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Dear People, scince maybe I am behind the times in research, or

have misinterpreted data or emphasis, I am requesting information or

clarification on the following thoughts.

In the (at least to me) definitely worthwhile and interesting

book, " Plague Time-How stealth infections cause cancers, heart disease

and other deadly ailments " , Paul Ewald expresses the opinion that

microbial contagious infection may be the prime vector of many to

most chronic illness including geographical cancer clusters. This is

an area where I need more study and information. Scince there are

more bacteria in the human body than cells, it is a wonder that we

can move think and feel like a single entity at all.

But,(and again I am asking for clarification not spouting dogma,

maybe I should read again), Toxic and high density EMFs seem to be

downplayed as almost insignificant.

If so...

Why is the incident of for example, cancer clusters co-incident

with the presence of chemical and/or energy field phenomena? If the

other factors were insignificant, wouldn't they show a more

demographic independance to 'harmless environmental factors'?

This seems to be a power utility or chemical industry defence

lawyer's dream come true.


Too much of anything is bad; sleeping, exersize, food, sex, noise,

sadness, alcohol, carcinogenic and most other chemicals, radiation,


Nuclear refueling technicians are limited in thier work because of

limits to radiation exposure.

I know of three people along one wall of an office to get brain

cancer in a six year period and one a brain tumor, until we found

that the electrical transformer and wiring outside the wall(that hade

made the computer screens wobbly) was the cause. Now no more problems,

(and nobody working near that wall!).

The first responders to Chyernoble accident were given hero

status,and free travel around the USSR, but one by one, are I think

now sadly all dead as predicted from radiation sickness.


Lead. Endocrine mimicking plastic. Does anyone not remember " Silent

Spring " ?


I remember a picture in a pharmaceutical advert in the fifties,

showing an excited red-faced man at a base-ball game, eating a

mustard covered spicy hotdog. The heading of the ad read, " The

Dyspeptic Patient " .

To me this was a good observation of many 'Yang' factors( volatile

personality, hot thermogenic food choices, sitting in the hot sun),

all warnings that the yin is in for it. There is some kind of wisdom

even in the seemingly poor choices we make. I think the ad was for



My point is, it seems personality type(spirit,shen) food choices

and so on, have a big part to play in the strong EMERGENCE of

opportunistic infections from the imbalanced micro-environment. It

would be interesting to have followed those types in the ad to see

what other health history they have had, and whether or not

antibiotics cured the dyspepsia for good. Follow ups. Getting a more

holistic view.

The grids showing life disruptions (death) at locations of toxic

accumulation globally is proof of its less than optimal health

benefits. Poison is Poison.

I'd like to be able to see the forest AND the trees. Is the huge

increase in chronic fatal illnesses by far the result of one type of


Or are the multiple thresholds of insults( basic constitution,

emotional history,stressors, chemical/ pharmalogical intake and

exposure-incl vaccines, diet including lowered nutritional value of

modern agricultural products, new genetic variants in foodstuffs,

novel materials in buildings and clothing, EMFs, disassociation from

nature, poor sanitation/hygiene/education/civil engineering, etc.),

all these AND including aggressive microbial attacks, overwhelming

our defensive immune system, exhausting and deranging it? Making it

that much easier for opportunistic parasites and their dormant

descendent variants to come out and 'play'?


I'd like to put together (if there isn't some already), overlapping

graphs with ratios of these detrimental inluences per population

groups.(like the transparencies used to overlay the organs on the

skeleton, then the blood lymph and deep Qi vessels, muscles, various

other meridians, skin, senses) If a house has four locked doors and

one open window, a thief can still freely enter.

No doubt the evolutionary biology infectious theory deserves/needs

more brilliant research. Help could come from other medical fields

like Traditional Oriental Med, Tibetan medicine, Ayurvedic, plant

wisdom etc., and their experience with chronic illness.


The many actors in our current state of mass extinction can act

invisibly sometimes. There are the micro fields in and around atomic

and molecular substances that uniquely influence, and are influenced

by the behavior of their immediate biological environment and

structuring. And surrounding that and us are fluctuating macro fields

( the world- weather etc., and the universe- solar activity, lunar

etc), that contribute to ebbs and flows of microbial virulence

cycles. Insights from empirical knowledge basses can help, and may

sometimes lead to the best assesment of the data from such a complex



On the whole, I don't put much hope in the medical industry as it

is right now. Internal memos leaked from Human Resource departments

of hospitals mostly express concern more over lost revenue than lost

patients. (-e.g. " How to capitalize on the consumers spending > 40

billion out-of-pocket healthcare dollars for alternative and

complementary therapies. Hospitals must fill beds by using in-house

personel utilizing these modalities. When the consumer enters the

hospital environment they may then again be led to our standard care

options. -that is; surgery, pharmacueticals and so on).

So, hospital personnel(md's and cheaper techs if possible)will give

standardized, westernized versions of Traditional Medicine, and,

after getting little benefit, the patient will be led to believe

their best hope is again industrial strength allopathic procedures.

Greed robs society of a sustainable environment and good quality of

life and interferes with the benefits of an integrated medical model.


The money and effort expended into the data-mining predictive

analysis techniques and technologies employed by multinationals and

DARPA's IAO office should be used to help solve solvable life

problems, instead of being merely market research for big buisness-

thinly veiled and funded as Homeland Security terrorist prevention.

The difference between a tool and a weapon is how it's used.


Personally, sometimes I feel like I don't care anymore. Everything

is getting too hopeless stupid - myself included. With the biosphere

disappearing, international affairs in the mess they're in, global

power groups hustling for dominance harder than ever, inaction of the

majority, persecution of the poor, the marginalization of cultures;

the noise of the informed compassionate minority is drowned out.

I guess though, the human beings will eventually be dragged like

spoiled kids, kicking and screaming, back into the hall of

enlightenment sooner or later somehow. And back on earth, maybe after

the demographic winter a thousand years from now, they'll have learnt

a little. Maybe relax a bit. As true perception being true reality,

and some actually percieving, many may already be there.



(p.s.- I wish I could locate the source of this old stuff.---Wasn't

the great influenza pandemic of the first world war triggered by

unusually cold rains falling on a nasty pig farm in Iowa, where the

farmhands picked it up and brought it over to Europe?

Tests soon afterwards found that pigs who were exposed to very cold

water sprays caught 'it' and became seriously sick and contagious,

and pigs who weren't chilled, mostly didn't.)



" When the world state dawns, it will be neither Christian, white, nor

democratic. " --George Orwell





IAO Mission


The DARPA Information Awareness Office (IAO) will imagine, develop,

apply, integrate, demonstrate, and transition information

technologies, components, and prototype closed-loop information

systems that will counter asymmetric threats by achieving total

information awareness that is useful for preemption, national

security warning, and national security decision making.


IAO Vision


The most serious asymmetric threat facing the United States is

terrorism, a threat characterized by collections of people loosely

organized in shadowy networks that are difficult to identify and

define. IAO plans to develop technology that will allow

understanding of the intent of these networks, their plans, and

potentially define opportunities for disrupting or eliminating the

threats. To effectively and efficiently carry this out, we must

promote sharing, collaborating and reasoning to convert nebulous data

to knowledge and actionable options. IAO will accomplish this by

pursuing the development of technologies, components, and

applications to produce a proto-type system. Example technologies




Collaboration and sharing over TCP/IP networks across agency


Large, distributed repositories with dynamic schemas that can be

changed interactively by users

Foreign language machine translation and speech recognition

Biometric signatures of humans

Real time learning, pattern matching and anomalous pattern detection

Entity extraction from natural language text

Human network analysis and behavior model building engines

Event prediction and capability development model building engines

Structured argumentation and evidential reasoning

Story telling, change detection, and truth maintenance

Business rules sub-systems for access control and process management

Biologically inspired algorithms for agent control

Other aids for human cognition and human reasoning

It is difficult to counter the threat that terrorists pose.

Currently, terrorists are able to move freely throughout the world,

to hide when necessary, to find unpunished sponsorship and support,

to operate in small, independent cells, and to strike infrequently,

exploiting weapons of mass effects and media response to influence

governments. This low-intensity/low-density form of warfare has an

information signature, albeit not one that our intelligence

infrastructure and other government agencies are optimized to

detect. In all cases, terrorists have left detectable clues that are

generally found after an attack. Even if we could find these clues

faster and more easily, our counter-terrorism defenses are spread

throughout many different agencies and organizations at the national,

state, and local level. To fight terrorism, we need to create a new

intelligence infrastructure to allow these agencies to share

information and collaborate effectively, and new information

technology aimed at exposing terrorists and their activities and

support systems. This is a tremendously difficult problem, because

terrorists understand how vulnerable they are and seek to hide their

specific plans and capabilities. The key to fighting terrorism is

information. Elements of the solution include gathering a much

broader array of data than we do currently, discovering information

from elements of the data, creating models of hypotheses, and

analyzing these models in a collaborative environment to determine

the most probable current or future scenario. DARPA has sponsored

research in some of these technology areas, but additional research

and development is warranted to accelerate, integrate, broaden, and

automate current approaches.








Who are these so-called " Quackbusters " ?...

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Americans have known, or suspected, for some time, that there has

been an organized assault by a group, against companies, and

practitioners, offering alternatives to the drugs/surgery paradigm.


That group calls itself the " quackbusters, " and they are a scam. I'm

about to tell you WHY that assault was formally assembled, HOW THE

SCAM works, and WHO the players are, and WHAT they're up to right

now. In my next newsletter I'll tell you WHY, right now, Wisconsin is

the important battleground. If you know who they are, and how they

operate, you can beat them.


North America has been going towards what are called " alternatives, "

in health and medicine, in a big way. More than half of the US health

dollar is currently being spent on this phenomena. With new billing

codes (ABC Codes) going into effect, allowing insurance and Medicare

to pay for " alternative " therapies, that percentage will, no doubt,

increase dramatically.


In California, the fifth largest stand-alone economy in the world,

where I live, the health freedom movement is much larger than

anywhere else. Here, we'd rather be healthy than medicated. We've

analyzed the politics of the problem, and successfully turned the

political environment to our way of thinking. We simply do not put up

with " quackbuster " crap, here.. Why should we? And, neither should

you... Throughout this discourse keep something important in mind.

It's this - we in the Health Freedom Movement outnumber the

quackbusters 100,000 to 1.

We've got more money than they do, and we've got better, and more

talented people. We also have better lawyers. It is time to use our

advantage to destroy them.




Three things, I believe, seriously alarmed conventional (mainstream)

medicine and spurred them to action in late 1996.

The FIRST thing was reports showing that medical care in this country

is so bad that doctors and hospitals are listed as the third largest

cause of unnecessary death. Americans have been finding out that the

average MD these days, beyond the emergency room, has little to offer

beyond the " magic bullet, " meaning the new drug pushed this week by

the drug company salesman. The bottom line in conventional medical

care is a shock, and Americans are expressing their displeasure with

the situation with their changes in health buying patterns - which

leads to the Second thing.


The SECOND thing was a 1993 report in the New England Journal of

Medicine (JAMA) that showed the huge financial impact of " Alternative

Medicine " on the US health care dollar.


The THIRD was the Clinton Administration's identification of " health

fraud " as a major cause of health care's rising costs - and the

announcement of Attorney General Janet Reno's plans to deal with that




STOMACH ACHE #1 - The 1993 JAMA report on Alternative Medicine... had

to be a shock to conventional medicine. It showed that the American

public was not in the " Marcus Welby, " or the " Ben Casey " mode any

more - where the guy in the white coat, with the stethoscope around

his neck, was America's sole source of health advice. The " Ask Your

Doctor " program was flat-out dying.

The JAMA report suggested that more visits were being made to

unconventional practitioners in 1990 then to conventional - 488

million unconventional visits to 388 million to primary care

physicians. 13.7 billion dollars was spent on unconventional

practices as opposed to 12.8 billion for hospitalization. Alternative

Medicine, which excels outside of the Emergency Room was, offering

real health solutions.


STOMACH ACHE #2 - Then, in 1995, Janet Reno, the then Attorney

General, under the direction of the US President, came out with a

program identifying " health fraud " as a major problem in the US

health care system. She shocked, and frightened, conventional

practitioners. " Health Fraud " - was, and is, defined by the Justice

Department as " Over billing, false coding, MD kickbacks, etc.. " Reno,

of course, was right - conventional medicine was, and is, involved in

sheer greed and dishonesty. It was, and is, a huge problem.

In response, mainstream medical went into orbit, trying to deflect her

attack - to no avail. Janet Reno was teaching " seniors " how to read

their medical bills - and turn their doctor into the Feds. The " Meds "

were in trouble with the " Feds. " And, still are. And, should be...

So mainstream, rather than fix their own house, had to come up with a

plan to counter these two assaults on their dollar intake. They

did... and here it is...



In 1996, mainstream launched their counter-attack. It was a four part

dis-information Public Relations campaign designed to kill two birds

(stomach aches) with one stone. They wanted Janet Reno (and the

American public) off their backs, and they wanted to get rid of their

upstart competitor Alternative Medicine. So they came up with a

simple plan - re-define the term " health fraud " with a massive dis-

information campaign. The intent was to re-define the word AWAY from

Reno's definition of " Over billing, false coding, MD kickbacks,

etc.. " to a different focus - " Alternative Medicine. " They put the

plan into effect.


Enter, from stage right - the " quackbusters... "


PART ONE of the plan was what I call the " definition switch. " Janet

Reno, in her original plan, had expected cooperation from the State

Medical Boards. She expected the Boards to prosecute billing

cheaters. She NEVER got that cooperation.

In Chicago in 1996, at the FSMB (Federation of States Medical Boards)

annual meeting, a major program was presented. It was, supposedly,

on " health fraud, " and how to combat it. Conspicuously, there were no

speakers from Janet Reno's team. If any of Janet Reno's people

thought this was going to help the Federal program - they were wrong.

The Feds that were attending must have been in shock, upon seeing the

presentation. Only once in the program was the Fed's definition

of " health fraud " ever mentioned - it was by FTC's Matt Daynard who

made it clear that their (the FTC's) concerns were MUCH broader than

theirs. Other than an apparently confused Daynard, no where in the

program was there a discussion of how to prosecute doctors who over-

billed, false coded, took kickbacks, etc. All they talked about

was " Alternative Medicine, " and how to prosecute it - calling

it " health fraud. "

From that moment on - While Feds prosecuted sleazy hospitals,

greedy MDs, clinics, ambulance operators, home suppliers, etc., State

Medical Boards were to target two categories;

(a) solo practitioner MDs that recommended supplements, exercise,

etc., instead of prescription drugs, and

(b)unlicensed competitors to the drug/surgery dollars, i.e.;

Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Nutritionists, Health food Stores, Massage

Therapists, etc..


And the war began in earnest. For, even then the Health Freedom

Movement, although not organized, had muscle. Hundreds of fights

across the nation, ensued.


PART TWO of the plan was to affect Federal Agencies - and try to

redirect those agency's efforts away from the Justice Department's

program, and convince them to focus their energies on " Alternative

medicine " proponents.


They did this with a four-part sub-plan.

(a) They invited FTC and FDA lower level employees to their meetings

for the express purpose of propagandizing, and kissing-up to them.

(b). They created a system of " meetings " where they had access to

those Federal employees on a regular basis - for the purpose of

propagandizing them

© They used their contacts within those Federal agencies to gain

unwarranted credibility for their own plans, and anti-alternative

medicine programs.

(d) They got the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to

give them official government credibility.


PART THREE of the plan, was a propaganda gambit. It was in two parts

(a) create a so-called " information base. " Websites appeared, sounding

authoritative, like Stephen Barrett's sleazy www.quackwatch.com, and

others. The questionable organization, the National Council Against

Health Fraud (NCAHF), was to provide so-called " expert witnesses " for

testimony. The FSMB was to act as a clearinghouse, both for names of

people suggested for prosecution (persecution), and for where to

find " information " and " expert witnesses. " And more...

DHHS was duped into giving the quackbusters unwarranted credibility.


Type in the key words " health fraud " on a government website, and up

pops the National Council Against Health Fraud's website, and



The second part (b) , and equally important was to demonize, and

criminalize, all aspects of " alternatives " through false suggestions,

or claims, against them. For instance; The claim that herbals

are " untested " and not " standardized " is simply a ploy to make

herbals look bad. Herbals do not need to be " tested, "

nor " standardized. " . Herbals are more like wine - since they are a

natural product, dependant upon natural factors like weather, no two

batches are going to be the same. Herbals, being part of nature (part

of earth's life cycle) have been field tested since the beginning of

time. The " testing " process we the people put in place is for

new " drugs, " not herbals - those things, unlike herbals, that have

NEVER been introduced into the human body before. Generally speaking,

drugs are HUGELY DANGEROUS - hence the warnings of side effects.


PART FOUR of the plan was to create a relationship with Medicare, and

the health Insurance Industry, to supposedly, advise them of " health

fraud. " It incorporated, in a sub-plan parts One, Two, and Three,




I believe the primary player in this scam is the Board, management,

and staff of the FSMB (Federation of States Medical Boards). Their

website basically says " We don't know what alternative medicine is -

so we'll call it health fraud. " It is they, I believe, who control

the daily operation of the plot. As you read this, at exactly this

moment, some, or all of the FSMB people, are probably on the phone,

the FAX, or the internet, organizing the persecution of some

unsuspecting leading-edge healer in North America.

Ten minutes from now, they will begin another. Then another, then

another, then another...


The National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) is another player.

It wants to appear to be an important wheel in health care. The

reality is different. It was rudely EVICTED from Loma Linda

University a few years ago, and after bouncing around from place to

place, has now found a home in a hair removal salon in Massachusetts,

where the NCAHF president, Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, PhD is

the " Medical Director. " Hair removal?

One other player, recently fading from the scene, muscled out by

Bobbie Baratz, is Stephen Barrett MD, who the Pennsylvania licensing

board officially classifies as " Not in Good Standing, " operates the

dubious website www.quackwatch.com out of his basement in Allentown,


There are other players, but it would take to long to explain how it

works. Again, I recommend James Carter MD's SUPERB book " Racketeering

In Medicine. " as a resource. Page #44 has an outline of the whole

quackbuster scam.



What is the REAL problem, exactly? Generally, " we " are the

problem. " We " meaning the North American Health Freedom Movement.

Specifically, it's that " we, " in the Health Freedom Movement haven't

completely countered the attack plan put into place a few years ago

(1996), by the quackbuster conspirators to destroy " Alternative

Medicine. " It's time we did that. - and we can do it relatively

easily. What we have to remember is that, despite the quackbuster's

best efforts, " Alternative Medicine " is gaining, not losing, ground

in public acceptance.

Americans aren't buying into the quackbuster " big lie " propaganda

program. Since identifying a problem is half-way to solution - we're

more than half done solving this issue.



We know that several years ago, the plan was put together, and

explained at the 1996 meeting of the FSMB, by a group of

conspirators, to use the Medical Boards, the FSMB, the Attorney

Generals, certain employees of the FTC and the FDA, and top

quackbusters for the purpose of stamping out " Alternative

Medicine. " Although the whole thing was exposed in magazines like " The

Townsend Letter, " the plan was activated. It is on-going now. At that

time there was no super-strong (like there is now) " Health Freedom

Movement, " per se - so there was no national counter-strategy, and no


That was THEN - this is NOW.

Now, of course, we know that when a " top quackbuster " shows up to

testify somewhere, someone is waiting with the equivalent of a

factual ball-bat - and that quackbuster is publicly exposed for the

out-of-a-job loser crackpot they really are. In other words, we've

negated an important component in their attack plan - their so-

called " experts. " We're doing this to Bobbie Baratz in Wisconsin.

Each time he opens his mouth he sinks deeper into the quicksand.


Dismantling their " activated plan " is also really a simple exercise.

We simply use our size, and intelligence, advantage.

" The Plan of 1996, " such as it is, was in five parts, and it had a

basic theme - Destroy Alternative Medicine by " Criminalizing " it.

Kind of like depicting Mother Theresa as " the whore of Calcutta. "


Their five part plan goes like this:

(1) Set up a central propaganda center.

(2) Control who gets prosecuted through the FSMB, and medical


(3) Affect Medicare, and Medical Insurance Company payment


(4) Use the system to harass, discourage, and destroy Alt Med

practitioners, and providers.

(5) Demoralize the opposition with the viciousness of the campaign.


" The Plan of 1996 " is having a limited success, not because it's a

good plan, but because we don't do anything about it. Our reaction,

to this point, has been to put protective " Health Freedom Laws " in

place - and we are having only LIMITED success with that. We need to

change strategies slightly.



The quackbusters, I've found, aren't individually, or in groups, that

bright. Read delicensed MD Stephen Barrett's website

www.quackwatch.com, and his resume, and you'll see what I mean - and

he's their chief propagandist. Everything he says is like he was

simply filling out a form someone, with a higher intelligence, gave

him. His mouthings are boringly the same, each and every time.

Keep in mind that Barrett, although claiming to be a retired

Psychiatrist, was never able to become " Board Certified. " He failed

his test. Also, Barrett gave up his MD license in 1993. I suspect he

just couldn't keep up with new things. His employment record shows he

NEVER was able to hold a full-time job - and his claim

to " Psychiatric fame " was his part-time (4 to 8 hours a week)

employment at a Pennsylvania Mental Hospital - from 1978 through

1993. From 1976 through 1978 he COULD NOT GET a paying job.

Barrett, with his lack of basic intelligence, is getting hammered

when he shows up in a courtroom situation - and tries to inflict his

weird opinions on a Judge. And Barrett has legal problems all over

the country.

Basically, I see Barrett as a loser, who couldn't make it in the

medical profession. And, Barrett is TYPICAL quackbuster leadership.

Bobbie Baratz, the current president of the NCAHF, is laughable. He's,

almost literally, hiding under the bed, avoiding depositions asking

about his so-called " expertise. " I believe he's desperate for

the " testifying " money. Baratz, who's former position at a Boston

area medical center, was terminated (and Baratz doesn't want to talk

about it), after a physical altercation with a 72 year old woman, now

operates a hair removal business. Some " expert. " He also operates the

NCAHF out of that same hair removal location.

Polevoy, in Canada, is a sissy. He likes to frighten women. I think he

pees his pants when confronted by the male of the species. I'm eager

to hear his version of the story about why he isn't practicing as a


I see no reason to be impressed with the visible quackbuster


I'm of the opinion that the original " plan " was written by someone we

haven't met yet.



Because they organized, and activated, a plan... and we, in the Health

Freedom Movement, didn't react with our own plan.



(1) SET UP A CENTRAL PROPAGANDA CENTER - They simply set up a series

of websites, and telephone numbers, that all of their soldiers,

government employees, and members of the public, could refer to for

information about " alternative medicine. " They set up a " chat room "

to send victims to " for further information. " Unsuspecting readers

have no idea that what they're reading is all lies and


(2) CONTROL WHO GETS PROSECUTED through the FSMB, and medical

boards. - Whoever designed the original plan, understood the science

of social manipulation. They understood how to use bureaucrats to

their own advantage.

Generally speaking, public employees are not the brightest stars in

the sky - they are bureaucrats. The 1970's book " The Peter Principle "

was written about them. Dr. Laurence J. Peter was the one who

said " In a bureaucracy, everyone rises to their level of

incompetence. " How true. Employees of agencies regulating health care

in the United States are no exception. The only thing you can count

on when dealing with them is

(a) they are definitely bureaucrats,

(b) when it comes to knowledge of the subject they are

supposed to regulate - never expect them to know anything about what

they are regulating,

© expect pettiness, brutality, and stupidity in their

completion of their assignments.

If you keep these things in mind (and don't be shocked by the

reality) - you can deal with them - and get things done.

Yes, it's not right - but it is the way things are.

The quackbusters have been operating in the " public employee " arena

for a very long time. So, they know how to manipulate the arena to

their own advantage. Even though we, in the Health Freedom Movement,

outnumber them 100,000 to 1, they can still control who gets attacked

(prosecuted), because they've managed to infiltrate, and poison the

minds of health agency bureaucrats against " Alternative Medicine. "


One of the best examples we've recently found is the " Training

Manual for Alternative Medicine Prosecutions, " handed out to the gun-

toting investigators of the Medical Board of California (MBC).

Investigators of the Medical Board of California (MBC), are only

required to have a high school education, are not required to have

any medical training, and need only a six-week course at a community

college before they're handed their fifteen-shot Berretta nine

millimeter automatic, and their " Training Manual for Alternative

Medicine Prosecutions. "

See how it works?



Unfortunately, a large slice of the American population relies on

Medicare and Medical Insurance for their health care needs. Those

that use this combination solely - remain unhealthy, and then die.

For, as we know, Medicare, and Medical Insurance, offerings have to

have undergone an " approval process " before they can be paid for.

Which translates to the unfortunate fact that if you're relying on

what Medicare will pay for - you're relying on practices and

procedures that are at least FIFTEEN YEARS OUT OF DATE. And, in the

case of Medical Insurance - probably TEN YEARS OUT OF DATE. New

things simply aren't paid for in the Medicare and Medical

Insurance world.


The " quackbusters " formed an organization called CHIRI (Consumer

Health Information Research Institute) for the express purpose of, as

James Carter says " The CHIRI has for its constituency the health

insurance industry. It purports to serve that industry in an advisory

capacity, by approving or disapproving a particular treatment

provided by a health-care provider. It plans to serve as a health-

insurance consultant regarding the legitimacy of certain disabilities

and health practitioners. An example of an " illegal " disability would

be chronic fatigue syndrome. CHIRI is also said to have a

computerized list of more than 40,000 American physicians and other

medical practitioners who are suspected of using " questionable

medical practices. "



Taking plan sections One, Two, and Three above into consideration,

you can

see what effect the combination has on leading-edge health care. The

" system " is designed to protect the status quo.


This section is self-explanatory. One of the tactics used is to attack

health providers who have little, or no, financial resources as

brutally as possible, as publicly as possible, so that other

providers see what happens when they tell the drug salesmen to go




Besides hiding under the bed? There's their Wisconsin campaign -

typically vicious, full of hatred and falsehoods, led by little

Bobbie Baratz, who isn't doing very well... We have there, an

opportunity to do the " quackbusters " serious damage. I'll tell you

about it in the next newsletter.


Coming soon...

Tim Bolen - Consumer Advocate


This " Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter " is about the

battle between " Health and Medicine " on Planet Earth. Tim Bolen is an

op/ed writer with extensive knowledge of the activities of a

subversive organization calling itself the " quackbusters, " and that

organization's attempts to suppress, and discredit, any, and all

health modalities that compete with the allopathic (MD) paradigm for

consumer health dollars. The focus of the newsletter is on the

ongoing activities, battles, politics, and the victories won by

members of the " Health Freedom Movement " against the

" quackbusters " It details " who the quackbusters are, what they are,

where they are operating, when they appear, and how they operate -

and how easy it is to beat them... "

For background information on the " Battle between Health and

Medicine " go to: http://www.savedrclark.net/by_whom2.htm. A copy of

THIS newsletter, and older ones, are viewable at the website


For EVEN MORE interesting and related articles go to



Sandy Mintz





EU Supplement Takeover

Leads To Global Dictatorship

By Emma Holister



The ABC of how a seemingly insignificant law being passed by the

European parliament to restrict the sale of supplements will lead to a

global dictatorship


To the average person it doesn't really seem that important that the

European parliament is giving into the pressures of the all-powerful

pharmaceuticals industries as they make an aggressive take-over of the

food supplements market and alternative medicine in general, claiming

the need to implement regulatory safety measures.


However, when we take a look at Ron Law's study on the Safety of

Dietary Supplements we discover the following facts:


A. " Properly researched, regulated, prescribed and properly used drugs

are the fourth most common cause of death - but they are never

reported. (Source, Journal of the American Medical Association -

Range 90,000 to 160,000 deaths per year.) That's a Boeing 747

crashing every day! 46 people die every day from Aspirin alone in the

USA. Avoidable medical misadventure is the sixth most common cause

of death.

(Source, CDC - range 40,000 to 90,000) In Australia 9,000 people die

from avoidable medical misadventure every year. (Source, Australian

Medical Journal). In Australia 50,000 people are maimed by medical

misadventure every year. (AMJ) "


B. " You are less likely to die from taking a supplement than dying

from bee stings, sports injuries, lightening, animal bites, horse

riding, radon gas, etc, etc.


Dietary supplements have the potential to reduce deaths from cancers

andheart disease by over 50%. (Optimists would go as high as 75%)


Greater than 26,000 times more people die from preventable medical

misadventure and properly regulated, properly prescribed and properly

used drugs than from dietary supplements. "


It is also worth noting that the huge rise in deaths in recent years

from heart disease and cancer can also be linked to environmental

poisoning from the food, agricultural and water supply industries who

are responsible for devastating people's health and endangering the

survival of the planet. It doesn't take a great deal of research to

discover that the dangerous chemicals in our food and water supplies

and the pharmaceuticals industries are not entirely unrelated.


We can see that illness is an extremely profitable business, the most

profitable business in the world. An unhealthy population is more

docile, easily manipulated and a great financial asset.


What greater threat to the long held monopoly of the pharmaceutical

giants than food supplements and alternative therapies that are not

only proved to be safe but are also extremely successful in combating

and preventing disease, not to mention the fact that they are also

cheaper most of the time?


When a person has been through the 'medical mill' of drugs, surgery,

drugs, more surgery, more drugs and is finally given the death

sentence by their doctor, there are two ways that this person may



A. They accept their doctor's prognosis and say farewell to their

loved ones.


B. They question the medical authorities and search for alternative



When searching for an alternative therapist the average person will

come across one of the following:


A. A well-intentioned therapist with insufficient knowledge who may

fail to cure them.

B. A fake (who benefits the pharmaceutical industries by destroying

people's faith in alternative medicine).

C. A great therapist who'll cure them.


When, to their astonishment, they discover that not only there are

hundreds of effective therapies and cures with no side effects for

even the most serious illnesses like AIDS, but that their disease was

more than likely caused by the medical establishment in the first

place who moreover do everything in their power to suppress knowledge

of these effective therapies, they may have one of the following

reactions, or all three:


A. Joy

B. Rage

C. They join the Health Freedom Movement.


The question that naturally arises is 'Why are so many associations

and politicians who claim to be defending alternative medicine and

our right to choose, who claim to be taking a stand against the

pharmaceutical giants so silent, unapproachable and unresponsive with

regards to this vitally important issue of protecting small

businesses and our human rights against the EU's restrictive

legislation on the sale of supplements?'


There are three possible reasons:


A. They are ignorant

B. They are being paid to keep people ignorant

C. Their livelihood, and even their lives may have been threatened.


When we hear that AIDS is not a sexually transmitted disease but most

likely to be an illness caused by vaccines and environmental chemical

poisoning it may surprise us, we may not believe it.


When we hear that Linus Pauling, twice winner of the Nobel Prize, said

that most cancer research was a fraud we may have one of two



A. We agree with the many people in the medical establishment, who

claim that poor old Linus Pauling had lost his marbles.

B. We believe him.


Perhaps, we may think to ourselves, much of the above information

seems rather far-fetched and that surely the medical authorities,

surely our family doctor, our friendly local chemist, surely these

educated people could not all have been fooled, or worse still be

fooling us. However, it is worth considering the following things:


A. The medical universities and medical journals serve the interests

of the profit oriented pharmaceutical cartel.

B. Most of the information and research in medical journals is funded

by the pharmaceutical industries, not to mention the fact that around

one third of the content of these journals is most often dedicated to

drug ads.

C. Educated people are also capable of believing lies, or of being


D. Can we trust the regulating bodies that demand vast sums of money

in order to give out the stamp of approval for the sale of medical

products to have the nation's health as their primary concern? Or may

it be a possibility that they are doing big business and have as much

integrity as your average used car salesman?

E. Would you entrust your health to a used car salesman?


More importantly, what are the things that might stop a person from

believing the above information?


A. Blind trust in the medical authorities.

B. Over consumption of unhealthy contaminated food, water and


on pharmaceutical products.

C. Too much television.


After having read the above you may have one of the following



A. You don't believe a word of it and chuck this in the bin.

B. You decide there's nothing you can do about it and sit back and say

goodbye to humanity and the planet.

C. You become an active participant in the Global Health Freedom

Movement and begin informing yourself, signing the relevant petitions

and writing letters of protest to your government and politicians.




http://www.CandidaInternational.org www.laleva.cc


www.dr-rath-foundation.org www.aidsalternativa.org

www.iahf.com www.friendsoffreedom.org http://www.hhff.info/




Ron Law 'Safefy of Dietary Supplements'



Dr Louis Bon de Brouwer 'Sida: le vertige - les apprentis sorciers'

editions Marco Pietteur infos




(For information on 'Disease Mongering' and the pharmaceuticals




(Scientists taking money for papers ghost-written by drug companies)



'The Yeast Syndrome' by John Parks Trowbridge and Morton Walker

'The Cure for HIV and AIDS' by Dr Hulda Regehr Clark

'The Cure for all Diseases' by Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark

Eleni Papadopulos Eleopulos et al., <books/epbmother.htm>'Mother to

Child Transmission of HIV and its Prevention with AZT and Nevirapine'

Marvin Kitzerow, <books/mkbindict.htm>'The AIDS Indictment'

Mohammed Al-Bayati, <books/abbtoxic.htm>'Get all The Facts: HIV

does not cause AIDS'

Joan Shenton, <books/jsbfalse.htm>'Positively False; Exposing the

myths around HIV and AIDS'

Roberto Giraldo, <books/rgbstress.htm>'AIDS and Stressors'

John Lauritsen & Ian Young (editors), <books/jlbcult.htm>'The AIDS

Cult: Essays on the gay health crisis'

Steven Epstein, <books/sebimpure.htm>'Impure Science; AIDS,

activism, and the politics of knowledge'

Neville Hodgkinson, <books/nhbfailure.htm>'AIDS: The failure of

contemporary science'

Peter Duesberg, <books/pdbinvent.htm>'Inventing the AIDS Virus'

Peter Duesberg (editor), <books/pdbkluwer.htm>'AIDS; Virus or drug


Peter Duesberg, <books/pdbinfect.htm>'Infectious AIDS: Have we been


Ian Young, <>'The Stonewall Experiment; A gay psychohistory'

Ellinor Burkett, <>'The Gravest Show on Earth; America in the age of


Robert Willner, <>'Deathly Deception'

Robert Root-Bernstein, <>'Rethinking AIDS; The tragic cost of

premature consensus'

John Lauritsen, <>'The AIDS War; Propaganda, profiteering and


from the medical-industrial complex'

John Lauritsen, <>'Poison by Prescription; The AZT story'

Bruce Nussbaum, <>'Good Intentions; How big business and the medical

establishment are corrupting the fight against AIDS'

Jad Adams, <>'AIDS; The HIV myth'

Jon Rappoport, <>'AIDS Inc.; Scandal of the century'

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Bacteria: The Ultimate Cause of Cancer?


As a physician-dermatologist I have studied various aspects of the

cancer microbe for over 30 years. In my book, The Cancer Microbe

(Aries Rising Press, 1990), I recount a century of research by various

scientists who have documented the reality and importance of bacteria

associated with cancer. Despite a wealth of information on the

microbiology of cancer, this body of work has been largely ignored.

Why would medical science overlook the finding of bacterial

elements in cancer, particularly when the treatment of advanced

cancer is often abysmal and when the cause (or causes) of many

types of cancer remain unknown? If and when the bacterial cause of

cancer is widely accepted, it will be left to medical historians to

determine why the medical community failed to recognise cancer

bacteria. At the present time, it is fair to say that most physicians

are either unaware of cancer microbe research, or ignore the

published findings, or are openly hostile to this research.

Unfortunately, medical doctors are limited by dogma about

cancer-associated bacteria that eliminated a bacterial cause for

cancer a century ago. In the late nineteenth century, when the

bacterial cause of many infectious diseases was discovered, it was

decided that cancer did not act like an infectious or contagious

disease, and therefore it was concluded that bacteria were not


Although a few scientists later found highly unusual and

pleomorphic bacteria, these bacteria were simply dismissed as

" contaminants " – or as microbes that had " secondarily infected "

cancerous growths. Furthermore, there was no single or consistent type

of microbe found, and animals experimentally infected with cancer

microbes did not give develop cancer. Thus, decades before the rise of

virology and molecular biology, and at a time when " mycoplasma " forms

of bacteria were not known, the medical establishment concluded that

bacteria were not involved as a cause of cancer in any way. This

conclusion has coloured medical thought about cancer to this day.

Historically, it took centuries for doctors to recognise

microbes as the cause of any disease. By the use of lenses, germs were

discovered 200 years before physicians finally understood that

microbes were capable of causing disease. For two centuries the dogma

was that those exceedingly tiny " animacules " could not possibly be a

threat to a grown person.

Once something becomes dogma in medical science,

it is very difficult to change medical thinking. Ordinarily,

infectious bacteria can be easily recognised in disease because they

can be seen microscopically in tissue sections from disease states.

Sometimes careful " special staining " of tissue sections is necessary

to make microbes more visible and more easily identifiable. (In

cancerous tissue, the cancer microbe is most easily viewed with

an " acid-fast " tissue stain, like the special stain employed to

identify the mycobacteria that cause tuberculosis and leprosy).

In this so-called modern era of medical

science, one would think it impossible for disease experts to overlook

disease-causing bacteria. However, when a new and deadly lung disease

broke out among legionnaires in Philadelphia in July 1976, two hundred

twenty-two people became ill and thirty-four died. The cause of the

lung disease remained a medical mystery for over five months.

Bacterial infection was ruled out when all tests were reported as

negative. Fortunately, one astute and careful microbiologist finally

discovered bacteria. Joe McDade at the Leprosy Branch of the CDC, was

able to detect " unusual bacteria " in guinea pigs experimentally

infected with lung tissue from the dead legionnaires. Further

modification of bacterial culture methods finally allowed the

isolation of causative bacteria, now known as Legionella


Yet another modern example of dogma-defying research is

provided by recent studies proving that bacteria (Helicobacter pylori)

are a common cause of stomach ulcers, which can eventually lead to

stomach cancer and lymphoma. When I went to medical school, stomach

ulcers were thought to be due to stress, lifestyle, or improper diet,

and it was not uncommon to send ulcer patients to psychiatrists for


For a century, physicians refused to believe that

bacteria could cause ulcers because they thought bacteria could not

live in the acid environment of the stomach. In 1982 a researcher,

who was unable to convince his colleagues that bacteria could cause

ulcers and gastritis, actually proved his case by drinking a culture

of H. pylori. When he rapidly became ill with stomach symptoms, he

admitted himself to the hospital where these bacteria were found to

be associated with his gastric disease. It also turned out that these

bacteria could indeed be detected in the stomach lining of stomach

ulcers, but only when the tissue was stained in a special way to

detect the bacteria. The CDC now claims that H. pylori causes more

than 90% of duodenal ulcers and 80% of gastric ulcers. Approximately

two-thirds of the world's population is infected with these microbes.

The present experience with ulcer-causing microbes

proves that bacteria can indeed pop up in diseases where they are

least expected. Such a caveat is appropriate for doctors who think

they know everything about cancer and who pooh-pooh all aspects of

cancer microbe research.

One perennial complaint about the so-called cancer

microbe is that is pleomorphic. For some reason, the idea that a

proposed cancer germ could have more than one form is a threat to

doctors and some microbiologists. Indeed the cancer germ has been

described as having a virus like and fungus-like, as well as

mycoplasma-like phase. Such a " life cycle " is deemed nonsense and

microbiologic heresy.

The many guises of the pleomorphic cancer microbe was

studied extensively in the 1960s and 70s by four remarkable women

scientists: Virginia Livingston (a physician); Eleanor Alexander-

Jackson (a microbiologist); Irene Diller (a cytologist); and Florence

Seibert, a chemist, tuberculosis expert, and inventor of the

tuberculin skin test. Their individual and collaborative studies are

essential reading to understand the proposed microbiology of cancer.

This research clearly indicated that cancer microbes are

best detected by special tissue testing (similar to those used in

tuberculosis and leprosy research). And that the cancer germ has some

similarity to pleomorphic tuberculosis germs.

In all its many forms the tuberculosis microbe is

certainly pleomorphic. (See the work of mycoplasma expert Lida H.

Mattman.) The bacteria that cause TB are known as " mycobacteria " . Some

forms of the bacillus are round " coccoid " forms; other forms are more

typically " acid-fast " and " rod " forms. All mycobacteria form a

phylogenetic link or bridge between the bacteria and the " higher "

fungi. " Myco " is Greek for fungus. Ergo, myco-bacteria.

Under appropriate conditions, bacteria can lose their

cell wall and become amorphous, smaller, highly pleomorphic " cell-wall

deficient forms. " Under suitable conditions, mycoplasma can enlarge to

giant-sized forms ( " Large bodies " ) resembling fungal and spore-like

forms. It is vital to be aware of and to recognise such unusual and

hard-to-detect forms in tissue microscopic sections because, in my

experience, this mycoplasmal form is the form the cancer microbe takes

inside the body in human disease. Due to their small size,

Mycobacteria form a bridge between (larger) bacteria and smaller)

viruses. Microbiologists love to separate (and classify) viruses,

bacteria, mycoplasma, and fungi, as distinct entities. In fact, there

is interplay between all of them. It is well-known that bacteria can

be infected with viruses. Nevertheless, scientists cannot seem to

understand how microbes can change into virus-like, mycoplasma-like

and fungus-like infectious agents.

Because the cancer microbe is related to the bacteria

that cause tuberculosis, it is helpful to compare the microbiology of

cancer with what we know about the microbiology of mycobacteria and

their production of various forms of clinical TB.

Over the past half-century we have learned that TB is

not always caused by the same identical germs. TB infections of the

lung may be caused by various " atypical " mycobacteria that are not

identical to the common Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Also some atypical

mycobacteria have been discovered in various disease states that are

not considered tuberculosis. Thus, there is no reason to expect all

cancer-associated bacteria to be exactly the same germ.

Furthermore, just as everyone who harbours H. pylori

does not develop stomach ulcers, we should not expect all " cancer

microbes " to produce cancer. Also it is not unreasonable to consider

that cancer microbes have the potential to produce disease states that

are not considered cancer.

For many years I identified cancer microbes in a variety

of disease states. In The Cancer Microbe, I show photomicrographs of

cancer microbes in " autoimmune " diseases such as scleroderma, in

AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma, in enlarged lymph nodes in AIDS, in

breast cancer, in lymphoma and Hodgkin's disease, in a lung disease

called interstitial pneumonitis, in sarcoidosis, in an immunoblastic

sarcoma and even in a skin cancer.

Not everyone who becomes infected with TB germs develops

clinical tuberculosis. People can harbour the TB germ without ever

becoming ill. The same is true for cancer microbes. Not everyone who

carries them develops cancer.

According to Virginia Livingston, the microbe is

" ubliquitous. " It is found in various disease states and also can be

found normally. This is a difficult for some medical doctors to

believe because of the idea that an infectious agent must always

infect. Livingston infuriated the scientific establishment by naming

the cancer microbe " Progenitor cryptocides " – meaning " hidden

killer " ). She claimed the microbe was present in every cell. Due to

its biochemical peculiarities, the organism was responsible for

initiating life and for healing of tissue; and was the microbe

ultimately responsible for eventual degeneration and death of all

life. Such ideas, of course, are at odds with medical thought.

However, my own studies have suggested that the cancer microbe is

indeed ubiquitous and indestructible, which is further reason why it

should be taken seriously, particularly in diseases that are poorly

understood, like cancer and " diseases of unknown etiology. "

Most importantly, cancer microbes are significant

because they can be identified in the cancerous tissue in various

forms of cancer. A few of these microbes can be seen in " normal "

tissue, but strikingly larger numbers can be seen in the areas of the

tumour. These microbes can be identified in " pre-cancerous "

conditions, suggesting that these germs are present before the actual

induction of the cancer. Furthermore, when cancer is " cured " by

radiation and chemotherapy, the microbe can still be found in the

damaged, previously cancerous areas.

The reason we cannot " cure " cancer is that we cannot

stop the destruction caused by these " hidden " and " unrecognised "

bacterial elements. The reason antibiotics do not work well in cancer

is because the microbes (in the mycoplasmal phase inside the body)

are not susceptible to antibiotics.

In cancer research, there is controversy as to whether

cancer is one disease or many. For instance, could breast cancer and

lung cancer and prostate cancer all be caused by the same agent. This

would be deemed highly improbable, but if cancer microbes were shown

to be associated with all three forms of cancer, the possibility that

all three kinds of cancer might be related becomes more possible.

When Livingston and colleagues injected cancer microbes

into animals and chickens, some developed cancer, some developed

degenerative and proliferative diseases, and some developed nothing of

note. Apparently the individual " immunity " of the host was an

important factor in terms of what response the cancer microbe would


Tuberculosis infection can affect many parts of the

body. Tuberculosis confined to the skin is very different disease when

compared to TB of the lung or of the bone. Yet, all three

manifestations of the disease are linked together because the TB germ

can be found in all three. If cancer microbes are indeed proven as

infectious agents in cancer – then various forms of cancer may indeed

be manifestations of the same cancer microbe.

There are many " factors " that determine whether a person

will become infected with TB. Obviously, smoking is a big factor in

lung cancer, radiation is a big factor in skin cancer and leukemia,

and so on. However, in defense of the cancer microbe theory, it would

be fair to suggest that anything that damages tissue would provide a

soil for the possible development of cancer microbe activity in the

tissue that could lead to cancer or the development of degenerative

or proliferative disease.

Finally, is cancer contagious? For a century physicians

have said " no. " But now we know that certain viruses like HIV can lead

to cancer. Certain wart " papilloma " viruses can be spread sexually and

result in cervical cancer. If further infectious agents, like cancer

microbes, are found in cancerous diseases, we may have to reevaluate

the contagiosity of cancer.

Obviously in this short communication, few people will

be convinced that bacteria cause cancer. For me, it took many years of

study, microscopic observation, and communication with

microbiologists, pathologists, and colleagues, to become convinced

that Livingston and her associates were correct in their claims of a

cancer microbe.

A wealth of knowledge pertaining to the cancer microbe

(both pro and con) can be found on search engines such as

www.google.com. Simply type in " cancer microbe " , " alan cantwell " ,

" virginia livingston " , " Eleanor Alexander-Jackson " and other names

mentioned in this communication.


For a list of scientific publications in medical

journals pertaining to the microbiology of cancer, go to the Pubmed

website (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) and type in " Cantwell AR " , " Livingston

VW " , " Alexander-Jackson E " , " Diller IC " , " Seibert FB. "

For serious students of the microbiology of cancer, I

would recommend the following books: Cantwell, Alan: The Cancer

Microbe (1990), Aries Rising Press, Los Angeles

Cantwell, Alan: AIDS: The Mystery and the Solution (1986), Aries

Rising Press Livingston, Virginia: Cancer: A New Breakthrough (1972),

Livingston Clinic, San Diego Livingston, Virginia: The Microbiology

of Cancer (1977), Livingston Clinic Hess, David: Can Bacteria Cause

Cancer (1997), NY University Press Mattman, Lida: Cell Wall

Deficient Forms; Stealth Pathogens (1993), CRC Press

Reich, Wilhelm: The Cancer Biopathy (1973), Farrar, Straus, & Giroux,

New York

Doctor Cantwell, retired from active practice, can be contacted via

email at alanrcan@a...

He is the author of The Cancer Microbe, published by Aries Rising

Press, PO Box 29532, Los Angeles, CA 90029. The book may be ordered

from Book Clearing House (www.bookch.com) or via 1-800-431-1579. Dr.

Cantwell's book Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot, is

available from New Dawn Book Service.

The above article appeared in

New Dawn No. 76 (January-February 2003)


Peace Unity

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