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Earthbound Spirit

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Many native american shamans practice healing by

removing blocks. That is very interesting. What are

your thoughts about it? Did you talk to the man about

what is going on in his life? How long has he

experienced the problem. I guess I would want to know

more so that you could learn about what you really

experienced. I'm interested in hearing more. Thanks,


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Dear Franke,


I have encounter situations not exactly like yours, but there are some



1. As part of my HoChi Universal Love practice, I do Healing Hands of Universal

Love service, where I connects to the Universal Love energy and channel the

energy to heal the receiver. The healing usually involves removing energy

blockages. Usually, I sense the energy block but do not feel the pain. Once

in a while, I feel the pain, and that usually occurs if I forgot to center

myself and channel the energy.


2. I also do another non touching form of service called HoChi Support. This

is where one centers oneself, connecting to the Universal Love energy, and then

radiating the energy to bless someone in need. The person being blessed may be

local or remote, alive or deceased. People in my group have done this many many

times for folks during their passing and we are able to feel the energy of the

spirit getting lighter and lighter.


So my suggesting is to always center and connect to the loving energy within

before and during your work, and also send blessings when you sense something

out of the ordinary.


Love and Light,


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Dear Franke,


Sounds as though you had an amazing experience. I am a massage

therapist and have had similar experiences. Also, I once met with an

energy worker who released an " earthbound spirit " that had attached

itself to me...a life-changing experience.


I simply wanted to remind you, how honored you should feel to have

had such an experience. You obviously are strong enough to handle it,

or you wouldn't have attracted it. One aspect of processing this

situation is to understand why you attracted this particular client

and situation. Is there something in your own life that is mirrored

here? I think intuitively you know how to handle this situation

within the realm of your work, but whether it is shock or fear that

it is still nagging at you, you may have to look to your own life to

better understand.


Congratulations on being such a gifted healer...you have even more to

offer others now. I always remember my clients are my greatest

teachers, and as I begin healing others on deeper levels, I begin to

heal my own life on deeper levels.


Best wishes,


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Dear Sherry,


Thanks for that great reminder, I agree totally with you.


Everything that happens in our life is bringing us a message about ourselves.

Once we get over the initial shock, we can put the whole thing in perspective

and look deeper to find the gift behind it.


Love and Light,






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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

G'day from Australia

My name is Brett, I just joined your group and cme across this

letter. I am a kinesiologist and work alot with meridians, chakras

and lightbodies. Having energy attacthments is quite common with most

people. Most of these attacthments are not harmful as they are

energetic cords between families and loved ones, on the other hand

some people may " hook " into your energy field, usually when they are

low and need to get some " good energy " , if you work in the healing

process for others, this can happen to you as your client already has

your frequency. As you know distant healings can work miracles from

you sending energy, people can take that energy without your

permission, as helpful as you would like to be people should not take

your energy without your consent, if you have one person hooking into

you its not much, but if you have 5 or 50 then your energy will

certainly drain. When your work is to help others to heal KEEP UP

YOUR PROTECTION. When spirits or people in limbo attacth, I have

found in most cases it is someone dependent on that person, or the

person's aura is shattered from drugs/alchohol.

Keep up the good work.

Regards Brett

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