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Thinking Out Loud...The Feel of Life

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I remember learning that our government was designed to include a system of

checks and balances that would insure a fair examination of any laws or

policies before their implementation into society. This concept can also be

applied to our inner government, where thoughts like laws and policies, go

through a system of checks and balances before they become experience. I was

thinking about how unadulterated feeling could be the check and balance system


thoughts which enter our consciousness. How if we took the microsecond to

feel the thought instead of just act on it, we might realize our co-creative

effect on what's experienced and begin to incorporate feeling as a part of how

we interpret and process thoughts and other stimuli. It is my opinion that

there needs to be more of a balance established between the mind (computer)

and feeling (soul) to bring about a change in the feel of reality. I think on

a subliminal level we are feeling the emotion of life then thinking it

away. Yet, thinking cannot undo truth and the feeling remains the same after


rationale has lost its power. So to allow ourselves to feel a thought or

stimulus before we act, might put us in a better position to change the feel

of life. What are your impressions? - Franke




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Franke wrote: << It is my opinion that there needs to be more of a balance

established between the mind (computer) and feeling (soul) to bring about a

change in the feel of reality. >>


Your post made me think of an Abraham quotes forum I enjoy.



(plus or minus 60 quotes/month)


A related forum that includes discussion (800+ posts per month) is:




Rich in Minnesota





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Oh how funny! I am also familiar with the Abraham Hicks material, and

utilize the universal laws daily.....a woman who invented the Prosperity

Game based the game on the Abraham Hicks universal laws (and she has signed

up for the MAP telegroup).


I love that you wrote about balance, Franke, because I think that is where

the sweet spot is.....always, when I feel myself going out of balance,

attention to correction into balance takes care of the issue.


However, when we are talking about mind and spirit or soul, I tend to think

of the mind as a practical tool of the spirit, rather than something that is

equal to or balanced with the spirit. My experience of my spirit (and of

the larger divine energy) is that it is so much bigger than my mind, that my

mind cannot even conceive of it!!! I choose to align my mind in my spirit

so that they are working together rather than giving my mind an arena to

duke it out with my spirit by thinking of them as two separate entities.


More thoughts on the table! Blessings,



----Original Message-----

rputman [rputman]

Sunday, September 05, 2004 11:54 AM


Re: Thinking Out Loud...The Feel of Life



Franke wrote: << It is my opinion that there needs to be more of a


established between the mind (computer) and feeling (soul) to bring

about a

change in the feel of reality. >>


Your post made me think of an Abraham quotes forum I enjoy.



(plus or minus 60 quotes/month)


A related forum that includes discussion (800+ posts per month) is:




Rich in Minnesota




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