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I think it was Elaine who posted an article where 6,000 people in

Toronto were quarantined, due to SARS....


After reading it, the thought came to me (either my Paranoia acting up

again or " intuition " <g>) that this was the " perfect " way to begin the

Conditioning---the conditioning of seeing folks rounded up, taken away

and quarantined in " camps " somewhere....


It seems someone of note might have the same " paranoia affliction " as

I......too bad I don't have the " name " or journalistic clout to voice MY

opinions and get paid for them....I'd be a millionaire by now   ;-)




JON RAPPOPORT www.nomorefakenews.com



May 31. Imagine this. You have a person walking around who MAY have a



This is a type of virus you MAY have once isolated in a lab. Maybe not.

The virus has NEVER been shown to cause disease.


The person walking around who MAY have the virus is not sick, has no

symptoms. BUT you're going to call that person a CARRIER of disease, a

dangerous person who must be isolated. Don't you love it?


Welcome to the latest phony SARS strategy in Toronto. A nurse has been

blamed for the most recent " outbreak " of SARS cases.


She is being called a carrier.


Remember that word, because it will surely come up again in the coming



The nurse, it's said, had no symptoms, but she was harboring the virus,

and passed it on to others.


This is an attempt to keep the hypnotic trance going--- " You see, the

dreaded coronavirus never really goes away. It just sleeps, for a time,

in the body of an unsuspecting carrier, and it leaks out and moves into

the bodies of other people.

From person to person, the chain of contagion continues. "


Translation: " We are dealing with the usual cases of pneumonia and flu

and lung infection we see every year, all the time. Nothing new at all.

But we are now calling some of those cases a new thing: SARS. The

coronavirus is now being found in ZERO percent of SARS cases in Canada.

But who cares. We have to maintain the illusion. So we're going to play

up these so-called carriers who have no symptoms but walk around like

time bombs. It's a good piece of terrorism we can work on the public.

And there is another payoff, too. A big one. See, confidentially, we've

been finding people who seem to have the coronavirus but don't get sick.

This is a very major pain in the neck for us, because, if we say the

virus is the cause of SARS and yet many people with the virus don't get

sick…well, you get the point. We have to do something about this. So

we'll call those non-sick people: carriers of SARS.


They're WITH the illness, so to speak, but they aren't ill. If they get

ill next week or next month, if they develop a little cough, we can say,

voila, the SARS popped out in their bodies where it was hiding like some

bin Laden. And even if they never get sick, we can say, well, they had

the virus and so we had to quarantine them.


This is very good, because essentially we can now quarantine ANYBODY,

even if they don't have symptoms. Remember, in essence, and keep this

very quiet, we have no new disease here, just the regular old disease,

but we're faking it. A standard and useful way to fake it is to say the

disease spreads in a very stealthy fashion---that way we scare the hell

out of everybody. They get a picture of this brand new virus slinking

around from person to person and doing damage. If we scare enough people

they'll believe anything we tell them, even obvious and bald lies. We

can say that carriers are moving through he city like ghosts and no one

knows who they are. They might be your boss or that skinny kid you never

liked who opens the mail. They might be your husband, they might be that

hooker sitting at the bar in the hotel, or that DOCTOR walking down the

corridor of the hospital ward. We could even 'pull an AIDS' and say that

once a carrier, always a carrier, even fifteen years down the line.

Ooooo. "


Along with the term carrier, watch out for terms like latency period or

incubation or dormant state.


" Researchers say the virus can exist in the body, in a dormant state,

for many months. The latency period may even be years. It's a mystery.

How long the incubation takes, no one knows. "




Donadaghovi AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do

(Til next we meet, Walk in Peace)

--<<< --<<< --<<<

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Some seem to

think so – here is an article written by Dr. Laura Thompson, a

Naturopathic Endocrinologist and Family Nutritionist with a practice in the fields

of brain, hormone, and family nutrition. She practices in California.



SARS, SCHMARS, What About Us?


Wonderful World of Nutrition -

by Dr. Laura Thompson



Pathogens, hmmm. They have a lot of nerve invading our

space. Bacteria, viruses, they’re all around – and they always have

been. They may change, mutate, migrate -- but that’s how we get strong.

Try not to buy into the fear of these critters, such as the now

highly-newsworthy SARS-associated coronavirus. Certain medical powers-that-be,

just love to use scare tactics on us. Don’t buy it; don’t give your power away.

Just build your body’s defense. Equip your internal army. Fight from the

inside; it’s the best way.


We are strong and resilient beyond our wildest dreams. What our bodies

defend against and heal from is incredible. We were designed that way, but we

must respect that the fuel and the building blocks that we need take time and thought to incorporate into our busy

and stressful lives. Colds, flues, and bacterial and viral infections are

caused by invaders, but can do no harm or “take over” unless our

defense system is weak. Getting sick is not

normal; it is common, but not normal.


Simply put, your best defense is having a good offense. Pathogenic

bacteria and viruses are always around you. The trick is to build your internal

army. There are many options from which to choose for foods, lifestyle, and

nutritional supplementation to strengthen your body – to strengthen

your children’s bodies. Here are some suggestions:


(1) Food should not be fast; it should be slow. Take time to choose and prepare fresh food. And by

the way, the best fast foods are

raw vegetables and fruits.

(2) Eat Organic Dairy and Meats: avoid xenohormones

(such as rBGH)

(3) Eat Organic Fruits and Vegetables: avoid xenohormones

such as pesticides

(4) Eat Super Foods Containing Phytochemicals:


a.) Phytonutrients - broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, kale, onions, garlic, tomatoes, hot

peppers, citrus fruits, buckwheat.


ORAC foods raise antioxidant levels of human blood 10-25% protecting from

degenerations of tissue: raisins, prunes,

berries, red grapes.


Phytonutrients in supplements – Blue Green Algae - If you

aren’t already using this, your immune system may be losing


battle. Winning is easy and totally within your reach.

(5) Avoid foods that may cause allergies or sensitivities, as they can

deplete immune function: dairy, wheat, corn, peanuts, soy,

sugar, chocolate, caffeine, oranges.

(6) Avoid processed foods with long ingredient lists: frozen foods,

canned foods,packaged foods

(boxed cereals, mixes, cookies,

candy, diet products). Look for BHT, BHA, TBHQ, sodium benzoate,

nitrates, sulfites, food colorings, artificial sweeteners, and

artificial flavors on your labels. Avoid them.

(7) Eliminate addictions: When we eat food that is not appropriate for

us, we lose power. One of the biggest thieves of power is

sugar. In excess, it can cause addictive behavior, which means we're not in control. It is also very

detrimental to our

self-protective system, our immune system. The balance of white blood

cells, our immune cells – lymphocytes, is thrown off

when sugar enters the body.

(8) Drink pure water as your main beverage. Eliminate milk, sodas,

coffee, tea. Use filtered or spring water and herbal


Sparkling water and natural sodas, organic coffee and teas are available

for occasional use.


The digestive system or gastrointestinal tract is really the largest

immune organ in the body. Scientists have discovered locations of lymphocytes

or white blood cells called Peyer’s Patches.

These are housed in the lining of our intestines – yet another reason to

make sure our digestive systems are not irritated with sugar and coffee and

excess chemicals.


These Peyer’s Patches are directly

related to the brain and the nervous system. They also manufacture the body’s

antibodies – our artillery against foreign invaders – right in the

intestinal lining. What communication and intelligence our cells have! This

constitutes part of our defense system from the outside world.


To improve the digestive and immune



(1) Consume friendly bacteria, such as Acidophilus and Bifidus, in capsule form.

(2) Utilize yogurt, kefir, kim

chee, and sauerkraut, as they are naturally fermented and contain the good bacteria,

especially if they

are homemade. (For recipes, see the new edition (March 2003) of Smart Food, Smart Families, by Dr. Laura


(3) Take digestive enzymes. Use plant-based sources for long term use.

(4) Eat fiber for digestive health and to assist the body in

eliminating harmful estrogens that cause degenerative diseases.


Fruits and vegetables for bowel health and nutrients for friendly bacteria


Beans – help lower cholesterol


Seeds – inner layer helps lower cholesterol

d) Psyllium, rice bran or tocotriene,

prune fiber and apple pectin are other forms of fiber: bulking agents for

better bowel


(5) Use betaine HCL (hydrochloric acid) or

apple cider vinegar to stimulate better digestion in the stomach, if necessary.


(6) Balance your body’s pH or acid and alkaline levels. Check

saliva and urine regularly with special pH tape. When the pH is

balanced, the immune system has the ability to function at its peak.

Other Suggestions:


• Be active. Exercise. Exercise most

days. Some people do well exercising hard, and others may only require a 20-30 minute walk

everyday. Don’t forget that exercise helps to increase oxygen levels in

our blood, to the tissues and to the brain. Use Coenzyme Q10 to enhance oxygen delivery to the

cells, before and after your activities. Use an adrenal support cream for

enhanced endurance. Exercise and strength training are imperative, but very

individual. Regular activity breeds confidence. Do that which suits you, and do

it regularly.


• Strengthen the lymph system. Being active or exercising is best

way to keep the lymph fluid circulating. This nourishes our cells, supplying

many nutrients necessary for cellular function. The lymph fluid is also

responsible for carrying away toxic waste, which is just a fact of life. All

cells give off waste after they’ve carried out their jobs and the lymph

fluid is part of the plumbing system, so to speak, removing undesirable matter

from the cells to be eliminated from the body. Unlike our circulatory system,

which is pumped by the heart, our lymph system has no pump. It relies on our

muscles to stretch and move to circulate the lymph fluid. Buy a dry skin brush

and brush the lymphatic areas daily.


• Promote Flexibility. Utilize EFA's

(essential fatty acids) to enhance flexibility. Breathe, stretch, do yoga or

Pilates. These centering activities increase balance, confidence, patience, and



• Sleep well and sleep enough. Catch a 15-minute nap or quiet time during the day.


• Enhance Relaxation, Breathing and Stress Relief: They boost

self-esteem and self-expression.




Why supplement? By now you probably know that we just don’t

get enough nutrients from food to fortify our defenses. Our bodies need

vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids, antioxidants…etc.

Although we try to eat properly, sometimes we just don’t achieve the proper balance that

is needed for optimum health.




Our bodies respond to stress by using valuable micronutrients, and if

those nutrients are not present in one form, they are stolen from other forms

(i.e. hormones) and used to keep us alive. Doesn’t it make sense that

proper natural supplementation would help us in our quest to stay healthy and

on this planet for as long as possible? Support adrenal function to enhance

your ability to deal with stress. Also, strong adrenals have a positive effect

on the immune system. Adrenal-driven fears suppress immune function. Use

natural adrenal hormone creams. Get a yearly hormone assessment through saliva testing.


Specific Product Suggestion For Building Your Immune System:


Blue Green Algae is a potent stimulator of natural killer cell activity

and is very effective against viruses. It consists of an enormous array of

antioxidant vitamins, minerals and amino acids that support both mental and physical strength. The highest

quality blue green algae is available from Cell Tech



Remember, we are what we eat!

And we also are what we digest and assimilate! Packaged, processed, and fast foods

leave your army scrawny and malnourished. You and only you - ARMY OF ONE –

can build, fight and win the battle against foreign invaders.

Your best insurance policy is a strong, formidable immune system. Start now; why

wait? There is so much unnecessary suffering.

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