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Vegetarian diet and coronary occlusions

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A vegetarian diet can prevent 97% of our coronary occlusions." (JAMA, Vol. 176, No. 9, June 3, 1961, p 806.) http://www.doctoryourself.com/news/v4n9.txt The DOCTOR YOURSELF NEWSLETTER (Vol. 4, No. 9 April 5, 2004) "Free of charge, free of advertising, and free of the A.M.A." Written and copyright 2004 by Andrew Saul, PhD, of http://www.doctoryourself.com , which welcomes a million visitors annually. Commercial use of the website or the contents of this Newsletter is strictly prohibited. WHOLE LOTTA BACON GOIN' ON It's porcine genocide to be sure. Pigs are monthly murdered by the millions. And there are so many of them lined up to die. Why, the pig population in North Carolina alone is so huge that that state's hog farms produce as much sewage as the entire human population of New York

City. (TBS Network Earth, February 4, 1996) Now think of all the other, and even larger, livestock all throughout the other 49 states, and breathe deep. There is simply nothing cuter than a baby pig. They are pink, clean, snuggly little characters. They are smart, affectionate and covered with tiny glistening silvery-toned hairs. Their miniature snouts make them look like they are smiling, and though they wriggle a bit, piglets are nice and warm to hold. I personally didn't raise pigs, but some farmer friends of mine did. For a while, anyway. They quit years ago, and profit was never the issue. It finally got to them that these adorable babies were doomed to be hacked up into bacon. As it sits on your kitchen counter, bacon is loaded with fat and salt and additives. Gentlemen, you might be interested in this: one of the principal chemical ingredients used to "cure" meats is sodium nitrate

(NaNO3), a compound functionally identical to potassium nitrate (KNO3), commonly known as saltpeter.Saltpeter is a male sterilizing agent. And sure enough: sodium nitrate is also known as "chile saltpeter." Sodium nitrite (NaNO2), which differs by a single oxygen atom, is also used to preserve meat. That's why I usually struggle to conceal a grin when a big, muscular, hairy guy intones in a deep voice, "I'm a meat-and-potatoes man!" Right. But, all that said, here's what really did it for me. WHY I STOPPED EATING BACON I remember the very day. There I was, opening a package of ordinary supermarket bacon. As I separated the slices for frying, I noticed an odd- looking area, about the size of a nickel, at the same relative location on each slice. Upon closer examination (and I have taught tissue biology (histology) at the college level), I saw that the

funny-looking spots were actually neatly presliced sections of a tumor. The pig that had been killed for that particular one-pound bacon package, and probably a hundred others like it, evidently had at least one tumor, and who knows how many more. The government should know this, but they all too obviously never looked: the opened bacon package I had in front of me had the "USDA Inspected" seal prominently displayed on the front. The package failed to mention the nice 2 cm diameter tumor inside. When I get an attack of the BLT munchies, I make it with beans, lettuce and tomatoes. As with dead baby cows (veal), which I walked away from in my youth, I will cheerfully go hungry before I ever eat bacon again. Tumors are bad enough to look at. There is no way we should be eating them. THERE'S THE BEEF If you liked vegetarian cattle rancher Howard Lyman's website http://www.madcowboy.com , and my related Newsletter comments two issues ago (http://www.doctoryourself.com/news/v4n7.txt), well, you will really get a kick out of the man's book, MAD COWBOY. My new review follows below: "Why should you call me to account for eating decently?" (George Bernard Shaw, in The Vegetarian, 15 January 1898.) When I first began writing pro-vegetarian material some 25 years ago, two of my finest and favorite teachers volunteered to proofread for me. As a consequence, both stopped eating meat. What a nice compliment. But my writing is small 'taters compared to that of Howard Lyman. Mr. Lyman, a raised-to-graze, fourth-generation dairy farmer and cattle rancher, is that arch heretic of animal husbandry: he's a vegan. Lyman and his expert collaborator, Glen Merzer, have

written MAD COWBOY, a concise, in- your-face book full of meat-busting facts. This book really homes in on the range. For example, Lyman writes that cattle are fed "ground-up dead horses, dogs, cats, pigs, chickens, and turkeys, as well as blood and fecal material of their own species." (p 12) Then he lets us in on a little cattle- raising trade secret: steers are regularly fattened on chicken feces. (p 13) This is gross. And wonderful reading, too. Face it: the government is certainly not protecting you. (Remember my bacon episode, above?) Slaughterhouse quality control, such as it is, is simply not working. "About 80 per cent of food poisonings come from meat," Lyman says. (p 13) And he is no friend of Col. Sanders, either: "Approximately 30 percent of chicken consumed in America is contaminated with salmonella, and 70 to 90 percent with another deadly pathogen,

campylobacter," which he cites as a cause of Guillain- Barre syndrome (1), a rapid-onset paralytic disease. (p 38) Oversight and inspection by the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration is so lax because they "can generally be counted on to behave not like public servants but like hired hands of the meat and dairy industries." (p 20) Lyman says, "The government is going to inspect one out of every two hundred fifty thousand carcasses." (p 58) Mr. Lyman is just warming up. "Nearly all meat in America is contaminated with such man-made carcinogens as dioxins, a family of chemicals related to Agent Orange, and DDT." (p 21) Cattle feed is higher in pesticides than crops grown directly for human consumption. A New England Journal of Medicine study (2) "found that the breast milk of vegetarian women had only 1 to 2 percent of the national average of

pesticide contamination." (p 22) "Meat kills," Lyman bluntly declares, citing the all-too-familiar coroner's equation: fat plus cholesterol equals cardiovascular deaths. We have all heard this before, but we often ignore two important facts: there is very little fat in plant foods, and plant foods contain zero cholesterol. Meat has plenty of both. "It kills us just as dead as tobacco kills us, but far more frequently." (p 23) "(W)e have to do all we can to keep our young people from getting hooked on those fat-and-cholesterol delivery systems know as hot dogs, hamburgers, scrambled eggs, and ice cream." It looks to Mr. Lyman that, supersized or not, those McArtery meals have got to go. To him, Ronald McDonald must seem to be little more than a badly- dressed Marlboro man. And he's probably right. In the one hundred years since Sinclair Lewis published The

Jungle (3), practically nothing has changed. You had best put down those chicken fingers before reading this: "Slaughterhouses are efficient factories for spreading pathogens from one chicken to the next. . . covered with feces, bile and feed . . . (I)ndividual chicken inspectors examine about 12,000 chickens a day, each for about two seconds." (p 38) Lyman writes that, in America, contaminated chicken kills over one thousand people annually, and sickens perhaps 80 million more. He does not allow eating fish, either. In addition to citing evidence of bacterial contamination in seafood that would make Captain Nemo blush (p 39), Lyman relentlessly adds that omega-3 fatty acids, considered to be one of the main benefits of eating seafood, "can just as easily be obtained" by eating seeds, vegetable oils, wheat germ and vegetables. Important though those sources be, I think that

for many people, fish remains the surest way of consuming adequate amounts of omega-3's. But on the other hand, Mr. Lyman's relentless listing of pollutants now found in seafood (p 40) deserves renewed appreciation of vegetarian alternatives. Many more of the most powerful vegetarian arguments ever made are compiled in Mad Cowboy, with supporting research ably summarized. For instance, studies of tens of thousands of Seventh Day Adventists "found the rate of heart disease mortality to be one-third as high for the lacto-ovo (egg and dairy) vegetarians as for the meat eaters. For the vegans, the rate was one-tenth as high." The massive Cornell University China Health Project (4) "determined that those who eat the least animal products have the lowest rates of cancer, heart disease and several other degenerative diseases." (p 26) Specifically, Lyman indicts osteoporosis,

diabetes, obesity and hypertension as maladies due largely to our habitual feasting on dead animal muscle. And "feasting" is the correct word: Americans eat ten times the animal protein as do the Chinese. And the few Chinese that can afford to eat as much meat as we do get the same diseases as Americans already have. (p 45) Wisely, Lyman backs up his statements, citing additional studies from around the world, and providing unobtrusive but exact footnotes for easy reference. An index, recommended reading list, and several pages of sources and bibliography complete the work. Mad Cowboy is by no means the only well-written, concise book on the rationale for a meatless lifestyle. Twenty years back, I'd read a charmingly illustrated yet profound little paperback called, What's Wrong with Eating Meat? (5). Many readers have become familiar with the best selling Diet for a Small

Planet from 1971 (6), and others know of the century-old vegetarian essays by Bernard Shaw or Gandhi. The writings of physicians such as Tilden, Jackson and Trall of the Natural Hygenic movement in the 19th century predate the lot. (7) A young Mr. Lyman knew nothing of these. Doing farm chores at age five, castrating calves at age ten, and paying his way through agricultural college on his poker winnings, he was bound and determined to make a success of feedlot farming. And so he did, lacing his 7,000 steers' feed with antibiotics, diethylstilbesterol (DES) and an array of other "suspect" drugs purchased in quantity just before they were banned. It was a rough life, especially for the cattle. "The flies can get so thick they actually threaten a cow's ability to breathe. . . Every morning I would fill up a fly fogger with insecticide and spray great clouds of it over the whole

operation. . . (and) covering their backs with insecticide that was absorbed through the skin." (p 56-57) In following such practices, dangerous as they are to animals, farmer and the public, Lyman's cattle operation was not unusual. His own particular claim to fame stems from 1996 when he, along with Oprah Winfrey, was sued for "food disparagement" by a group of Texas cattlemen. In 1998, he won. The result was Mad Cowboy (and www.madcowboy.com). What at first glance might pass for just another brief celebrity turn actually delivers far more. There is not a dull paragraph to be found in Mad Cowboy. I absolutely loved reading it, even though compared to the vegan Mr. Lyman, I am merely a moderate, or what I call a "near vegetarian." Unlike Mr. Lyman, I think fish and dairy products remain nutritionally important. Even Lyman acknowledges that Dr. Dean Ornish allows nonfat milk, nonfat

yogurt, and egg whites in the diet he prescribes to reverse coronary diease. (p 30) But surely we overconsume protein foods in general and flesh foods in particular. And like Mr. Lyman, I once was a dairy farmer. I now advocate sharp reductions in meat intake, ones that will save human lives, along with saving literally ten billion animals each year, in America alone, from a walk onto the killing floor. And yes, ten "billion" is not a misprint. (8) Of course, Mad Cowboy addresses Mad Cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy), and does so in considerable detail in Chapter Five. Chapter Six discusses recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), given to cows to force higher milk production. The chapter is an attack on cow abuse (and on the Monsanto Chemical Corporation) that you have to read to believe. When I was a dairyman, I personally milking a hundred head twice daily.

Since then, I have presented many a college lecture on rBGH. Lyman knows exactly what he is talking about. The hidden (and taxpayer- supported) costs of the meat industry, and livestock-caused environmental destruction are covered in Chapter Seven. Chapter Eight presents vegetarian diet as the ideal weight loss technique, which it is. Lyman and co-author Merzer literally rip into high-protein diets (such as Atkins or "The Zone") with such well-developed criticism as to show for all time why veggie dieting is the way to go. For such a relatively short book (189 pages), Mad Cowboy contains meat- munching, myth-mangling facts by the trainload. But what draws you in most is Mr. Lyman's personal writing style. Lyman is talking directly to you, and he's one fine raconteur. ("I came in with so much herbicide on my clothing that my mere presence killed off the houseplants." [p 60]) I

wonder if this could serve as the chemical farmer's new twist to, "Hi, honey, I'm home." Hide the phycus, dear! But there is no humor to be found in Mr. Lyman's account of his ever- increasing health problems that finally forced his reconsideration of the ethics and the consequences of his livelihood (Chapter Four). Even after serious spine surgery, a meat-fed Mr. Lyman says "I weighed 350 pounds, my cholesterol was over 300, my blood pressure was off the charts, and I was getting nosebleeds" in addition to eyesight problems. His response was to change his entire life: he became an organic farmer, ran for Congress in 1982 and very nearly made it, and became a vegetarian. "Within a year of eating no meat, my health problems all started to go away. . . Everything revolved around the fork." (p 80-1) Lyman asserts, "Since I became a vegetarian eight years ago, I have lost 130 pounds

steadily, gradually, and without trying. I never gained any of the weight back, and never felt hungry. I never went on a diet, never counted my calories. . .I simply stopped eating animal products. . . My cholesterol count declined from 300 to 140, my blood pressure went from dangerously high levels to normal ones, and my energy levels increased." (p 167) Having raised my children in an ovo-laco vegetarian household, I have observed and experienced many of the health benefits of which Mr. Lyman speaks. Though I may personally prefer near-vegetarian nutritional reform to vegan nutritional revolution, compromise is possible. Lyman presents transitional eating hints and insights in pages 174-8. They are practical and do-able in every way. This is a book does not require your agreement, just your action. From cover to cover, Mad Cowboy speaks with power, and that is the main reason you

should read it. Lyman effectively says, to Hades with half measures: just stop eating meat. The benefits are many and significant, as any sane cow would likely agree. Lyman HF and Merzer G. Mad Cowboy: Plain truth from the cattle rancher who won't eat meat. NY: Scribner, 1998. ISBN 0-684-84516-4. (By the way, I do not sell this book, but any bookseller will. Naturally the Mad Cowboy website carries it (http://madcowboy.com) . If you are short on cash, check your public library. If your library does not have it, ask the librarian to get it for you via interlibrary loan. But in my opinion, this book is a keeper and you'll want your own copy.) Notes: 1. "(T)here is no effective treatment" for Guillain-Barre syndrome. "Perhaps 50% of cases occur shortly after a microbial (viral or bacterial) infection." Vaccination may also be a cause. http://www.guillain- barre.com/overview.html 2. Hergenrather J, Hlady G, Wallace B, Savage E. Pollutants in breast milk of vegetarians. 1981 Mar 26;304(13):792). "Nursing infants of vegetarian women whose diets are low on the food chain are exposed to less chemical pollution." 3. Sinclair U. The jungle. NY: New American Library, 1960. Originally published 1906. Reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/news/v3n4.txt 4. (http://www.doctoryourself.com/news/v3n16.txt and http://www.doctoryourself.com/news/v3n18.txt , with a comment by study lead author Dr. Colin Campbell of Cornell University) 5. Parham B. What's Wrong with Eating Meat? Denver, CO: Ananda Marga, 1979. 6. http://www.dietforasmallplanet.com/about 7. Natural Hygiene Society (of America), The Greatest Health Discovery, Natural Hygiene Press, Inc., 1972. (Reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/morebooks.html) 8. http://www.all-creatures.org/articles/ar-anag2003.html That ten billion figure does not include fish, just birds and mammals. ANOTHER REVIEW OF DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works "Expertly written by biologist and naturopathic teacher Andrew Saul (who has served as a consulting specialist in natural healing for more than twenty-five years), Doctor Yourself: Natural Healing That Works is a straightforward and "non-specialist reader friendly" guide to organizing one's diet to promote health and

nutrition. Promoting nutritional therapy as a preventative and treatment for many diverse ailments, and offering solid advice for adjusting one's diet plan to better live with everything from Diabetes, to PMS, to Parkinson's Disease, Doctor Yourself is a very helpful guidebook which is filled from cover to cover with gems of information that aren't usually discussed in most other nutrition books. It should also be mentioned that Andrew Saul has also developed an impressive website at DoctorYourself.com with additional information on the scientific studies behind the protocols referenced in his book and offers any interested party more than additional 4,000 references. (Midwest Book Review, Vol 3, No 3, March 2004.) http://www.midwestbookreview.com/sbw/mar_04.htm#health) My book "DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works" is

available through all booksellers. Of course, getting your copy directly from me means you also get it autographed. Please go to http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html for more information and http://www.doctoryourself.com/order.html to order.) WHY WATER M. L. writes: "I make a point to drink plenty of water every day. Recently, I have been told that people do NOT need to drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Are other readers as confused about this as I am?" Likely so. Our bodies need a lot of water for several reasons. In addition to the fact that we lose water by sweating, speaking and even breathing, we also lose water every time we urinate. If that urine has any deep color to it, it typically means that it is overly concentrated. Although they are

quite capable of it, it is harder for your kidneys to concentrate urine, and easier for them to excrete wastes when they can be diluted. An illustration of this would be kidney stones, which are strikingly difficult to form in dilute, fast- moving urine. (http://www.doctoryourself.com/kidney.html) Because most Westerners eat far too much protein, they have to excrete a whole lot of excess nitrogen. Proteins are huge molecules. Proteins are made out of zillions of linked-up amino acids, and every "amino" group is formed out of nitrogen. High protein diets mean more nitrogenous wastes to get rid of, and the kidneys punch the overtime clock. More water, once again, makes their job easier. So if you keep your mouth shut, keep your legs crossed, and don't eat meat, can you lower your water intake? I guess you could; a non-

talking knock-kneed vegetarian giraffe can go over a month without drinking. But who'd want to? As for me, I lowered my protein intake, and upped my water, and noticed the improvement immediately. WATER HUMOR, SORT OF A doctor on a house call was walking up the lawn to an old farmhouse when he fell headlong into a well. When the local judge heard about this, he said, "Tell that doctor to tend to the sick, and leave the well alone." Privacy Statement: We do not sell, and we do not share, our mailing list or your email address with anyone. We never send out advertisements of any kind. You may notice that there is no advertising at http://doctoryourself.com and no advertising in this newsletter. We have no financial connection with the supplement industry. We do not sell vitamins or other health products, except for Dr. Saul's

books, which help fund these free public services. FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL to this newsletter are available with a blank email to dynews- AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This newsletter is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. "DOCTOR YOURSELFDoctorYourself.com" and "Doctor Yourself Newsletter" are service marks of Andrew W. Saul. All

rights reserved. Copyright c 2004 and prior years Andrew W. Saul drsaul . Permission to reproduce single copies of this newsletter FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, PERSONAL USE ONLY is hereby granted providing no alteration of content is made and authorship credit is given. Additional single copies will be sent by postal mail to a practitioner or patient, free of charge, upon receipt of a self addressed envelope with THREE first-class stamps on it (offer good in the USA only), to Number 8 Van Buren Street, Holley, NY 14470 USA. (585) 638-5357.

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