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Master Fe


Greetings of love and light. I am new to pranic healing, having completed

the advanced pranic healing and psychotherapy course at the end of

September. Though I am new, I am truly surprised at the power of pranic

healing and the results people experience. I thank all those who have

helped me learn.


My question is this. Today I worked with a woman who asked for stress

relief. She has had back pain for years, and has been treated by physicians

and chiropracter. As I followed the pranic psychotherapy protocol for

stress, in working with her front solar plexus, she said, " It doesn't want

to let go. " When I asked what " It " was, she was uncertain as to whether

" it " was a part of herself, or not. (Later, after the treatment, she

thought " It " was her baby self at 2 1/2 months when her father died and her

mother blamed her for his death.) In any case, " It " retreated far within

her. Apparently my freezing and immobilizing did not keep " It " from moving

to her " back and shoulders. " Working with her back solar plexus did not

free " It " either. I am not clear as to whether " It " is a negative thought

form, a negative entity, or perhaps a representation of herself at a

traumatic time in her life. Clearly " It " did not want to be removed, as was

not removed at the end of treatment. On the other hand, the woman

experienced a number of emotional releases. What would you suggest for

follow up treatment as regards " It " ?


Dick Millspaugh

Columbia MO


masterfe <masterfe


Sunday, October 15, 2000 7:39 PM

Re: questions



> Dear Felicia,


> Greetings..


> >1. Is it beneficial for a client's receptivity to listen to Master

> >Choa's CD of Meditation on Twin Hearts while they are being worked on

> >by a practitioner?



> This is okay. You can also use the OM cd. Or, you can ask the patient to

> do MTH before you apply pranic healing.



> >2. I am sometimes confused about the steps to take when working with

> >someone whom I feel has physical symptoms which are, at the core,

> >emotionally related. For example, I work with someone who has a lot

> >of 'issues,' which manifest physically (weight gain, continual

> >migraine headaches, massive B12 depletion (as diagnoised by a medical

> >doctor), anxiety, depression, lower GI tract problems, a move from

> >low blood pressure to an elevated blood pressure, lower back

> >problems). SO. Do I first try to tackle the physical symptoms with,

> >say, the treatment for migraine in the Advanced book, or do I focus

> >first on complete psychotherapy treatment and see what happens? I

> >often find myself doing a combination. THEN my question is: when

> >treating, do I administer psychotherapy FIRST and then work on the

> >physical, or is it the other way around? I know that in the psyc.

> >book, for depression, it is suggested that the physical application

> >comes first and then the psychotherapy on the upper chakras. Any

> >advice is truly appreciated.



> In general, it is better to do Pranic Psychotherapy procedure first before

> treating the physical problem. This is especially applicable if the

> problem is emotional in origin.

> An exemption is the procedure for treating psychologically depressed

> patients. Usually these people are also physically depressed. The

> treatment starts with the physical to give the patient physical will to

> overcome the condition.


> Love and light, masterfe



> >I am new to the list and am so glad that it is operating. Thank you,

> >Master Fe, for your guidance.

> >

> >Best,

> >

> >Felicia Bender

> >Columbia, Missouri USA


> -------------------

> " Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox

> medicine, but rather to complement it. If symptoms

> persist or the ailment is severe, please consult

> immediately a medical doctor and a certified pranic

> healer. "



> -------------------




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  • 11 months later...

Hi Sally


In your segment on

>gemstone elixirs, I seem to remember (and correct me if I'm wrong)

>that most were for emotional problems. How well do you think elixirs

>work for ailments of the physical body?


I haven't used a gem elixir specifically for the physical body yet, however

my own personal elixir that I made up with my personal stones, seems to work

for me on a physical & emotional level.


I am planning on making up some more elixirs, and am doing one specifically

for my arthritis pain; so I will let you know how that one works out!






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Hi Hazel,


I made some gem oil for my arthritis which worked for me. I used

Malachite, Amber, Zoisite crystals with a carrier oil and put in some

Rose and Rosemary essential oils.


I also from time to time am subject to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)

and made up a gem elixir which helps. I dowsed for which crystals to

use and how long etc. Here is what I came up with:


Sulphur, red coral, pearl were placed on a linen cloth. A quartz

point at each corner with one of the corners facing North, covered by

a pyramid. Leave for 2 hours.


In the sterilized bowl, I placed these crystals along with sapphire,

malachite, bloodstone, carnelian and distilled water and left the

bowl (covered with plastic wrap) under the sun for 2 hours (Mother

Tincture). This tincture was then poured into a blue glass bottle

which was placed under the pyramid with a quartz point at each corner

as before and left for 3 hours. Then I mixed two-thirds mother

tincture with one-third brandy to make my stock bottle.



Angel Lite





, " Pheonix Angelstar "

<pheonix_angelstar@h...> wrote:


> Hi Sally


> In your segment on

> >gemstone elixirs, I seem to remember (and correct me if I'm wrong)

> >that most were for emotional problems. How well do you think


> >work for ailments of the physical body?


> I haven't used a gem elixir specifically for the physical body yet,


> my own personal elixir that I made up with my personal stones,

seems to work

> for me on a physical & emotional level.


> I am planning on making up some more elixirs, and am doing one


> for my arthritis pain; so I will let you know how that one works



> llb

> Hazel


> _______________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


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Personally speaking, I believe that elixirs do work on all levels -

emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. :)


As for the applications of specific crystals/crystal families, we need to

remember that their crystal structure is what determines their vibration,

which in turn determines their use. And that use may differ from practitioner

to practitioner, client to client. If we try to *set* the intent of each and

every stone to a predetermined value, perhaps we are limiting how they may be

used. Just a thought. :)


So - my thought here is that the book you mentioned is well worth reading. If

you don't agree with all that he says - that is OK - you and he are different

people with different sets of experiences. He will have done a great service

by simply opening up the readers thought process to where crystals can take

them. :) I have the same *ack!!* reaction to many books that I read -

especially in the metaphysical field. It took much doing on my part to read

" The Fifth Sacred Thing " - the very first page made me want to throw the book

across the room! LOL I learned a great deal about myself and about judging in

reading that book. And I truly *got* the lesson of accepting what seemed

right for me and leaving the rest behind. :) So ... take what the author says

about the different crystal forms with a few grains of salt - I too love all

of my crystals, and use them as they tell me to. :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.





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Sally wrote:


> Peggy,


> In your segment on

> gemstone elixirs, I seem to remember (and correct me if I'm wrong)

> that most were for emotional problems. How well do you think elixirs

> work for ailments of the physical body?


I think they can work just fine. flower remedies are used mostly for

emotional purposes

and I think that is why lists of gem elixirs also focus on that could be a

legal issue too

as you can get on touchy ground when you make what could be taken as a

medical reccomendation.


I have mostly taken standard elixirs for emotional and spiritual purpose

but the energetic elixirs I use for everything never exclusively though so

I cannot give you proof of how

they work by themselves




> Another topic. I was reading an interview with Michael Katz, author of

> " Gifts of the Gemstone Guardians " aka " Gemisphere Luminary " .


I have not read it either though I have read excerpts My intuition gave me

a strong no on this one so I did not buy it it may be perfect for others .

I tend to accept expanded ways to work with stones more readily than I

accept limits

my experience and information differs from his I use natural and tumbled

stones and have

not found round to be superior for most purposes


I find that usually a stone will work for any purpose anyone thinks it will





> I haven't

> read the whole book although I have skimmed bits and pieces of it in a

> bookstore. Anyway, in the interview he talks about how most people

> believe that certain stones are associated with certain organs. He

> says that what they are responding to is a specific effect of the

> stone and not the stone's true purpose. For example, he says, Dark

> Green Aventurine has a purpose of filling the area of the body that

> has the lowest energy level with light. When it was observed that

> Aventurine worked with the heart, it was assumed that it was a heart

> chakra stone, when in fact, it was just that the heart was the area of

> the body in most need. I have paraphrased here quite a bit, many

> apologies. I don't have the interview in front of me. Anyway... any

> comments on the effect vs. purpose of specific stones? Has anyone read

> this book? Do you recommend it? I remember being put off by it (5

> years ago?) when I read that spherical crystals/stones were highly

> preferred. I love all my crazy shaped crystals.


> Just some topics to throw into the ring...


> Sally




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HI Angel Lite


so far, I've only used my mum's aromatherapy blends for my arthritis (thyme;

ginger & something (can't remember what) ... I also use a lapis disc to draw

out the pain when its severe & localised!


I hope to try a blend using the lapis to work alongside the oils, and any

other stones that I feel are needed.


doing my own elixirs is totally new to me, so it will be trial & error - tho

I have noticed a difference when I take the elixir I made with charged water

from my personal stones.








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BB Bonnie,

I'm really laughing now. I read the Fifth Sacred Thing and liked it more

than any book I'd read in a long while. It may be because StarHawk and I are

from the same time - the 60's - and the ideas she fleshed out, about

harmonious living, etc were those we held so dear at that time, and that

seemed to fall into oblivion until she resurrected them for me.

I did a workshop with her shortly after, and it was all I could do not to

go on about the book instead of the topic.

How interesting.






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I think most people took well to her book. It is not even that I think her

view of things was inappropriate - I just felt she was way over the top about

healers - of which I am one - that is what my life is devoted to. LOL


To my credit - I finished the book! ;-) And did find interesting information

re the Melissa. :) So all is not lost. :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.





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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Try Richters.


Shirley Reed <pj20844 wrote: Anyone know of a good book with photos of the 50 orso most common weeds-herbs, medicinal, in So. Cal? Also, is there a source for geting my own herbs togrow? I mean comfrey and things like that. I knowechinacea, mint, foxglove etc., are in the mainnurseries, but want the most useful herbs to growmyself. Milk thistle and burdock and stuff like that.I can't find them anywhere and can't recognize themif I see them wild. This is a great list. Thanksahead of time. pj - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cuphttp://fifaworldcup.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Don't buy a word of it. I used to live in Renton, Kent area for 9 years before moving to Arizona. Comfrey grows all over Wester Washington. Head on up to Mt. Rainier through Enumclaw and Buckley area and you will find Comfrey growing wild just about everywhere. Just gotta get out and look. It is there.


Always your servant in light,


Don Eitner



Spam Kind

herbal remedies

Tuesday, July 09, 2002 10:20 PM

[herbal remedies] questions


i have been told comfrey only grows in the east and iwas wondering if this is true, and if it is can it begrown indoors here in seattle?---samSign up for SBC Dial - First Month Freehttp://sbc.Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Carlin;


I'm new to this list so you've probably heard this before but Lemon helps

stop 'phantom itches'. I use a slice of lemon and rub it all over the

area - repeat as often as you wish ... its worked for me many times on

'phantom itches' as well as bites, etc...


I hope this helps ...






" keeweedaly " <keeweedaly

<herbal remedies >

Saturday, July 20, 2002 2:02 PM

[herbal remedies] questions



> Hello lovely green people! A few questions if ya don't mind.


> 1. I found some patchouli plants. Do they have any medicinal

> purposes or are they only used for aroma? I haven't found any uses

> in my herbal books.


> 2. Any ideas on how to stop a phantom itch? Went to doctor and

> found no rash, bites, scabies or any reason for the itch but itch it

> does! Could it be a nerve thing and if so do you have any remedies?


> 3. My son and I are joining boy scouts this year and I was wondering

> if there was a list for an emergency herbal kit. What would you take

> into the woods and in what form would you take it? Dried flakes,

> pills, salves, teas? This would be a survival type thing and need to

> be portable.


> Thanks for any replies and keep up the good work! I love this list

> and the mindset of the people on it. Good health to you all.

> Carlin




> Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following:

> 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire.

> 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural


> 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and


> prescribe for your own health.

> We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long


> they behave themselves.

> Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any


> following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk.

> It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from

list members, you are agreeing to

> be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and

members free of any liability.


> Dr. Ian Shillington

> Doctor of Naturopathy

> Dr.IanShillington



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  • 6 months later...

Susan Walrath wrote:




>I sent the attached message to the list a few days ago but so far no one has

>answered my questions, so now Im wondering if I missed something.




I'm sorry, I do try to respond to questions but currently I've had to

reduce my computer and reading time a lot and have not been able to

do much writing

I do thank the group members who have been pitching in to help me .

I think there have been some posts about the various Empowerments and

the groups they are on .



I tend to take a mundane approach and also encourage personal

intuition rather than rigid protocols and formal lists of attributes.

We have not had a problem with flames or things of that sort so far.



>So anyway, I have some questions. First of all, how do most people

>approach the crystal healing workshops? Should I be reporting to

>anyone on my progress? I understand this is self paced and all, but

>I'm not a very good student without at least a bit of structure,


We are pretty free form I do encourage people to post there feelings

and experiences about the articles to this group . I had thought when I

started that I'd have a more structured set up but it has not

happened ( Maybe I can blame that on my being a Gemini With Sag rising

or maybe not )


> and

>I like the idea of being 'tested' (checked on, pushed, quizzed or

>whatever else) once in awhile. So if someone can comment on this I'd

>appreciate it.


I like that kind of thing myself but so far have not actually managed

to write quizzes or anything like that and given the limitations on my

time it may never happen Perhaps some of the group members will have

ideas for providing more structure and feedback.



>My second question is about the crystal empowerments sheet. I'm

>familiar with the attunement process and have receive distant

>attunements in the past. I'm just wondering if the attunements on

>this particular sheet are available to be pulled down at any time?

>And does each one need to be pulled separately or can they be pulled

>as a complete set?


These are set up to be facilitated by a teacher who helps ground the

energies .

The set is offered by several people usually on another list most

bring them in as a set though one at a time is also an option.



Peggy Jentoft

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  • 2 years later...

I've treated addiction and depression with Chinese medicine with some

success. It isn't a magic bullet, and acupuncture should not be the

only treatment you are receiving if your depression is severe. A good

psychologist may be necessary as well. In my experience, acupuncture

can accelerate conventional treatments such as psychotherapy. Caffeine

and nicotine addictions can also be treated, but in all likelihood you

are using these substances to self medicate the other imbalances in your



Find a practitioner who has treated these conditions before.


Christopher Vedeler L.Ac., C.Ht.

Oasis Acupuncture


8233 N. Via Paseo del Norte

Suite D-35

Scottsdale, AZ 85258

Phone: (480) 991-3650

Fax: (480) 247-4472




acupuncture [acupuncture ]

On Behalf Of Sam

Saturday, January 14, 2006 11:30 PM


acupuncture Questions



Hi, I have some questions regarding acupuncture,first I have problems

with anger,depression and addiction (caffeine & nicotine)whitch im

sure doesnt help matters but I just cant seem to quit,I have tried

everything,meaning conventional doctors and medications and none have

helped.Is acupunture worth taking a look at?I would like to hear from

some people who know more about this.











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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi! Since I am new here, I hope I don't annoy any one with my questions. If I

do, let me know.

What is cranial sacral therapy and pranic healing?






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