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body/mind connections

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Hello Anat & friends,


I have experienced great success controling and manipulating attention for the

purpose of healing by studying and practicing the art of NuHealth. This is a

simple and direct method of getting attention to any place we want to work on or



Pressing where the pain is helps get the thought there where you want it.

Sustaining the pressure keeps the thought there in a very powerful way that

anyone can practice on themselves or others. The longer the thought is sustained

at that point the greater the awareness grows there. Memories begin to surface

and fade away. Fear dissappates, tension and stress leave the muscles.


I become more fluid, flexible and agile as years go by. I actually get healthier

as I age. My posture improves and I am eliminating problems that were considered

irreverseable. A natural alignment of the energy bodies begins to take place.

Awareness of the energy that moves around and within my body increases with

time. Feeling good in my body in the here and now instead of being dragged into

the past by memories and feelings that were trapped in my body.


More information can be found at NuHealth.org regarding a old/new method of

body/mind connection.


love to all.







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Dear Marylin and folks


I could not figure out the accurate message thru the recommended site.


My husband suffers from Parkinson disease. It means that he lacks a

substance in his body Dopamine. Could concentarted thoughts help him move

more fluently , be quicker and agile?

show me the way please.


If any other member in Body -mind encountered a Miracle with

healing neurological diseases please do share.


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I forgot to add :


from my experience, visualizing and thinking about specific places in

my body do move something. the movement span becomes bigger and i find it

easier to perform the required movement.


How can one utilize this to help people who suffer from sever neurological

problems such as Parkinson??


Thanks in advance



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Dear Marilyn,


At 12:46 PM 10/19/2002, you wrote:

>Hello Anat & friends,


>I have experienced great success controling and manipulating attention for

>the purpose of healing by studying and practicing the art of NuHealth.

>This is a simple and direct method of getting attention to any place we

>want to work on or heal.


>Pressing where the pain is helps get the thought there where you want it.

>Sustaining the pressure keeps the thought there in a very powerful way

>that anyone can practice on themselves or others. The longer the thought

>is sustained at that point the greater the awareness grows there. Memories

>begin to surface and fade away. Fear dissappates, tension and stress leave

>the muscles.


>I become more fluid, flexible and agile as years go by. I actually get

>healthier as I age. My posture improves and I am eliminating problems that

>were considered irreverseable. A natural alignment of the energy bodies

>begins to take place. Awareness of the energy that moves around and within

>my body increases with time. Feeling good in my body in the here and now

>instead of being dragged into the past by memories and feelings that were

>trapped in my body.


I have been having similar results lately. I am feeling and looking younger

with each passing year. I have been aware of the importance of thought in

the area of health since the late sixties. Around this time I started doing

a lot of hypnosis and noticed some fairly profound benefits could be

elicited by the power of suggestion. Since then I have been engaged in a

quest to figure out how the body/mind connection worked and to figure out

some principles that, when understood, can make this connection work better

for health and well being.


In recent years there has been quite a bit of scientific research into the

body/mind connection which can help us to understand what it is and how it

works. In her recent book on this subject titled " The Field " Lynne

McTaggart has collected a number of research findings into an easily read

format. She suggests that quantum coherence might be the key to the

body/mind connection:


" Coherence establishes communication. It's like a subatomic telephone

network. The better the coherence, the finer the telephone network and the

more refined wave patterns have a telephone. The end result is also a bit

like a large orchestra. All the photons are playing together but as

individual instruments that are able to carry on playing individual parts.

Nevertheless, when you are listening, it's difficult to pick out any one



What was even more amazing was that Popp was witnessing the highest level

of quantum order, or coherence, possible in a living system. Usually, this

coherence - called a Bose-Einstein condensate - is only observed in

material substances such as superfluids or superconductors studied in the

laboratory in very cold places - just a few degrees above absolute zero -

and not in the hot and messy environment of a living thing. "


I believe that researchers have found the substances that Lynne McTaggart

is talking about. We call these substances ORMUS and more information about

them can be found in an article on this subject at:




McTaggart describes research which suggests that water is one medium of

this coherent communication system:


" This would mean that water is like a tape recorder, imprinting and

carrying information whether the original molecule is still there or not.

The shaking of the containers, as is done in homeopathy, appears to act as

a method of speeding up this process.14 So vital is water to the

transmission of energy and information that Benveniste's own studies

actually demonstrate that molecular signals cannot be transmitted in the

body unless you do so in the medium of water.15 In Japan, a physicist

called Kunio Yasue of the Research Institute for Information and Science,

Notre Dame Seishin University in Okayama, also found that water molecules

have some role to play in organizing discordant energy into coherent

photons - a process called 'superradiance'.16


This suggests that water, as the natural medium of all cells, acts as the

essential conductor of a molecule's signature frequency in all biological

processes and that water molecules organize themselves to form a pattern on

which can be imprinted wave information. If Benveniste is right, water not

only sends the signal but also amplifies it. "


I have written a couple of articles on this subject. They can be found at:


Homeopathic Resonances and ORMUS



Living Water, Vital Air



She also suggests that the communication between mind and body literally

involves information stored in non-physical realms:


" Walter Schempp's explosive discovery about quantum memory set off the most

outrageous idea of all: short- and long-term memory doesn't reside in our

brain at all, but instead is stored in the Zero Point Field. After

Pribram's discoveries, a number of scientists, including systems theorist

Ervin Laszlo, would go on to argue that the brain is simply the retrieval

and read-out mechanism of the ultimate storage medium - The Fie1d.47

Pribram's associates from Japan would hypothesize that what we think of as

memory is simply a coherent emission of signals from the Zero Point Field,

and that longer memories are a structured grouping of this wave

information.48 If this were true, it would explain why one tiny association

often triggers a riot of sights, sounds and smells. It would also explain

why, with long-term memory in particular, recall is instantaneous and

doesn't require any scanning mechanism to sift though years and years of

memory. "


McTaggart suggested that " mind over matter " effects can be stronger and

more coherent in certain circumstances:


" Being of the same sex tended to have a very slight negative effect. These

types of couples had a worse outcome than they achieved individually; with

eight pairs of operators the results were the very opposite of what was

intended. Couples of the opposite sex, all of whom knew each other, had a

powerful complementary effect, producing more than three and a half times

the effect of individuals. However, 'bonded' pairs, those couples in a

relationship, had the most profound effect, which was nearly six times as

strong as that of single operators.35 "



" Strangest of all, the size of the effect on the agitated group by those

trying to calm them down was only slightly less than the effect that people

had on themselves when using relaxation techniques. In statistical terms,

it meant that other people could have almost the same mind-body effect on

you that you could have on yourself. Letting someone else express a good

intention for you was almost as good as using biofeedback on yourself.


Braud tried a similar study showing that you could also help someone else

focus his or her attention by remote influence. Once again, the effects

were largest among those whose attention seemed to wander the most.14 "



" The perfect opportunity to look closer at the nature of collective memory

and resonance arose during a trip to Egypt. Nelson decided to attend a

two-week tour of Egypt with a group of nineteen colleagues, planning to

visit the main temples and sacred sites of the ancient Egyptians, where

they would carry out a series of informal ceremonies, such as chanting and

meditation. This trip would give him the chance to see whether people

engaged in meditative activities at these sites - the kind of activities,

in a sense, for which the sites had originally been built - had even more

effect on the machines. Nelson kept a PalmREG [Palm computer based Random

Event Generator] running in his coat pocket during visits to all the major

sites - the great Sphinx, the Temples of Karnak and Luxor, the Great

Pyramid of Giza. The PalmREG was on while the group meditated or chanted

and when they were simply wandering through the temples, and even during

moments when he was on his own, touring or meditating. He also kept a

careful record of times when various activities had occurred.


When he'd returned home and compiled all his data, an interesting pattern

emerged. The strongest effects on the machine occurred during times when

the group was engaged in a ritual such as chanting at a sacred site. In

most of the main pyramids, the effects had been six times that of ordinary

REG trials at PEAR and twice those of ordinary FieldREG trials. These were

among the largest effects he'd seen - as large as those for a bonded

couple. But when he put together all the data of the twenty-seven sacred

sites he'd visited, while simply walking around them with no more than a

respectful silence, the results were even more astounding. The spirit of

the place itself appeared to register effects every bit as large as the

meditating group. "


How might we use the scientific information in Lynne McTaggart's book to

improve our success with various mind/body healing techniques?


First, it would be nice to increase the concentration of the substances she

speaks of as being Bose-Einstein condensates that enhance quantum coherence

in the body. My life work is dedicated to making free information, about

how to make or extract these substances, available to everyone. You can

find some of these methods on my web site at:





Second, we might consider using techniques which are successful at

accessing the non-physical " zero point field " like prayer and meditation in

order to strengthen our connection with this source of knowledge.


Third, healing circles which include bonded men and women may be more

effective than same gender healing circles.


Fourth, sacred places appear to set up a resonant field which promotes

coherent healing forces.


I am sure that we will discover many other techniques related to the subtle

energy healing methods as we begin to apply scientific methods to our

exploration. Just as hypnotism has improved between Mesmer's discovery of

" animal magnetism " and Milton H. Erickson's Ericksonian Hypnotism.


This is obviously an area in which we must rely more on intuitive

observations and ideas than traditional sciences. Our intuitive discoveries

should, nevertheless, be examined with scientific rigor using some of the

new measurement tools that science is providing.


We can use tools like the Prognos diagnosis device to verify muscle testing

and dowsing results. We can also use the random event generators to help us

redesign healing circles for greater benefit. There are other new

measurement tools on the horizon. One example of these is Philip Callahan's

tachyon detector which he built using a ficus plant hooked up to a chart



Here is another example of how the subtle healing energies might be better

used as we gain more understanding of them. This passage is a discussion

between a clinical psychologist and a physicist who have been working with

the ORMUS elements and related technologies for several years:


+++++ I have two entirely different spin field generators and have no idea

either what causes the longitudinal waves, if that is what they are, but

notice that they " propagate " at a 90 degree angle to the vector of the spin

field. The spin field extends from both generators in a manner similar to a

light-saber, as popularized by the Star Wars movies. Though not visible

except to the subtle vision, the spin field effects are clearly discernable

in a narrow cone emanating from the source. (More on the effects below.)


+++++ To visualise these two types of phenomena, imagine a sword pointing

straight upwards. In this picture, the vertical segment of the hilt is the

generator. On the same upward vector, the sword blade is the spin field.

The cross bar that is the protector at the hilt represents the longitudinal

waves in question.


> These waves pass uneffected through steel and affect the

> human body according to my kinesiological testing . They can be quite

> healthy. At one point I referred to them as virtual nutrition (I now

> think wrongly). With a white noise wide spectrum of these (possibly

> longitudinal) waves, I can find no body reflex indicative of nutritional

> need, deficiency, of any kind.


>This is good!!! As you know, everything is energetic in its basis, and

>everything has a resonant frequency.

>The fact that there is no indication of any kind of deficiency is

>important, and indicates to me

>that this system is highly beneficial to the person. In fact, I think you

>were not far off when you

>referred to this as " virtual nutrition " . It is fairly clear, based on your

>expressions, that the apparatus

>seems to act to balance the energetic aspects of the Being, which

>energetic aspects are the true

>foundations of physical health. One could view this as an energetic

>nutrition, but I would look at

>it more in terms of an energetic tonifier. And very valuable at that.


+++++ Yes, both ways of looking at the effects, energetic nutrition and

energetic tonifier, are appealing. I got into torsion fields (effect)

through the study of Ormus. I think that The Stone is supposed to meet

every physical need? The virtual nutrition effect of the spin fields may

be parallel. At the moment, I am conceiving of the effect as supporting the

spectrum of biological activities that are otherwise supported physically

by vitamins, minerals and etc. ( P. Yogananda wrote that vitamins were

forces.) So as you suggested, the nutritional effects may have to do with

resonant frequencies. Yet, it is not EMF if it passes unaffected through

the steel box (Faraday cage), is it? I am thinking pre-physical, coming

from the subtle or hyperdimensional (implicate order ?) space.


>The Russian literature has a large body of studies regarding the effects

>of various kinds of energetic sources

>which are used to generate resonances which act to improve all manner of

>physical problems and diseases.

>There was even a study which claimed cures of some forms of insanity by

>applications of the proper resonant frequencies!

>I think of this one as invaluable!


>Does your apparatus demonstrate any large and strong effect on the

>emotional and/or mental well-being?


+++++N, the spin field vector, the sword blade in the analogy, has an

immediate and dramatic effect on the emotional nature. The acupuncture

meridians come into balance very quickly. This (chi) level of the human

energy field is well balanced with the use of the device. Further, one of

my associates, a clairvoyant and healer, uses the sun in his personal

energy development and clearing. He pointed the back part of my device (

bottom of the hilt, input) at the sun and the front at his heart area (

point of the sword, output) at my request. He said the marvelous results

were more than 100 times what he is normally able to get from the sun,

including some things he was never able to perceive and use before. He

claimed a high charge state with great clarity as the result. this result

brought to mind something that you had written about torsion fields being

more than 100 times the speed of light. Please note that, I do not think

this is the case with Alexander Shpilman's Axion generator.


+++++Lastly , re the psychological aspects functioning. There is a state

called psychological reversal. It is one in which a person will not heal,

regardless of any factor because they are basically negative to themselves.

This can also show up in self-defeating life choices. I have found that the

" transverse waves " can be aligned with the energy field of the brain to at

least temporarily terminate psychological reversal. These waves are

modulated in my apparatus to include frequencies from sub-minutes to 14

MHz, although it is not EMF!


>If so, it is worth its weight in gold. Literally.


+++++ Yes, it has been worth that to me, as I use it daily in my clinic and

it has speeded up my work and made it seem effortless in many cases. There

is another value to it, I think. Perhaps this type of device allows us to

model on a macro level some of what happens with Ormus at the nuclear

level? Also, the same types of charging that can be used in making The

Stone can be used as an input for this generator and applied to a material

or directly to a person with good result. This research is in its tentative

beginnings but, my oh my, you should see what starlight can do when

" amplified " in this manner.




With kindest regards,


Barry Carter


2319 Balm

Baker City, Oregon 97814

Phone: 541-523-3357

Web Pages:

Forest - http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/bmnfa/index.htm

ORMUS - http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/whatisit.htm


We must either let the Law of Love rule us through and through or not at

all. Love among ourselves based on hatred of others breaks down under the

slightest pressure. The fact is such love is never real love. It is an

armed peace. And so it will be in this great movement in the West against

war. War will only be stopped when the conscience of mankind has become

sufficiently elevated to recognize the undisputed supremacy of the Law of

Love in all the walks of life. Some say this will never come to pass. I

shall retain the faith till the end of my earthly existence that this shall

come to pass . . .

--Mahatma Gandhi--

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