Guest guest Posted April 18, 2003 Report Share Posted April 18, 2003 TYRANNY ADVISORY: CODE REDWE ARE NOW UNDER MARTIAL LAW. YOUR RIGHTS HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED. WHAT ARE YOUGOING TO DO ABOUT IT?**************************************************************************************THE WAR ON TYRANNYPOSITIVE FORCES RESISTING TYRANNY, CRIME AND CORRUPTION AROUND THE GLOBEJOIN IN THE RESISTANCE TODAY!GET ORAGANIZED!DRAFT Resolution: sponsored by Santa Barbara Bill of Rights Defense CommitteeStatement on the DRAFT City of Santa Barbara Resolution on the Role of the Cityin Protecting Santa Barbara Residents' Civil Liberties Since the terrible attackon the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11, the federal governmenthas enacted a series of legislation that erodes the checks and balances of oursystem of government and endangers civil liberties and rights guaranteed by theBill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of the State ofCalifornia. We are very concerned that the ability of our residents to speak,act, associate, assemble, maintain privacy, and be free from unjust arrest, isinfringed by these actions. to non-GM food, councils told Environmentalists fear GM crops couldcontaminate food and wildlife Environmental groups have urged councils tocommit to non-genetically modified food in the run-up to the elections on May 1. **************************************************************************************THE PERPETUAL WAR ON HUMANITYUS-British split over 'next target' Syria A marked difference in emphasis hasemerged between Britain and America over the possible extension of war in Iraqto military action against Syria. LOOTING AND DISORDER GOOD FOR BUSINESS Dyncorp Rent-a-Cops May Head toPost-Saddam Iraq For Dyncorp the turmoil that is emerging in Iraq could mean aboom in business. Did US allow Saddam to flee? Was the surrender a result of conspiracy? People ofIraq are asking questions Did US intentionally allow Saddam Hussein to flee fromIraq to Syria for a final destination in Russia after a last minute bargain withMoscow to capture the capital of Iraq without fighting? Is the question thatthousands of the people in the World are asking as they fail to understand thathow come the defences of the Baghdad collapsed within hours. U.S. Govt Accused of War Crimes Against Journalists International journalists'organizations are accusing the U.S. government of committing war crimes in Iraqby intentionally firing at war correspondents. THIS WHOLE WORLD WAR SCENARIO IS A GRAND DECEPTION, A HEGELIAN OPERATIONENGINEERED TO CORRAL PUBLIC OPINION BEHIND THE UN OR SOME NEW GLOBAL GOVERNMENTINSTITUTION Boutros Boutros-Ghali: New world order marginalises UNAs a close follower of world events, I fear that unilateralism may destroy theUnited Nations. But then I remind myself that it was Woodrow Wilson, anAmerican President, who pushed for the creation of the League of Nations, andanother American, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was instrumental in creating theUN, in co-operation with Winston Churchill. & thesection=news & thesubsection=dialogue Grisly Results of U.S. Cluster Bombs The little boy wailed and moaned andsquirmed on the hospital bed stained with his own blood. A doctor struggled tohold a gauze bandage over the boy's eyes, which no longer existed.,0,6618082.story?coll=ny%2Dworldnews%2Dheadlines Rumsfeld Requests Power to Reorganize Services Defense Secretary Donald H.Rumsfeld is asking Congress for broad new powers to reshape the uniformedservices from the highest ranking officers down to reservists and supply clerks. Mother sees no honor in death of her soldier son Other parents also struggle tofind meaning in loss The night before her son left for Kuwait, Ruth Aitkenargued with him on the telephone for nearly three hours. From her living room inState College, Pa., she told him that a war with Iraq made no sense, that it wasreally a scuffle over oil. Arab press worried about Syria Newspapers throughout the Arab world are worriedby Washington's warnings to Syria. Syria itself is not the only country to seethe hand of Israel behind the threats, while other Arab dailies fear they couldbe part of a domino effect aimed at the wider Islamic world. THE WAR Art During Wartime Seattle artists reflect on their roles and theirrelevance. How can art, made during a time of war, affect the larger culture? GLOBAL TECHNO-ORWELLIAN MASONIC MIND-CONTROL POLICE STATE DICTATORSHIP NIGHTMARENew test for BSE in sheep could lead to draconian measures The scientist who wona Nobel prize for his work on identifying the cause of BSE-like brain diseaseshas developed a test that will be used by the Government to see if sheep havebeen infected by "mad cow" disease. Bouncer killed 'over New York smoking ban' New York City's controversial new banon smoking in bars and restaurants suffered the worst imaginable publicrelations setback yesterday after a bouncer in an East Village nightspot whotold a customer to put out his cigarette was stabbed to death. Police seek national crossbow ban NSW Police Minister John Watkins will seek anational ban on all crossbows following an attack which seriously injured twoschoolgirls near Port Stephens, north of Newcastle.,5744,6278150%5E1702,00.html ANOTHER KID ARRESTED FOR BEING A KID. HIS CRIME? YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS ONE....The Failed Education 'Reforms' Sometimes a single incident can reveal thewidespread rot that has affected the nation's school systems as they strive toindoctrinate the children entrusted to their care while neglecting to teach themthe Three R's. In Inverness, Florida, a 12-year-old boy was cuffed, arrested,and taken in a patrol car to jail where he was held for two hours. TRAINING KIDS TO BE GOOD LITTLE SPIES FOR THE REICH, GIVING UP ALL YOUR RIGHTS MAKES YOU SAFE, WORKING FOR THE GLOBALEMPIRE MAKES YOU FREE AND WAR IS PEACE. Total Information Awareness ProjectUndergoes First Test A key technologist on the project says Americans must beprepared to trade some privacy for security. In surprise move, Bush backs renewal of assault weapons ban The Bushadministration is bucking the National Rifle Association and supporting arenewal of the assault weapons ban, set to expire just before the presidentialelection. Recent News Articles gathered by the Santa Barbara Bill of Rights DefenseCommittee -- New York Times article quoting a Justice Department official sayingthey want all provisions of the Patriot Act to become permanent law (4/9/03) --"Senator calls for wider powers to track citizens" (Seattle Post-Intelligencer,4/13/03) ORIN HATCH IS A LEADING PERPE-TRAITOR IN CONGRESS Congress Considers RepealingUPA "Sunset" Provisions Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), has introduced a bill in theSenate which would immortalize the UPA (U.S.A.P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act), by removingthe Act's sunset provisions. Some in Congress voted for the rights-crushing billin October 2001 partially because parts of the bill would automatically end(sunset) in 2005. Senator Ron Wyden has made much of this as an excuse for hisvote for the UPA. A detail from Jon Haddock’s “98/197,” a set of 98 figurines depicting themembers of the 197th Congress who voted for the USA Patriot Act. The sculpturewas on view at Howard House gallery in Seattle, in March 2003. STAGED FASCIST GOVERNMENT TERROR PSYOPS INCCRONKITE, MEMBER OF THE WORLD FEDERALISTS, WANTS A GLOBAL GOVERNMENT. FOMENTINGWORLD WAR, UNLEASHING TERROR-PSYOPS, NUKES, BIOWEAPONS AND PLAGUES ALL AT THESAME TIME SCARES THE SHEEP INTO ACCEPTING AN ORWELLIAN NEW WORLD ORDER. Cronkiteon Famine, Pestilence and Death The concept of Armageddon comes from Revelation,and this revelation is intoned by Walter Cronkite, perfectly cast in the role ofanguished patriarch. "Anybody, anyplace could become a victim," he warns. & en=486b9867bc5615e4 & ei=5062 & partner=GOOGLE Arrests 'ruined' Pakistanis' lives A group of Pakistanis who were accused by theItalian authorities of being members of al-Qaeda have told the BBC their liveshave been ruined. Shanghai bans tour groups to Hong Kong indefinitely on SARS fears The SevereAcute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak has prompted Shanghai, the largestcity in China, to ban tour groups from traveling to Hong Kong where 47 peoplehave died from the disease. SARS: SICKENING AND REPULSIVE SCAM PSYOPAsian travel blighted by Sars As the deadly Sars virus claims victims throughoutEast Asia, travellers are suffering too as some countries impose draconiantravel restrictions. Governments around the region have stepped up their entryrequirements, some invoking tough new quarantine laws. SARS Genetic Code Identified The virus is completely different from any knownanimal or human pathogen, and public health authorities are unable to conjecturewhere or how it originated.,0,3939138.story?coll=ny%2Dnationworld%2Dheadlines SARS virus could be China's bio-weapons: Russian expert A top Russian medicalexpert did not rule out that the deadly virus, which causes a typical pneumoniaor severe acute respiratory syndrome could be a biological weapon developed byChina. Russian Scientist: SARS Virus Was Created In A Weapons Lab ACADEMICIANKOLESNIKOV: THE SARS VIRUS OF ATYPICAL PNEUMONIA HAS BEEN CREATED ARTIFICIALLYThe virus of atypical pneumonia (SARS) has been created artificially, possiblyas a bacteriological weapon, believes Sergei Kolesnikov, Academician of theRussian Academy of Medical Sciences. Sars biological weapon? The deadly pneumonia that has killed more than 100people around the world may be a man-made biological weapon, Russian expertssaid on Friday.,6119,2-10-1462_1346560,00.html China's lethal secrecy over Sars For many Westerners, the Chinese Government'sdecision not to tell its own public about this potentially fatal disease isshockingly irresponsible. OPERATION 9/11 COUP AND COVERUP9/11 widows bonded by tragedy A year and a half ago, four Garden State women inMiddlesex and Monmouth counties - unknown to each other - were living theirsuburban dreams, raising kids and redecorating while their husbands trekked towell-paying jobs at Manhattan's World Trade Center. 9/11: The Evangelical Christian Connection The money man behind two Floridaflight schools which trained an as-yet undisclosed number of terrorist pilotshas ties with the Evangelical Christian Right, including having loanedtelevangelist Jerry Falwell a reputed $1 million to bailout his failingreligious enterprises a decade ago, and serving as Director of an avowedlyChristian aeronautics company planning to manufacture a new business jet inIsrael, the MadCowMorningNews has learned. 9/11 was a hoax Opposed by everyone in the world who was not bought off, theillegal invasion of Iraq was undertaken for many reasons - the imminentreplacement of the dollar by the euro as the world's primary currency, thetempting lure of untapped oil reserves, the desire to consolidate U.S./Israelimilitary hegemony over a strategically vital region - but the most importantreason was to further obscure questions about the awesome deception staged bythe American government that has come to be known as 9/11. BIZARRE MYSTERIES, CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDERYET ANOTHER WAY TO DESTROY YOUR CHILDREN'S HEALTH New vaccine could sparemillions from misery of asthma Millions of asthmatics and hay fever suffererscould be spared the misery of severe attacks by a new vaccine, which has beensuccessfully tested on people with an allergy to cats. 34 Sue Diocese for Priest Sex Abuse Asking diocese for hundres of millions forbetrayed trust Claiming the Diocese of Rockville Centre failed to protectchildren in Catholic churches and schools from predatory priests and thendeliberately concealed the problem, 34 men filed lawsuits in State Supreme Courtin Mineola Monday asking for hundreds of millions of dollars in damages becausethey said they were sexually abused. THE ABORTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED Abortion broadcast ruling overturnedAnti-abortion campaigners say they will fight on A court judgement which couldhave seen an abortion broadcast on UK television for the first time has beenoverturned by the House of Lords. karl theis jrvideo field Ch.10 TimeWarnerAustin,Texas cell 512 297-9875e-mail: theis888 www.exposureofthetruth.isfamous.comDo you ? The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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