Guest guest Posted April 11, 2003 Report Share Posted April 11, 2003 Dr. Bowen, MD I am so glad you are back!!! I was worried about you! I have not heard from you for quite a while. Dr Powers, MD has emailed me several times and asked about you, he is still on our list. We have a few new people on our list, you may want to share with us all the many things... you care to share with us:) Elaine - " James D. Bowen, MD " <bowendrjim Wednesday, April 09, 2003 12:21 PM Re: Fatal toxicity of serotoninergic and other antidepressant drugs Dear Elaine I have been way out past the edge of the world, and way before time began. MY attached book will tell all about it. " Mexico Travel Alert " Attached. Dr Jim Bowen Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 11, 2003 Report Share Posted April 11, 2003 Dear Elaine, when you read my book it wiil explain why it is truly " good to be back " . I have to recuperate from the damages, etc., and get focused again. will re-send: Current populist revolution seen by combat hardened Vietnam Vet. " Mexico travel Alert " . Definitely think you will enjoy it as well as see how I could be made to disappear because of it. It would be criminal to let them make Rummy our next president without holding him accountable for his many heinouis crimes against humanity. The rest is in the book. Love, and keep up the good work. Dr Jim Bowen --- Elaine <mem121 wrote: > Dr. Bowen, MD > I am so glad you are back!!! I was worried about > you! I have not heard from > you for quite a while. > Dr Powers, MD has emailed me several times and asked > about you, he is still > on our list. > We have a few new people on our list, you may want > to share with us all the > many things... you care to share with us:) > Elaine > > > - > " James D. Bowen, MD " <bowendrjim > > Wednesday, April 09, 2003 12:21 PM > Re: Fatal toxicity of > serotoninergic and other > antidepressant drugs > > > Dear Elaine I have been way out past the edge of the > world, and way before time began. MY attached book > will tell all about it. > " Mexico Travel Alert " Attached. Dr Jim Bowen > > > Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more http://tax. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 11, 2003 Report Share Posted April 11, 2003 Dear Elaine, when you read my book it wiil explain why it is truly " good to be back " . I have to recuperate from the damages, etc., and get focused again. will re-send: Current populist revolution seen by combat hardened Vietnam Vet. " Mexico travel Alert " . Definitely think you will enjoy it as well as see how I could be made to disappear because of it. It would be criminal to let them make Rummy our next president without holding him accountable for his many heinouis crimes against humanity. The rest is in the book. Love, and keep up the good work. Dr Jim Bowen --- Elaine <mem121 wrote: > Dr. Bowen, MD > I am so glad you are back!!! I was worried about > you! I have not heard from > you for quite a while. > Dr Powers, MD has emailed me several times and asked > about you, he is still > on our list. > We have a few new people on our list, you may want > to share with us all the > many things... you care to share with us:) > Elaine > > > - > " James D. Bowen, MD " <bowendrjim > > Wednesday, April 09, 2003 12:21 PM > Re: Fatal toxicity of > serotoninergic and other > antidepressant drugs > > > Dear Elaine I have been way out past the edge of the > world, and way before time began. MY attached book > will tell all about it. > " Mexico Travel Alert " Attached. Dr Jim Bowen > > > Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more http://tax. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 11, 2003 Report Share Posted April 11, 2003 Dear Elaine, Plz E my latest book " Mexico Travel Alert " on to Dr Powers, and all others who are, or may be interested. It is a good work of art which is an attempt to enlist others (Who didn't think they could be.) in several of the interests we share. Based on what I saw going on in Mexico, I believe the title will be a lively venue well into the forseeable future. Sincerely, Dr Jim Bowen --- Elaine <mem121 wrote: > Dr. Bowen, MD > I am so glad you are back!!! I was worried about > you! I have not heard from > you for quite a while. > Dr Powers, MD has emailed me several times and asked > about you, he is still > on our list. > We have a few new people on our list, you may want > to share with us all the > many things... you care to share with us:) > Elaine > > > - > " James D. Bowen, MD " <bowendrjim > > Wednesday, April 09, 2003 12:21 PM > Re: Fatal toxicity of > serotoninergic and other > antidepressant drugs > > > Dear Elaine I have been way out past the edge of the > world, and way before time began. MY attached book > will tell all about it. > " Mexico Travel Alert " Attached. Dr Jim Bowen > > > Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more http://tax. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 16, 2005 Report Share Posted June 16, 2005 Dear Rick, Fluoride elimination from public water sources was a top priority in US Public Health until 1940. Fluoride was recognized to ruin both teeth and bones, and to cause brain lesions: And it had to be removed from all public water supplies! When both the Soviets and Nazis demonstrated that one part per million fluorides in their POW’s water supply for one year rendered them incapable of independent thought or resistance; We in the US were suddenly told: “You have to have one part per million fluoride in your drinking water “TO SAVE YOUR TEETH!” Two dentist friends of mine, Dr Lange and Dr Screslet, went on a public speaking campaign in Portland, Oregon: Telling everyone: “Do not let them fluoridate your water, It will ruin your teeth, not save them! When they fluorided Portland’s water supply, all the chinchillas in town promptly died! Thus demonstrating the fluoride put into the water supply there to be thousands of times greater than allowed by law. When I for six weeks used the Aspartame laced LO Cal Kool Aid (Just as soon as it hit the market: I was an MD who really believed Searle to be an “ethical Pharmaceutical concern.); It aged me thirty years in six weeks, and left me with the picture of Lou Gherig’s disease. It is such a potent brain washing agent that I continued to consume Aspartame, while very perplexed that my mind and body were falling apart, and even though my RN wife was screaming at me: “Jim, get of the damn Aspartame, it is killing you!” I was of great expertise in applied biochemistry, so very quickly made myself very expert about the applied toxic biochemistry of Aspartame. When I started speaking out against Aspartames devastatingly toxic biochemistry, I had just stepped into a death trap. I soon found out that all Satanic organizations, including Zionism and Israel were out to protect Aspartame, and destroy everyone who would dare speak out against it, and were indeed the very ones who had broken everything decent in our government to force this horribly toxic brain washing agent upon us!! I have accumulated and put together the documents I have been writing over the last two weeks, and they will follow: However, I like you are amazed at the public’s apathy about government corruption, including the very destruction of our minds! TV and the major Media, which the Zionists control, is of course a great part of the problem. Then, of course Aspartame, MSG and Fluoride have greatly succeeded in chemically brainwashing us. When in 1952 they started putting fluoride into the water, they also started feeding us chelated aluminum in many forms to deteriorate our mental capacities. For Example: they put what they called “Calcium Saccharine” into almost everything made with saccharine. It is indeed not just calcium saccharine! What it indeed, truly is: Calcium Sacharro Aluminates: A very highly toxic and highly absorbed form of aluminum. Sincerely, Dr Jim Bowen Dear Dr Brad and Dr Betty: Here are a few points missing from the stated concerns about the toxic effects of the methanol from Aspartame: 1. The toxic effects of toxic methyl esters like Aspartame are far greater than just merely the toxicity from that same amount of ingested methanol. Over 20 years ago, when I reviewed the scientific evidence then made available about the toxicity of methyl esters: 1.The larger the Esther molecule, the more toxic the end result thereof: Domoic acid, which caused a massive outbreak of neurological disease from contaminated shellfish on Prince Edward Island, is one example. The agent responsible for “Guam Parkinson Disease” is another well-known example. 2. The greater the toxicity of the other components in any ester molecule, the greater will be the resulting toxicity of the larger compound. (Of the larger entire methyl ester, i.e. Aspartame.) The same rule applies to the neural excitotoxins (dicarboxylic amino acids, like MSG.) Therefore, the human damage resulting from Aspartame is far greater than if it merely came from the summation of the products of the obligatory metabolism of methanol. The excitotoxic effects of Aspartame are also vastly greater than if they merely came from the amount of aspartic acid released from the digestion of Aspartame. (In fact, over ten different poisonings are well known to result from the digestion and metabolism of Aspartame!) In the case of Aspartame, it moreover creates its own diketopiperazine form in the finished products, and in the digestive processes. Because its diketopiperazine form has more chemical energy, and has a far greater molecular reach in the body's tissues, both in terms of molecular cross-linking, and in terms of disruption of enzymatic processes, the diketopiperazine form of Aspartame is even far more exceedingly toxic. The original rat brain tumor studies, which were done with the diketopiperazine form of Aspartame in the Wistar rat, (Which is the proper rat to test for brain tumorigenicity of any given chemical,) showed that Aspartame is the number one brain tumor causing substance ever discovered by science! In simple words, it caused the highest incidence of brain tumors ever found to be caused by any Chemical in the Wistar rat, even though Aspartame was only given at a level of three cans a pop a day for 60 days! (Strictly scaled down to the size of the animals.) This was only 5% of the legally required dosage level, and 8% of the legally required length of time for brain tumor studies in the rat. This information gives a good index of how toxic Aspartame really is, both as a neural excitotoxin and as a methyl ester poison. (As well as an immune system damaging agent!) The diketopiperazine class of chemicals is exceedingly important in the plastics industry, because they are molecularly so far-reaching, and will result in high energy cross-linking with other chemicals to form plastics polymers. (Operating surgeons are now reporting they can actually see the plastics which are formed in the brains of Aspartame’s victims!) As I reviewed results from human Aspartame exposure over a span of time in its victims, comparing what happened to patients from any given amount of ingested Aspartame, to the results there from, I came to the conclusion that as a neural excitotoxin it is about 5000 times as potent as MSG, (milligram per milligram.) The methyl ester/ formaldehyde/formic acid/ carbon monoxide poisoning it produces, also results in formaldehyde hypersensitivity. (AND: CHz: Generalized chemical hypersensitivity disease) People, who are thus so sensitized, react to formaldehyde fumes in amounts that are millions of times less than would even be noticed by those not sensitized. (The original government studies showed they can react violently to only one billionth of a gram of formaldehyde!) The toxic effects from methyl esters and the ill effects from many other chemicals are also similarly multiplied in their ill effects upon these unfortunate Aspartame victims. This sensitization factor makes the Aspartame molecule millions of times more potently toxic than it would be from a similar amount of methanol, due to the hyper sensitization summation of these ill effects from the Aspartame molecule. The rat studies however, give some idea of how extreme this Aspartame toxicity really is: When you consider that that this was only 5% of the required dosage level, and it in only 60 days it caused the highest incidence or brain cancer any chemical ever tested ever caused in that strain of rat, it gives you the true picture of what ballpark we are in with Aspartame: AND: With the “organized crime” genius of Donald Rumsfeld, demonstrated in his using organized crime techniques to break everything decent in our government in order to get this heinous chemical marketed to the public as safe, hygienic, and even perhaps beneficial! Which: Given any merit, whatsoever, in the licensing proceedings, would see Aspartame totally barred from market! It is the most highly marketed and most highly advertised chemical in the history of the world! It was advertised in our National Media as completely safe, hygienic, and highly likely to produce greatly therapeutic benefits to its consumers. Rumsfeld then forced the FDA to quit counting, after it counted 92 diseases caused by Aspartame. The CDC got to 115 before Rumsfeld shut them down on that same issue! Sincerely, Dr. Jim Bowen Yes, Dear Dr Rebecca Carley: Satan wants to be known as Lucifer, (“the illuminator”,) as though he had never fallen into rebellion and jealous hatred of humanity: Who will replace him as the highest order of creation: After we complete our Christ’s Grace conferred redemption, Re-Creation, and millennial training. All this occurs only after we become veterans of this conflict, which is no more than a one time only demonstration of evil for the entire boundless, endless, eternal universe. AND: As if Satan were still God's messenger to the angelic host, he now even pretends to even be a Deity, and promises his followers: He, Satan, will come once again for them, and with them will make this world just entirely “heavenly” for, and with them all. (Ha, Ha, Ha!) The present Nation of Israel is just another one such satanically created disillusionment for the entire world! And: Zionism is what has so corrupted our Media, Professions, and Governments for Satan, their evil master. Open, Avid Zionists are the main force and people, which I have had the most opposition from in my efforts to alert the public and professions about the deadly Aspartame! They have made it abundantly clear: They see it as their patriotic duty to Zionism and Israel to see to it that we succumb to Aspartame! Masons and other Satanists have likewise done everything they could to destroy me and my ministry! The Illuminati, actually, foolishly believe in and support all this! After the flood, the sun was the most brilliant object in the sky with which to bedazzle men, so Satan made “Sunday” his Black Sabbath. (Six days back from God’s appointed Seventh day Sabbath! Part of the “666”) The Illuminati/Luciferians are presently direct descendents of, or followers of the Palestinian pagans, which Jehovah God promised to exodus Israel that he would drive them out with hornets, when the children of Israel marched directly into Palestine, as they were specifically directed to do by God through Moses. So the Illuminati will once again honor Satan by once more seeing laws passed to enforce the notion of “Sunday Sacredness.” All of which will finally come to include a death penalty! This, by prophetic prediction, will be the last event by which the Illuminati mark the destruction of this world! Almost all pagan religions incorporate some form of Sun Worship in their observances. So Catholicism merely made paganism into a more “Christian” form thereof, by creating “Sunday Sabbath Sacredness,” as one of their precepts for Christianity, along with many other pagan observances: Such as confession to an earthly priest, etc. The Bible clearly teaches: Call no man your father! Also: Confess your sins to no man! Of course, as is obvious from their present actions, Satan’s followers can never become “good Christians:” In spite of all the power we are presently seeing them accumulate: So the course of the world is on a steep decline into oblivion, as your experience and mine alike, now so clearly indicate. When ancient Israel refused to obey that direct command from God to march on into Palestine, they were sent back into the dessert to die therein, until another, perhaps more obedient generation arose! The Palestinian pagans, however, knowing Israel would be back, formed even more direct allegiances with Satan to defeat God’s purposes for Israel: Which they did by getting Israel to disobey God, violate his ten commandments, and they often even totally rejected God and refused to worship him. Every time, for over a thousand years, this ended up with the Palestinian Pagans being allowed to overwhelm them and place them in servitude to themselves, along with their idolatry: Which Idolatry, the Israelites already had in every case: Already adopted in place of Jehovah’s protection, anyway! Then, after they were conquered and humbled, God would send Israel prophets to remind them of their ministry to which they had been previously called, and then often: “deliverer/prophets” would be provided them, and Israel and later Judah, would regain their God given sovereignty: Only to always abandon it for the attractions of living a pagan life and believing in idols, instead of following the simple plans which God had so clearly taught them as a blessing to themselves and to their society! (Does that sound like today?)When the Babylonian exile was used by Jehovah to teach them, once and for all the cost of idolatry: That small remnant then, once again as they grew stronger, returned to a different form of idolatry; that of corrupting theism, so that it became even worse than open idolatry in their hands! When, about 150 years before Christ, the Jews begged their way into the Pagan Roman Empire, the pagan Romans made them part of a Palestinian “Tetrarchy” which included Judah, Moab, Ammon, and the Edomites. God had told them “You shall not have the Edomite amongst you:” (Along with all the other pagan nations, who were in the Palestinian Tetrarchy with them.) The Romans were particularly secular, and put everything up for bids including the Jewish High Priesthood, and their kingship. So they ended up with an Edomite dynasty as their kings: “The Idumean Dynasty”! The Jews had always rejected Jehovah God in one form or another, so once again, by trusting in Pagan Rome, instead of Jehovah, they ended up under the dominion of Palestinian Pagan Edom! The Herods were Idumean Kings, and committed many crimes including, with the eager cooperation of the Jewish Priesthood, and at their insistence, crucifying God Himself in the form of Jesus Christ, His Divine Son. This act marked the end for any notion of the Jews being: “God’s chosen people.” Utter destruction awaited them: In the fall of Jerusalem to the Roman general Titus: AD 70, when almost all the free, wealthy Jews, except the Christian ones, who universally obeyed Christ’s instructions to flee the city while the roman army briefly withdrew before leveling the city, were eliminated from the face of the earth. Israel, (Jacob) had prophesied this when blessing his sons just before his death. In plain words he said: The scepter shall not depart Judah until Christ shall come:” Pointing out, that with the crucifixion of Jehovah himself, the Jewish Nation would come to its final end, in so far as Jehovah God was concerned. Many Jews today make a great pretence of being “God’s chosen people,” and most Christian pastors, who are functionally really just trained Zionistic infiltrators, repeat this false and now worthless phraseology. They are trained this way in Seminary training to create a false, Christ demeaning pretense of God’s purposes for the nation of Israel! All denominations, which I have ever listened to, persist in this satanically inspired, diabolical nonsense! All of this long and superb cooperation with Satan himself, put the Palestinian Pagans into a very prolonged and special relationship with Satan and his evil angels, who possess them all. They had been his agency in totally defeating Jehovah’s will for Israel, and even saw to the crucifixion of His Divine Son by the Romans! They then, as the “Illuminati” have “reigned over” much of the earth ever since: As dynasties, high ranking military, and “Giants of Finance”, etc. Most of today’s Jews are not even remotely diluted descendants of God’s anciently chosen, and then rejected people! (Because they ultimately rejected, and crucified Jehovah himself!) When the Satanist, Genghis Kahn, over ran Asia and much of Europe, he created his own equivalent of the CIA, plus regional governments, militia, and administrations. He thus formed his “Kzarin Empire,” over the territories which he had seized. I have never even looked up any of this, but only relate it just as it was told me by Jewish historians. (I am of Jewish ancestry.) So the spelling probably is not at all current! I would appreciate if you could refer me to any concise history of all this material. Genghis Kahn, then promptly fled back to Mongolia to deal with a palace rebellion, dying therein. His Mongolian Kzarin empire promptly collapsed, leaving behind quite an array of very powerful Satanists! The Pope dealt with all of this, by sending word that they would all have to become Catholic Christians, or he would make war upon them and destroy them and their influence. 94% of Jewry today, is of this “Ashkenazi” descent. Their typical Eurasian appearance is merely because they are indeed Eurasians, with a heavily Mongolian genome! Whereupon, they very cleverly responded: “Oh no! Your honor, The Pope: We are Jews!” The whole, entire Zionist Israeli movement of today was generated by these Eurasian “Ashkenazi” Satanists, and the Illuminati Satanists, not by the descendants of the refugees who were exiled out of Palestine over thousands of years by the Babylonians, Assyrians, Medo-Persians, Greeks, and Romans. They were living quite peaceably amongst the nations where they were, in each case, exiled into. The Illuminati, including Adolph Hitler (secretly a Rothschild) have needlessly engendered irrational persecution of Jews in other nations to motivate their loyalty and return to Israel. The whole Zionist movement arose from the efforts of the Illuminati Satanists and Ashkenazi Satanists! So it should be no surprise that I have their opposition in trying to expose Satan’s flagship in his fleet of chemicals, which are out there to devastate humanity: Aspartame! The Illuminati used the sinking of the Titanic as one way of eliminating much of the resistance to their will for modern America and Europe. The sinking of the Titanic was no accident. It was a planned execution of the most powerful true Christians in the world of their day. The captain of the titanic was a Jesuit agent sent on a suicide mission: (Which explains his illogically incompetent performance of needlessly sending the Titanic full speed, directly into a field of icebergs!) One of my Irish ancestors, a “Murray,” was the richest man in the world of his day. He went down with the Titanic. With all possible true Christian influences being eliminated by many such evil agencies: The Illuminati and Zionists are forming up Satan’s “New World Order.” The Tudor dynasty was one such Illuminati dynasty. The Bushes are direct descendents of Tudor King George III, who was run out of America about 1780. So we have recently been reigned over by people who consider themselves King George IV and V. The present actions of the Illuminati and the Bushes, with their Satanist cooperators, constitute no less than the utter destruction of Democratic Protestant America. This clearly explains why Aspartame, a horribly destructive brain washing Agent, which is very bitter and not even sweet, was imposed upon us, as supposedly a sweetener! It also explains why vast universal immunization programs, which only increase the individual’s susceptibility to the diseases they are said to protect against, and actually result in immunodeficiency and autoimmunity problems, are given to our newborns and children in order to brain damage them! I, like all Democracy loving Americans, would like to think we may see a “latter rain” of Righteousness and Democracy before the Illuminati and Tudors utterly wreck our world, and the society within it. The Bible prophecies, however, only indicate that the Second coming of Christ will be just like it was in Noah’s day: The sudden destruction of every thing will unexpectedly come upon the world. So, understanding Bible prophecy, we can watch the Illuminati and the Bushes immerse the whole world in hell, and rejoice that our, and our children’s eternal salvation, depends only upon our acceptance of God’s Redemptive Grace, through Jesus Christ His Son. Our part is merely obedience to the acceptance of his will for the world. Those lacking this very specific Biblical assurance will indeed have: “Their hearts failing them for fear,” just as the Bible prophesies! Sincerely, Dr Jim Bowen Dear Dr Betty Martini, All information I have previously related about Aspartame was exceptionally well known to the " Insider Agencies " in our power structure, long before Aspartame was even marketed. (For Example: Although tested at only 5% of the required dose for only 8% of the legally required time period, it was found to be, and well known to be: The number one brain tumor carcinogen ever discovered by science!) In the next six months after Aspartame was put into pop, the Brain Cancer incidence rate in the US jumped 10%, the Diabetes incidence rate 35%.) I also found, for example, numerous patents which clearly demonstrated all of this foreknowledge! Aspartame’s marketing by Rumsfeld was an organized crime, protected by Zionists, Mosssad, B’nai B’rith, Masonry, and all other satanic organizations, or it could never have happened, giving their immense influence in our Professions, Media, Political processes, and Government! Donald Rumsfeld is “the godfather in the Jewish Mafia.” So, he was able to control the influence of all these agencies, making all of them willful contributors to this satanically induced devastation of humanity! My medical license was revoked after I was, in 1992, examined by Drs Benedict and Arnold, the heads of the American Psychiatric and Psychological Associations, (Both were open, and Avid Zionists!) who made the " Expert " certification that: “The belief that Aspartame is toxic, is a delusion so dangerous that it totally disables a doctor from the practice of medicine.” My attorney then even seized pre-existing evidence, like the first set of toxicity studies, which thoroughly condemned Aspartame (as mentioned above) and turned it over to them, thus forever removing it from circulation for them. My attorney, Charles Fleck of Lansing, MI, who then pimped off my medical career, by missing every filing date, and totally failing to get any shred of evidence of Aspartame’s extreme toxicity into evidence for the hearing, complained to me: “Jim you just can’t fight the Jews: They are just far too powerful in our government!” He became, functionally, rather just another Mossad agent! He VERY arrogantly prided himself of his self proclaimed “Christianity”, whatever that was worth to humanity? Dan Rather, also an open avid Zionist, saw to it that the significant information I already had to offer the public in 1983 via the CBS evening news, was forbidden the public any report thereof: By his deliberate angry shouts at the news crew: “No, We are not going to show any of these patients who have been damaged by Aspartame! We are not going to talk about formaldehyde toxicity, and the resulting sensitivity! We are not going to show the public any of these toxicity charts! On and on he raved! Dan and Donald Rumsfeld at that very moment jointly owned a party ranch out west! Dan did take two copies of my toxicity chart, one for himself, and one for Rumsfeld! Did either of those two avid Zionists share any of that vitally needed information with the public? They in fact turned the occasion around to absolutely terrorize all the doctors in the entire northwest from ever even possibly thinking that Aspartame could even possibly be toxic. The Day following the CBS broadcast, (which only white washed Aspartame): The Newspapers in Vancouver, Washington; Stevenson, Washington; White Salmon, Washington, Goldendale, Washington; Pasco, Washington; Kennewick, Washington; Richland, Washington; Longview, Washington; Kelso, Washington; Hood River, Oregon, The Dalles, Oregon; and Portland, Oregon all carried headlines: “Dr Bowen charged with Quackery for criticizing Aspartame on TV.” Jewish Godfather, Donald Rumsfeld, and all those around him are ardent Zionists. We are presently in a totally unnecessary and highly destructive war in the Middle East at the bequest of Mossad and Israel, while Bush and his cadre are bankrupting the US treasury, and at this financially, and budgetary stressed moment giving away immense amounts of funds to the super rich, including the Giant Petroleum interests, who already are experiencing the greatest boom they have ever seen. Is there even any trace of sanity in our present Republican government? The Bushes have even stolen our Social Security funds, thus impoverishing all the rest of us, while they are making us indeed very, very needy! (Notice how the Zionist Media fail to even to mention that our SS was absconded with?) 911 was only a Bush production/ show, totally preventable, had the then existent agencies not been paralyzed by presidential order to create it. It was used by the Media, not to demonstrate Bush incompetence and collusion, as it should have, but a media blitz was created to make the American public believe that war on behalf of Israel and robbing us of our rights and personal liberties would create a badly needed security for us. All of which was entirely a Satan and Bush fabrication! Those who will only examine the existing evidence will see that the twin towers were not even brought down by the airliners crashing into them but rather were brought down by internal demolition explosives. Like wise, the pentagon was never even hit by a jetliner, but rather by a cruise missile. These are only a few examples of Ardent Zionists protecting, and prompting Aspartame, and the dissolute politics surrounding it! If my Zionist Jewish co-laborers don't want to wake up to the fact that Israel is just another phony satanic project: Well OK, but they should get ready to face the fact that the rest of the world already knows it! And hopefully, there may be some interesting times ahead for all Zionists, as the world comes to demand justice in place of all the injustices Israel has been wreaking upon the world: This includes Aspartame! Could the failure to do so very well even result in a nuclear attack upon the US, by a world which demands just retribution? Why would some of my Jewish co-laborers ignore all this plain evidence? Simply because Israel is a very successful Satanic ploy, with which he has seduced many Jews into believing they are better than the rest of us, and more deserving, besides. (And of everything else of which Satan can convince them to be of any benefit to Israel or to Jews): And, is therefore good! Even though inherently exceedingly evil: And it is therefore to be mindlessly supported by them, regardless of its satanic nature, intent, and origins. “All the better!:” according to Satan, whom they dare not question: “For the sake of Israel.” “All the better!:” If only it degrades the rest of humanity, while advantaging Jews. Jewish friends of mine return from Israel, after having had all their dental work done entirely free therein, whereby having had their mouths restored to pristine dental condition, while Americans, who support all of this, cannot even afford to retain their own teeth! (Which teeth are also terribly damaged by fluorides, which the Zionist Media, Mossad, and their controlled US Government induced us to use to damage our minds and independent reasoning capabilities, by promising us: “It would SAVE OUR TEETH!”) My thus benefited Jewish friends, just cry out: What a beautiful system! Oh! What A beautiful place!” Zionist Satanists could truly care less what they are doing to everyone else! I know that many of my best Aspartame co-laborers are still Zionistic Jews, who do not want to face the facts of what we are really into here, and may very well feel very personally threatened and angry because of their irrational Zionism induced Jewish paranoia! However! Rather than thinking their irrational anger should control their very words and acts, and those of EVERONE ELSE, as well: They better start facing up to the facts that Israel and Zionism are merely Satanic fabrications, and this is what explains why we are being poisoned by Aspartame, MSG, fluoride and, AS WELL!: Ineffective highly damaging vaccination programs, which are universally being forced upon helpless newborns to damage their developing brains. (See my upcoming book:”Sweet Mystery in The Present Darkness.”) Meanwhile, we and they are supposed to just look the other way, while the Tudor/Bushes (King George IV and V) and their Republican supporters ride rough shod over our economy, and our freedoms! The Bushes and Republicans are deliberately bankrupting our nation, both economically and morally!(In the larger sense of the word, such as devastating the population and environment by needlessly spraying around depleted uranium upon the environment like it was popcorn to feed the pigeons, and force feeding our own troops Aspartame.) All of which sees the health of other countries devastated! Over 50% of our Persian Gulf One Vets already are out on medical disability, and are frequently fostering deformed babies!(They were also force fed Aspartame and given dangerous vaccines which truly offered them no proven protection, both of which only destroyed their immune systems, and directly induced their genetic degradation!) (Ch 23 of book) So, Dr Betty Martini: I greatly appreciate you, and fully realize you have selflessly given your all and everything for the benefit of humanity on these exceedingly important and highly perilous issues. I am one of the few people who realize you routinely work over twenty hours per day for the good of mankind, depriving yourself even of badly needed rest. I also personally know you to be one of the most intelligent, knowledgeable, caring and brilliant people I have ever had the chance to make the acquaintance of. I am exceedingly thankful for this opportunity to have known and worked with you! I however, will not be restrained from ADDRESSING THE LARGER PICTURE, of necessity, lest Satan gain anonymity for his heinous misdeeds, and thereby enable and assist his programs which also allows him to vastly hinder our attempts to alert the public to these horribly damaging agents and programs which he and his, have thrust upon us, and into all of us! Sincerely, Dr Jim Bowen Dear Deborah, I like your picture and what you are doing. If you know a lady who might like to become a romantic chum for a political dissident like myself, Please refer her to me. I have been run like a fox before the hounds for over twenty years, for the “crime” of speaking out about the poisonous biochemistry of Aspartame in 1983. Ladies my age (I am now 65) want security above all else they seek from a man. In all honesty, I have to advise any interests, right from the start, that I am targeted and will always be so. Moreover, if they develop a relationship with me, they and theirs will also become " targets " thereby. One example is Mary Stoddard from Dallas Texas. She and I were friends, and collaborators on the Aspartame issue, for about ten years. They threatened her life, as well as those of her children and grandchildren. One day a package came to her boy’s house. Unthinkingly, he did just what I would do: He took it inside. About ten minutes later the police arrived and arrested him. When he objected that he was no criminal, they told him: “We are arresting you for child pornography. You are a child pornographer!” That unopened package had three films of CP in it, which technically made him a CPer. You can forget about a fair trial if you are being sent down because you are related to the crusade against Aspartame. He was sent to prison with a maximum sentence for Child Pornography! I know, I was also falsely convicted of a crime, and given the maximum sentence too! I fired my pimp attorney and conducted my own appeal. This was fairly easy for me to do, because they had violated fair trial standards about three hundred times while conducting the trial, in order to falsely convict! So, I picked out about a hundred examples from the trial transcript, and wrote them up for the Washington State Court of Appeals, with appropriate references from trial law rules established by the Appellate and Supreme Courts in their rulings. The Court of Appeals, of course overturned, but just a few days before my maximum sentence was completed! In the case of Mary’s son, she had to do just one thing for them to get her boy out of prison. She treacherously turned on me, and helped them make the revocation of my medical license for speaking out about the toxic biochemistry of Aspartame, a permanent one. Which got her boy out of prison, but he was still listed as a “child pornographer.” He could not even get a job or house. In order to give her boy a life, once again: They made Mary pack up all her files on Aspartame, load them into her car, and drive to Rockville Maryland, near Washington D.C., and personally lug them into the FDA, and turn all her Aspartame files over to the FDA, with the words: “I leave this matter in your good hands.” Whereupon, her boy was given a clean record, and could go on with his life! I had been sent to Maximum Security: Walla Walla, Washington: The most dangerous cell block in the Nation. They averaged a murder a week in that one cell block, while I was therein. When I had arrived at the Receiving Units in Shelton, the Warden immediately called me in: “You are a forty five year old doctor with no prior criminal record. You are only accused of getting a little too fresh with an adult female. They don’t send men to prison for that! I have reviewed your record; they did not even have any evidence against you. Moreover, your conviction is under appeal, you cannot even legally be confined in here! I will have you out of here in a couple days.” The entirety and related experiences are fully documented in my soon forthcoming book: “Sweet Mystery in the Present Darkness: Whatever Happened to We Scientists Who First Spoke Out Against Aspartame?” The book is presently all written, I now just have to now get it reviewed and published. Booth Gardner, the Washington Governor, was a B’Nai B’rith Satanist. A few weeks after marrying her in an April/November marriage, he had the sole remaining Weyerhaeuser heir bumped off, and took over Weyerhaeuser! Because of his influence in Jewish Satanism the murder was never even investigated, and he went on to become the Governor of Washington. So, I went to Max and served the sentenced time therein, even while my conviction was under appeal! While therein, I had syndicate contracts on my life, straight from the Governor, and Donald Rumsfeld, the godfather in the Jewish Mafia. You did not live for very long in that place, with even a “cigarette contract” on you. I remain alive after many many well paid hits only by the protection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! The well paid professional hits on my life very suddenly stopped about five years ago. I believe the Satanists got tired of proving time and again: “The Lord can indeed protect a man and his ministry, should he choose to do so!” So please feel free to publish my letter, in case there is one hardy female soul out there who might choose to befriend a man like myself. Sincerely, Dr Jim Bowen ! --- <religare wrote: > > the April update to the Buddhist bibliography is > now online at : > > > while the Buddhist directory is now online at : > http:/// > > if you know of a Buddhist web site which is not > listed yet, please do not hesitate to write to me > with the url of the Buddhist website you wish to see > listed, thanks ! > > Happy reading ! > > Roger Garin-Michaud > from Saint-Priest near Lyon, France > > more information at > > to / to any of our mailing lists > : > > > > > > Discover Have fun online with music videos, cool games, IM and more. Check it out! http://discover./online.html Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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