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The Palace of Possibilities

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In the essay below, Gary Craig refers to EFT. You can find out about EFT by

visiting Gary's site: <A HREF= " http://www.emofree.com/ " >EFT - Gary Craig</A>



Rich Putman in Minnesota



Palace of Possibilities

by Gary Craig


We live in a Palace of Possibilities.


It is an ever expanding structure and is filled with awesome rooms and

annexes that are loaded with achievements and joy. These rooms are open to

everyone, although most of us only visit a few of them. It's not that we


barred from any of the rooms. No indeed!! They are our birthright. Rather,

it's that we choose to dwell only in those rooms within which we are

comfortable. Somehow, we don't " belong " in those other, more expansive

rooms. They are for others. They are for richer people and more privileged

people and people with more talent than us. We stay within the familiar


comfort zones) and don't venture beyond the walls (limits) of the rooms we

have chosen. Why? Because our can's and can'ts are written on those walls

and we obey those dictates as though they were real. Our incomes reflect

those limits. So does our self image. In fact, there is scarcely any part


our makeup that is not affected by what's written on those walls.


The words on our walls are metaphors for our self talk, of course. They

represent the attitudes, opinions & beliefs that we have accumulated over

the years. Many of them are hand-me-downs from our parents, grandparents,

teachers, coaches, religion, peers, books, TV and an endless list of other

" authorities " in our lives. Upon inspection (which we will do in this

series) many of them are laughable. Nonetheless, they still seem to have a

hold on our progress.


We all have different words on our walls. That's why we appear to have

different limits. Your limits are different than mine because the " truths "

written on your walls are different than the " truths " written on mine.

However, they are not really " truths " at all. They are just the guidelines

we have adopted for getting through life--AND--many of them are fictions.

They are hand-me-down beliefs that were written on our walls by others and

we have been dutifully obeying them ever since. This need not be.


This brings me to a foundational concept upon which The Palace of

Possibilities is built. It is of critical importance and underlies just

about every idea we are going to explore in this series. It should be

tattoed on the insides of our eyelids so that we see it every time we


It's truth is undeniable, yet it is so subtle that we tend to ignore it.

Here it is:


" We constantly consult the writing on our walls. "


That writing is our most prominent advisor and we consult it all day long.

And why not? It represents every experience we have ever had. It contains

all of our " how to's " . It contains our cans & can'ts as well as our shoulds

& should nots. It contains our musts & must nots as well as our sense of

fair play. It contains our version of proper behavior as well as what is

right or wrong in this world. It contains our judgments, our successes and

our failures. It's all there--everything we hold to be true--written on our



For example, we eat soup with a spoon instead of a fork because our

knowledge base (the writing on our walls) advises us to do so. This is

subtle, I know, but it's as if we ask the question, " How do I eat this

soup? " and the writing on our walls says, " Use a spoon. " This is why we


jeans on some occasions and black tie or evening gowns on others. We

constantly consult the writing on our walls for what to do. Those words

represent the " truth " as we have learned it.


We consult those walls for just about everything. Those words tell us about

our opportunities as well as our limits. Often they conflict with each

other. On the subject of finances, for example, they may tell us, " This is

America, the land of opportunity--go for it. " But they may also tell us....


" You are too young (or too old) for that. "

" You don't have enough education. "

" You are a woman and are limited by the glass ceiling. "

" You are a minority. "

" People who take risks end up broke. "

" Getting ahead depends on who you know. "

" Rich people are dishonest. "


This fictional list of limits goes on indefinitely, of course. Are any of

them written on your walls? If you believe any of them--or if any of them

rings true--I suggest that you have bought into an expensive " limit " that

need not be there.


There is nothing inherently good or bad about money. It is a form of


It can be used to finance wars and destruction OR it can be used to ease

love into the hard to reach corners of the world. We can build our own

barriers to it or let it flow through us as a sign of our birthright to

abundance. All of this is dictated by the can's and cant's written on our

financial walls.


Eventually EFT will be used uniformly in business, sports, academics,

spirituality and human achievements of all kinds. This is inevitable.

Accordingly, healers need to expand their visions. They must move outside

the walls of their previous rooms in the Palace of Possibilities and dwell

in rooms that allow their own emotional freedom to expand with that of


clients. I see a day when the proficient healer will engage clients and


them from the dungeon to the Palace Penthouse and beyond. Further, I see


healer leading the way by example.

What better way to teach abundance, joy and emotional freedom than to


new levels of it for ourselves first.



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