Guest guest Posted July 11, 2003 Report Share Posted July 11, 2003 Thanks Harold, I needed to hear this today in regard to some of my feelings about getting something done about the vaccination nightmare. I would like it to have stopped yesterday. Below is some of my writings from this week for my book Cry of the Heart.......about this subject. Mark Sircus Ac., OMD One Voice One Cry Stop Hurting the Children The Rape of Vulnerability (The darkest and sadest story ever told) Vulnerability is the capacity or susceptibility to being hurt. For most people the feeling of being exposed to emotional hurt, or exposed to being taken advantage/abused relates to feelings of vulnerability that are to be avoided at all cost. Most people associate vulnerability with the feeling of being fragile, weak, or of being susceptible to emotional pain and suffering. When we are being taken advantage of by another person, either in business or in intimate relationships, we feel highly uncomfortable and insecure. When such situations are prolonged we get sick with the helplessness and easily end up feeling trapped or imprisoned. No one likes one bit when their feelings and rights are being ignored and run over especially when we feel too weak to do anything about it. Normally our vulnerability relates to our innermost feelings and fears with the possibility that others might use our feelings and fears against us if they knew of them. So we hide them to protect ourselves not knowing the cost of repression and separation. Surrounding these issues are the basic feelings of insecurity, our lack of self-confidence, lack of trust in others and the basic fear of the unknown, of uncertainty and uncharted waters. So people who fear being hurt, who fear their own vulnerability and the feelings engendered by it, tend to not let others know how they feel, they tend to think thoughts like, " I am never going to let my guard down, never let them know how I really feel. I have been hurt in the past so I will never let anyone hurt me again. " This all leads to attitudes that do not trust anyone, pretending we have no problems or weaknesses when we do, and walking around with the attitude that its nobody's business how we feel and that nothing and nobody can help us overcome the pain we feel. The word vulnerable is also synonymous with the words openness and exposure. Being open is a fundamental key to life of fulfillment and success, to happiness and love. By their openness, people tend to exercise their courage and become freer from fear. Being vulnerable in this sense is synonymous with being open to communicate, being open to share and care, which all opens us up to the possibility of growing as a person in emotional and spiritual ways. When we are vulnerable in a positive way we try out new behaviors, attitudes and or beliefs in the pursuit of fulfillment and personal growth, we become willing to take chances and try out new experiences, accept challenges or take risks in trying out activities where the outcome is unsure. The most important key to finding the love of the heart is found in our willingness and ability to be vulnerable. The most interesting paradox of human life happens to center on issues surrounding our vulnerability. On one side we have this fear of being hurt that closes us down in a multitude of ways. On the other side our openness leads to a dynamic life of courage, faith and trust in others and ourselves. When a person is truly vulnerable there is an unobstructed entrance or view to the persons heart, being and soul. In the strongest or most enlightened person there is no protecting or concealing cover because the person needs none. Such people carry themselves in full view of others because they are not afraid of being hurt, because they are not afraid to suffer. In the middle, between the of fear and hurt on one side and love and courage on the other lies a mystery, something little understood by modern man. We have words in language to describe something that we no longer know with any degree of intimacy. In the center is our being, something we come to this earth with, something that takes full form at our birth. In both modern day and ancient languages we have this entity that exists inside of us, some internal fire and passion for life and love called the heart. The Heart is the Vulnerability of being. This says it all when it comes to the heart. It is easy to hurt most beings because the heart is vulnerable. And our bodies are just as vulnerable. In the beginning we just are, a being with the capacity to feel perfectly vulnerable, deeply sensitive to all that is immediately around us. As babies when we are born we need a tender touch, looking to unite in bliss with the beings that have brought us into the world. It is in this that the heart is completely visible, though vulnerable, needing unbreakable bonds of love and trust. Deep within is our pure being which has incarnated into this body. This being is ultra sensitive. From the moment of conception this pure being is picking up subtle impressions from the environment through the heart center of pure feeling. Scientific evidence does show that even very young children are capable of experiencing deep anguish and grief in response to trauma, loss, and personal rejection. Dr. Kyle Pruett, clinical professor of psychiatry at the Yale University Child Study Center, says " infants are highly attuned to mood even when in the womb making them susceptible to things like parental depression. " The reality is that a 4-month-old can be clinically depressed for if they do not get the love and care they deserve and need they begin to withdraw. Our pure beings need and deserve pure love and when we do not get it we become disturbed in our being, in the heart center that feels. The ground state of our self is just a being that feels. Hurt is something our beings naturally feel. Hurt is the appropriate response of the human heart when attacked or misunderstood as adults and it is the natural response of babies when they are treated with lack of consideration, kindness and love. When we betray the innocent and vulnerable nature of the pure heart we cause hurt. When we are born we have a great capacity to be hurt. Babies and young children are totally at the mercy of their environment, they are vulnerable. When we come to earth as vulnerable baby beings we hit the stratosphere of uncaring and are forced to accept many things, including the all to often deliberate abuse of our being. Besides any problems and conflicts our parents might be having we have the medical community waiting, making our birth a problem; ripping the experience away from its natural and most beautiful state. And then we have had the pharmaceutical companies doing their best to drag us away from the breast and the nipple and mothers warmth and natural immune strengthening milk. Yet there is something worse, a terror waiting for us, and aggression and invasion that are inflicted against our totally defenseless being. On the day of our birth doctors and nurses, with the willing acceptance and surrender of our parents, plunge cold steel into our flesh and inject a foreign fluid laced with poison and other modified genetic materials that assaults our immune and other critical systems of our bodies. Babies cry when their basic needs are frustrated, they cry when they are in need and when they are hurt. But babies start to scream when we pass a certain limit, they scream without end when they are violated and hurt in a way that is often beyond their capacity to recover from. It is easy to hurt most beings because the heart is vulnerable. And our bodies are just as vulnerable. By the time a baby is born their ultra sensitivity keeps them alert to the total environment surrounding their birth. They can feel, and their beings remember in terms of conditioned fear and trust all the attitudes that surround them. It does make a difference to them how they are treated, how they are welcomed into this world. It matters when the doctor becomes impatient and cuts open the mother's belly, thinking more about money and time than the natural rhythm of mother and infant. It matters on a being level when cold steel penetrates our tender young body injecting something alien that we are totally defenseless to. It matters the arrogance of the minds of others who violate us in the name of false assumptions, judgments and rationalizations about what is and what is not best for our young lives and what they think is best for society. It is the mind that is not sensitive any more to its own vulnerability that can do such things, that can sacrifice without remorse our purity and vulnerability to something else. . When we are born we have a great capacity to be hurt. There are many things doctors and nurses have traditionally done to rip us away from the pure vulnerability of the moment of our birth, they have hung us upside down and spanked us, taken us away from our mothers before we could bind with them, shined bright lights in our faces, many things like this. Making it cold and clinical in operating rooms as opposed to warm and natural in settings that facilitate that does nothing to contribute to a feeling of safety and security but what waits is a quantum level more disturbing to our vulnerability. Today it is standard procedure in the first hours or day of our life to penetrate our bodies with a hypodermic needle which manifests on many levels the first basic experiences of uncaring, helplessness and fear. At the moment of our birth we are confronted with something that holds a threat to our life, with a potential for an early death (for some) for we are injected with nerve toxins that can quickly accumulate and lead to severe neurological damage. Certainly it is a stress and a hurt that makes us scream to the high heavens but the doctors and nurses smile it off as being normal. Their base line of normality is thrust on our vulnerabilities and often sets the stage for much disruption of health in our very young lives. Babies and young children are totally at the mercy of their environment, they are totally vulnerable, but slowly loose this after years of being repeatedly hurt and misunderstood. We slowly loose the vulnerability of being as we erect our ego or mental separate self. When Christ said that we needed to be born again he was referring to the reversing of this process. He was talking about re-contacting this hidden vulnerability, the innocence and natural trust of our beings. When we betray the innocent and vulnerable nature of the pure heart we cause hurt. The separate mind is the betrayer of the universe of heart and true being. Because of the hurt we feel deep down, and our own separation from 'that which is hurt,' (separation from our own being nature) we tend to manifest our uncaring and insensitivity in many ways that hurts others and us. Few understand this process and are sensitive to it and for sure the medical professionals and pharmaceutical people are not among the most considerate, warm and caring energies we encounter in life. One of the reasons money and power is such a difficult trip, and why Christ said it was easier for a camel to thread the eye of a needle than a rich man get to heaven is because if we put money and power first in our consciousness vulnerability gets lost, trampled on, and even raped. What we put first in life is incredibly important on this level, it tells a huge story about our lives and actions. To treasure vulnerable love is the first law of a pure heart. Christopher Hills This is the key that tells all the difference in young beings lives. When their vulnerability is cherished and protected the needs of our pure beings are met and we develop along natural and healthy lines. The injection of vaccines with their accompanying nerve toxins used as preservatives is the first full-blown invasion and rape of our infant vulnerability. The fear many people have of being exposed to being hurt, taken advantage of or abused, can perhaps be traced to this first in a series of violent intrusions into our inner physical and emotional domain. Though there are many biological and chemical explanations of what vaccine formulas can do to us on physical levels the fears themselves can retard normal development; can lead to developmental problems of all sorts. Shyness, timidity and fear taken to an extreme for instance will create learning disabilities. This can be traced 'impart' back to this wholesale violation of vulnerability at our birth and during the first few months of life when we are repeatedly attacked with needles that inject liquid poisons into our bodies. When we are led innocently to suffer the 'normal' side effects of vaccines, stresses and pain over something we have no control over we scream our unhappiness, we scream the hurt and we scream the suffering and in this all hardly a soul thinks anything is wrong except the parents whose hearts are thrown into a hurt fire and anguish that is difficult to contemplate. The age of starting routine immunization appears to be a critical determinant of the severity and frequency of reactions. Both western medicine and modern psychology have not been able to come up with solid concepts that explain why some people recover from illness and others do not. There does seem to be a force in most everyone that operates routinely to protect and promote health, whose absence seems to leave us vulnerable. This explains, on some level, why one individual might suffer a relatively mild attack of a disease like ulcerative colitis, another gets chronically crippled by the same disease, and a third might decline rapidly from the first attack and go on to die from the same thing another recovers quickly from. Many physicians and therapists have noticed that certain people have a strong will to get better. There are some individuals who can become extremely sick, and because of an exceptionally 'strong will to grow,' heal. And there are people who suffer from mild illnesses, who lack this will, and despite the best of treatment and care, languish inside of their illness. They will not show significant improvements, or if they do, will end up bouncing from one illness to another. Its unbelievable that people would inject a chemical cocktail directly into our bloodstream, ready to disrupt our immune system, ready to subject our young body to a host of toxic chemicals and viruses. We naturally scream against such an invasion, we react, and sometimes we die. These differences are apparent in babies and their reactions to vaccination. Some babies are naturally stronger and can take the abuse with greater ease. Whether that has something to do with their bodies ability to detoxify or an overall strength is unknown but there is little to explain why one child will develop the slight redness of skin that doctors and nurses and medical organizations like to hold up as the only truly 'normal' effect to vaccination, and why others will react with high fevers and seizures that can end in death. There are so many factors that lead to our feelings of security and trust of life and many things that lead us to feeling timid and afraid. What is clear at least is that doctors and nurses are no longer tuned to the subtle vulnerabilities or even if it's a good idea to inject nerve toxins used as preservatives in the blood streams and muscle tissue of newborn infants. They are so out of touch with the true realities of young babies lives, they must be to do what they are doing without compunction. Perhaps we know instinctively that some dark sinister force is attacking our purity of being. Perhaps we feel with our tiny little spirits the force of deliberate ignorance and the bestiality of greed attacking our bloodstreams. Perhaps somehow we can sense that these people are much more interested in their ideas and livelihoods and their cherished ways of life than our vulnerability and need for pure love. Perhaps we just know through our feelings that it is all wrong, and we kick and scream, and then even our parents betray us by they themselves taking us to the alter of medical deception. When our parents betray us something gets lost deep inside, we lose a certain trust that often can never be mended. When it comes to ripping our veins open to foreign invasion, when our pureness of being, and the natural strength of our bodies and immune systems are not being respected, the loss on the innermost subtle levels is hidden, lost behind a cloud of medically recognized symptoms like allergies and asthma all of which have recognized emotional aspects behind them. It is the uncaring that hurts our beings, the lack of heart, and the steel coldness of the mind that is always seeking power, dominance and control over others lives. It is very difficult for adults to understand the pure vulnerability that a baby comes into the world with for most of us have lost our own connection with our own vulnerability. Babies are much more sensitive than we can imagine and react to the most subtle influences. Japan's place in the world scale of infant mortality went through a dramatic change for the better when they changed the age of vaccine (DPT) adminstration from new borns to two year old infants. These knots and convolutions, on the levels of pure being, are turned into convulsions and seizures when the uncaring is augmented by the aggressive physical act of injecting foreign substances that are hostile to the bodies physical systems. Mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde, substances found in almost all vaccines, are substances that aggressively interact with the physical being with consequences on other levels as well, meaning its possible the aggressivity and toxicity even reach to the emotional and feeling/spiritual being deeper within. There are certain things that can never be measured. Some things cannot be studied by medical science. We come to this world looking for pure love, needing pure love, needing pure touch and an ultra sensitivity to our beings. We come vulnerable, open, and trusting, and when that is invaded, when instead of receiving this love we get a sorry excuse for it in the form of fear. Instead of trusting our systems and the God that made them to stand strong we receive lethal toxic chemicals and attenuated viruses in the form of vaccines injected directly into our internal frameworks. The general nature of 'evil' is to not have consciousness of the effect that our actions have on the worlds of others. Elie Wiesel understood evil, he lived through the Holocaust, and wrote about the men who managed the death camps. " Yes, it is possible to defile life and creation and feel no remorse. There was, then, a technique, a science of murder, complete with specialized laboratories, business meetings and progress charts. Those engaged in its practice did not belong to a gutter society of misfits, nor could they be dismissed as just a collection of rabble. Many held degrees in philosophy, sociology, biology, general medicine, psychiatry and the fine arts. There were lawyers among them. And - unthinkable but true - theologians. " It is not such a stretch of the imagination for many thousands of parents to assume the worst when it comes to the public health officials and doctors that are responsible for vaccination policy. It's hard to understand that it is almost impossible to approach these kinds of people with logic and reason about things that are impossible for them to understand. How can you make them understand that nothing does greater harm to a human being (or infant) than feeling that your life is in danger and there is nothing you can do about it. Scientists have discovered that great changes in brain chemistry occur when there is a danger and there is nothing we can do to escape it. The feeling of helplessness is a terror from which the brain has a very hard time recovering. Many beings have confronted combat, torture, repeated child abuse, rape, and violent assault; each of these provokes a common biological and neurological effect when the stressful event is perceived as uncontrollable, thus leaving us helpless. When we feel there is something we can do we fare much better through traumatic experiences. There is nothing a child or infant can do but kick and scream as we drag them into the doctor's office. Its funny that we so easily dismiss their cries, and sick that doctors and nurses dismiss their piercing screams and high fevers so easily afterwards. This story about the rape of infants vulnerability represents one of the darkest stories every told. For many thousands upon thousands of people it represents one of the saddest stories every told. Beyond our imagination it goes, beyond our capacity to feel empathy and remorse. No heart could bear to feel the collective agony of parents around the world whose babies are damaged or killed through this form of medical and scientific abuse of our beings. No heart could bear to go totally into the inner world of all these infant baby beings and identify with their feelings without a total meltdown lined with tears. And no heart can really understand how humanity could have slipped so low and into such a darkness that would do such things to incredibly beautiful and vulnerable beings that come so trustingly into our care. How can one not cry about such things, how can one not care? How can this have gone on for so long without the cry of the heart being heard? How have we been so duped that we have sleepwalked through such ignorance and insensitivity. These are questions for all of us to answer not just the doctors and nurses. Hardly a one of us has paid sufficient attention but now is our chance to make up for it all. Now is our chance to raise up among humanity a ground swell cry and scream that will finally be heard around the world. Now is our chance to prove that we are humans and deserve our place in a humane universe. The babies are still being lined up, they are still screaming and crying. Can we really hear them? All over the globe they are crying and sometimes dying. Can we hear them? Can we feel them? Whose heart can bear to? But we have to; we simply have to reconnect with their vulnerability that is being raped every day. Yes there is no way other than through swimming through a river of tears and through hearts almost broken but we will not break. Instead we have to channel all these feelings into a power translated into action that will lead to humanity coming to its senses. To the sense that we will have the wisdom to stop hurting the children. Multiple Vaccines (Several Shots Given Simultaneously) " My fiance recently took our son Christian for his 2 month check-up on March 4, 2003. He received three vaccines that day DTP, IPV and Hib. Actually, he received 5 vaccines that day because DTP is 3-in-one. That night he was very fussy and cried all night. On March 8th, I put my baby down to sleep but all he would do was cry. Finally Christian fell asleep from exhaustion. I woke up in the middle of the night and grabbed my baby and he was all blue. He died in his sleep. He was rushed to the hospital in a matter of minutes. They worked on him for about a half hour and there was nothing they could do. My angel was gone. " Multiple vaccines given simultaneously are a cruelty toward parents and children simply beyond all belief and represent a brutality and madness new to humanity. Simply put, even in the most savage societies of the past we do not see parents and doctors subjecting children to such barbarity. Many parents around the world have indicated that multiple vaccines, several shots administered at once, are responsible for a large percentage of serious adverse vaccine reactions. Multiple injections with antigens the immune system is already primed to, cause serum sickness reaction (known to cause death) and although that is a recognized and well established outcome of vaccinating, it is not listed on the product monograph as a possible outcome. " The first thing they did to my poor baby was give her a live polio vaccine down her throat, then they jabbed a needle in her right leg, and then jabbed another needle in her left leg. She screamed like never before with a cry much different than any cry she has ever had before. Later that night, she began to act so much different than normal. Her high-pitched screams shrieked so painfully, and her little tears could have made a river rise. Her breathing was shallow, she could only pant, unable to catch her breath. We called the " doctor " (I use that term lightly), and we were told that this was normal, and that we would have to call back during normal office hours because they were closing. " Pediatricians are digging their own graves because there are absolutely no valid scientific studies, none to support the safety of giving several vaccines at the same time. Vaccines are administered simultaneously for convenience, not safety, because medical policymakers realize that " the number of visits to a healthcare provider [for vaccines] is an impediment " to receiving all of the recommended shots. The pediatrician, as well as the hospital doctors, dismissed our concern that the vaccines could have been the cause. Infants, especially in the United States, are routinely given a combination of 8 powerful drugs simultaneously. Each drug contains disease matter (bacteria and viruses), in addition to toxic stabilizers and preservative, such as thimerosal and formaldehyde. It would be a miracle for a child to not have a serious reaction and the fact that trained doctors and nurses administer such massive aggressive doses to little babies will be remembered in the annals of history. These doctors and nurses are compounding their crimes because they actually lie about vaccine reactions. They conspire to deceive parents about the true cause of their child's life-threatening condition. Whether they do this out of absolute ignorance, because of unconscious motives, or simply programmed powerfully by superior organizations that control their lives, it does not really matter to the mother or father of any of the children who have died or who suffer tremendously from reactions to such multiple abuses delivered simultaneously. And it will not matter much in front of a World Medical Court that will one day conduct trials, as there were once trials in Nuremberg. Vaccine manufacturers, international organizations and the people in them like the World Health Organization, and even national organizations and their people, the CDC, the FDA, the AMA, the APA, and others will be brought up before an international tribune formed to investigate and pass final judgment on crimes against humanities children. Fifteen thousand French citizens are already suing government health officials for understating the vaccine's risks and exaggerating its benefits. The day of reckoning is coming for the destiny of the human race is not to accept barbaric cruelty to be continued. I am the mother of a 2-year-old with autism. His symptoms began almost immediately following his series of immunizations at 14 months (9 diseases were introduced into his tiny body that day -- measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, varicella, and Hib). Our lives have literally been turned upside down by the fact that our son who was healthy previous to his immunizations now has asthma, celiac disease, and autism. They can always claim that my son's autism was inborn, though he developed NORMALLY for the first 14 months of life! Child have natural reactions like diarrhea and vomiting to expel poisonous matter from their bodies so it is natural for them to have these things after being injected simultaneously with many hostile substances. What is most amazing to see and almost impossible to understand is how mothers who watch their babies experience a nearly fatal reaction to vaccines permit doctors to administer more of the same. And equally amazing is how doctors and nurses, who are closest to these parents and their children, can calmly year after year continue to follow blindly the orders from above, and despite persistent and increasing reports of severe reactions to multiple injections, continue on in their work. My niece just got her shots for Kindergarten last week and had a very scary reaction to them. After leaving the health office after receiving multiple shots she told her mother that she felt sick to her stomach and then passed out. She stopped breathing and wet her pants. Then her body started jerking. Her mother ran back into the office and they couldn't find a pulse. They were getting ready to start CPR and had called 911. Then she woke up. Her speech was not right at first and her heartbeat was irregular. They took her to the hospital and said that she was just afraid of the shots. Parents had better believe that there are people who would say such things and do such things. The people who said to this parent that she was merely afraid of the shots should be defrocked of their white coats, their license to practice medicine or be a nurse suspended, and they should be put on trial for gross negligence and stupidity. Or should we be nice to them? These kinds of reactions are what are really normal in the vaccination field, doctors and nurses react with astonishment when parents even imply that their routine benign multiple vaccinations could have anything to do with what follows such a rape of little bodies with such alien substances. " My nephew had his vaccine shots at 3 ½ months. The mother was never informed on the possible side effects; some potentially so dangerous that brain damage or death could occur. I got a call from sister three days after the vaccines: " What's wrong with the baby I cried? " He was vomiting, extremely irritable, had not slept for three days, screaming, whining, having right-sided convulsions, and refusing to drink the mother's breast milk. I asked only two questions: Was he vaccinated, and when? My sister said, " He had polio, meningitis, hepatitis and DPT. Immediately after, all the symptoms started to develop. On the 3rd day the violent seizures started. " I told her to take the baby to the emergency hospital. The brain scan showed a cerebral hemorrhage the size of a golf ball. All doctors at the hospital denied the brain damage was from the vaccines, claiming he was born with it! And the denial goes on and the kids go on dieing. And the vast majority of society is asleep to the cruelty that gets performed in every town in the world. Some day in the future the word pediatrician will be somewhere near in feel and sound to some of the other most detested words in language, words like Nazi, inquisitors, death squads, torture, rape and prostitution. Some day it will be that to be a prostitute is more dignified than being a pediatrician who will administer multiple vaccinations on the same day to human baby infants. When did mothers lose their maternal impulses, their mama-bear protective instincts that were built in to protect their children from harm? And when did civilization begin to completely disembowel parents so that they can no longer see clearly the differences between good and evil, even when harm is so blatantly inflicted on their helpless children? Most parents caught in the trap of medical cruelty and terrorism waver between tears of sadness and outrage and it is time for all humans who still want to be called human to wake up to their plight and the potential plight of every child being subjected to multiple and sometimes lethal injections. Parents have been suckered into a huge, corrupt lie and it is within our power to confront this with an incredible force of mind and being. Babies are the ones caught in the crossfire, while moms and dads are manipulated because they merely want what is best for their loved ones. Our beautiful daughter was born in February and died in April. What was unusual was that on the day that she died, I had taken he r to the military base hospital for her two-month checkup. The doctor told me that she was just perfect. Then the doctor said that she needed four shots. I replied Four! She assured me that it was completely normal and that it was better to give her all at such an early age). That evening after feeding her, we laid her down to sleep and checked on her 45 minutes later. She was dead. After three weeks we finally got an answer from the autopsy that it was indeed SIDS. To this day I believe that it was the shots and no one can convince me otherwise. I seriously wonder if people will wake up enough to be bothered with such things. I seriously wonder if we have slipped so deeply into egocentric selfish individualism that we would not spend any part of our day or life force to stop this nightmare from happening to more people. I seriously wonder how much humanity is left in humanity. Have we so completely gone off to sleep, has the matrix that has been brought down over our eyes by the medical, scientific and government communities so castrated us that we cannot act together to stop such acts of violence directed against babies during their first days and months of life? " Our granddaughter, Lee Ann, was just 8 weeks old when her mother took her to the doctor for her routine checkup. That included, of course, her first DPT inoculation and oral polio vaccine. " In all her entire 8 weeks of life this lovable, extremely alert baby had never produced such a blood-curdling scream as she did at the moment the shot was given. Neither had her mother ever before seen her back arch as it did while she screamed. She was inconsolable. " Four hours later Lee Ann was dead. 'Crib death,' the doctor said -- 'SIDS.' You would think that by now doctors and nurses would be making 'some' connection between injections and such mind-boggling and heart wrenching reactions. Any parent would simple ask in tears, " Could it be connected to the shot?' " No would be the typical answer and the answer that would be given until the case is brought to court and awarded compensation under federal law. So far over a billion dollars has been awarded to parents for damages from vaccines but the vast majority of doctors and nurses and health care officials continue to deny the dangers of vaccines and even worse refuse to inform and educate parents who are not being paid to stay on top of such medical issues. When the parents of Lee Ann heard the no they responded, " But she just had her first DPT shot this afternoon. Could there possibly be any connection to it? " " No, no connection at all, " the emergency room doctor who attended them said. " My husband and I hurried to the hospital the following morning after Lee Ann's death to talk with the pathologist before the autopsy. We wanted to make sure he was alerted to her DPT inoculation such a short time before her death, just in case there was something else he could look for to make the connection. He was unavailable to talk with us. We waited two-and-a-half hours. Finally, we got to talk to another doctor after the autopsy had been completed. He said it was 'SIDS.' What this diagnosis means is that the doctors do not know what caused the death. What is becoming super obvious to anyone who studies these occurrences is that doctors and health care officials do not want to know or admit the cause of these deaths. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that children diagnosed with asthma (a respiratory ailment not unlike SIDS) were five times more likely than not to have received pertussis vaccine. Another study found that babies die at a rate eight times greater than normal within three days after getting a DPT shot. The three primary doses of DPT are given at two months, four months, and six months. About 85 percent of SIDS cases occur at one through six months, with the peak incidence at age two to four months. In a recent scientific study of SIDS, episodes of apnea (cessation of breathing) and hypopnea (abnormally shallow breathing) were measured before and after DPT vaccinations. " Cotwatch " (a precise breathing monitor) was used, and the computer printouts it generated (in integrals of the weighted apnea-hypopnea density -- WAHD) were analyzed. The data clearly shows that vaccination caused an extraordinary increase in episodes where breathing either nearly ceased or stopped completely. These episodes continued for months following vaccinations. Dr. Viera Scheibner, the author of the study, concluded, " vaccination is the single most prevalent and most preventable cause of infant deaths. " It is clear that there is enough information and enough suffering to challenge the common medical practice of immunization of children at such a young age. It is equally clear that all rationalizations that are used to side step this issue of infanticide are inadmissible. Unless doctors and nurses wake up in mass to what they are doing they will not be excused in the future when the day of reckoning comes and they are held accountable for what they have done in the face of mounting evidence. Crimes against humanity, crimes against the children, crimes against unsuspecting parents who have chosen to trust their pediatricians. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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