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Yes I do Elizabeth.


Too often in the past we have gotten complacent and chosen the lesser of two evils.


Now is the time to turn aside from decadence and go with a third choice and a party that is on the rise. Of course this is only my personally researched opinion, but the Libertarians are that party in my books. So far there is nothing about them that I don't like, and those who know me best are aware that I can be quite picky. ;o)


But check 'em out and make up your own mind. Don't just take my word for it.


I normally stay away from politics with a passion, but this time I just couldn't sit back. Facing a US where the Psychs would have the right to "label" me, my family, friends and loved ones is just toooooooo close to Orwell's "1984" and Huxley's "Brave New World" for my liking. This is beyond scary in my opinion. Herbal Remedies is almost 6 years old with over 2,000 members, and in all that time, I've never allowed nor originated a single political discussion on this list due to the inflammatory possibilities, and because I've always considered that they just don't belong. Welllllllll, the tide has turned. This issue is just that important!!!!! If it is implemented, America will no longer be FREE. Just think of it - Mandatory Psychiatric Examinations and Evaluations. Immediately after this would go FREE speech. Think of this and tremble.


I'd much rather see our Herbal Remedies list go down in flames due to a political discussion than to have it be censored and closed by the Government as could very well happen in the next couple of years due to the rebel nature of most of our members. ;o) And then again, there just might be a third possibility, in that we just might find some broad agreement amongst ourselves and create a movement here and make some sweeping changes. Now is the time to be tolerant of other religions, other ethnic groups, and other countries. Now is the time for change for the better. We can no longer afford the luxury of only being American. We are not the ONLY ONES. Additionally, we must become and think of ourselves as citizens of the World. Like it or not, the Arab with all his problems is our brother.


Maybe we can have a sane political discussion on our Herbal Remedies list and perhaps it won't self destruct if we do. I'd like to think that we can. I'd like to think that we are adult enough for this to happen.


But if we can't realize that the two main political parties have betrayed our trust and have become nothing more than decadent, rotting, puppets of the Pharmaceuticals, the Psychs and the International Bankers, and if we can't bring this to the attention of enough people, then the country is in deep doo doo. Of course you know I mean the Repooplicans and the Democraps - sorry, but my father always said I had the subtlety and finesse of a Bowel Movement, and this facination has followed me into my chosen profession. ;o)


If we don't change it. No one will and the "Bad Hats" will win. And that would be a sad day. A very sad day!


But the bright side is that we do have a chance. We really do. All we need to do is grasp it and get on the band wagon.


I've never cared one iota what anyone else ever thought of me. Couldn't care less about that! But I do care about you and your family, and me and my family and our FREEDOM. Yes! This is worth fighting for. So this political thread will continue to remain open on Herbal Remedies up to and through the election, and beyond if necessary.


In the final analysis, it is up to you and me with a little sweat and elbow grease to get the job done. Only this will make it happen.


We need to stay the course.


Much love,




Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D.727-738-0554DocShillington



Elizabeth Elliott

herbal remedies

Thursday, July 01, 2004 12:29 AM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Suzi Banned


My question though is don't you think that we really just need Bush out of office right now? Do you think this is the year to get a third party on the ballot?





Doc Shillington

herbal remedies

Wednesday, June 30, 2004 5:40 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Suzi Banned


Not bad, but where are the ones on Kerry???????


He's just as bad off as Bush is, but without the funding Bush has.


I would never consider voting anything but Libertarian this coming election. Read my original article. The Democraps are in on this Psych issue as well. Albeit, Kerry may be the lesser of evils, but why chose any evil at all.


As far as I'm concerned the only ethical / survival choice this coming election is Libertarian.





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Hi Doc,

How are you? I agree with you about voting liber. and

have only one fear. Could we get enough people to vote

3rd party and win? What should we do? My husband

thinks that if I vote 3rd party, I will only make the

Repub. victorious. Is this true and how do we spread

the word. I truly am fearful of our country's freedoms

if either the repub.s or demos get elected. Their

platforms stand for more beauracracies and less local


I see some grass roots efforts to help with poverty,

education, and voilence on the local level by local

people. If this were to be policy, then locals could

govern, and the feds would not have to spend so many

tax dollars.

One last radical question, could we impeach Bush for

war crimes? I mean as Commander In Chief, isn't he

responsible for the troops' actions in war. Could we

pease please please...LOL




Love and Laughter,


Theresa M. Hook















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That is exactly my fear.



theresa hook

herbal remedies

Friday, July 02, 2004 9:36 AM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Freedom

Hi Doc,How are you? I agree with you about voting liber. andhave only one fear. Could we get enough people to vote3rd party and win? What should we do? My husbandthinks that if I vote 3rd party, I will only make theRepub. victorious. Is this true and how do we spreadthe word. I truly am fearful of our country's freedomsif either the repub.s or demos get elected. Theirplatforms stand for more beauracracies and less localcontrol. I see some grass roots efforts to help with poverty,education, and voilence on the local level by localpeople. If this were to be policy, then locals couldgovern, and the feds would not have to spend so manytax dollars. One last radical question, could we impeach Bush forwar crimes? I mean as Commander In Chief, isn't heresponsible for the troops' actions in war. Could wepease please please...LOL=====Love and Laughter,Theresa M. Hook hooked_on_travel Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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Dear Theresa,


The Democraps and Repooplicans would all like you to think that, but voting Liber would help very much. This is common black PR that the R's and D's have put out for many decades in order to jealously guard their advantages.


A major increase in membership in a third party would throw them for a loop and would finally get the message across that we are fed up with their doo doo.


We truly have no alternative this time BUT to vote Libertarian. It's that or fall into the same trap as has always been set.


Again, I urge everyone to not just take my word for it. Investigate this for your self. I am fearfully afraid of what the R's and D's might do if they should get in. It is not a pretty picture.


The bottom line is that if enough of us spread the word, and we finally have the tool with the internet, we can actually get the R's and D's out for the first time in history.


Now that is a pleasant thought.






PS. Too late and expensive for an impeachment at this stage of the game. Let's just vote 'em out!!!


Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D.727-738-0554DocShillington



theresa hook

herbal remedies

Friday, July 02, 2004 9:36 AM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Freedom

Hi Doc,How are you? I agree with you about voting liber. andhave only one fear. Could we get enough people to vote3rd party and win? What should we do? My husbandthinks that if I vote 3rd party, I will only make theRepub. victorious. Is this true and how do we spreadthe word. I truly am fearful of our country's freedomsif either the repub.s or demos get elected. Theirplatforms stand for more beauracracies and less localcontrol. I see some grass roots efforts to help with poverty,education, and voilence on the local level by localpeople. If this were to be policy, then locals couldgovern, and the feds would not have to spend so manytax dollars. One last radical question, could we impeach Bush forwar crimes? I mean as Commander In Chief, isn't heresponsible for the troops' actions in war. Could wepease please please...LOL=====Love and Laughter,Theresa M. Hook

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Thanks Doc. I was also wondering if there was a way to

eloquently write an info packet that we could each

download a print and distribute in our own locales to

get the word out. I am not knowledgeable to write my

own, and feel guilty of asking another to shoulder

this, but I promise to give these out every day until

the final vote is tallied if only someone would write

it? If I am breaking list rules for asking for this,

it is not my intention. My only intent is too save the

little freedoms we do still have by educating others

into what I have just gotten a peek at. I believe that

our only hope is to elect a third party. Any demo or

repoop in office would end our freedoms as we know it

today. With the patriot act, and the other legislation

defeating 30 years of green tree work, we have lost

control over our envirnment and our economy. The only

freedoms I feel remain in tact is our embodiment( free

speech, assembly, and life). I appreciate all feedback

and thank you for this group.




Love and Laughter,


Theresa M. Hook















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