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Four Theives Vinegar for infectious diseases

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Four Thieves Vinegar for Bioterrorism May Provide

More Protection than Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting


by Chet Day


Connie Chung and other talking heads in the media and

government may be urging you to buy duct tape and plastic

sheeting to prepare for a chemical or biological attack,

but natural options exist that make more sense.


How about a garlic-based, anti-plague, anti-smallpox

concoction known throughout history as Four Thieves Vinegar?


According to herbalist Elizabeth Kastner, " During the

height of the plague in France in 1721, it was discovered

that the homes of disease victims were being ransacked. At

first, no effort was made to find the criminals, since all

knew they were fools, soon to die of the plague themselves.

As time went on, it became apparent that the thieves were

continuing in their raids... and quite inexplicably,

avoiding falling victim to the disease. Soon, they became

highly sought -- not due to their crimes, but in an effort

to learn their secret.


" When they were finally captured, they refused to speak,

until a bargain was offered: remain silent and hang.

Divulge the secret to their resistance to the deadly plague

and walk away. It seems that the mother of several of the

boys was a midwife, and had a recipe which used plants

which were easily wildcrafted... yet, she knew that this

would change immediately if anyone learned the formula, so

she swore her children to secrecy. Her sons saved their

necks and shared the recipe for the disinfectant, which is

still used in France to this day. "


Given the simple ingredients of Four Thieves Vinegar and

with all the yammering about smallpox and other

bioterrorism diseases in the news these days, it seems

prudent to me to prepare a home stock of this historical

preventative for dread diseases.


According to Kastner, the traditional recipe for Four

Thieves Vinegar " makes a lot of sense, medicinally

speaking. "


You can make your own " Four Thieves Vinegar " by following

the simple recipe below.



Four Thieves Vinegar


Use equal parts of the following herbs:






Melissa (lemon balm)




A handful of garlic cloves


Blend ingredients in a glass jar and cover completely

with organic, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, which is

available in most health food stores. Cold infuse (let

sit at room temperature in a cool place) for six weeks

and then strain off herbs and garlic.


You can take Four Thieves Vinegar by the teaspoonful, use

it as a salad dressing, or even add a spoonful to your bath

water for personal protection.


You can also use it as a topical spray to disinfect

surfaces -- including skin -- and/or you can take it as a

tincture. All of the ingredients in Four Thieves Vinegar

are either potent antibacterials or antivirals!


If you want to purchase this stuff already made, you'll

find quite a few online sources by using the keywords " four

thieves vinegar " at http://google.com


Given the herd instinct of human beings, I predict most

people in the event of a bioterror attack people will do

everything but trample each other getting in line for a

government-recommended prescription drug or vaccination,

even when current vaccines lack proper testing and licensing.


Folks who think outside the lines, however, may well

prefer Four Thieves Vinegar or other non-traditional

treatments, options that I detail in my 155-page special

report " Biological Terror: A Consideration of Ancient and

Alternative Treatments of Catastrophic Diseases " at



In closing, Four Thieves Vinegar may not be a definitive

protection from dread diseases -- though many people

throughout history believed that to be true -- but it sure

beats the tar out of duct tape and plastic sheeting.


About the Author:

Chet Day is a professional writer and natural health

gadfly who can usually be found at http://chetday.com

Permission is granted to email this article exactly as

written to friends or discussion groups. If you're a

webmaster and want to know how to use this article to

sell my bioterrorism report as one of my affiliates,


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