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State of Humanity

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State of Humanity




We are an incredible species; of that there is no doubt. We are

capable of great genius and monumental stupidity at the same time. Today we are

seeing the best of humanity and the worst existing side by side though it does

seem like the best is hiding somewhere in a closet. Where all the great men and

woman have gone in modern times is anyone's guess, but for sure, if these people

exist, they avoid politics and western medicine like the plague. Perhaps there

is a reason for the present decline of human reason and feeling, for the

gathering clouds of darkness that has not been thought of before. Perhaps the

blind lockstep of society has been programmed in insidiously, like in the movie

the matrix, from birth, on such a deep level that we no longer are capable of

thinking appropriately about reality. Perhaps we have accepted and swallowed

something so wholly disorienting and hideous, so anti-human that we have in fact

banished the best of humanity to antiquity.


The fact is that we have turned, in mass, toward barbarism and

insanity during the last fifty years, and now, the vast majority of people are

so hypnotized, that they think it wonderful. Today modern civilization practices

an invisible campaign of cruelty and only a few are waking up to the reality of

it. Today health officials, doctors and nurses, without even a thought to the

contrary, are conducting a massive chemical indoctrination program that is aimed

directly at new born infants, pumping their young bodies with the most toxic

chemicals known to man. Children are suffering and dying and developing

neurological diseases in numbers that speak ill for the future of our race.


The worst the ancients ever did to their babies was to kill those who

came to earth deformed in certain ways, and yes, to our shame, the elimination

of unwanted females. There are certain practices of humans that are particularly

shameful and disgusting. Millions of young women in Africa, for instance, still

have the genitals mutilated each year. Millions of women are raped around the

world and many more millions of young children are abused sexually. And in our

modern times we are seeing a return to slavery as millions of women around the

world are sold into sexual slavery. The Chinese these past hundred years evolved

themselves from the practice of binding young girls feet, a particularly

gruesome torture, and yes we can be proud of the fact that we have not unleashed

an atomic suicide war to end it all. We have had to deal with lost souls walking

onto school grounds and shooting the students, mass murderers, and even the

occasional rape or brutal killing of an infant, something to horrible to even

conceive of


But somehow modern medicine has turned a corner and entered a

darkness that all the frontal lobotomies and all the blood letting of the past

cannot compete with. They have committed a crime against humanity unequalled in

the history of our race, and have made this crime look, to the average human

being, like a good idea, a good thing to do. They have hidden and lied to such

an extent that the horror is covered up, and in this our intelligence and beauty

have gone into serious decline. We have slipped down such a slope of darkness,

into and ignorance and sleep that even those who awaken can still not perceive

the full gravity of the situation, not enough to rise up in sufficient numbers

to let out a shout to be heard around the world. The darkness and cruelty now

occupy the mainstream; it has become the standard of society and political

existence. It comes as a complete and unbelievable surprise that doctors and

nurses around the world are injecting poison; substances like mercury,

formaldehyde and a list of other toxic substances into baby beings, and then are

capable of going home and sleeping in peace. So blinded into ignorance are they

by the system that feeds them that they do not even question the practice. And

after fifty years of literally getting away with murder, the medical and health

officials have now decided that it's ok now to do it without reason or

justification. Now, in the form of a vaccine that is not needed by children,

against a disease that does not exist in infectious form, newborns are injected

with a serum against hepatitis B. The profession has reached the end stages of

its existence for they have arrived at insanity without limit. In the most

distorted twist of human fate people are now making money by injecting as much

toxic poison into babies as they possibly can. Really the truth is the more

shots given the more money made, what other motive can their be when it comes to

a vaccine like hepatitis B since there is absolutely no medical reason for its



It is really hard to believe what we are doing to newborn babies.

Only recently are people waking up around the world, becoming conscious to the

horror, but their voice has not been heard yet. In a world that does not listen,

not even to things like this, it is difficult to manifest change on fundamental

levels. We are a race proud of our technology, proud that we have gone to the

moon, proud of our armies and navies, and proud that we routinely poison babies

at birth. We are fortunate that our nature is strong and most of us escape with

our lives, but because the medical associations have increased dramatically the

number and frequency of vaccines given in the first year of life, we have an

epidemic of suffering and death on our hands, and the medical people come up

with creative new ways of avoiding looking at what they are doing. Instead of

facing reality they create diagnoses like SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome,

death without reason) and now Shaken Death Syndrome which means they accuse the

parents of murder instead of facing the fact that the children go into such

violent chemical shock and seizure that their young bodies look like they have

been violently shaken.


The human race still would rather watch TV than put a stop to that

which destroys humanity. We would rather hole up in our little lives like the

Germans who lived near the concentration camps. We have not changed at all, we

go on with our separate existences buying bigger and better cars and sport

vehicles, buy more coke and eat our pizza without a thought about what is going

on down at our local health clinic or pediatricians office. The hero of today

knows what to fight for, knows where the greatest evil is and goes to put a stop

to it. He or she knows what is important, when they finally stumble upon it; the

truth burns bright like a burning bush. Its an eternal light that does not go

out, until the quest is made, goals achieved, darkness fails, the evil from the

gates to life cast aside, and in the end, angels can finally come to earth, all

the sweet baby beings, unsoiled by rapist needles, un-dirtied by men and woman

in white coats. To work for such a day is a holy task, it's the only religion

that matters until the job is done. What else is really important? What can

divert our attention; deny us the humanity to be human.



Mark Sircus Ac., OMD


One Voice One Cry

Stop Hurting the Children




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