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Corrected DATE-Fluoridation Debate-At EPA Science Forum-Tues.May 6,2003

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From Bill Hirzy


This is a change in dates for the Science Forum session of interest to us.


The Science Forum session titled "Social Science of Resistance to Water Fluoridation" is scheduled for


TUESDAY MAY 6 at 3:30-5:00 pm


This is a change from what was originally planned, and is the final (I hope) version of the schedule. Please let everyone you may have contacted about the Forum know about this change. Sorry for the resulting confusion - now let me slip out of my paranoid shoes.




Letters to Congress - Keep up the pressure


Here is the text of a mesage I sent Sen. Crapo correcting the date of the science forum session and suggesting Congress subpoena people from DHHS before a Joint committee to defend fluoridation. I sent a similar letter to Sen. Boxer, along with a more detailed invitation (as I did in my first letter to Sen. Crapo) All these were FAXed to their Senate offices.


I will follow up with faxes to all members of the Environment and Public Works Committee. I hope that each of you will do likewise with your own Congressional delegations.


P. S. Hardy, your presence - even in the audience as a questioner if we get a DHHS person here - would be a boon.


*****On Union Letterhead***** April 18, (Patriot's Day) 2003


Senator Mike Crapo, Chairman Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Water Committee on Environment and Public Works


Dear Senator Crapo:


This is a correction of the date for the EPA Science Forum session about which I wrote to you yesterday, requesting that you send a staff representative to it.


The session entitled, "Social Science of Resistance to Water Fluoridation" will be held on Tuesday, May 6, 2003 at 3:30-5:00 p. m.


As yet no representative from any Federal agency promoting fluoridation - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U. S. Public Health Service or the Department of Health and Human Services - has come forward to defend the practice of fluoridation.


I respectfully suggest that if no person from the Federal Government is willing to defend the practice by invitation of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, then the subpoena power of the U. S. Congress be invoked to compel such a person or persons to appear before a Joint Committee of the Congress to do so.




J. William Hirzy, Ph. D. Senior Vice-President


P. P. S. The EPA Water office person says they are still trying to get a CDC person here for the session, but no luck yet.


Spread the word.


J. William Hirzy, Ph. D. Sr. V. P. NTEU Chapter 280 Phone: 202-566-2788 FAX: 202-566-1460


More Info About the Forum http://www.epa.gov/ord/scienceforum/index.htm


CK New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation http://www.orgsites.com/ny/nyscof http://makeashorterlink.com/?D18721943


Fluoride Action Network http://www.fluoridealert.org



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