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Flax Seed Oil-and Prostate Cancer Lignans or Alpha Linolenic Acid

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----Original Message-----

Randall Neustaedter [randalln]


Natural Health NewsletterRandall Neustaedter OMD Men: Do Not Use Flax Seeds

Disheartening news about flax seeds. Although intake of the essential fatty

acid ALA (alpha linolenic acid) contained in flax seeds and nuts helps to

prevent heart disease, it also seems to stimulate the growth of prostate

cancers. A groundbreaking study from Harvard in 1993 showed that men who

consumed the most ALA were 3.4 times more likely to be diagnosed with

prostate cancer than men who had the lowest dietary intake. Since then at

least five studies have shown an increased risk of prostate cancer from ALA.

A study from Uruguay published in 2000 showed that the two major risk


associated with prostate cancer are a family history of prostate cancer and

intake of ALA. That study showed a 3.9-fold increase in prostate cancer


the men who consumed the most ALA. These studies have shown an increased


in men who consumed ALA and when ALA levels were measured in the blood. Just

to confuse us, in a 1999 study from the Netherlands of over 58,000 men ALA

was linked to a decreased risk of prostate cancer. Some researchers have

suggested that the lignans contained in the outer shell of flax seeds are

responsible for their cancer preventing effects, and flaxseed oil, which

contains less lignans and more ALA that ground seeds, may promote prostate

cancer.These conflicting studies have convinced me that men should avoid

supplementation with flax seeds and flax seed oil until we know much more.

ALA is an essential fatty acid that we can get from eating nuts and other

plants. I recommend relying on EPA and DHA derived from fish oil, or DHA

derived from algae, to get the benefit of Omega-3 fats without the risky

effect of ALA on the prostate. Good NewsThe provision tacked onto the

Homeland Security Act last year that would have exempted vaccine companies

from any damages caused by thimerosal (the mercury preservative in vaccines)

will be removed. This will allow the class action lawsuits against Eli Lilly

and Co. to proceed. Courts can now determine whether childhood autism is

related to the mercury in vaccines, as suspected by parents. Attorneys in


case have stated that internal memos from vaccine manufacturers show they

have known for years that the mercury in vaccines can cause autism. As

reported by Reuters news service, an “agreement was brokered by Maine

Republicans Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, and Rhode Island Republican

Lincoln Chafee, moderates angered by the insertion of the vaccine provision

in the homeland bill. The new Senate Majority leader Bill Frist, M.D, a

Tennessee Republican, endorsed it, as did key Democrats who had vowed to


repeal of the lawsuit ban a top priority this year.†All the articles

from past newsletters can be viewed at the website.<A

HREF= " http://www.cure-guide.com/ " >www.cure-guide.com</A>



Randall Neustaedter OMD, LAc

Classical Medicine Center

1779 Woodside Rd #201C

Redwood City, CA 94061

650 299-9170



Author of The Vaccine Guide, North Atlantic Books, 2002





Sandy Mintz

<A HREF= " http://www.vaccinationnews.com/ " >http://www.vaccinationnews.com</A>


HREF= " http://www.vaccinationnews.com/Scandals/past_scandals.htm " >http://www.



" Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. " - Wendell Phillips (1811-1884),

paraphrasing John Philpot Curran (1808)


<A HREF= " http://www.909shot.com/ " >http://www.909shot.com</A>

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Elaine -


I mailed to Dr Neustaedter as follws. He didn't reply.


Dear Dr Neustaedter -


after reading the following I want to comment:




Alpha linolenic acid (omega 3) works best when mixed with sulphur

bearing proteins/amino acids:


> what is the purpose of blending the flax oil and cottage cheese so long

> and working the oil into the CC until you can no longer see free

> standing oil?

> Joyce



Science has proven that fats play an important role in the functioning of the

entire body. Fats (lipids) are vital for all growth processing, renewal of

cells, brain and nerve functions, even for the sensory organs (eyes and

ears), and for the body's adjustment to heat, cold and quick temperature

changes. Our energy resources are based on lipid metabolism. To function

efficiently, cells require true polyunsaturated, live electron-rich lipids,

present in abundance in raw flaxseed oil. True polyunsaturated fats greedily

absorb proteins and oxygen and pump them through the system.


Lipids are only water-soluble and free-flowing when bound to protein; thus

the importance of protein-rich cottage cheese. When high quality,

electron-rich fats are combined with proteins, the electrons are protected

until the body requires energy. This energy source is then fully and

immediately available to the body on demand, as nature intended.


(from curezone)





Every other month a study is published stating that ALA

(alpha linoleic acid) from flax oil is promoting cancer.

Flax oil (Budwig) protagonists explain that one has to

mix flax oil with sulphur bearing proteins like quark/

cottage cheese to get results.

That's indeed the best way as lipids are only water-soluble

and bio-available when bound to proteins.

The researchers used only one component of this recipe - why?

But they missed one more thing - why?


Finally I got the reference from Dr Budwig about the effect

of single alpha linoleic acid (ALA) on malign cells.

It was written in her book " Tod des Tumors " (Death of Tumor),

p 133.


Yes, ALA pushes cell growth. Budwig concludes that cancer

tissue is defined by growth disturbance. This opinion is

supported by the histological manifestation of a cancer cell

- 2 kernels in 1 cell. The cell diversification starts with

building 2 kernels and stops then. The weakness of this

cell, hence its inability to build 2 new cells is the cause

of malignity.


This growth disturbance can be repaired in vitro and vivo with

flax oil. The cells divide again, but they are not malign



Hence the observation that cancer tissue grows 250% with

ALA. The researchers only forgot to test the grown tissue

for malignity. Some researchers. Outer tissue like mucous

membrane is disposed, inner tissue is reduced by apoptosis.


So ALA does cure cancer by completing the interrupted growth

process of cancer cells.




Here is my personal report:


Date Lab PSA %fPSA

------- ---- --- -----

1997.06 G 9.7 Start Mediterranean diet

2000.12 G 8.6 10.6

2001.09 G 8.1 8.9 Start vegan diet+supps

2001.11 S 10.9 10.4* Other lab

2002.01 G 7.9 9.2

2002.05 G 8.4 11.5* Start Artemisinin+Budwig prot.**

2002.07 G 6.9 12.2 Stop Artemisinin, cont.Budwig prot.

2002.10 G 8.0 11.3 Start increased Budwig dosage***

2003.01 G 5.6 14.4 Cont. Budwig 5 tblsp.



* after 1 hour of driving

** A- 100 mg/day, B- 2 T flax oil/day + quark,ground flaxseed

*** 5 T flax oil/day + quark,ground flaxseed


I had to stop artemisinin because it's forbidden in my country and

I couldn't 'import' it another time.

The 2 months treatment decreased the PSA but not permanently.

If I had continued I would need a higher dosage or a longer time.

Dr Singh advised me not to add iron - cancer cells have enough


I used the product from Holleypharma.com.

Dosage is also a matter in the Budwig treatment. When I increased

the dosage I realized a success.


This report is not exotic, I know many.




Dr Budwig References:


Dr Johanna Budwig diet



Budwig diet to treat cancer



Duke Univ. Boasts New Study

(the URL is correct: " dukestudyignorsbudwigwork " ,-)



Case reports



Budwig Flax Oil Diet



Getandstaywell Budwig



What are Essential Fatty Acids?



Goggle hits " Budwig AND cancer " : 1750




Krebs, das Problem und die Loesung



Flaxoil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction,

Cancer And Other Disease*



The Oil-Protein diet*



*translated to English


75 publications


Mailing list







Kind regards


Peter Fackelmann



<full address>



At 17:59 Uhr +0200 16.04.2003, Elaine wrote:

>----Original Message-----

>Randall Neustaedter [randalln]


>Natural Health NewsletterRandall Neustaedter OMD Men: Do Not Use Flax Seeds

>Disheartening news about flax seeds. Although intake of the essential fatty

>acid ALA (alpha linolenic acid) contained in flax seeds and nuts helps to

>prevent heart disease, it also seems to stimulate the growth of prostate


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Do you know if it is correct that Hemp oil is a better substitute

for Flax oil? Also, I have read that the coating that surrounds the

inner germ of flaxseed and Hempseed reduces or eliminates the

supposed tendency of ingreased abnormal cell reproduction.

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There are practical problems with Hemp oil. It's more expensive, it's hard

to find organic Hemp oil, few people will like its taste, which is far less

sweet than Flax oil, and the complex problems of illegality with Hemp, make

it less likely to be researched. I believe Udo Erasmus has said, that Hemp

oil has the most perfect balance of Om3 to Om6, and would be the best oil to

maintain a desireable balance long term, once people have used Flax oil long

enough to undo the serious deficit of the Om3 factor most of us suffer from.

Flax oil has a bit too much Om3, and prolonged use of substantial amounts

will eventually produce an unhealthy excess of Om3.

If anyone knows of, or has access to, research on Hemp oil in human

nutrition, let us know.

John P.



" mystir_lucky " <mystir_lucky


Saturday, April 26, 2003 4:39 PM

Re: Flax Seed Oil-and Prostate Cancer Lignans

or Alpha Linolenic Acid



Do you know if it is correct that Hemp oil is a better substitute

for Flax oil? Also, I have read that the coating that surrounds the

inner germ of flaxseed and Hempseed reduces or eliminates the

supposed tendency of ingreased abnormal cell reproduction.









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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

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No, it is not correct, it is not even a good substitute, let alone

better. Because of modern agriculture methods, we get way too much

Omega 6 and too little Omega 3. In modern diets the ratio is 20 to 40

times more Omega 6 than Omega 3 which is one reason that heart disease

and cancer, diseases which were rare in 1900, are the two largest

killers in 2003. Flax seed oil has approximately 3.5 to 4 times as much

Omega 3 as Omega 6. This is said to be the ideal ratio so even flax

seed oil cannot completely compensate for the imbalance unless, of

course, it is the only source of these essential fatty acids in one's

diet. The ratio in hemp oil is close to 1 to 1 making it of no

practical use for correcting the imbalance.


On Saturday, April 26, 2003, at 05:39 PM, mystir_lucky wrote:


> Do you know if it is correct that Hemp oil is a better substitute

> for Flax oil? Also, I have read that the coating that surrounds the

> inner germ of flaxseed and Hempseed reduces or eliminates the

> supposed tendency of ingreased abnormal cell reproduction.

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I am writing from India. Please clarify if " Hemp " is slang for




" mystir_lucky " <mystir_lucky


Sunday, April 27, 2003 5:09 AM

Re: Flax Seed Oil-and Prostate Cancer Lignans

or Alpha Linolenic Acid



Do you know if it is correct that Hemp oil is a better substitute

for Flax oil? Also, I have read that the coating that surrounds the

inner germ of flaxseed and Hempseed reduces or eliminates the

supposed tendency of ingreased abnormal cell reproduction.

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No. Marijuana is slang for hemp/cannabis. It was an obscure Mexican

slang term when William Randolph Hearst found and used it in his

" Reefer Madness " propaganda campaign so that hemp farmers would not

realize that it was their crop that was being demonized. Also,

everybody knew that hemp was a valuable cash crop and these creeps

would have been laughed out of town had the scoundrels told the truth.


On Sunday, April 27, 2003, at 02:57 AM, DR. Ratan Singh wrote:


> I am writing from India. Please clarify if " Hemp " is slang for

> marijuana/cannabis?

> Ratan.


Neil Jensen - <neil


A common trait among Compassionate Conservatives

is that their Compassion is reserved for corporations!

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Hemp is the stem of the marijuana/cannabis plant. It was used to make rope during the 1st world war. (the hemp that is:) The leaf is the part of the plant which is used to produce a euphoric state of mind.





DR. Ratan Singh

Cc: mystir_lucky

Sunday, April 27, 2003 3:57 AM

Re: Re: Flax Seed Oil-and Prostate Cancer Lignans or Alpha Linolenic Acid

I am writing from India. Please clarify if "Hemp" is slang formarijuana/cannabis?Ratan.-"mystir_lucky" <mystir_luckySunday, April 27, 2003 5:09 AM Re: Flax Seed Oil-and Prostate Cancer Lignansor Alpha Linolenic AcidDo you know if it is correct that Hemp oil is a better substitutefor Flax oil? Also, I have read that the coating that surrounds theinner germ of flaxseed and Hempseed reduces or eliminates thesupposed tendency of ingreased abnormal cell reproduction.§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To Post:........... To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml §*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§

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Dear Neil and George and the Listees:

Sorry for memory lapse on my part. But I think I raised the question if Hemp

was slang for Marijuana when someone on the list just wrote that " hemp " was

more potent source of Omega-3 than the flax seed oil or that it was a better

protection against prostate cancer than the flax seed oil.

Correct me if my recall is confabulated. And also please enlighten me with

the facts I mention above.


By the way, I funny thing has happened with me here in India. Fearing that

black tea may cause oxalic acid stones (refer Dr. Hulda Clark), I

frantically searched for green tea. Nowhere could I get the green tea. In

any case it would be very costly because even black tea of good quality is

costly. But, to my surprise, I discovered that the hemp is available easily

here in India in government sponsored shops and at dirt cheap prices. I now

use it as my " Green Tea " !!! It is said to be 20 times more potent

antioxident that alpha tocopherol and ascorbate (I am quoting the report of

a prestigious lab here).





" Neil Jensen " <neil


Monday, April 28, 2003 12:42 AM

Re: Re: Flax Seed Oil-and Prostate Cancer

Lignans or Alpha Linolenic Acid



No. Marijuana is slang for hemp/cannabis. It was an obscure Mexican

slang term when William Randolph Hearst found and used it in his

" Reefer Madness " propaganda campaign so that hemp farmers would not

realize that it was their crop that was being demonized. Also,

everybody knew that hemp was a valuable cash crop and these creeps

would have been laughed out of town had the scoundrels told the truth.

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Thank you for your info, and replying to Dr. Singh. Sometimes it can be 2 or 3 days before I have any time at computer. Neil Jensen <neil wrote:

No. Marijuana is slang for hemp/cannabis. It was an obscure Mexican slang term when William Randolph Hearst found and used it in his "Reefer Madness" propaganda campaign so that hemp farmers would not realize that it was their crop that was being demonized. Also, everybody knew that hemp was a valuable cash crop and these creeps would have been laughed out of town had the scoundrels told the truth.On Sunday, April 27, 2003, at 02:57 AM, DR. Ratan Singh wrote:> I am writing from India. Please clarify if "Hemp" is slang for> marijuana/cannabis?> Ratan.--Neil Jensen - <neil<http://www.sumeria.net>A common trait among Compassionate Conservativesis that their Compassion is reserved for corporations!§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To Post:........... To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml §*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§

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I don't know where the Omega3 information came from, but if your making "Hemp" tea and find yourself smiling and humming a toon, bless the hemp tea.




DR. Ratan Singh

Cc: Neil Jensen

Monday, April 28, 2003 10:12 AM

Re: Re: Flax Seed Oil-and Prostate Cancer Lignans or Alpha Linolenic Acid

Dear Neil and George and the Listees:Sorry for memory lapse on my part. But I think I raised the question if Hempwas slang for Marijuana when someone on the list just wrote that "hemp" wasmore potent source of Omega-3 than the flax seed oil or that it was a betterprotection against prostate cancer than the flax seed oil.Correct me if my recall is confabulated. And also please enlighten me withthe facts I mention above.By the way, I funny thing has happened with me here in India. Fearing thatblack tea may cause oxalic acid stones (refer Dr. Hulda Clark), Ifrantically searched for green tea. Nowhere could I get the green tea. Inany case it would be very costly because even black tea of good quality iscostly. But, to my surprise, I discovered that the hemp is available easilyhere in India in government sponsored shops and at dirt cheap prices. I nowuse it as my "Green Tea"!!! It is said to be 20 times more potentantioxident that alpha tocopherol and ascorbate (I am quoting the report ofa prestigious lab here).Ratan.Thanks.Ratan.-"Neil Jensen" <neilMonday, April 28, 2003 12:42 AMRe: Re: Flax Seed Oil-and Prostate CancerLignans or Alpha Linolenic AcidNo. Marijuana is slang for hemp/cannabis. It was an obscure Mexicanslang term when William Randolph Hearst found and used it in his"Reefer Madness" propaganda campaign so that hemp farmers would notrealize that it was their crop that was being demonized. Also,everybody knew that hemp was a valuable cash crop and these creepswould have been laughed out of town had the scoundrels told the truth.§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To Post:........... To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml §*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§*§

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Ratan -


I repaired my prostate cancer with flax oil, seed/cottage cheese



Dr Budwig References:


Dr Johanna Budwig diet



Budwig diet to treat cancer



Duke Univ. Boasts New Study

(the URL is correct: " dukestudyignorsbudwigwork " ,-)



Case reports



Budwig Flax Oil Diet



Getandstaywell Budwig



What are Essential Fatty Acids?



Goggle hits " Budwig AND cancer " : 1750




Krebs, das Problem und die Loesung



Flaxoil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction,

Cancer And Other Disease*



The Oil-Protein diet*



*translated to English


75 publications


Mailing list












At 17:53 Uhr +0200 29.04.2003, DR. Ratan Singh wrote:

>Can you or anyone give me e-copy of the mail on this list

>that linked flax seed oil and prostate cancer.

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No. Hemp is the whole darned plant.


On Sunday, April 27, 2003, at 03:29 PM, JohnWallis wrote:


> Hemp is the stem of the marijuana/cannabis plant. It was used to make

> rope during the 1st world war. (the hemp that is:) The leaf is the

> part of the plant which is used to produce a euphoric state of mind.

> John



Neil Jensen - <neil


A common trait among Compassionate Conservatives

is that their Compassion is reserved for corporations!

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Peter, thanks indeed.


My homepage: www.JaipurMart.com/trade/meditationandhealth


" Peter Fackelmann " <pfackelmann


Cc: <counterpnt; <mystir_lucky

Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:27 AM

Re: Re: Flax Seed Oil-and Prostate Cancer

Lignans or Alpha Linolenic Acid



Ratan -


I repaired my prostate cancer with flax oil, seed/cottage cheese



Dr Budwig References:

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