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Antibiotic Overprescription & Animal Feeding Practices and doctor caused disease

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How Massive Antibiotic Overprescription & Animal Feeding Practices

have JoAnn Guest

Jun 02, 2006 14:34 PDT


The Antibiotic CRISIS

How Massive Antibiotic Overprescription and Farm Animal Feeding

Practices Have Backfired -

How to Prevent and Treat Infection Naturally


Bill Stanton, State-Of-The-Art Health Counselor








In 1962, that year's Nobel laureate in medicine, the Australian

physician Sir F. MacFarlane Burnet, said that by the twentieth


we will see the " virtual elimination of infectious diseases as a

significant factor in societal life. " And that, as he continued,


study and publication of infectious disease research " is almost to


of something that has passed into history. "


Seven years later, the U.S. Surgeon General, William Stewart,


to Congress that " it was time to close the book on infectious

diseases. "

Close the book? How so? Simply because the Age of Antibiotics had


arrived, and no disease-producing, infection-producing pathogenic

microbe would now ever threaten anyone having access to medical


and antibiotics. The

Age of Miracle Drugs was here. Yet by 1986, Dr. Marc Lappe, M.D.,


of When antibiotics Fail, wrote: " The period once euphemistically


the Age of Miracle Drugs is dead. "


What happened?


The " Sin " of Medical Arrogance

Mankind has always been prone to committing the " Sin of Arrogance. "


a man a little success, and suddenly delusions of grandeur set in.

All-powerful hallucinatory ideations ensue. Overconfidence clouds


lessons of the past.


We have all been victims of personal, professional and collective

arrogance. As we enter the twenty-first century, we must confront,


resolve this very same arrogance having befallen the American


establishment and the very system of medicine that has-again

paradoxically-backfired and is now threatening our health, not

protecting it. An arrogance having evolved from the philosophy of

allopathic (i.e., synthetic chemical) medicine. An evolution that


seen astounding and incredible advances in the treatment of sickness


disease, amazing cures, remarkable control over heretofore


and uncontrollable chronic, degenerative diseases, and dramatic


in emergency and trauma medicine. An evolution of highly advance

civilization and of phenomenal scientific medical achievement so

effective and superior (as it seemed) to render antiquated, inferior-


even illegal-any past and historical " medicines " of our forefathers.


now would dare to use echinacea and goldenseal root for infection in


twenty-first century, when such far-advanced and superior


medical advances in antibiotic technomedicine exist?


" The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men... "

Dr. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. His discovery

launched the era of pharmaceutical, laboratory manmade antibiotics,


well as the Age of Miracle Drugs. Paradoxically, Dr. Fleming's

magnanimous discovery, and that of second, third, fourth, etc.

generation antibiotics, also seeded an unexpected, Orwellian-like


extremely diabolical biological phenomenon causing drug antibiotic

backfire: microbial resistance, and the creation of

antibiotic-resistant pathogenic microbes (i.e., the now so-called




Ironically, one year after Dr. Fleming discovered penicillin, he


in the British Journal of Experimental Pathology that numerous


were already resistant to penicillin. In 1930 and in 1945 he warned

in a

New York Times interview that improper use of penicillin would

inevitably lead to the development of resistant bacteria. Even then

(1945) 14% of staphylococcus aureus bacteria was resistant to

penicillin. By 1950, 59% were resistant, and

1995, 95%! (Buchner, S. H., Herbal Antibiotics (1999)).


How profoundly ironic! That, just like Oppenheimer - the inventor of


atomic bomb - warned the world to beware the awesome threat to


that his invention had perpetrated upon the world. Fleming had also

sounded the same warning regarding the medical overdependence and

overprescription of antibiotics leading to another, equally


threat to mankind, microbial resistance leading to uncontrollable


deadly Superbugs.



It has now taken well over fifty years of total and complete medical

antibiotic dependency for the scientific and medical establishments


even begin to realize the catastrophic antibiotic-induced


that has befallen American and western populations having been " fed "

this steady diet of antibiotics, of new classes of antibiotics, of


even twenty-first century antibiotics. And of the equally


consequences of feeding antibiotics to cows and pigs JUST to


their slaughterhouse weight. How devastating?


According to Dr. Jack Dillenberg, Director, Arizona Department of


Services: " The super bacteria explosion is a public health crisis of


first order. If left unchecked, we face potentially devastating

consequences including widespread sickness and death from once-


diseases. " And Dr. David Bell, M.D., of the Centers for Disease


an expert on microbial

resistance: " What's different now is that we've reached a situation

where it is no longer an isolated problem (i.e., resistance) of this


or that bug. Virtually all important human pathogens have developed


resistance. " And the Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics

recently stated publicly that " The antibiotic resistance problem is


problem which kills almost two people

in the U.S. every hour! "


To deal with this problem, the medical establishment has been


all doctors for some years to curtail antibiotic prescriptions.


are prescribing less antibiotics. Curtailing antibiotic


may slow down the development of microbial resistance, but IT WILL


STOP IT! Not any more.


The problem is not how many prescriptions doctors write, but rather


they are prescribing. For it is now scientifically well-established


synthetic chemical antibiotics quickly confer resistance to

microbes. As

it turns out, bacteria are actually quite smart, and possess the


and evolutionary capabilities to develop antibiotic resistance - at

least to single chemical

synthetics. A pure example of Darwinian survival of the fittest.


The current " strategy " in place now to deal with this new man-made

threat is to continue to develop newer and newer antibiotics in an

effort to stay " one step ahead " of these super smart microbes. But


microbes are clearly outsmarting man. And in fact, one of the newest

antibiotics -Synercid™- has already generated resistance to some



The New Livestock Feeding Programs - Strictly an Economic Advantage

Approximately half of all the antibiotics manufactured (some 20


pounds) are fed to farm animals because the animals experience


growth. This has been going on for a couple of decades, unbeknownst


the general public, and has produced dire consequences. The World


Organization, after critically examining all world evidence related


feeding antibiotics to

livestock for strictly growth-promoting reasons, in 1997 recommended

that " the use of antimicrobial agents for growth promotion should be

terminated if it is: 1) used in human therapeutics and 2) known to

select for cross-resistance to antimicrobials used in human

medicine. "

The WHO found absolute scientific evidence that resistant strains of

bacteria generated in animals is being transferred into humans.


to date, the practice of feeding antibiotics to farm animals to


yields continues unabated in the U.S. Thus, almost

all commercial animal food not only contains synthetic

antibiotic-induced resistant microbial strains, but also significant

trace amounts of the antibiotics used. These are all ingested daily


the tens of millions of Americans and other nationalities.


What are the consequences of a person continuously eating low levels


various known resistance-conferring antibiotics in all the various

commercial animal foods for two years - ten years - a lifetime?


are all the necessary scientific studies to prove this practice is


and without deleterious consequences? What about other drug and


residues present

in commercial animal food in addition to antibiotics? The government


classified them to be perfectly safe? Are they safe for human

consumption and the environment? In this evolution of modern,

" civilized " medicine into synthetic chemical medicine is there an

environmental impact when forty million pounds a year of " spent "

antibiotics enters the environment via human and

animal waste and accumulate in our soil and water? Are we creating


and short term lethal consequences upon the environmental ecosystem


ALL life forms?


E. coli 0157:H7 - Making a Monster Out of a Good Bacteria

E. coli is a good bacteria. Yes, a good bacteria. One that naturally

resides in the intestinal tract of both humans and animals. That is


used to be a good bacteria - up UNTIL the Age of Miracle Drugs. Now,

after fifty years of the fearless, uncontrolled use of synthetic

chemical antibiotics, E. coli has mutated into many now untreatable

lethal super strains! E. coli 0157:H7, for example, has killed

scores of

people, especially children, and causes thousands of acute-onset,

potentially deadly illnesses every year.


Antibiotics and the Destruction of the Human Ecosystem

The human intestinal tract is a highly complex living ecosystem. The

adult human intestines contain 3-4 pounds (several hundred strains)


good bacteria and yeast. These inherent trillions of intestinal


have many essential functions, including proper digestion,

absorption of

essential nutrients, the manufacture of essential nutrients,


normal intestinal immunity

(around two-thirds of the body's immune system lines the entire

intestinal tract), generating natural antibiotics and ensuring


proper gastrointestinal functions, including normal elimination.


essential strains of intestinal bacteria have been identified and

studied since Eli

Metchnikoff first identified, studied and wrote on the subject one

hundred years ago. Metchnikoff's discovery of the human intestinal

ecosystem and " good " intestinal bacteria is one of the seminal


discoveries of all time. Yet, a full century later, his landmark


discovery, with all its profound medical implications, has, like so


other essential medical discoveries of the past, fallen on deaf


ears. This particular " medical deafness " has

caused untold millions of human deaths, injuries and chronic


and ruined lives.


These essential intestinal bacterial and yeast strains are critical


the insurance of good human health. Normal, chemically undisturbed


functions are the quintessential requirement of good human health.

Chemical drug antibiotics kill off these quintessential gut


thereby disturbing and disrupting normal gut ecobalance. This is the

inevitability of using antibacterial antibiotics. In order for an

antibiotic to kill off an invading pathogenic bacteria, it must

also -

by definition - kill off billions of " good " bacteria. This is the


and foremost " hidden " danger of medical antibiotic therapy - the


off essential " good " bacteria. Many people go through

the continuous administration of an antibiotic with multiple rounds


many years not realizing they kill the good guys.


The medical " side effects " of such kill-off of " good " bacteria are;

recurrent infections, particularly fungal and " resistant " bacterial

infections, chronic intestinal syndromes and diseases, chronic

immunosuppression, liver damage and long-term liver stress and liver

toxicity, kidney damage, intestinal lining damage leading to " leaky


syndrome " and systemic autoimmune diseases,

chronic psychiatric depression and other neurological brain


and chronic gut dysbiosis, causing chronic constipation and/or



These devastating antibiotic-induced medical disorders - known as

iatrogenic (i.e., doctor-caused) diseases - are poorly elucidated


are not understood or treated by modern medicine. In the aftermath


antibiotics, many people have become chronically ill, but have

failed to

get a proper diagnosis or treatment, other than possibly more

prescription drugs to treat the end-stage

symptoms of these multiple, eco-destructive effects of the host of

metabolic dysfunctions induced by antibiotics. Yet never adequately

addressing the core medical diagnosis: antibiotic-induced intestinal

ecodestruction, with resultant gut dybiosis - resulting in the

above-mentioned chronic diseases and syndromes.


Current Medical Infection Protocols ... Hazardous To Your Health!

It is of utmost importance to all Americans that a paradigm shift in


current medical infection protocols be instituted. Are we being

victimized by the medical establishment's antibiotic medical dogma


their total reliance upon chemical antibiotics to treat illness and



The total and complete medical reliance upon chemical antibiotics


to treat illnesses and infection in the last sixty years; and the


continuing reliance upon the same now in the twenty-first century;


particularly in recent years, carelessly and irresponsibly


several critical medical issues that now " cry out in the night, " as


rank and file are forced to continue to be victimized by the medical

establishment's " set in stone " antibiotic medical dogma.


Issue #1

It is now absolutely scientifically established - and perfectly

scientifically clear that the massive use of and sole reliance upon

chemical antibiotics has caused, and continues to cause, the


mutation of pathogenic and benign bacteria into chemical

antibiotic-resistant strains of " Superbugs " now even deadlier;


far more unnecessary deaths and now much, much more difficult to



In the U.S., and other Western countries that have relied solely


chemical antibiotics to treat infection and infection-related


a latter-day silent and growing epidemic of both acute-onset and


(i.e., sub-clinical, low grade) resistant bacterial infections has

ensued. A silent,

major epidemic. The acute-onset infections are killing a huge number


people outright, due to resistant infections surpassing current

antibiotics. And the future outlook of this acute-onset resistant

bacterial infection pandemic is bleak, based upon the current,


historical medical dogma treatment paradigm of chemical antibiotics.

Just witness the current U.S.

hospital-induced infection fiasco (i.e., nosocomial infection). The

American news media in July 2002 reported that new official medical

statistics show that over 100,000 people a year are dying from

hospital-acquired infections. Untreatable (i.e., allopathically)

infections, resistant infections, caught from the hospital itself.


Many who do survive such acute-onset infections, and particularly

resistant infections (probably because their immune response was


than those who succumb, and whose metabolic detoxification capacity

could better handle and detoxify the massive drug therapies) now


deal with resultant chronic, low-grade infections of all types, and


resultant new chronic illnesses generated thereof. These people

represent the chronically unwell subset of the

population. A subset for whom no current medical diagnosis nor


treatment exists. But, nevertheless, a subset who have been


ecologically challenged and altered from chronic exposure to

ecodestructive chemical antibiotics, chemical antibiotic residues in

human animal foods, various other ecodestructive medical drugs and

over-the-counter drugs, and

massive (but low-level) environmental xenobiotic (i.e., man-made

chemical) exposures of all classes of both industrial and military

toxins. These chronic, low-level, long-term antibiotic, drug and

industrial/military environmental toxin exposures have and are

causing a

host of poorly medically elucidated chronic human illnesses due to


disruption and alteration of both human gut flora and systemic

biological ecobalance, chronic immunosuppression and total load

exposures of drugs and chemicals.


Issue #2

The now long-term, completely irresponsible extension of the


medical dogma into the chemical antibiotic " feedings " of all U.S.


farm animals has further unnecessarily contributed to our current

antibiotic-resistant infection pandemic.


Issue #3

The almost complete and total medical disregard for both the role


human immune plays out in preventing, controlling and conferring


and long-term immunological resistance against all infection; as

well as

the essentiality of immunologically stimulating the immune system

concurrent to antimicrobial therapy; is academically inexcusable.


As both commonsense and current immune-based science dictate,


people just don't get sick, and/or recover quickly without medical

intervention. Health human immune systems confer super health to the

individual, quickly destroying invading pathogens, especially


antibiotic-resistant microbes.


The proper treatment protocol of any infection, acute or especially

chronic, must necessarily require specific immunostimulation


natural, scientifically (and historically) elucidated biological


stimulants in conjunction with antibiotic/antimicrobial therapy.


This blatant, long-term medical omission is a fatal flaw in the


allopathic treatment protocol for infection. Use logic. The only


to treat with antibiotics is because an individual's immune system


already failed to respond adequately. Thus it is both logically and

medically necessary to treat both the failed immune system


with antibiotic treatment.

Millions have died of immune failure, not antibiotic drug failure.


could have been saved, and many can still be saved, with concurrent,

safe, biological immune therapies.


Issue #4

Further complicating the lack of proper immune system treatment in

immunocompromised " infected " individuals is the very immune


nature of the very chemical antibiotic(s) being used. All drugs are


or less immunosuppressive to some extent, depending upon the


drug, or combination of drugs, as well as the individual's


liver genetics (or

pharmacogenetics: the infant science of pre-identifying medical

drugs or

chemical exposures such individual cannot either genetically or

phenotypically detoxify, leading, of course, to a severe or deadly

reaction). The last thing a sick or very sick person


older people, is the administration of any immunosuppressive drug


particularly if such individual cannot

genetically or phenotypically (i.e., current lifestyle and

environmentally-induced, genetically altered state) detoxify the



And in point of a fact, the current drugs-only, antibiotics-only

treatment protocols are killing and injuring hundreds of thousands


hospitalized patients yearly, according to the medical


scientifically documented and peer-reviewed published medical


This then leads to increased hospital stays, further reducing

quality of

life, with medical costs over one hundred billion.


Issue #5

The determination and remediation of specific vitamin/mineral

deficiencies as it relates to loss of immune competence in the

throes of

an acute or chronic infection is an essential but still undealt with

aspect of proper medical treatment of infections. Specific nutrient

deficiencies have for years been scientifically proven to increase


onset of, progression of and virulence of an infection. Ironically,


huge amount of published research on this particular aspect of


deficiency/infection rate exists, but, inexcusably, the medical

establishment has chosen to continue to ignore this critical link to


proper medical treatment of and control of all infections.


Sadly, the politicoeconomically-derived past nutritional and dietary

supplement medical dogmas have railed incessantly against the


essentiality of restoring proper nutritional health as a factor not


of the successful treatment of infection, but also of the successful

treatment of all

disease. Regrettably, the medical establishment's insistence upon

preserving its U.S. medical monopoly precludes it from either


to or utilizing any viable but uncontrolled treatments - even

scientifically proven, even proven superior to current protocols -


involve any medicine or treatment not strictly, legislatively and

congressionally controlled exclusively for medical doctors only.


How to Safely Treat and Prevent Infection WITHOUT the Use of





1. Eat 100% organic food, or approximation thereof.

2. Avoid all commercial meat, chicken, turkey, lamb, calves liver,


dairy and milk products -- ALL of which contain antibiotic residues


well as estrogenizing prescription drug residues and other


administered drugs and chemicals).

3. Eliminate all processed, packaged refined foods, commercial


oils, sugar, soft drink, diet soft drinks.

4. Eat fresh food, especially vegetables, dark green leafy


blueberries, raspberries and unrefined olive oil.

5. Avoid all medical drugs, including over-the-counter drugs,



6. Seek available natural and less toxic alternatives to all


medical drugs, especially drugs prescribed indefinitely and/or for a


7. Eliminate all household chemicals, including chemical cleaners,


sprays, air fresheners, perfumes, hair dyes, nail polish, lipstick,

various chemical cosmetics.

8. Install HVAC air purification system.

9. Drink purified water.

10. Take high quality, potent multiple vitamin/mineral.

11. Avoid constipation.

12. Restore intestinal flora with daily, high potency probiotics

(acidophilus and bifidobacteria, etc.) and probiotics (i.e., FOS, or

fructooligosacharides) or use daily organic unsweetened yogurt or




A. Natural Antibiotics

1. Colloidal silver

2. Olive leaf extract-18% or more

3. Grapefruit seed extract (GSE)

4. Goldenseal root (or bayberry root, oregon grape root)

5. Usnea (especially urinary)

6. Uva Ursi (especially urinary)

7. Cranberry extract or 100% cranberry juice (for E. coli urinary


8. Essential oils of oregano, thyme, cumin

9. Raw garlic (also dried garlic, but less potent)

10. Licorice (especially viral)

11. Sage

12. Curry powder, chili powder, allspice

13. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) food grade, or stabilized oxygen (less


14. Elderberry extract or juice concentrate (viral)

15. Isatis (Chinese herbal antibiotic)

16. Andrographis

17. Transfer factor (antigen infused)

18. Colostrum (especially intestinal infection)

19. Lactoferrin


B. Natural Immune Stimulants

1. Echinacea (classical)

2. Andrographis

3. Transfer factor

4. Arabinogalactin (i.e., larch)

5. Medical mushroom extracts, particularly maitake, maitake " D "

fraction, maitake " MD " fraction, shitake, blends.

6. Active Hecose Correlated Compound (AHCC) a Japanese Mushroom


7. Natural vitamin A, high dosage (mucous membranes)

8. Zinc (including zinc lozenges for colds, virus)

9. Selenium (especially viral) high dosage

10. Cod liver oil

11. Venus flytrap extract

12. Licorice

13. Vitamin C, high dosage

14. Probiotics

15. Thymus, spleen freeze-dried grandulars

16. Astragalus, ligustrum (Chinese)

17. Colostrum


NEWSFLASH! Aug., 2002

The U.S. news media has just reported the identification of

newly-discovered antibiotic-resistant strains of salmonella.


is a nasty, highly toxic and already potentially lethal food-borne

bacterial contaminant of foods, particularly commercial eggs,

unrefrigerated mayonnaise, egg salad sandwiches. These newer,

chemical-antibiotic-created resistant strains, are super-lethal.







Bill Stanton is well known as one of Atlanta's avant-garde dietary

supplement/natural medicine experts and has appeared on CNN as well


local networks. He owned and operated Aris Health Market and Bill

Stanton's Health Market for 17 years and is now in private practice

offering consultations and state-of-the-art natural medicines.


We thank World Health News for permission to re-print this article


their publication.




JoAnn Guest



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