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Fwd: eHealthy News You Can Use October 31, 2006 - Issue 866

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VIDEO UPDATE -- Is Cod Liver Oil a Safe Way to Get Vitamin D? - The sun is rapidly disappearing for many of us and so is the valuable vitamin D it provides. Important considerations you need to know for using cod liver oil as a supplement for getting vitamin D in the winter.




Why Are Kids Entering Puberty Before They Enter School? - The increased prevalence of chemicals called endocrine disruptors in drugs, cosmetics, and environmental toxins may be triggering early puberty in young children.


If You Want to Use Supplements for 'Insurance', I Think That This Is Your Best Bet - Learn about the antioxidant I always use before I exercise because it is one of the most powerful antioxidants known and helps to reduce the effects of normal aging.


More Dirty Drug Company Secrets - Newer, heavily hyped drugs are often no better than the generic older drugs they are intended to replace -- but they are more expensive, and sometimes more dangerous.




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Best Video of Steve Irwin - This video beautifully captures one of the greatest examples of passion and enthusiasm this planet has seen for quite some time. You MUST see this video.


Cheat Disease by Changing Your Environment - Around the U.S., people are taking these simple steps to strengthen their health.


Using Drugs Causes 700,000 in U.S. to go to ER Every Year - Allergic drug reactions, side effects, accidental overdoses, and secondary effects such as falls or choking result in emergency room trips for many.


Does the High Cost of Nutrition and Greens Drinks Perplex You? - Try this TOP-rated nutritious, delicious & affordable solution instead. This delicious and easy to prepare drink tastes like a shake and is loaded with raw proteins power to enhance your immunity. Ideal for anyone seeking prime health and convenience, and you'll LOVE the price!






Learn a Great Tool to Staying Healthy This Cold and Flu Season - Watch this free video to stay free of colds this season and create your best health.




Get a Complete Nutrition Education from Me, Dr. Chopra and Dr. Weil to Switch Your Career - Would you like to obtain a comprehensive education in nutrition by studying with me, Dr. Chopra, Dr. Weil and more?





Do you have a specific health question? Try typing it in our search engine and you will see if any of the 50,000 pages I have compiled will answer it for you. Click Here to Search Now!





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©Copyright Dr. Joseph Mercola, 2006. . This content may be copied in full, as long as copyright, contact, and creation information is given, only if used only in a not-for-profit format. If possible, I would also appreciate an endorsement and encouragement to to the newsletter. If any other use is desired, written permission is required.



1443 W. Schaumburg Road, Suite 250

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