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inability to decide/need help

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hello guys


There is something i wanted to share with you. I already wrote about this 2

years ago in this group but since then i am still tortured by the doubts and

my inablity to decide. Here is the story.


I am from Israel, a place with lots of external wars and conflicts.

7 years ago, when the terror started here and buses exploded every week, i

felt a strong natural instinct run away and look for a more normal place to

raise my kids.


few years later I started a process of visa immigration to Canada and

finally recieved the documents. It was a huge effort to get the papers but

now comes the tricky part. I feel a terrible conflict and i am not sure that

i do want to leave my country. If i do not use the papers and land in 2

months , i lose the option forever.


My brain tells me to go and look for a " neutral " place, where people can

leave their normal lives. this is a common sense.


My heart wants to stay here because of many things: warm people, constant

sun, good jobs and good education.


This painful struggle between head and heart occupies my mind for more than

a year. I can not make a decision


In a way i feel that if God has kindly sent me the option - it might be a

sign that i should go ahead.

but then i see all the difficulties and i feel a naturale fear to leave my

" safety zone " . A yogi friend of mine told me to think of the present only

and avoid planning the future. she says that enjoying the day builds the

days to come. she might be right theoratically but how can i ignore the

warnings and not prepare for the future?


we made a research trip to Canada and although it's calm and beautiful, I

must admitt that i was very happy to come back here and i learned to

appreciate more the positive sides of our country (compassion, warmness, hot

weather, sunlight every day, etc).


still there is an inner voice from the brain that keeps telling me to

go according common sense and seek for a normal place.


I am not sure if in this post i am describig fully the storms in my mind and

body because of this conflict. I want to decide but i don't know how.


If you can share your thoughts with me and guide me i'de be very grateful.

right now there is confusion and chaos in my heart.

Thank you in advance





----- äåãòä î÷åøéú -----

îàú: " blue willow " <musings

àì: " 'blue willow' " <musings

ðùìç: éåí çîéùé 13 ôáøåàø 2003 01:49

ðåùà: ...deeds of kindness





> Deeds of kindness are equal in weight to all the commandments.


> By Talmud.


> ______________


> Hello Friends,


> I got up early this morning and looking at the clock, I wonder where the

> time went.


> I hope this finds you well, and those that are under the weather, my

> thoughts are with you. Have a great day or evening, wherever you are

> and remember how precious time is.


> Kindest Regards,


> Harold


> HYPERLINK " http://gemsofsoul.tripod.com " http://gemsofsoul.tripod.com




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> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

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Go to Canada, take your kids where they will be safe and have a chance at a

normal life. Children who grow up with this fear and daily violence grow up

damaged, no matter how good a parent you are and I am certain you are a good


Living in Canada doesn't mean you don't love your country. It does not mean

you will never go back or never live there again. It means you are putting

those whom God put into your care, your children, first in all things. As

parents, it is our sacred duty to do what is best for our children and put

our own needs secondary. You would gladly do without shoes of your children

needed and only they could have. This is just like shoes, isn't it?

Go, be safe, be well. Continue to make a difference for people in Israel

for this side of the Atlantic. Be an activist, raise money, raise

consciousness, pray.





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Hi Anat,

My spiritual mantra is always go with your gut

feeling. Never second guess the inspiration that you

recieve from your higher self. Your instinct is

usually more reliable than your thought process.

Good Luck, and God Bless,








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Hi Anat,


A friend told me once that someone wisely told him that in life, chances

only come along once for each situation. This always stuck in his mind and

certainly sticks in mine now.


I feel that by applying for the immigration, you have subconsciously decided

it was a good thing and now that you have the chance to go, the 'one chance'

is there and you must take it. If it's not meant to be, it would not have

presented itself to you. Even if things don't work out as you expected, at

least you have 'taken' that chance. If you don't try it, however, you will

never know what life would have been like and you will have missed your



Is it relatively easy to go back to your home country if you wanted to? I

realise it is a major decision and a big turning point in your life and

nobody can decide for you. But I feel that you deep down know what you want

to do and whatever is giving you doubts just needs to be smoothed out.


Follow your heart and never regret, whatever route you decide to take. Be

grateful for what life has to offer you and learn from your experiences.


Good luck!



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Thank you Connie, Dragongly-lady and Violet for taking the time to answer

and share your thoughts with me

I always trust my gut-feeling. but in this case i feel that i do not know

if my gut feeling is to stay or to leave. it's 50-50%.

in my gut feelings there is a voe telling me to stay away from negativity

(ie avoid uinnecessary wars)

but there is also another voice of fear that something would go wrong, that

the kids will feel strangers, second-class, detached...

there might be a high price for this peace.

my problem is to distinguish which voice should i listen to :-)

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Oh, my friend, you do not know Canucks as I do!

Canada is an even more diverse country than the US, where I live. In my

country, we are sort of anti-immigrant anymore. That cannot be said of


It has been my experience that Canadians are very open, friendly and kind,

no matter who you are or where you are from. You are much more likely to

suffer " from praise for getting your children to where they are safe than

from being shunned for being different.

Given plenty of love, food, a roof over their heads and lots of attention

from their parents...children will always bloom where they are planted.

Think of this as being transplanted to another part of the garden where the

sun is brighter, the water clearer and the soil richer.

George Dubyuh is going to make war on Iraq, no matter what. He does not

care whom he hurts, how many American soldier lives are lost, no matter the

amount of money it costs our already strapped country, nothing will stop him

He is determined. You and yours are in the firing line and if he does not

care about his own countrymen, he does not care about you, your children or

your countrymen.

Please keep us posted.





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Peace lies within your own heart/soul. Peace is not a

place. It occurs when you truly trust that what is

meant to be, will be. If you put in the papers, I

believe what is meant to be will happen. You will not

have peace as long as you are weighing/debating what

to do. Put it in the divine's hands and let control

go. We don't really have control anyway. Circle

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Dear Anat:

I lived in Israel for some years in between the 1967 war.

I decided it was not the place I was looking for when I realized that

I was getting involved in an emotional process leading me to justify

behaviours and values that I deeply in myself did not share.

Those behaviours where the begginings of the present days disastrous


When I left, I left my love, with whom I knew It would have been an

impossible love in the wrong place.

I did not have the courage to raise children there, I did not have the

courage to remain and sttrugle for the lives of the already suffering

children there.

I had the courage and the opportunity to understand that I needed my

way and that wherever I would be, the foundations of all was in my way.

The rest is the story of coincidences, synchronisms, energies,

intuitions ,autopoiesis, and all the other tools we were given to

research in life.

Certainly today Israel offers the possibility of growing spiritually

and politically: compassion, solidarity,love are badly needed as well

as the society's rediscovering of human values and the value of life

which has been symbolically enhightened but in reality completely


What helped then, when I had to decide, was to keep the awareness of the

pains I was having and inevitably trying to avoid.

In this way, and breathing deeply with my belly, no conditioning

identification blocked the energies flow and insight came.



Giovedì, febbraio 13, 2003, alle 08:43 , Anat Cohen ha scritto:


> hello guys


> There is something i wanted to share with you. I already wrote about

> this 2

> years ago in this group but since then i am still tortured by the

> doubts and

> my inablity to decide. Here is the story.


> I am from Israel, a place with lots of external wars and conflicts.

> 7 years ago, when the terror started here and buses exploded every

> week, i

> felt a strong natural instinct run away and look for a more normal

> place to

> raise my kids.


> few years later I started a process of visa immigration to Canada and

> finally recieved the documents. It was a huge effort to get the papers

> but

> now comes the tricky part. I feel a terrible conflict and i am not sure

> that

> i do want to leave my country. If i do not use the papers and land in 2

> months , i lose the option forever.


> My brain tells me to go and look for a " neutral " place, where people can

> leave their normal lives. this is a common sense.


> My heart wants to stay here because of many things: warm people,

> constant

> sun, good jobs and good education.


> This painful struggle between head and heart occupies my mind for more

> than

> a year. I can not make a decision


> In a way i feel that if God has kindly sent me the option - it might

> be a

> sign that i should go ahead.

> but then i see all the difficulties and i feel a naturale fear to leave

> my

> " safety zone " . A yogi friend of mine told me to think of the present

> only

> and avoid planning the future. she says that enjoying the day builds

> the

> days to come. she might be right theoratically but how can i ignore the

> warnings and not prepare for the future?


> we made a research trip to Canada and although it's calm and

> beautiful, I

> must admitt that i was very happy to come back here and i learned to

> appreciate more the positive sides of our country (compassion,

> warmness, hot

> weather, sunlight every day, etc).


> still there is an inner voice from the brain that keeps telling me to

> go according common sense and seek for a normal place.


> I am not sure if in this post i am describig fully the storms in my

> mind and

> body because of this conflict. I want to decide but i don't know how.


> If you can share your thoughts with me and guide me i'de be very

> grateful.

> right now there is confusion and chaos in my heart.

> Thank you in advance

> Anat




> ----- äåãòä î÷åøéú -----

> îàú: " blue willow " <musings

> àì: " 'blue willow' " <musings

> ðùìç: éåí çîéùé 13 ôáøåàø 2003 01:49

> ðåùà: ...deeds of kindness





>> Deeds of kindness are equal in weight to all the commandments.


>> By Talmud.


>> ______________


>> Hello Friends,


>> I got up early this morning and looking at the clock, I wonder where

>> the

>> time went.


>> I hope this finds you well, and those that are under the weather, my

>> thoughts are with you. Have a great day or evening, wherever you are

>> and remember how precious time is.


>> Kindest Regards,


>> Harold


>> HYPERLINK " http://gemsofsoul.tripod.com " http://gemsofsoul.tripod.com









>> ---

>> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

>> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

>> Version: 6.0.454 / Virus Database: 253 - Release 10/02/03






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I consider that I am spiritual, what is coming to be called " New Age

Catholicism " . Sounds like a contradiction in terms, but you have to be one!


I had a friend tell me recently that she felt that much of the world is

still operating in the Old Testament...the idea of an eye for an eye, a

tooth for a tooth, a life for a life. How narrow and cruel, unenlightened

this way of thinking and acting truly is.

Even if you don't believe in Christ, His mandate to love one another, to

treat your fellow man as you would want to be treated, is certainly at the

center of enlightenment and from that sprouts loving ways, healing, and a

sense of live and let live. This way allows us each our own path, with the

love and acceptance of those around us.

I also know quite well that much of what Jesus taught was derived from

Eastern religion as well as Jewish tradition and spirituality. He desired

an eccumenical, inclusive way of looking at the beliefs of others.

Unfortunately, this is not the way it is practiced or widely interpreted.

In this, Christians are as guilty as Muslims.

I say this because of what Simon has said about courage and finding his path

and understanding what I have said above.






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