouldn't want to have to battle some random obstacles that have no goals attached to them. Or worse, someone else's goals that have been handed to you. You must have the courage to take risks, and to act for YOURSELF instead of for the approval of others. Basically, the trick is to keep your mind on your goal. Even more powerful is to keep your FEELINGS on the goal. Figure out what you want, and get into the excited state of your desires. All sorts of doors will open up to you and the obstacles will be more like pebbles that get stuck in the groove of your Nike's - there but you can't feel 'em. " Have the courage to live. Anybody can die. " -- Robert Cody ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Body** Herb Quiz - Answers! Okay, remember these herb quizzes? Here are the long-awaited answers <g> I can stop your cough and sneeze, I'm so good for allergies, You can find me everywhere, But when plucking have a care, Use your bare hands if you dare, By the way, an extra scoop, I can make delicious soup! Stinging Nettles ****** Do you have a nasty bruise? Well for you I have good news, If the swelling makes you frown, I can make it all go down, For a nasty aching sprain, I will bathe away the pain. Arnica Did you guess them right? --------- How to Maintain Physical Health Now more than ever people are realizing that our minds are far more powerful than we ever realized, and we can use them to keep us in a healthy state (or restore us back to health). I want to share with you one of the specific ways you can use your mind to keep your body in great physical health... When someone comes to me with a mental or physical condition, what they generally are looking for is to relieve the pain. In our Western mindset, we are so conditioned to 'take something' for what ails us, that many people now are just substituting 'herbs' for 'drugs'. But feelings of pain, or conditions that show up in our bodies, are in fact markers - indications that something needs to be paid attention to. If you only think of your symptoms as a nuisance and try to get rid of them as soon as possible, you miss out on valuable information. Your symptoms are letting you know that something needs to be done differently. Think of exercise - when someone's muscles start hurting, what do the television commercials show? That you can take an aspirin and the next day return to your routine. But what about the 6 year old shoes the runner is wearing? Or their improper (or non-existent) stretching routine? Or a type of exercise that is not suited to their body structure? These same dynamics are true of any physical or mental ailment. If you think of the symptoms not just as something to be rid of so that you can go in life, but as something that is more like an 'error message', you can make a change that might alter and enhance MANY other areas of your life as well. For instance, if you are lacking a certain vitamin or amino acid, and take an herb to counteract the symptoms it has caused, you may never get the nutrients you need which could be very helpful in relieving another of your symptoms - for example, depression - which you thought was entirely unrelated! This is what it means to work with the Whole Person - looking at all your symptoms and putting together the puzzle which is creating several symptoms but may boil down to one main cause. And unless that cause is treated, you'll keep piling on problem after problem. In order to have true health and not just think in terms of curing illness, something more is needed. It might sound strange to someone consulting me for something like an ulcer when they find out that one of the first things I start with is helping them figure out what their passion in life is. Our passions are what give direction and focus to our lives. When we're unhappy, feeling hopeless or victimized, or if we're drifting, not having a purpose or context for our lives, we tend to get into more conflicts in our relationships and walk around generally unhappy and dissatisfied. The emotional depression represses our immune system, which compromises our physical health. Often I see people who have numerous aches and pains or chronic health conditions (legitimate illnesses), and I have noticed that when they find something that energizes and excites them, they have significant pain relief. Our bodies produce very different neurochemicals in our systems when we're unhappy versus when we're happy. The human body is the best pharmacy in the world! And much of what it produces has to do with how you interpret situations, and what you FOCUS on. If you go on a joy ride to Magic Mountain or Disneyland and you interpret it as being fun, your body will make interleukins and interferons - these are powerful anti-cancer drugs. If you had to buy interleukin to treat melanoma or kidney cancer the whole course would cost you around $40,000 plus produce a lot of side effects. But you can take that joy ride and make a million dollars worth of interleukin if at the core of your being you are having fun. And if you think of that same ride as terror, your body will make cortisol and adrenaline which destroy the immune system. The difference between destruction of the immune system and stimulation of the immune system is a crucial distinction that could make the difference between life and death. And that difference is your interpretation, or FOCUS. The Inspirational Ezines I'm sending each day are more than just '17 seconds of Joy'! They are serious medicine folks! If you have an experience of tranquility, your leukocytes, your adrenal cells, macrophages, etc. will start churning out valium. This valium, unlike the one you buy from Hoffman - La Roche is real diazepam. It is the molecule of tranquility. It modifies and modulates the immune system so the cells can do their job. Endorphins are nature's best pain relievers. When you start feeling good, you are automatically more likely to start exercising, and then your diet improves as you are less drawn to eating junk food, and as you feel better, you feel more comfortable socializing, you are more excited about life, your relationships improve...... and on and on up a positive path (probably the exact same path you traveled on the way down!) Getting to the root cause of the disharmony in your body brings your entire life into balance, which will bring you much greater health than putting a bandaid on a symptom. If you want to discuss how you can learn to decipher your symptoms and have optimum health, write me: consultation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Spirit** I have received many questions about the Refocusing™ Workshops I lead, so I will take this space to tell you more about them. The Workshops are conducted online and run for one very focused week. They are energizing and life enhancing. I receive messages daily from people telling me how much the week has impacted their lives. The Workshops are conducted like a regular mailist in that you can read and write your messages at the times convenient to you. You are encouraged to participate in the exercises daily. I guide you through the Refocusing™ process which gets to the heart of making the changes you want in your life. It changes your underlying belief systems that hold you back. It bypasses the linear, cognitive brain and goes straight to the creative right brain which is connected to the subconscious. And it's an enjoyable, feel-good process. If you like the way the Inspirational Ezines make you feel, that will give you a small indication of what you will get from the Workshop. My basic, underlying goal is this - RESULTS. We are after *results*. It's one thing to know about these principles, it's another to see them impact every area of your life in positive ways. You are taught to Refocus your mind in the areas you want, and start to create those things for yourself. The exercises get you kick-started on making deep, lasting changes. The positive experience of doing the exercises in a group is energizing and will stay with you a long time. You receive feedback from me, as well as from the other participants. The friendships you develop add to the enjoyment of the process. Many of you are on the waiting list for Part 1 of the Workshop and will continue to be taken in the order you signed up. Anyone who is already on the waiting list WILL still be able to take the Workshop for free, but anyone else signing up at this point will be charged a nominal fee ($15). I am going to alternate a paid course with a free one (probably one a month of each). If you are on the waiting list and do not want to wait, you are welcome to move yourself up into the next Workshop for the $15 fee. Again, you do not need to pay to be in a Workshop, I will continue until everyone who signed up has gone through the Workshop. The next Part 1 will begin Friday, February 15. If you are interested in attending, please sign up through the Classes page: or write contact Here are some snippets of comments from previous participants (you can read more on the Classes page listed above) " I signed up, a babe in the woods, not knowing what to expect, and I'm ecstatic. It's changed my life. And I mean that sincerely. I've been into personal growth for 20 years, I've read thousands of self help books, and tried so many different things, but this week long workshop is life changing. And most importantly ITS FUN!!!! " " I believe the doors have been thrown open this week and I thank you for showing me how you catch and ride that wave of feeling and emotion!!! With these exquisite thought processes, I believe that I shall never sink in the mire of negativity again. This is such a huge gift! Truly the most magnificent gift I have ever received. " " YOUR REFOCUSING WORKSHOP WAS INDEED AWESOME! I RECOMMEND THAT EVERYONE TAKE IT, REGARDLESS IF THEY ARE MASTER MANIFESTORS OR JUST STARTING. EVER SO OFTEN WE NEED THAT NUDGE TO REFOCUS, TAKE STOCK OF OUR LIVES, AND ACTION TO GET BACK ON COURSE...... I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO OUR NEXT WORKSHOP. " " Apply a dog's logic to life: eat well, be loved, get petted, sleep a lot, dream of a leash-free world. " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope you have enjoyed this newsletter. I'd love to hear your feedback.... newsletter Wishing you sweet serenity, true tranquility, decorous delights, righteous requiescence, beneficient bougainvillea and magnificent manifestations. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Linda Ryan " DrNature " is a Naturopathic Doctor with a Master's Degree in Psychology, and 15 years as a Human Resource Director. She provides telephone and email consultations for online clients. Her book " Re-Focusing: Righting your Life " is due out later this year. contact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To or to this newsletter: 1-DrNature- 1-DrNature- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: I appreciate every r..... and appreciate the ones who forward this newsletter on to others most of all !! Please include the entire message down to the very bottom. Until next time, be happy. © Copyright 2002 All rights reserved. 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