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Herpes Zoster and HIV - Question to Dr. Al-Bayati

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Herpes Zoster and HIV - Response from Dr. Al-Bayati

IvoryBro66, HIV does not cause AIDS or any other illness. Your friend got herpes because he is suffering from immune depression. Below are the links for some of my articles and reports that explain the causes and the pathogenesis of AIDS worldwide. The use of antibiotics, AIDS medications, and other medications can cause bone marrow depression and reduced the functions of the immune system, and neuralgia. These agents also cause the release of endogenous cortisol. I presented in chapter 14 of my book " Get All the facts: HIV does not cause AIDS" general recommendations for clinical tests and the use of alpha lipoic acid to heal chemical injuries. In your friend case, I would like to suggest that having his medical records reviewed by expert using differential diagnosis to identify the possible causes of his illness. I will be happy to review his records and write a report to your treating physician. My rate is $ 150 per hour.Best regards,At 06:19 PM 4/4/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Dear Dr. Al-Bayati,How are you? Long time no hear...I am writing to you because one of my friends (he is 29 and diagnosed with HIV in 1998) recently got sick and was diagnosed with Herpes Zoster. The doctor explained to him that the same virus that causes chickenpox caused his recent illness. His doctor also told him that Herpes Zoster it's a very rare disease and usually happens only to people over 50 years old, or to those people that have compromised their immune system. My friend is now suffering from "postherpetic neuralgia" and he is in a great deal of pain. His doctor told him that his neuralgia is not curable and may continue for months or even years, and that the HIV virus present in his system is not helping in a healing process.Would you please comment on this and maybe give some advice on what can be done to reduce his pain from postherpetic neuralgia. Do you believe that his Herpes Zoster was caused/triggered by HIV?Thank you.Respectfully,AK Do Not Give Your Soldiers Toxic Drugs: HIV Does Not Cause AIDS

Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati bmj.com, 4 May 2002 [Full text] http://bmj.com/cgi/eletters/324/7342/870/e#21896Stop Giving People Toxic Drugs: HIV Does Not Cause AIDSMohammed Ali Al-Bayati bmj.com, 4 Apr 2002Responses: http://bmj.com/cgi/content/full/324/7340/757#responsesKeep The Dentist Working: HIV Does Not Cause AIDSMohammed Ali Al-Bayati bmj.com/cgi/eletters/324/7337/564#20541, 14 Mar 2002 AIDS in Africa is Caused by Starvation and MedicationsMohammed Ali Al-Bayati bmj.com/cgi/eletters/324/7335/446/a#20389, 6 Mar 2002 HIV Does Not Cause AIDSMohammed Ali Al-Bayati bmj.com/cgi/eletters/324/7331/237#19114, 28 Jan 2002IS THERE PROOF THAT HIV-POSITIVE PERSONS CONSISTENTLY DEVELOP ILLNESSES THAT ARE RARE OR NEVER OCCUR IN HIV NEGATIVE PERSONS?www.virusmyth.net/aids/data/mabcdc.htmHIV Does Not Cause AIDS: Contribution of Corticosteroidsnews-gap.com/mb/sda/albayatihivaids.htmlClinical Study Resolution of AIDS in HIV Positive Patients: A Clinical Study of Non-HIV Causes and Treatments for AIDS Illnesses Mohammed A. Al-Bayati, PhD, DABTJuan Jose Flores, MD, PhD Lisa M. Hosbein, MD, FACOGChristine Maggiore, American Foundation for AIDS AlternativesAlive and Well AIDS Alternativeswww.aliveandwell.org/index.php?page=studyAidsMag.com The AIDS Magazinewww.aidsmyth.addr.com/report/articles/010520al-bayati.htmThe Real Cause of AIDS 7/11/01www.mercola.com/2001/jul/11/aids2.htmwww.mercola.com/2001/jul/11/aids3.htm DR. MERCOLA'S COMMENT:For many this will be new information, although Dr. Duesberg and Dr. Horowitz have been taking similar positions for many years.Dr. Al-Bayati provides a solid piece of scientific support for the position that HIV does not cause AIDS. Exposure to steroids and the chemicals in our environment, the drugs used to treat AIDS, stress and poor nutrition are the real causes.www.rethinkingaids.com/Archive/2001/index.htmJune 2001 (entire issue)UC-DAVIS SCIENTISTS RETHINK AIDSPhD toxicologist and emeritus professor attribute non-HIV factors Toxicology pathologist Mohammed Al-Bayati, PhD, left his research position at the University of California, Davis, in 1997 to start a consulting practice. One of his first assignments: determine the causes of opportunistic infections in an "HIV-negative" patient. His unexpected conclusion: AIDS caused by drugs, not HIV. An expanded investigation revealed several non-HIV causes of AIDS, and compelled him to dismiss HIV altogether as a cause of AIDS. His former mentor, UC-Davis emeritus toxicology professor Otto Raabe, examined his analysis and agrees. Neither had suspected that the HIV-AIDS model was wrongBy Paul PhilpottInternational Council for Health Freedom. Book Review. Newsletter, Spring 2000www.virusmyth.net/aids/books/abbrev2.htmRasnick D. Witnesses for the defense: Dr. Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati, PhD, DABT, DABVT In David Rasnick's contributions to Mbeki's expert AIDS panel, July 2000www.healtoronto.com/rasnick_mbeki.html#concensusMahoney G. San Francisco Herald 2000 www.virusmyth.com/aids/books/abbrev3.htmMeisenheimer A. HIV Research Meeting. Independent Voice March 8th, 2000www.independentvoice.com/ts/ts03_08_00.htmlAids Panel Report www.aidsmyth.addr.com/lindsay/al-bayati.htmMohammed Ali Al-Bayati, 'Get All The Facts: HIVdoesnot...www.virusmyth.com/aids/books/abbtoxic.htm______Mohammed Ali Al-BayatiPh.D., D.A.B.T., D.A.B.V.T.Toxicologist and PathologistToxi-Health International150 Bloom Dr.Dixon, CA 95620Tel: (707) 678-4484Fax: (707) 678-8505maalbayatihttp://www.toxi-health.com

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" Mexico Travel Alert " Attached. Dr Jim Bowen

--- Elaine <mem121 wrote:

> -

> IvoryBro66

> Herpes Zoster and HIV - Response from Dr.

> Al-Bayati


> IvoryBro66,

> HIV does not cause AIDS or any other illness. Your

> friend got herpes because he is suffering from

> immune depression.

> Below are the links for some of my articles and

> reports that explain the causes and the pathogenesis

> of AIDS worldwide. The use of antibiotics, AIDS

> medications, and other medications can cause bone

> marrow depression and reduced the functions of the

> immune system, and neuralgia. These agents also

> cause the release of endogenous cortisol.


> I presented in chapter 14 of my book " Get All the

> facts: HIV does not cause AIDS " general

> recommendations for clinical tests and the use of

> alpha lipoic acid to heal chemical injuries.


> In your friend case, I would like to suggest that

> having his medical records reviewed by expert using

> differential diagnosis to identify the possible

> causes of his illness. I will be happy to review

> his records and write a report to your treating

> physician. My rate is $ 150 per hour.


> Best regards,



> At 06:19 PM 4/4/2003 -0500, you wrote:


> Dear Dr. Al-Bayati,


> How are you? Long time no hear...


> I am writing to you because one of my friends (he

> is 29 and diagnosed with HIV in 1998) recently got

> sick and was diagnosed with Herpes Zoster. The

> doctor explained to him that the same virus that

> causes chickenpox caused his recent illness. His

> doctor also told him that Herpes Zoster it's a very

> rare disease and usually happens only to people over

> 50 years old, or to those people that have

> compromised their immune system. My friend is now

> suffering from " postherpetic neuralgia " and he is in

> a great deal of pain. His doctor told him that his

> neuralgia is not curable and may continue for months

> or even years, and that the HIV virus present in his

> system is not helping in a healing process.


> Would you please comment on this and maybe give

> some advice on what can be done to reduce his pain

> from postherpetic neuralgia.


> Do you believe that his Herpes Zoster was

> caused/triggered by HIV?


> Thank you.


> Respectfully,


> AK




> Do Not Give Your Soldiers Toxic Drugs: HIV Does Not

> Cause AIDS

> Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati

> bmj.com, 4 May 2002 [Full text]


> http://bmj.com/cgi/eletters/324/7342/870/e#21896



> Stop Giving People Toxic Drugs: HIV Does Not Cause


> Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati

> bmj.com, 4 Apr 2002

> Responses:




> Keep The Dentist Working: HIV Does Not Cause AIDS

> Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati

> bmj.com/cgi/eletters/324/7337/564#20541, 14 Mar 2002



> AIDS in Africa is Caused by Starvation and

> Medications

> Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati

> bmj.com/cgi/eletters/324/7335/446/a#20389, 6 Mar

> 2002


> HIV Does Not Cause AIDS

> Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati

> bmj.com/cgi/eletters/324/7331/237#19114, 28 Jan 2002





> www.virusmyth.net/aids/data/mabcdc.htm


> HIV Does Not Cause AIDS: Contribution of

> Corticosteroids

> news-gap.com/mb/sda/albayatihivaids.html

> Clinical Study


> Resolution of AIDS in HIV Positive Patients:

> A Clinical Study of Non-HIV Causes and Treatments

> for AIDS Illnesses

> Mohammed A. Al-Bayati, PhD, DABT

> Juan Jose Flores, MD, PhD

> Lisa M. Hosbein, MD, FACOG

> Christine Maggiore, American Foundation for AIDS

> Alternatives

> Alive and Well AIDS Alternatives

> www.aliveandwell.org/index.php?page=study



> AidsMag.com The AIDS Magazine




> The Real Cause of AIDS 7/11/01

> www.mercola.com/2001/jul/11/aids2.htm

> www.mercola.com/2001/jul/11/aids3.htm



> For many this will be new information, although Dr.

> Duesberg and Dr. Horowitz have been taking similar

> positions for many years.

> Dr. Al-Bayati provides a solid piece of scientific

> support for the position that HIV does not cause

> AIDS. Exposure to steroids and the chemicals in our

> environment, the drugs used to treat AIDS, stress

> and poor nutrition are the real causes.

> www.rethinkingaids.com/Archive/2001/index.htm


> June 2001 (entire issue)


> PhD toxicologist and emeritus professor attribute

> non-HIV factors

> Toxicology pathologist Mohammed Al-Bayati, PhD, left

> his research position at the University of

> California, Davis, in 1997 to start a consulting

> practice. One of his first assignments: determine

> the causes of opportunistic infections in an

> " HIV-negative " patient. His unexpected conclusion:

> AIDS caused by drugs, not HIV. An expanded

> investigation revealed several non-HIV causes of

> AIDS, and compelled him to dismiss HIV altogether as

> a cause of AIDS. His former mentor, UC-Davis

> emeritus toxicology professor Otto Raabe, examined

> his analysis and agrees.

> Neither had suspected that the HIV-AIDS model was

> wrong

> By Paul Philpott


> International Council for Health Freedom. Book

> Review. Newsletter, Spring 2000

> www.virusmyth.net/aids/books/abbrev2.htm


> Rasnick D. Witnesses for the defense: Dr. Mohammed

> Ali Al-Bayati, PhD,

> DABT, DABVT In David Rasnick's contributions to

> Mbeki's expert AIDS panel, July 2000

> www.healtoronto.com/rasnick_mbeki.html#concensus


> Mahoney G. San Francisco Herald 2000

> www.virusmyth.com/aids/books/abbrev3.htm


> Meisenheimer A. HIV Research Meeting. Independent

> Voice March 8th, 2000

> www.independentvoice.com/ts/ts03_08_00.html


> Aids Panel Report

> www.aidsmyth.addr.com/lindsay/al-bayati.htm

> Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati, 'Get All The Facts:

> HIVdoesnot...

> www.virusmyth.com/aids/books/abbtoxic.htm





> ______

> Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati

> Ph.D., D.A.B.T., D.A.B.V.T.

> Toxicologist and Pathologist

> Toxi-Health International

> 150 Bloom Dr.

> Dixon, CA 95620


> Tel: (707) 678-4484

> Fax: (707) 678-8505

> maalbayati

> http://www.toxi-health.com





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